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Posted on Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 6:02 a.m.

Ex-inmate claims Washtenaw County Jail has 'anti-homosexual atmosphere'

By Lee Higgins

A former Washtenaw County Jail inmate filed a federal lawsuit alleging he was forced to perform a sex act on a correctional officer and didn’t receive timely medical care.

Larry Deshawn Lee, 32, also accused jail officials of not properly addressing his complaints. He's suing the county, former sheriff Daniel Minzey, SecureCare Inc., which provides health care to the jail’s inmates, and 14 other people. The suit seeks an unspecified amount of money.

The suit also asks the court to order the jail to implement a program ensuring officials adequately respond to inmates’ complaints about physical threats, health needs and harassment.

“He’s got a strong interest in making sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else ever again,” said attorney David Santacroce, a University of Michigan Law School professor who is representing Lee.

Several of Santacroce’s students in the school’s Michigan Clinical Law Program are assisting, he said.

The county has not yet filed its response to Lee's amended complaint. Attorney Cynthia Reach, who is representing the county and jail employees, did not return a phone call seeking comment. 

Santacroce said Lee continues to struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder, which the suit claims was brought on by “attacks and abuse” at the jail.

“The evidence we have thus far suggests this isn’t an isolated incident regarding the harassing and oppressive environment,” Santacroce said.

An amended complaint was filed last Friday after Lee requested the court appoint an attorney for him.

Lee was representing himself when he filed a 47-page suit June 23 while incarcerated at Florence Crane Correctional Facility in Coldwater.


Larry Deshawn Lee 

He’s serving between three and 15 years in prison after being convicted of third-degree criminal sexual conduct in Washtenaw County, state Department of Corrections records show. He was convicted of preying on drunken male University of Michigan students by sexually assaulting them after they had passed out or fallen asleep in 2006.

Lee alleges in the suit he was mistreated almost immediately after being booked at the jail on June 9, 2006, and was subjected to a “degrading and abusive anti-homosexual atmosphere.”

According to the suit, jail officials violated Lee’s constitutional rights, turning a “blind-eye” to sexual assaults against him by “a correctional officer and other inmates.”

Inmates contaminated his food with “human feces” and “cups of urine,” the suit says, and correctional officers “blamed Mr. Lee’s homosexuality for provoking such horror.”

When he asked for help, the suit alleges, he didn’t received it or was punished. Among the most serious allegations is that on Sept. 26, 2006, a male deputy forced Lee to perform oral sex on him.

Lee also alleges that on July 10, 2006, a deputy escorted him from the barber to his cell and told him “to walk along the right side of the wall.” Lee turned a corner, the suit says, hit his head on a utility box, fell backward and struck his head on the floor, suffering blurred vision and headaches.

Lee was taken to a holding cell, where “he vomited and bled from his ear and nose,” but wasn’t examined by a doctor for three days, according to the suit.

Lee also alleges that on July 2, 2006, he complained a deputy was sexually harassing him and was told by another deputy he was “here because (he was) a criminal. Welcome to the Hogback Hilton.”

Lee, who attended University of Michigan but didn’t graduate, kept records of the incidents while behind bars, Santacroce said.

“He kept remarkable notes, almost, I believe on a daily basis," Santacroce said.

Other defendants include correctional officers: Chad Gronda, Ryan McLaughlin, Joseph Fendt, Rick Casey, Richard Williams Jr., Antonio Vaughn, Jill Williams, Richard Williams Sr., and Kurt Schiappacase. Two other officers, referred to as “John Doe” and “Jane Doe," because their names are not known to Lee, also are being sued.

Dr. Daryl Parker, who provided medical care at the jail, and Edward Mooreman, whose responsibilities include determining housing assignments, also are named as defendants.

Lee Higgins covers crime and courts for Reach him at (734) 623-2527 or by email at



Wed, Dec 2, 2009 : 3:08 p.m.

Mr. Higgins So that makes it right, Federal or not. the peice could have been published without the names. Just my opinion.

Pete Bigelow

Wed, Dec 2, 2009 : 12:23 p.m.

