Delta Flight 253 terrorist attempt should serve as wake-up call
Thank goodness for Christmas miracles, heroic citizens, terrorist buffoonery or whatever force held Delta Flight 253 together over Michigan skies on Christmas. That terrorist act should be a reawakening for all of us that we're at war.Â
We must face the fact that there are entities around the world that don't like us or our way of life and are bent on disrupting our community. Let’s get our heads out of the sand and fight. Â
Air travelers and their carry-on luggage are screened by TSA employees at Oakland International Airport in Oakland, Calif.
The Associated Press
Terrorists are not ghosts - they're human beings. Humans set patterns. Humans make mistakes and misjudgments. Terrorists will draw attention to themselves if we're cunning enough to spot their suspicious, odd and abnormal - but predictable - behaviors.Â
We know our neighborhoods and communities better than anyone. We know who and what belongs in our neighborhood. Suspicious people, vehicles or circumstances should be observed, documented and reported to the local police.
We must make these reports to the police without fear of being politically incorrect. We are at war. Sacrifices must be made for our collective safety. We must replace our sensitivity with understanding. We must understand and remember terrorists put us in these uncomfortable situations.Â
Reporting suspicious activity, arriving early and waiting in security lines at airports and sporting events, and being searched and questioned by law enforcement or security officers are unfortunate realities of our world today. We must submit to these inconveniences because it will make America in general, and our community in particular, safer.
The Michigan State Police Emergency Management & Homeland Security Division produced an outstanding video on what citizens should look for to spot terrorist activities. Take 3 1/2 minutes to watch the video, titled 7 Signs Of Terrorism.Â
Some will ask whether we're living in a “police state.” No, we live in a republic at war. This was thrust upon us on 9/11, and unfortunately, it's the reality we must endure.Â
We may disagree on whether the United States should have gone to war in Iraq or Afghanistan, but it's a fact that terrorists have attacked us on our soil, and on Christmas they tried it again. Let’s come together as a nation and do everything we can as citizens to keep our community safe.Â
Lock it up, don’t leave it unattended, be aware and watch out for your neighbors.
Rich Kinsey is a retired Ann Arbor police detective sergeant who now blogs about crime and safety for
Thu, Jan 14, 2010 : 5:47 a.m.
@ "joumana": duh!...ever hear of the "taliban" ( not arab), al shabaab ( not arab) etc....and in any case youve never objected before... getting panicked are we?? all the 'pleases" and "thank you's?" so out of character!
Wed, Jan 13, 2010 : 7:13 p.m.
per the above:"murdering" and "causing widows and children to hate' is not the sole...or actually primary...responsibility or consequence of the "wests's ', let alone israel's, behavior. jihadi muslims are doing quite the lethal job on their own as well as everyone else in the "infidel" world ( mumbai, bali, christian communities throughout the "muslim world', n.y, madrid, london. etc etc. and since this thread is about justified watchfulness against those who want to kill you,good for israel for having the capacity and wit to keep themselves relatively safe and to cause more harm to their avowed enemies,( who started it all and wont stop, thanks in part to overseas cheerleaders for hamas) than vice versa. maybe muslims, and the 2 posters, should be a bit concerned with the justified negative feelings this generates among the targets of jihad...
Wed, Jan 13, 2010 : 4:12 a.m.
Violence against infidels is perfectly acceptable against an infidel. It is in the Koran. Go look it up. Islam wrote the playbook on world domination Mohammed was a warrior and a conqueror. Read the Koran if you do not believe me. He also married and had sex with a nine year old child. Once again, read the Koran. Mohammed was a pedophile and a war criminal, far worse than George Bush if you are trying to find a contemporize example. The cult of Islam continues to pursue the domination of the world and establish an Islamic Caliphate. This is what is taught in "moderate" mosques. Even here in the liberal Ann Arbor. Do not believe the lies of the so called "religion of peace And if you try to compare the Christian Bible with the Koran, well the Christian bible is based on 30 or 40 authors. And the Koran is based on the word of the prophet Mohammed, one man, multitasking warrior/prophet of god/child abuser/etc....Once again, if you disagree, go read the Koran. The vast majority of terrorism in this world is committed by Muslims. Most, if not all, major conflicts in the world are Muslim conflicts. Muslim countries do not tolerate any other faith. Islam is a religion of intolerance. There is not a Muslim majority in the entire world that grants any other faith equal rights. Compare that to the western world. To surrender to Islam and their complaints is suicide! And according to Islam, following the teachings of the Koran, peace is only toward other Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace, to other Muslims. Otherwise it is perfectible acceptable to lie and wage war against any non believer. It is called taqiyya. According to the tenets of Islam following the prophet Mohammed it is perfectly acceptable to lie in order to deceive and conquer an enemy.
