How do you survive Michigan winters?
dreaming of warmer michigan
We all dream of beaches and warmer climates during winter right? Some folks that have experienced the cold thrive in it, and some cannot wait to escape from it.
What are your favorite tips for surviving Michigan Winter?
Charlie Naebeck is a freelance photographer specializing in portraits, editorial, weddings, commercial, fashion, and art. Contact him at: or online at:
Thu, Aug 26, 2010 : 9:49 a.m.
I think about how educational funding is constantly being cut in the state of Michigan, which warms me right up and gets me fuming mad.
Stefan Szumko
Tue, May 18, 2010 : 12:21 p.m.
I repeat my mantra to everybody who asks how I'm doing, "Eighty degrees and sunny...Michigan weather is mind control."