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Posted on Sun, Jun 19, 2011 : 5 a.m.

Ypsilanti High School Top Scholars

By Carol Tietz

Ypsilanti High School held its 2011 graduation ceremonies Tuesday, June 7 at the EMU Convocation Center. The class included 248 graduates.


Briahna Anders

Parents: Trudy and Derek Anders Sr.

Activities and Awards: While in school, Briahna volunteers her time to the National Honor Society as well as singing alto in the Ypsilanti High School Chamber Singers. In the community, she participates in the Corner Health Center Theatre Troupe, spreading awareness about teen health topics such as STIs and substance abuse. Briahna is also a youth education leader within the troupe, where she nurtures the troupe's beginning members. Briahna is also a black belt instructor and staff member at the North American Tae Kwon Do and Hoi Jeon Moo Sool Academy. She instructs young children ages 4 to 12 in the art of Tae Kwon Do and participates in the school's demonstration team. Briahna has trained martial arts at the NATA for five years. Academically, Briahna has over a 4.0 cumulative GPA. Each year she has obtained honors for her academic achievements. In her final year, she tackled three AP courses and plans to take the AP exams in the spring.

Plans after graduation: Briahna will attend the University of Michigan to pursue her love of the sciences and medicine.


Victoria Banks

Parents: Tom and Pauline Banks

Activities and Awards: Victoria participated in soccer and cross country all four years, was captain of both for two years, and received the Lady Brave award for leadership and dedication in cross country. She was a member of the Key Club and Senior Cabinet, and served as vice president for the National Honor Society. In addition, Victoria received the Presidential Scholarship from Wayne State University. She played percussion all four years in marching band and held the position of section leader in the wind symphony and concert band.

Plans after graduation: Victoria will attend Wayne State University and major in mathematics.


Aidan Doyle

Parents: Bob and Amy Doyle

Activities and Awards: Aidan received the Dean’s Scholarship for outstanding academic excellence from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Aidan has been an academic leader throughout high school, and has excelled most notably in math and Spanish. He earned his black belt in to-shin-do and participated in the M-REACH entrepreneurship program. He also takes an active role in set construction and backstage work with the Ypsilanti Youth Theatre and used that experience on the Ypsilanti High School musical this year.

Plans after graduation: Aidan will attend the University of Michigan-Dearborn and plans to study mechanical engineering.


Meghan Hickman

Parents: Craig and Claudia Hickman

Activities and Awards: Meghan received the Outstanding Sophomore in Marching Band Award, Outstanding Junior in Marching Band Award and the Outstanding Senior in Marching Band Award. She is the section leader in band as well as section leader in winter drumline. Meghan is a member of the National Honor Society. She has volunteered her time at the Therapeutic Riding Inc. and at the Baptist Hope Center, serving food to homeless families. Meghan has been an honor roll student at Ypsilanti High School all four years.

Plans after graduation: Meghan plans to attend Eastern Michigan University and study music education.


Alexander Hoover

Parents: Odie and Kimberley Hoover

Activities and Awards: Alex was a member of the Ypsilanti High School baseball team for four years. He was a member of the Ypsilanti High School football team his junior year. He was a member of the bowling team his junior and senior year, receiving the team sportsmanship award. Alex is a member of the National Honor Society, in which he participated in many volunteering events. He was also a participant of the intergroup club, which was a way of bring a variety of different students together exchanging a variety of ideas.

Plans after graduation: Alex will attend Michigan State University and major in mechanical engineering.


Kelly Keelon

Parents: Maria Keelon

Activities and Awards: Kelly received the Kiwanis Scholarship and the Spartan achievement scholarship. Kelly has been swimming since the age of 6 and was on her high school's team for four years. She was captain her junior and senior years and was voted most valuable and most spirited. Kelly received MISCA All-State in swimming. In addition to being on the swim team, Kelly was also on the soccer team for three years. Kelly played trumpet in the marching band and wind symphony. Kelly participated in numerous volunteer projects through Key Club, including hunger coalition, Oratorical Society and Kids Against Hunger packaging. She was the freshman representative, sophomore representative, president her junior year, and lieutenant governor division 11 on the Michigan District Board of Key Club her senior year. Kelly was also a member of National Honor Society and Senior Cabinet. She received a scholar athlete award for every season of every sport she played.

