University of Michigan regent Mark Bernstein to host a Twitter Town Hall
Since his election in November, University of Michigan regent Mark Bernstein has spoken before U-M's student government, toured campus with students campaigning for union renovations, guest taught a class and now he's hosting a town hall on Twitter.
![KWS Mark Bernstein 3.JPG]( Mark Bernstein 3-thumb-350x296-124941.jpg)
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Individuals who have questions can tweet at him using his @mgobernstein Twitter handle or use the hashtag #askmark.
"I am a big believer in... connecting with students on their own terns, whether digitally through Twitter or Facebook or physically at the library or the Diag," Bernstein said.
Bernstein says he has purchased a meal card for U-M's dining halls so he can met students and discuss issues.
"I spend a ton of time on campus, and not just at athletic events," he said.
U-M Central Student Government president Manish Parikh suggested the idea for a Twitter question-and-answer forum to Bernstein, who was immediately on board.
Parikh called Bernstein a "students' regent" and said he "shows time and again his commitment to the student body and the issues we care about" by making himself available to students.
Bernstein, an Ann Arbor resident, and fellow regent Shuana Ryder Diggs were elected for 8-year terms on the eight-member governing board in November.
Kellie Woodhouse covers higher education for Reach her at or 734-623-4602 and follow her on twitter.
Wed, Apr 17, 2013 : 11:36 p.m.
I'm interested in learning about the manner in which one goes about buying a Regent's seat. @mgobernstein: How can I go about buying a Regent's seat? @mgobernstein: Do you plan on running for a State office? @mgobernstein: How much will your vote cost?
Fri, Apr 19, 2013 : 3:45 a.m.
How does one buy a Regent seat if it requires a State-wide election victory to obtain it? Why should one pay attention to rumors regarding spending? Anyone could, and has, started rumors regarding politicians to suit their own ends. I could start one that said that Bernstein raised $11 million in small donations, he spent much of it on tv advertising of his approach/plans and will donate some to various endowments, scholarships, etc. it's all rumors.
Thu, Apr 18, 2013 : 12:01 p.m.
It is rumored that he spent $1 million on his campaign. The most money raised in the previous campaign was $180 thousand by Regent Andrea Fisher Newman and she did not spend half of what she raised. If he does a good job, I won't care what he spent but it is yet to be seen whether or not he does a good job. One of the problems is that the public is never allowed to attend the meetings where all of the real deliberations take place. We can only attend the dog & pony show, where they announce their decisions. That makes it really hard to see whether or not he is fighting for the right issues or not. The University claims that the legislature cannot make them comply with the Open Meetings Act and so far the courts agree. We may need a contitutional amendment to have open meetings of the Board of Regents. Call your state legislators and tell them to support putting an amendment on the ballot that would give back to the legislature the power to make the Board have public meetings.
Thu, Apr 18, 2013 : 11:07 a.m.
@Sparty- I don't have "a candidate" for Regent. I'm generally aware that, regardless of party affiliation, one typically buys such a seat.
Thu, Apr 18, 2013 : 3:22 a.m.
I take it your candidates lost to the heavily supported Bernstein? Clearly he is following through on his campaign promises and even trying new ways to engage with the student population. Do you object specifically to any of the steps identified in this article that he has initiated?
An Arborigine
Wed, Apr 17, 2013 : 10:08 p.m.
Where is Twitter Town anyway?