New U-M women's basketball coach to lead Ann Arbor July 4th parade

The D3 Fife and Drum Corps performs along Main Street during the 2011 Ann Arbor Jaycees Fourth of July Parade last year.
Melanie Maxwell |
Leading it all will be new University of Michigan women's basketball Coach Kim Barnes Arico, the parade grand marshal.
It's the 22nd year the Ann Arbor Jaycees have hosted the parade, and this year's theme is "We the People."

University of Michigan women's basketball coach Kim Barnes Arico is the grand marshal for the parade.
Barnes Arico and her daughter Emma will lead the parade which begins at 10 a.m. at the corner of South State and East William streets. It will continue north on State to Liberty, then to Main Street and back to William.
"We thought it would be a great opportunity for the Ann Arbor community to meet the new U-M women's basketball coach and for Coach Barnes Arico to have an opportunity to meet the people of Ann Arbor at an exciting community event,' Said DelProposto.
There are 84 participant groups in this year's parade, including the Skyline High School Marching Band, the Young People's Theater, the Ann Arbor Police Motorcycle Unit, the Saline Twirlettes, the Pioneer High School Cheerleading Team, and the Ann Arbor Superheroes & Friends Club.
In addition, Captain Dan "Egon" Mercante and the 107th Fighter squadron from Selfridge Air National Guard Base will complete a flyover of Liberty Street and Main Street during the parade.
There will be a bike contest that's new this year for children up to 12 years of age. Participants should arrive with their decorated bikes between 9:15 and 9:30 a.m. at the corner of South State and William Streets, and judging will take place at 9:30 a.m. Children can also ride in the parade.
For more information on the Ann Arbor Jaycees Fourth of July parade, visit the parade website.
Lisa Carolin is a freelance reporter for To contact the news desk, email or call 734-623-2530.