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Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 : noon

Try opening your heart - not chocolate - this Valentine's Day

By Chris Wucherer

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graphic: c. wucherer

All you need is love, so say John Lennon and Paul McCartney with these simple yet profound lyrics in their number one hit song from the sixties.

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, thoughts of love are filling the air. We love many things - nature, art, others, the self, life itself, skiing, hunting, bowling, hiking, photography and on and on and on. We love it when we are happy. We love being in love. We love our kids. We love it when it's sunny.


Love is basic to our human nature and is an emotion that binds us together. It's the glue of connection that needs to be nurtured and tended to like nobody's business.

Without tender loving care, love can be relegated a back seat to the bully emotions of anger, frustration and other negative feelings that belong to the street gang of emotion called YUCK.

The Yuck gang prowls the neighborhood of our minds looking for ways to derail us from our true purpose in life, which is to love and love deeply.

The Yuck gang can drag confusion and insecurity through us like a fishing net scooping up unsuspecting fish just swimming around doing their day.

Don't let the Yuck gang hijack the love you have in your heart.

This Valentine's Day recommit to nourishing your capacity to feel and express love. It's better than chocolate and that says a lot coming from me!

Chris writes a blog and has a website. You can reach her at 734-669-7202 or by e-mail.