A comment has been removed from this thread because it was off-topic. If you have questions about our reporting policies, you can email Tony Dearing at Let's keep the discussion on this thread focused on the story, please.

Lee Higgins

Wed, Dec 2, 2009 : 11:36 a.m.

msharley, As you know, these individuals are named as defendants in a federal lawsuit.


Wed, Dec 2, 2009 : 11:06 a.m.

I am shocked that the news printed the names before an investigation has been done. shame on you!! He probably had contact with them at one point and remembered their names. It sounds like someone there has it out for the washtenaw county sheriffs office. The people listed are some of the finest people that I know. Let me remind people you can't believe everything you read!!!


Mon, Nov 30, 2009 : 4:34 p.m.

In any lawsuit names will be listed. It's considered public information. It doesn't necessarily mean the defendants are guilty. I don't understand why everyone is getting so hopped up about names being listed. Whatever the case may be with Larry Lee, he has full right to lodge his complaint. I'm sure evidence will be coming out to support his claim. After all, he has excellent notes dating back to 2006.


Sun, Nov 29, 2009 : 8:26 p.m.

If you don't want to be in jail-don't do the crime-Problem Solved!!! It is called Washtenaw County Jail not Washtenaw County Temporary Spa for the Criminally Challenged! DUH!


Sun, Nov 29, 2009 : 2:19 p.m.

It is sickening to think that is doing what they can to protect this mentally unstable rapist. How unfortunate that so many officials names were listed to the public before any type of real investigation has happened.


Sun, Nov 29, 2009 : 9:51 a.m.

Let's keep in mind that irregardless of Lee's behavior that landed him in prison, this lawsuit is not about his behavior. It's about whether our trusted law enforcement officials misbehaved. No one deserves to be degraded and treated less than a human being. Keep in mind, what our trusted law enforcement officials have been accused of is the very type of disgusting behavior that we as a nation of fair minded people portend to abhor in other countries. So, if we detest that behavior in people of other countries, and we want to set ourselves up as examples for others to emulate, then we should not condone it when it happens in our country. I hope that our trusted law enforcement officials did not engage in the type of behavior described in this post, but if so, then we have a right to know. I question why the U-M Law school would take on this case if there was not some merit to it. It's too bad that Lee has to be the poster child for the lawsuit.


Sun, Nov 29, 2009 : 8:35 a.m.

Jail and prison is spose to be punishiment.. not leasure..not fun..They get treated better then the average person.They are getting free health care..( thank you tax payer).. 3 squares a day ( thank you tax payer) free housing ( thank you tax payer) Free education/ college courses ( thank you taxpayer) free cable, cloths etc... the list goes on.. and now thanks to this law suit free leagle counsel.. I want to know when enough is enough? when do we put our foot down and say we are done??? The jail is a anti-homosexual atmusphere.. well so is the church I go to, and the sportsman club that I belong to and the schools we attend..jail is not spose to be condusive to one.. but condusive to what is the next step.. straight prisoners suing becasue it is not a hedrosexual atmosphere? Lets be for real!!!!

American Family

Sat, Nov 28, 2009 : 11:43 p.m.

I had worked in a prison for many years. You "poor baby, be nice to them" types make me burst in laughter. You people really think that these people have it that hard? Lets see..... Country Buffet styled meals most of the time, NEW library books at least every other year, FREE medical - optical - dental, FREE cable TV with ALL the channels, FREE recreation of every type, and the list goes on. AND best of all... they have KILLED, RAPED, Plundered and Pillaged!!! Yet the liberals want to cry a sea of tears for a Homosexual man cause he was not kissed on the bum by the Correctional Staff. Tell you liberals what, Let them move in with you so you can take care of their needs :) Lets hear it for giving them Hope and Change... CAN!!;)


Sat, Nov 28, 2009 : 4:01 p.m.

