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Posted on Mon, Sep 28, 2009 : 5:52 a.m.

Deteriorating roads pervasive in Washtenaw County

By Staff

Washtenaw County's roads are in poor condition, says Terri Blackmore, executive director of the Washtenaw Area Transportation Study - and there won’t be enough money to fix them all.

"Even with all of the money we plan to spend on pavement, we'll still have about 50 percent of our pavement in poor condition,” she recently told when WATS released a new long-range plan that spells out $3 billion worth of transportation improvements that will be funded through 2035.

Listed in the plan are nearly 800 deficiencies representing an estimated $1.6 billion worth of unfunded transportation needs.

Below is a map from WATS showing the deteriorating roads in Washtenaw County. Roads shown in red are classified as “poor.” The map only highlights county roads that are eligible for federal aid. It does not include local roads.




Tue, Sep 29, 2009 : 1:50 p.m.

Local roads are horrendous. Visitors from CA were shocked at how bad the roads were here and their perception of AA and Michigan was consequently downgraded. This is not a new phenomenon; the road surfaces have been in a state of decline for many years. We should be ashamed of squandering the relative prosperity of the past few decades and not investing enough in our infrastructure. I-94 and Saline-Ann Arbor is horrific, reminiscent of a war zone. Shame, shame, shame.


Mon, Sep 28, 2009 : 10:22 a.m.

W. Liberty between I94 & Wagner/Lakeview... right at Scio Ridge was torn up for a long long time and now... What... A year and a 1/2 after they finished the project the road looks like a war zone... How about fixing it right the first time. - Furthermore: I don't know whom is the responsible party for highway entrance ramps but the one at A2 Saline Rd. for the East bound I94 entrance ramp is a embarrassment... A shameful one and the fact that it's been that way for way over a decade is also shameful!