Rick Snyder names Ann Arbor-area residents Doug and Sharon Rothwell to transition team
![Michigan Governor_Snyder.jpg](http://www.annarbor.com/assets_c/2010/11/Michigan Governor_Snyder-thumb-590x392-60130.jpg)
Michigan Gov.-elect Rick Snyder addresses the media in Detroit Wednesday after his victory.
AP photo
The morning after his decisive win over Democratic Lansing Mayor Virg Bererno, the Republican venture capitalist and former executive of computer maker Gateway Inc. announced the leaders of his transition team, which provides business and political experience to a governor who knows the boardroom but is new to elective office.
Doug Rothwell, who served as former Republican Gov. John Engler's president of the Michigan Economic Development Corp. and now leads the executive group Business Leaders for Michigan, will serve as the transition team's chair.
Vice chairmen are Rothwell's wife Sharon Rothwell, a former Engler chief of staff and a current vice president at building products maker Masco Corp., and Mark Murray, a former state treasurer and budget director who now serves as president of retail chain Meijer Inc.
"They form a great nucleus of Michiganders that have both public experience and private experience — and a wonderful combination to deliver great results," Snyder said at a news conference in Detroit on Wednesday.
Earlier in the morning, Snyder met with outgoing Gov. Jennifer Granholm to discuss the transition. Snyder thanked Granholm, who couldn't run again because of term limits, for her "graciousness."
He said Granholm has offered help in getting the incoming Snyder administration quickly "up to speed." But he added Granholm, who like Snyder has three children, also shared thoughts about how to deal with the demands of being governor and a parent.
Snyder will face some daunting challenges when he takes office Jan. 1, including a budget deficit of at least $1.4 billion, a Legislature with scores of new faces and an economy that's not recovering fast enough to restore more than a fraction of the nearly 860,000 jobs lost since state employment peaked in June 2000.
Michigan's jobless rate is 13 percent, the nation's second-highest, and many voters are wrestling with foreclosures.
Snyder has offered few specific remedies to those challenges but said solving them requires rethinking how to run government and the way people interact with it.
"It's about customer-service government," Snyder said Wednesday. "Business and government are different — there's no profit motive in government. But there is something that business has that needs to government that in my view has been missing far too long, and that's showing a positive return on investment. ... That's the focus we're going to bring to Lansing, and that's long overdue."
Fri, Nov 5, 2010 : 1:37 p.m.
@ghost, Actually I did make a point of seeing if you responded and much of what you wrote is absolutely correct. Snyder may well run into much of the same problem with the legislature as they definitely are not the brightest bunch under the sun. I understand her problem, her base was most of the problem preventing her from addressing true reform. The pensions and benefits of AFSCME and the MEA are the ugly spots in the state budget and they will continue to be ugly unless we get a handle on it but she didn't make any meaningful efforts. Her administration spent far too much time blaming Engler instead of taking action and they didn't have a clue what to do and essentially did nothing and hoped for the best. I don't support the Ambassador bridge plan because it looks like a power grab by the State and Province of Ontario in a move to establish bigger bureaucracies and not because I trust Maroun, I don't. Whoever builds it there are going to be jobs but I see no reason to spend tax dollars when the private sector is ready to do so. Hopefully the Republicans will put for a plan that has a chance of working and everyone can get behind it.
Thu, Nov 4, 2010 : 1:59 p.m.
@ghost, You may not have liked the gridlock but Jenny did have a lot of ideas how to turn things around. Cool cities was and is a joke. A program that pays the entertainment industry more money to come here than we take in taxes. The one I really liked was firing her own education dept. leader for daring to disagree with the MEA on how to proceed. Don't forget forcing home care workers into joining a union, failure to get the MEA under control by subjecting the health care insurance subject to competitive bidding. There are a whole lot more if you really want to get into it. Face the truth, she is incompetent no matter how you look at it and those democrats that have been howling Bush or Engler for years are living in a dream world. Do we just submit comments saying "Granholm" like so many of the liberal posters. You're right on one thing. His biggest challenge is going to be the right wing of his party. Maybe if Democrats work with him there is a chance for all of us to get out of this mess but he can't do any worse than Jenny.
Thu, Nov 4, 2010 : 11:04 a.m.