Tue, Jan 12, 2010 : 8:56 p.m.
GwenJovi, yes, absolutely, let's do everything we can to make our community safe. Let's start by ceasing the mass murder of Afghans and Arabs. Murdering people and causing their widows and orphans to hate us can't be good for security.
Tue, Jan 12, 2010 : 3:58 p.m.
Mr. Kinsey, With all due respect, the perspective represented in your article is part of the problem. You stated "That terrorist act should be a reawakening for all of us that we're at war." On the other hand, people in Afghanistan and Iraq have been acutely aware of the war 24/7 since 2001 and 2003 respectively. America is not at war; it is conducting a one-way genocide against innocent people abroad. For Americans to perceive themselves as victims of this war is self-delusional. Furthermore, your encouragement that people snitch on each other is deeply troubling. I strongly recommend you watch Clive Owen and Julianne Moore's *Children of Men* for a dystopic fictional, but not too far removed, idea of how paranoid and dysfunctional society can become if everyone were to heed your call. Thank you for reading this. Joumana
Tue, Jan 12, 2010 : 3:15 a.m.
@REBBAPRAGADA The Ibadi sect of Islam in Oman is not the average practice of Islam. Thats like saying the mormons are the typical example of christianity. I do not want to get censored again by so please explain to me how mainstream Islam is critical of suicide bombings as a form of jihad and why this violates the tenets of islam. Please quote the Koran since the jihadis seem to quote the Koran when they kill and murder the non believers. Thanks.
Tue, Jan 12, 2010 : 2:38 a.m.
Violence against infidels is perfectly acceptable against an infidel. It is in the Koran. Go look it up. It is not a religion but a cult based on world domination Mohammed was a warrior and a conqueror. Read the Koran if you do not believe me. He also married and had sex with a nine year old child. Once again, read the Koran. Mohammed was a pedophile and a war criminal, far worse than George Bush if you are trying to find a contemporize example. The cult of Islam continues to pursue the domination of the world and establish an Islamic Caliphate. This is what is taught in "moderate" mosques. Even here in the liberal Ann Arbor. Do not believe the lies of the so called "religion of peace And if you try to compare the Christian Bible with the Koran, well the Christian bible is based on 30 or 40 authors. And the Koran is based on the word of the prophet Mohammed, one man, multitasking warrior/prophet of god/child abuser/etc....Once again, if you disagree, go read the Koran. The vast majority of terrorism in this world is committed by Muslims. Most, if not all, major conflicts in the world are Muslim conflicts. Muslim countries do not tolerate any other faith. Islam is a religion of intolerance. There is not a Muslim majority in the entire world that grants any other faith equal rights. Compare that to the western world. To surrender to Islam and their complaints is suicide! And according to Islam, following the teachings of the Koran, peace is only toward other Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace, to other Muslims. Otherwise it is perfectible acceptable to lie and wage war against any non believer. It is called taqiyya. According to the tenets of Islam following the prophet Mohammed it is perfectly acceptable to lie in order to deceive and conquer an enemy.
Sun, Jan 10, 2010 : 2:42 p.m.
i actually just got around to watching the video that accompanies the article, and it seemed fine as far as it went on its 7 steps....but what about steps 8 and 9 (openly advocating for terrorists; and trying to solicit support for them via web sites and other means).... we've got some of that here in town and even this site, with its efforts at first amendment access, has been exploited in those directions by certain individuals who i cant name lest this be deleted....but just go to beth israel synagogue on washtenaw avenue on a sat morning between 8:30 and 10:30 and check out the sidewalk in front to get some inkiling as to what im talking about...or easier, read the cover story in the dec issue of the WASHTENAW JEWISH NEWS ( "false witnesses").
Sat, Jan 9, 2010 : 7:33 a.m.
p.s i may have misspoken re the "2nd to none' status of armed civilians in israel.....there may be higher levels in mogadishu somalia, around the khyber pass in pakistan and maybe in baghdad.... but in israel such a situation is to protect one's neighbors...not to kill them.
Sat, Jan 9, 2010 : 7:13 a.m.