You are right, he needs a thorough mental health evaluation, and very long-term hospitalization. He also will most likely get out and commit the same crimes again. He has not demonstrated any remorse or understanding of his crimes. Who decides where U-M Law School commits its resources? Shouldn't even the merits of this being a case be decided on first? How to keep him in, not get out with a large cash settlement? Where is the cash settlement for the victims of his crimes? Why doesn't U-M Law School work on this? If he is let out and commits the same crimes again, who is responsible?

The Picker

Sat, Nov 28, 2009 : 2:53 p.m.

The title of this article begs a commment, Are we to think that the Washtewnaw County Jail should have a Pro-homosexual atmosphere?


Sat, Nov 28, 2009 : 2:18 p.m.

Has anyone considered this criminal is delusional? And his copious notes are an exercise in creative writing. I didn't see anything in this article about "PROOF" Where's the proof? If things were this bad in this particular jail we would be hearing many more stories from other criminal inmates.


Sat, Nov 28, 2009 : 10:59 a.m.

I would want to know why anyone would give this case any attention? that is basically what the whole thing is about.. Look at the three ring circus it has turned into..and the A2 news needs to stop protecting the convict. (that it what it is). I am sorry but the names of the gaurds should have not been released either.


Fri, Nov 27, 2009 : 9:42 p.m.

BTW, where is he from originally, and how was he admitted to U-M? Was he valedictorian of his HS class, etc etc etc??


Fri, Nov 27, 2009 : 8:41 p.m.

If you read the opinion, you will see that the dude objected in his last case to having assistants such as an "intern" whom I think was a law student involved in his case. Now they are doing the same thing here by assigning law student to his case. So now he will have the same objection. He also had a large part of the opinion devoted to his appearing as a female during the trial, blaming his attorneys, even though he had fired them and was representing himself for a period of time. He was implying that transexuals and cross-dressers were prejudiced against and that it was his lawyers' fault somehow, so the case should be thrown out, or something to that effect. Who knows what he will do this time? He obviously is looking for a big cash settlement that will come from our hard-earned tax money. I think U-M Law School should have to pay the settlement, if they win money for him. If there are so many cameras in the jail, so that this would be impossible to happen, then let the judge have enough rocks to just throw out the case. Do the guards have to pay for attorneys? Is U-M Law School volunteering substantial attorney time for them? Law students? There are so many vets in this state who fought for this country and are now facing bankruptcy or foreclosure. Sure their cases are not as sexy or PC, but let's put these profs and law students on more of these cases, helping people who have contributed to our society, not this horrible sicko who tortures and rapes people, mentally, emotionally and physically. BTW, I had a comment removed too, that I thought was actually very reasonable. I think the editors here are too busy protecting this rapist, and exposing the names of the hard-working guards, to just let readers express their opinions. The opinion from his last case, posted above, (thank you) is a good read, showing that truth is often stranger than fiction!


Fri, Nov 27, 2009 : 6:56 p.m.

I know Larry - I've also posted several comments about stories on this guy, but each one is deleted because they are "personal attacks". I find it funny Mr. Lee can make comments, can post the names of the people he's accusing, but people that know Larry can't state factual things about him. If he wins money from the government I will lose all faith in our justice system.


Fri, Nov 27, 2009 : 4:32 p.m.

I have a hard time with this whole artical... Sence when have we given the names of our civil employees without cause?Simply because an inmate...a sexual preditor.. makes alligations?? The thing that I find most interesting is that my tax dollars is paying not only to keep him housed in jail..but now to also pay his leagle defense.. and it will be my tax dollars that will pay the reward if he wins.. seems to me it is easy money. It seems that the actions in which he is complaining about was fine when he was on the gving end.. but not the recieving??? Hummmm..I guess that is what you would call KARMA... I would hope that the judge in this case would see this for what it is.. a man looking for a free ride at the tax payers expense....


Fri, Nov 27, 2009 : 3:19 p.m.

emu there are hundreds of spots the cameras don't cover, what makes it hard to believe, is that people are milling around the jail all the time. You have other officers, command staff, medical staff, and trustees, the jail is a hopping place almost 24/7.


Fri, Nov 27, 2009 : 1:06 p.m.

