Washtenaw Community College to host Great Lakes Shipwreck Festival
Shipwreck lovers are in for a treat this weekend at the 29th Great Lakes Shipwreck Festival.
The Ford Seahorses Scuba Diving Club, the Detroit Historical Society’s Dossin Maritime Group and the Dossin Great Lakes Museum will host the event from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday at Washtenaw Community College’s Morris Lawrence Building, 4800 East Huron River Drive in Ann Arbor Township.
Photo from The Library of Congress on Flickr
The event features two Civil War shipwrecks: The Hunley, presented by underwater archeologist Ralph Wilbanks; and the U.S.S. Monitor, presented by diving instructor Sue Smith.
The Hunley was the first submarine to sink a ship in combat in 1864, while the U.S.S. Monitor battled the C.S.S. Virginia in 1862 in the first combat between ironclad ships, according to a press release.
The program also includes a series of sessions on Great Lakes shipwrecks, international dives and technical diving and equipment. And there will be book signings and exhibits from local maritime artists, the Dossin Great Lakes Museum and local dive shops.
Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door. For more information, see the Shipwreck festival event listing in the AnnArbor.com calendar, visit the Shipwreck Festival website or call 734-485-0492.