Ghost: Running the state is exactly like running a business. Income (taxes) vs expenses. Not much difference. Sometimes borrowing is necessary to overcome shortfalls. However making a profit to have rainy day funds, or at least breaking even is the objective. Hasn't been done in Michigan in quite a while. However if you think running the state is something completely different, please, enlighten all of us. I would be extremely interested in knowing all the aspects of running the state (or even federal) government.
Thu, Nov 4, 2010 : 10:35 a.m.
Better competent Republicans, and these people are competent, than more incompetent Democrats. You didn't like Engler because he put a stop to your feeding at the public trough but very many people did approve of the job he did. Jenny was not elected because the majority of people thought she would do a better job than DeVos but because he was so far right he made them nervous. It turns out we might have been better off because Jenny was an absolute disaster and as financially ignorant as you can find.
Thu, Nov 4, 2010 : 7:38 a.m.
When will the Ann Arbor City Council pass a resolution about this?
Thu, Nov 4, 2010 : 7:05 a.m.
Oh no! Not another Engler administration! Say it isn't so!
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 11:24 p.m.
I personaly think Mr.Snyder will be better than Granholm in the last 8 yrs that she has done nothing but screw MI more thankfully she is gone. all that voted her 4 yrs ago where smoking some good weed when they voted for her its time for a fresh new begginnings in MI and all you democratic dumb witts you lost maybe next we should vote in a independant gov and see what they can do.I am excited about MIbetter now since the Granholm days are quickly going by and she steps out of being the Gov of MI wich she has no business being gov in the first place and now we say bye and say Hello to Mr.Rick Snyder Gov Elect Welcome.
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 10:39 p.m.
~Murrow's Ghost, I really do appreciate your comments, everywhere I find them. Your in-depth, or more-depth, comments are more of a pleasure to read by far than all the one liner whines by those who honestly seem to simply be people unhappy, with little more to say than something negative... Please keep it up sir! Thanks.
black canoe
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 10:23 p.m.
Doug Rothwell: President and Chief Executive Officer of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, an organization he founded and helped Michigan be named the number one state for attracting and retaining corporate site location investments an unprecedented four years in a row, cited for achieving one of the top business climates in the nation and consistently named as having the best state economic development agency. Unfortunately when Jennifer took office, she replaced Rothwell with someone else (a usual practice). Rothwell is brilliant, energetic and really supports Michigan. I am thrilled with his appointment. Stop the Jen bashing. She had to deal with Engler's glorified tax cuts (what a hero) but he did nothing to replace the revenue to the state. She walked into a bad situation and then the entire economy in the US tanked. Not a lot you can do, especially when Republicans look at every vote as if it is the UMvsOSU game. all they want to do is WIN and we, the residents of michigan are the losers. I hope Rick can remind his party members what their real job is.
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 9:26 p.m.
One great step backwards, two steps forward? I doubt it.
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 7:53 p.m.
Ghost What would you rather have? Seriously, I'd like to know. Somebody with zero real world business experience? Mr Bernero also touted his job creation prowess. He fancied himself a super job creator, if I'm correct. Hold on to your hat, because I'm gonna agree with you on another point. Yes, governments do not create jobs (at least private sector jobs). They are exquisitely adept at creating public sector jobs. You would hope that Mr Snyder would know the difference. Monica Canada is but a short drive. Good luck. I hope you don't have any urgent medical needs.
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 7:47 p.m.
THEY TOOK OUR JOBS! Those big bad corporations, and all those fat cats took our jobs! Union liberals are pathetic. Gain a skill and market yourself, son.
Monica R-W
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 6:49 p.m.
@Edward R. Murrow Ghost First, thanks for your comment. Next, I truly believe that "nerd" Governor so-called Centrist position, was to hookwink Michiganders that actually believed that crap. His first "executive" level decision. Employ members of the John Engler administration to his transitional team. FAIL! Let's remember John Engler, shall we.... Within eight years believed the Prison Industrial Complex was enough to save Michigan from itself. Meanwhile the prison budget started to cut into other important things like education, social programs and maintaining a balanced state budget. Engler cut social programs....to the bone. No assistance for disabled adults, less food stamps for the hungry, Detroit (MI) was on an entirely other planet to Engler and anyone remember Senator Spencer Abraham? Down right scary and didn't Halloween end on 10/31? Also, Northwest Airline practically went broke and then sold itself to Delta.... http://www.corporatecampaign.org/englertot.pdf Sort of like Gateway going broke, pad-locking doors before the employees could arrive at work and then sending jobs to China, then selling itself to Acer... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gateway,_Inc. What a short memory some of us have as Michiganders.... "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs" the "nerd" Governor say. Yeah, right!