Plans after graduation: Kelly plans to attend Michigan State University to study medicine.


Kiah Gabrielle Lowe

Parents: Amanda and Lawrence Lowe

Activities and Awards: Kiah is involved in soccer, band, Senior Cabinet, Key Club and National Honor Society and Recycling Club. She is a three-year captain of the varsity soccer team and first chair clarinet in her school's wind symphony. She served as sergeant at arms in her schools Key Club and does community service through National Honor Society. She is a four-year Scholar Athlete and was named to the 2010-2011 SEC All-Academic Team for outstanding academic achievement.

Plans after graduation: Kiah plans to attend the University of Michigan College of Engineering and major in biomedical engineering.


Dynasty McGee

Parents: Chinney and Tina McGee

Activities and Awards: Dynasty is a three time National Scholastic Sports Foundation Academic All-American and three time Michigan Academic All-State. She was Saginaw Valley Conference Scholar Athlete of the year 2008 and 2009. She was Kiwanis club student athlete of the year 2008 and 2009. She is a two time NIKE All-American and a two time New Balance All-American in the 400 meters. She is a 13 time Michigan State Champion both indoor and outdoor. Dynasty was named Michigan’s Indoor athlete of the year 2011. She holds Michigan State records in the 400 meters, long jump and triple jump. Dynasty is currently the number one senior girl’s 400 meter runner in the country. She won Michigan High School Wendy’s Heisman Award for top Scholar Athlete. She also was 2011 Gatorade Indoor track and field athlete of the year.

Plans after graduation: Dynasty plans to attend Penn State University on a full track and field scholarship along with an academic scholarship. She will be pursuing a degree in broadcast journalism and continue her quest to earn a multi-million dollar shoe endorsement deal and run in the Olympics.


Anthony Nielsen

Parents: Shelly Matheny (mother), Dave Matheny (stepfather), Scott Nielsen (father)

Activities and Awards: Anthony was selected as a 2010-11 SEC All Academic Team member. He has been on the honor roll and Principal’s List all four years of high school. He is an active member of the National Honor Society, Senior Cabinet and Key Club. He is a recipient of the Y-Award. Anthony participated in Varsity Golf and Varsity Swim Team. He’s a member of the Ypsilanti High School Band and film club. He is also a member of a rock band with his friends. He was a NYLC/CYLC Nominee. Anthony works at ACO Hardware, and he as also done volunteer work at his church.

Plans after graduation: Anthony plans to attend the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, majoring in psychology.


Daniela Romero

Parents: Randall Romero and Roxanie Vargas

Activities and Awards: Daniela Romero is president of the National Honor Society at Ypsilanti High School. She is a member of the Ypsilanti Wind Symphony where she holds first chair. She is also the marching band's drum major. She played volleyball in the fall and is a four year varsity soccer player. Daniela was treasurer of Key Club her junior year and was recently given the lead role in the school musical. She is also a member of the concert choir at Ypsilanti High School.

Plans after graduation: Daniela is debating whether she wants to go to the University of Michigan to study medicine or go to the University Of Costa Rica to study Spanish.


Rachelle Snyder

Parents: Brad and Debbie Snyder

Activities and Awards: Rachelle received the Kiwanis scholarship. She is an active member in National Honor Society and Senior Cabinet and is the senior class representative of Key club. She has spent her last three summers volunteering at Saint Joseph Mercy hospital. Her favorite experience was at the Alzheimer's center. Rachelle has volunteered her time at her church's vacation Bible school. She participates in wind symphony, marching band and pit orchestra. She also played on the softball and volleyball team for two years.

Plans after graduation: Rachelle plans to attend Michigan State University. She will study nursing.



Mon, Jun 20, 2011 : 9:57 a.m.

Hurray for Ypsilanti scholars! I know we will be seeing great things from this gang.