If you are an employee of the jail then you more than likely know the "corners" where the cameras can't reach. Just because this man is a convicted criminal and the alleged offenders are officers doesn't make this man's story untrue. There are plenty of corrupt officers in every system willing to take advantage of their power. For those who are hinting that this man deserves this type of treatment, keep in mind cruel and unusual punishment is not allowed. I doubt a law professor would stake his reputation on a case he didn't think he could win or that didn't have enough supporting evidence.


Fri, Nov 27, 2009 : 10:24 a.m.

If I were any of these correctional officer, I would look into sueing David Santacroce. How do you take on a case without so much as investigation. Maybe the UM should look into how much work David Santacroce has on his plate, seems he would be too busy teaching to take on such a non case.


Fri, Nov 27, 2009 : 2:03 a.m.

I don't condone or support corrupted officials or employees..."But my God, for Petes sake" I am sadden to see the names of these Washtenaw County Sheriff Correction Officers were released to the public before there was a thorough investigation or judgement/settlement. I can't imagine the destructive impact and irreparable damage this will have on them and their families. If you have ever visited the jails you would notice that there are cameras throughout the entire jail as well on the outside, if you haven't I would suggest that you make an appointment to tour the jail to see how your tax dollars are being spent. If you met or knew the correction officers, you will notice that they are all honorable employees and will not tolerate any foolishness on their clock, (even by one of their own). They would not hesitate to roll on him/her if they knew they had a sick puppy on their staff. On the other hand this fellow does not look like the most sincere and trusty worthy character, from the appearance of his contented and jovial snuggly-mugshot. Obviously this man is not only a serial rapist, but a very sick and manipulative individual.... Not only did he violate another human-being but he took...uhhh...let's just say... that he RAPED SEVERAL MEN! I'm going to assume that he has no property, no assets, no liability insurance, or NOTHING TO LOSE that these officers can recoup for the damages when they are cleared (in which I'm confident they will be) I urge you to call write,or email your legislator and tell them to create a limited-gag-order bill that would protect individuals names and identities in highly suspicious allegations/cases such as this one.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 11:41 p.m.

Annarbor28: He absolutely is a nut case and a very dangerous one at that. Everyone that knows him will tell you that....


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 11:33 p.m.

If you read the decision by the oourt, referenced above, it sounds as if this guy is a total hypocritical nut case and it is unfortunate that the guards and medical personnel have to be dragged through this.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 8:52 p.m.

Wow, my heart just bleeds for this poor mistreated sex offender...


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 8:16 p.m.

I have no sympathy for a guy who assaults passed out men. Jail is supposed to be nasty.

clara 4040

Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 7:59 p.m.

The charges he is making are almost exactly like the charges he was convicted of!


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 7:46 p.m. MDOC Number: 631639 SID Number:2527621W Name:LARRY DESHAWN LEE Racial Identification:Black Gender:Male Hair:Black Eyes:Brown Height:5' 10" Weight:150 lbs. Date of Birth:10/27/1977 (32) LARRY DESHAWN LEE Current Status:Prisoner Earliest Release Date: 06/09/2009 Assigned Location: Florence Crane Correctional Facility Maximum Discharge Date: 06/09/2021 Security Level: I Offense:Criminal Sexual Conduct, 3rd Deg (Incapacitated Victim) Minimum Sentence:3 years 0 months 0 days MCL#:750.520D1C Maximum Sentence:15 years 0 months Court File#:06988-FH Date of Offense:06/03/2006 County:Washtenaw Date of Sentence:03/13/2007 Conviction Type:Jury


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 7:44 p.m.