@ben woodruff...your israeli model is apt, but you neglect to note that in addition to their resilience and joie de vivre israelis are: pepetually and justifiably wary ( try leaving a package near a playground and walking away! talk about neighborhood watches!!) and also collectively very well armed ( the military prparedness and possible ready -for-call-up status of the population is likely second to none)and prepared to act, even as civilians, as numerous cases of thwarted attempted terrorism attest. @mr DB: rather naive, given recent history and the biographies of some conspicuous terrorists ( suggestion: read up on the life and american connection of Syed Qutb, the philosophical founder of modern jihadism...and how, when an exchange student at a colorado college he got all unhinged at the "corruption" of coed dancing. OOOOO!
Sat, Jan 9, 2010 : 1:50 a.m.
And according to Islam, following the teachings of the Koran, peace is only toward other Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace, to other muslims. Otherwise it is perfectable acceptable to lie and wage war against any non belivier. It is called taqiyya. According to the tenets of islam following the prophet mohammed it is perfectly acceptable to lie in order to deciece and conquer an enemy.
Sat, Jan 9, 2010 : 1:30 a.m.
And if you try to compare the Christian Bible with the Koran, well the christian bible is based on 30 or 40 authors. And the Koran is based on the word of the prophet mohammed, one man, multitasking warrior/prophet of god/child abuser/etc....Once again, if you disagree, go read the Koran. The vast majority of terrorism in this world is commited by muslims. Most, if not all, major conflicts in the world are muslim conflicts. Muslim countries do not tolerate any other faith. Islam is a religion of intolerance. There is not a muslim majority in the entire world that grants any other faith equal rights. Compare that to the western world. To surrender to Islam and their complaints is suicide!
Sat, Jan 9, 2010 : 1:12 a.m.
Mohammed was a warrior and a conquerer. Read the Koran if you do not believe me. He also married and had sex with a nine year old child. Once again, read the Koran. Mohammed was a pedophile and a war criminal, far worse than George Bush if you are trying to find a contempary example. The cult of Islam continues to pursue the domination of the world and establish an Islamic Caliphate. This is what is taught in "moderate" mosques. Even here in the liberal Ann Arbor. Do not believe the lies of the so called "religion of peace"
Sat, Jan 9, 2010 : 12:57 a.m.
Violence aainst infidels is perfectly acceptable against an infidel. It is in the koran. Go look it up. It is not a religion but a cult based on world domination.
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 9:34 p.m.
When did America become such a bunch of scared people? Everytime there is a threat, or report, or something happens, it is blown out of proportion, and the country panics. In Israel, a bomb goes off, emergency services come, they take care of it, and the next day, Israelis are at the same restaurant, shopping center, etc...They REFUSE to bow to fear. Why do we panic? We come from strong stock, people who faced fear and overcame it to build this country. I believe that they would be ashamed of us and our fear. God forbid we start to have successful, random attacks, this country will fall apart.
Mr. DB
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 7:28 p.m.
That video made me more paranoid than safe. These days I am more worried about depressed / disgruntled people shooting up places than of someone trying to blow up a plane. I believe that the crotch bomber was ticked off by something that happened to him in the UK. Hence, if we American Citizens treat people the way we would like to be treated, then we can save ourselves a lot trouble. It starts from our society! lets be nice to our neighbors, so that when foreigners come here, they will return with nothing but happy stories. BTW, I need a job!
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 3:24 p.m., im good! it'd be nice to chat fact to face sometime. you sound like a reasonable person.
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 2:54 p.m.
Well, I see how these comments back and forth take on a life of their own, but I'm retired and have nothing better to do, so here's my response to REBBAPRAGADA: are you suggesting someone who is educated cannot be wayward? "Waywardness" is something found across all educational levels, races, religions, etc.. For example, the Doctor that did the Ft. Hood shooting was described by co-workers and friends as acting increasingly bizarre--another dot not connected. In fact, if the media simply labeled every single person's religion whenever they committed a horrific act in the USA, this whole Muslim bashing would end. The vast majority of horrific violent acts in the US are being committed by Christians. It's just that the Christian label is never put on them. If they happen to be Muslims, that's the lead angle. And for bedrog: just because I mention Israel's unjust acts as a motivation for these wayward souls, it doesn't mean other countries are blameless. Historically there's enough blame for EVERY culture, religion, country, race, etc., and why we need Gandhi again. Guess it's your turn. :)
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 12:46 p.m.
re rebbapragadas ( and my exchanges with khurum)....i indirectly referred to a cause of such "waywardness' in my previous post: ie a form of arabia- based jihadi islam ( salafism) that has overtaken many of the regions that historically embraced more moderate forms of islam. khurums reference to the u.s israel alliance as source of terrorist motivation is particularly odd for a pakistani to worry about, since its arabs, or at least their ideologies ( from the invasions of mohammed bin qassim in the 7th century to osama bin laden in the 21st)who have wreaked hell and havoc in that region....the jews zero. any witness/victim of assorted taliban and al qaida bombings in peshawar, islamabad, swat,karachi etc would do better to follow the example of the sympathtic-to- israel sufis i cited earlier. ( admittedly i studied them in the 70's and 80's....who knows what they think nowadays...but they had it right then!!)
