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Posted on Wed, Oct 5, 2011 : 5:48 a.m.

'The One': the pet that left an indelible mark on you is the theme of Pet Photo Friday

By Lorrie Shaw


Gretchen and I

Lorrie Shaw | Contributor

All of us who have shared at least a portion of our lives with a companion animal can recite experiences that we've had with them, even if it was when we were a kid.

That's the mark that pets leave on us: indelible, profound.

Though we cannot physically speak each other's language, we humans and pets still find a way to not only co-exist but to thrive together.

I have the opportunity to meet so many people who have shared their lives with pets of all species. Several conversations that I have had have had one resonant theme: the bond that is forged between the person that I'm talking to and that one animal — the one who changed everything — and the memories that have been cemented to last.

I can certainly speak from experience.

My Gretchen has been with me for more than 13 years and, in that time, we've lived in different homes, traveled, shared bowls of popcorn, raked and played in numerous piles of leaves, stayed close by each other's side during an illness and shared countless other life experiences.

When she walks on the noisy wood floor, I know that it's her without even looking. I can distinguish her "woof" if our other dog, Bruiser, and our neighbor dog are playing outside and I'm in the house. Her penchant for tomatoes, freshly cut apples and hanging out in the basement never cease to make me laugh.

I'll never forget the day I returned home from my early daily rounds to find her sitting alone on the sidewalk near the driveway — a familial house guest had forgotten to let her back inside before they left, after letting her outside to do her business. She was frantic when I pulled up, as if to say, "I was waiting for someone to help me. I didn't know what to do, but knew that I couldn't leave the yard!"

Gretchen will thump her tail in delight decisively if I call her by her pet name, "Loo Loo," and doesn't seem to mind if I spend some time each day with some other animals; she knows I'm coming home to be with her.

She is that one dog, and will always be. That's not to say that there will never be room in my heart for other pets, but I'm conscious that those relationships will never be the same as the one that I have with my silly, happy, "old soul," Gretchen. In a word, she changed me and continues to leave her mark on me.

She's that pet. The one whose essence is unique in that no other pet would ever be able to take her place, so I'll never try and fill the void that will be there one day.

Surely there are many out there who can relate and have stories to tell, as well as photographs of the beloved pet that left that most profound mark.

So, the theme for the next two weeks for Pet Photo Friday is centered around that: that pet, furry, feathered or otherwise who is, who was, "the one."

Do you have a photograph to share, along with a brief explanation about why this pet is so special, or a story? We would be honored to include your photo on the Friday Pet Photos blog, if you're wiling to share.

In continuing our ongoing Friday Pet Photos feature, we invite you to email a photo of your companion animal to, any time during the week.

Participating in this feature is easy — simply include your companion animal's name, age and city or township of residence in your email. Be sure that your photos are 1200 pixels wide and in .jpg format.

We put the week's photos into a slideshow, publish it and promote it each Friday here in the Pets section. Check out past slideshows here.

Lorrie Shaw is lead pets blogger for Follow her pet and writing adventures on Twitter. She welcomes your contact via email.