Clerical error delays pay for some Ypsilanti school employees
A clerical error delayed payday Friday for about 300 employees of the former Ypsilanti Public Schools District, a spokeswoman said.
Former employees of the Willow Run Community Schools were not affected, Jackson said. Affected employees will receive their pay either Saturday or Monday, she said.
The district was notified by the bank of the problem after district officials had left for the day Thursday, Jackson said. By this morning, it was too late to get the money deposited in the accounts today.
She described the problem as a “processing error” but said she didn’t know the exact nature of the problem. Jackson said the problem was not caused by insufficient funds.
Below is the text of the email sent to the affected employees.
This is an important notification regarding your payroll direct deposit.
Due to an unforeseeable processing error, there will be a slight delay in payroll check deposits. Checks will be deposited either Saturday, July 13 or Monday, July 15, 2013. The error was discovered this morning and the business office is working diligently to rectify the mistake. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience and have taken steps to ensure that this does not occur again.
Emma Jackson, Communication Specialist
Washtenaw Intermediate School District
Dan r OBryan
Sat, Jul 13, 2013 : 4:43 a.m.
surprised,Ypsilanti schools was broke ,Ypsilanti schools needed the take over of willow run for survival So sad but true .
Now Found
Sat, Jul 13, 2013 : 3:29 p.m.
You may either say, "the Ypsilanti Public School system was broke (i.e., without cash) or Ypsilanti Schools were broke. There is an issue with your subject and verb agreement. Hope this helps! For the record, the Willow Run School District had also been struggling for years and year, and years and years, and years. It is the nature of the Michigan economy, and the merger should have been done years and years ago. Enjoy your day!
Fri, Jul 12, 2013 : 11:10 p.m.
YCS..first hire: Lamanzer Williams...for whom Menzel has hired a mentor after claiming in the press that his independent amazingness deemed Lamanzer to be exceptional. First payroll: botched. Yes, days of instruction needed to be added to the YPS instructional calendar. I am pretty sure that this has been an overkill response. Contract had already gotten in line with wages and benefits. Admit that you didn't know what you were doing and got most of it wrong.
Sun, Jul 14, 2013 : 4:26 a.m.
The bad press alone should make Menzel and Lisicki rethink their retention rate. Why would any parent, one who has a choice, put their child in this school district? By the way, I live in this school district and I am planning on ways to get my child out of the district when he is old enough to start school. I supported the merger, but everything since has been a debacle of almost comical levels.
Fri, Jul 12, 2013 : 10:23 p.m.
Wonder how much the people who were counting on these direct-deposits are going to be charged by the banks in overdraft fees on automatic car payments and mortgages and other monthly vices? Negative credit reports are still considered, well, negative for indeterminate and sometimes lengthy periods. Who's called Sam yet?
Now Found
Sat, Jul 13, 2013 : 3:32 p.m.
Nick: you are correct that the employees were counting on that direct deposit. Employment is good! Not having a paycheck deposited when you have earned that money and have every right to its prompt arrival is not so great. However, please be advised that the YCS has offered to assist employees with any overdraft fees, so I don't think Sam needs to be called. Mistakes happen because people are not machines, and we are able to forgive because it could have been anyone making that error. YCS will most certainly also write letters for anyone so adversely affected, I have every confidence in saying. Have a blessed day!
Bertha Venation
Fri, Jul 12, 2013 : 8:55 p.m.
Oh how I hate those typos! I'm always leaving the "L" out of public! Darn!