Notre Dame quarterback Dayne Crist played with blurred vision against Michigan

A hit on Notre Dame's first drive of the game left quarterback Dayne Crist with a case of blurred vision.
Lon Horwedel |
SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) — Notre Dame quarterback Dayne Crist was so determined to finish an opening touchdown drive last week against Michigan that he stayed in the game even though he couldn't see out of his right eye.
Crist finished off the drive by scoring a 1-yard TD — seven plays after he took a hit from a helmet during a 19-yard run that led to the blurred vision.
Crist was eventually removed from the game when he apparently had trouble recalling a play or understanding parts of a phone conversation with offensive coordinator Charley Molnar.
He then sat out the rest of the first half. He returned for the second half and led the Irish to 17 points in their 28-24 loss.
Crist said Wednesday he's fully recovered and ready for Saturday night's game at Michigan State.
Thu, Sep 16, 2010 : 10:16 p.m.
This morning, Mike and Mike on ESPN radio had about 1/2 hour dealing with the Philadelphia Eagles and how they put in 2 players with concussions, after inadequate sideline exams. But I kept waiting for them to lambaste ND for doing same to Crist. I am extremely concerned about that. He sounded like he was really injured, and the team just put him back into the game because their backups were inadequate. I am shocked, sort of, and appalled. I do hope that the press and NCAA get on the ball and investigate. That is just flat wrong to do to a player, amateur or not. That is how brain damage occurs. (Unlike the drunk fans who are self-inflicting the brain damage;-) )
Thu, Sep 16, 2010 : 9:16 p.m.
I agree, it was a very bad decision to play Crist if his vision was blurry. Think the NCAA will look into that? Yuck, yuck.
Thu, Sep 16, 2010 : 7:30 a.m.
If it had been a Michigan player who went back in we'd all be talking about how terrible a person Rich Rod is for putting the game ahead of his players' health. It was a bad idea to put Crist back in. He took a shot to the head which caused loss of vision. That could be a sign of neurological damage.
Morris Thorpe
Wed, Sep 15, 2010 : 9:29 p.m.
heartbreak, Students at ND get blurred vision from blows to the head all the time. Their parents, professors and peers all expect them to carry on with physics, poly sci, math, whatever. The alumni demands it. It's news only because it happened to a pampered football player.
Wed, Sep 15, 2010 : 6 p.m.
3 and out -- Here are the facts for the Michigan D and ND's 535 total yards: About 50 yards were given up on end of half drives, about 200 yards were given up on two big plays directly as a result of Cam Gordon's mis-reads, and about 280 total yards were given up on ND's remaining 14 remaining possessions. The 7 drives led by ND's true freshman QB's netted them about 20 yards total and 2 INT's! To compare, how did Michigan's true freshman QB in 2009 do against ND? If Reese or Montana played the whole game, Michigan would've dismantled ND.
Wed, Sep 15, 2010 : 5:57 p.m.
Sounds like a concussion to me. How in the world did ND allow him to play? Where is the NCAA on this, putting victory above a player's welfare? Shame on them!!
Wed, Sep 15, 2010 : 5:23 p.m.
They were very forunate that Troy Woolfolk did not play...we still beat them...anyway a win at Notre Dame is a great win.
Wed, Sep 15, 2010 : 5:22 p.m.
That's like saying we were very fortunate we intercepted three passes. We were very fortunate Denard ran the ball so well. We were very fortunate our entire offense didn't transfer before the season started..... Knocking Crist out of the game was no ones fault but the defense. Notre Dame had 28 opportunities to knock out Denard but failed because he was conditioned by a superior staff. We gave up 530 yards, a lot of which came from a few big plays. The passing spread is always going to produce a lot of yards. Look at Arkansas! The problem, however, is that this scheme is prone to turning the ball over (3 interceptions). Michigan's defense (disregarding a couple plays) played just fine against Notre Dame. Those big plays will be corrected as they were made against true freshman. A better test to see where Notre Dame is at is against MSU. I think Notre Dame wins this game because their defense is actually quite good. They were just no match for Denard and our offensive line.
3 And Out
Wed, Sep 15, 2010 : 4:33 p.m.
we were very fortunate that Crist went out...we still gave up 530 yds to them..... anyway a win is a win.
Wed, Sep 15, 2010 : 3:49 p.m.
I hope ND puts up 700 yards against the Spartans. That way I wont feel so bad about Michigan's secondary... but I still want Sparty to win. Go Big 10 teams against non-conference opponents unless your name begins with an O and ends with hio State.