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 6:30 p.m.
Peter No you are the one who does not understand. This company is making money to bail out the New York holding company that lost money because of the poor restate market in New York. Oh yea and I might add it is a private holding company, in other works "FAT CATS" making millions. I bet you work/worked for government or the U of M.
Monica R-W
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 6:20 p.m.
The return of John Engler administration. Thinking out loud....Oh boy, shakes head and wonders should I get a enhanced license to visit our friendly neighbor next door "Canada", more often. This is progress? This is how "nerd" Governor is going to create "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs"? Yeah, right.
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 5:58 p.m.
"We also need laws to protect employees from loosing there jobs just because there employer wants to save money by getting someone cheaper." On what grounds? On what moral, legal, economic, or political grounds?
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 5:53 p.m.
wlkate....you obviously don't understand simple economics. If a company doesn't cut out inefficiencies in their production, another company will come in and do it for cheaper, and then the whole company would lose their jobs if they go out of business. Durrr
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 5:51 p.m.
wlkate Thats what they call unions And white collar does not like them because they cant break them Manpower does not DRUG TEST they do no back ground checks on the low priced help Manpower and Kelley service get all the profit. All white collar perks Your employer that hires Manpower thinks very little of the item they make JUST PUT IT OUT OR GET OUT Ouality is nada
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 5:48 p.m.
Until people start caring about where groceries/goods/services come from as the main priority instead of only price expect everything to get sourced to the cheapest cost and lowest bidder wherever that may be. Henry Ford got it right with the initial concept on the assembly line workers: Pay them a decent wage and they can prosper with you and afford to buy your (American/local made) products. Support local farmers & shop on overall product value (both to you and your community).
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 4:50 p.m.
We also need laws to protect employees from loosing there jobs just because there employer wants to save money by getting someone cheaper. I watched the company I work for layoff production employees so they can have Manpower people do the work and pay no benefits. That is just wrong in my book.
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 4:48 p.m.
As a state resident and someone who respects democracy, I have to wish Snyder the best and he certainly needs some insight into Lansing to get things done so I can't fault him for these hires. I just hope he can get AA back the extra funding that was agreed to when we signed onto the county-based education deal.
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 4:44 p.m.
Oh yeah...wondered how long it would take the Englerites to crawl out from under their rock to bask in the new sunlight.....
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 4:44 p.m.
I had an interesting conversation today about Tax Consumers and Tax Providers. I had never thought of things in quiet that fashion before. Michigan needs to move as many Tax Consumers to Tax Providers as it can with real jobs. Fixing Detroit has to be done, it will take thinking very differently to do that. One suggestion I heard today over breakfast (I am working out of state) was that Michigan should deny any state aid to Detroit and force it into receivership. That way it could be reformed from the ground up. I am not buying that one, but it is interesting how people in other states view Michigan. It is not a pretty picture they paint. The hurdle that we face in getting people interested in Michigan as a place to locate businesses and live is higher than I realized. I hope that between Pure Michigan and a united government that we can tackle and fix some of our problems.
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 4:43 p.m.
David Nope Not Engler 2 Our X Gov. Had a new and very young Wife w/2 new kids to keep his mind off of the State. No diapers yet That will come in about 20 + years for RICK But for now he will do and do well The only thing Engler did was get a life time PENISON for 8 year of doing nothing. But milking the STATE (a farm boy gone wrong)
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 4:30 p.m.
Our economy is in the pooper, our jobs are long gone, our manufacturing is shaken to its foundations, Mr Snyder brings in someone with business leadership to help...... and the cheap seats already are taking their shots. Aahhh, who needs business to turn around our economy!
David Briegel
Wed, Nov 3, 2010 : 3:50 p.m.
Aahhh, the birth of Engler II!