In LC No. 06-000987-FH, he was convicted of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct, MCL 750.520e(1)(a), against DL. In LC No. 06-000988-FH, he was convicted of third-degree criminal sexual conduct, MCL 750.520d(1), against CB. Defendant was sentenced to nine months in jail for the fourth-degree CSC conviction and 3 to 15 years imprisonment for the third-degree CSC conviction, to be served concurrently. Defendant, an openly homosexual man, was convicted of sexually assaulting two heterosexual men while they were sleeping or incapacitated. Bianca Johnson, defendants former close friend, testified that defendant expressed a sexual interest in young, straight, white men but also disliked those same men for how they treated women. Defendant allegedly pursued straight white men to humiliate them and pay them back for their treatment of women. Defendant denied expressing any intent to pay back straight men. The defense presented two additional witnesses, who testified that defendant never expressed a desire to get back at white males..... defendants allegations that appointed counsel hated gay people... Given these circumstances and the strong evidence of defendants guilt, defendant has not established the prejudice prong of his ineffective assistance claim. The evidence indicated that the acts against the individual victims were part of a single scheme or plan by defendant to sexually assault heterosexual young, white males to humiliate them and pay them back for their treatment of women. In each case, defendant performed oral sex on a young, heterosexual, white man while he was sleeping or incapacitated. Each victim testified that he awoke to defendant performing oral sex on him.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 7:39 p.m.

Since my entries keep being removed, I will just include the link which I pulled from verbatim


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 7:21 p.m.

Yup, he was convicted of performing oral sex on straight male students passed out at college parties. That's the tip of the iceburg folks... I know him.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 7:11 p.m.

dading dont delete me bro

Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 7:09 p.m.

is this lee related to clifton lee? related to the clifton lee, who's family just won a lawsuit against wcsd? inquiring minds want to know...


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 7:09 p.m.

LARRY DESHAWN LEE : Criminal Sexual Conduct, 3rd Deg (Incapacitated Victim) Date of Offense: 06/03/2006,Conviction Type: Jury, Date of Sentence: 03/13/2007; Minimum Sentence: 3 years, Earliest Release Date: 06/09/2009 Current Status: Prisoner


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 7 p.m.

Lee Higgins: Will you please show everyone where to look to see what Mr. Larry Lee was convicted of? At least this is FACT and people can decide for themselves. Anyone that wants to hear the personal stories about Mr. Larry Lee just ask me!


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 3:10 p.m.

I hope those at I hope those folks defending him are also providing their services for women who have been raped. If you really want to prove your case--bite really hard. You'll have witnesses who hear the screaming, DNA, the proof is in the pants.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 2:30 p.m.

I am furious that the names of these officers was released to the public, before there was an investigation, trial, or judgement/conviction. This kind of accusation can be devistating not only to the officers spirit and well-being but to their family as


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 11:43 a.m.

Anybody who thinks he "deserves" this is the main problem why crime escalates. If anything he said is true, it is a CRIME. Just because he is a criminal does not make it any different. They people at the jail are not juries, or judges, and they do not make ANY decision on punishment. They should do their job and do it well.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 11:37 a.m.

He kept remarkable notes, almost, I believe on a daily basis," Notes, or a creative writing excersize?


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 10:59 a.m.

I also find this very hard to believe. In the jail you are constantly being watched. There is no privacy.You are rarely if ever left alone by yourself.Even in ares where there are groups in a common area it is constantly being patrolled.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 10:29 a.m.

I've spent some time working at the jail and find this hard to believe. The washtenaw county jail is safer then most high schools.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 10:13 a.m.

No sympathy for people like this.they're predators and deserve to be treated as such.put them in the general population of County Jails and State Prisons and WHAT HAPPENS HAPPENS.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 9:55 a.m.

Jail is a horrible place to land and the guards, especially the guards, should not join in on terrorizing the prisoners. If proven guilty, those guards should be fired and dealt with appropriately. That being said, if you sick, waste of human skin, criminals can not deal with living in an abusive, corrupt, jail system, then stop breaking the law. A lot of the prisoner on prisoner abuse in jail is all a part of learning curve; I have almost no sympathy for those terrible convicted criminals.


Thu, Nov 26, 2009 : 9:23 a.m.

It is sickening to think that this kind of treatment is present in our jails. I know women prisoners in Michigan had recently won a lawsuit due to the sexual abuse they faced as well, so I am not surprised to hear that this extends to men's prisons. I sincerely hope the jail administration makes serious changes to their policies to prevent this kind of abuse and mistreatment.