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 8:14 a.m.
@khurram...p.s i applaud your lament about the lack of a "gandhi- like leader' in the you know there once was one: abdul ghaffar khan, "the frontier gandhi", significantly among the very tribesmen that comprise the taliban nowadays. as to israel, one of the sufi sects i worked with were strong supporters of israel precisely because they had been targets for 2 centuries of mini" jihads" by more orthodox salafi muslims from their own tribe ( not pathans/pashtun) and could well relate to what israel has always faced.....indeed one of their own leaders who fought back (and had only one eye, the other lost in battle) was known as "moshe dayan"....and it was a sincere compliment.
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 7:06 a.m.
@khurum...clarification received and appreciated. my own feelings on such matters are understandably both a bit "raw" and conflicted, since many of those i knew intimately in pakistan were among the kindest people, to me personally, i ever met ( indeed often kinder to me than to their neighbors.).. but at the same time certain cultural patterns were nonetheless apparent that resonate with what morphed into talibanism ( if i say "pakhtunwali" or 'rishwat"i assume you'll know exactly what i mean... hence my original.
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 5:17 a.m.
So, when did a former police officer become a, oh, what "trained terriost spotter"? So, lets round up Muslims, Arabs like we did the Japanese on the west coast after Pearl Harbor. Oh, I'm sorry we did that during 9/11 already to some extent. Please, Kinsey, take your "opinions" and place them with the last administration and their failed policies. If you listened to our president give his response yesterday, hopefully you can resubmit this column. Until then please, keep your paranoid and scare the public suggestions to your right wing friends. I'm just basically very tired of having others suggest that there's this shadowy figure lurking around my street, block, Mosque or wherever just waiting to do me harm. Personally I have better things to worry about.
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 3:15 a.m.
Dear bedrog, thank you for your informed reply to my comment (always good to start with a compliment) although I must say I'm aghast (ok, that may be a bit strong...) as to what I wrote that lead you to believe I thought the US's imperialistic practices were the only motivation for terrorism. In fact, I purposely stated "wayward souls" to indicate that it was mostly troubled individuals who were manipulated into these horrific acts (see HBO's excellent documentary on the recent Mumbai massacre for an example). I agree it is simplistic (and erroneous) to just blame the West. On the other hand, there are enough injustices done by the West that some of the criticism--although never justifying violence--is reasonable. And for EyeHeartA2, according to the National Weather Service (see there is an average of 62 deaths by lightening each year in the USA. Can you imagine the media hoopla if 62 USA citizens were being killed each year by terrorism. Please know that one death alone is too many, but according to Thursday's Detroit Free Press (page 8A) there were 379 homicides for 2009 in Detroit alone. None of them garnered anywhere near the media hoopla that an attempted terrorist attack by an extremely inept and troubled man (his father even reports him as troubled; he doesn't try to be very sneaky--paying cash for his ticket and having no luggage...) garners.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 5:56 p.m.
moderators: blaine coleman and 'michael" have had their johnny one note delusional, antifactual "says" more than enough times ( in colemans case often with obscene, racist props around town)'s long overdue to cut them off in the name of RESPONSIBLE journalism as you are well aware...(hell, you'll probably delete THIS!)
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 4:35 p.m.
Good info. Thanks
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 4:28 p.m.
@michael, I am not now, nor have I ever been a conspiracy junkie and I'm not gonna start now. If Pres Bush lied about 9/11 then he fooled a whole Senate and Congress that voted to fund the war. Just like Pres Obama authorizing 30K troops to Afghanistan, is he fooling us too? Me, I won't travel outside of my own country ever again. I don't go where I'm not welcome.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 3:46 p.m.
If I spot someone that looks like Timothy McVeigh lurking around my neighborhood I will be sure to report it to the authorities...
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 3:27 p.m.
Oh yeah, a Muslim family using binoculars at a National Park. Or at a scenic bridge. According to this video, that is "surveillance".
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 3:17 p.m.
The problem with these "report suspicious activity" urgings is that to many people, the mere presences of a Muslim person or any unidentified brown/foreign person is necessarily "suspicious". A mom struggling with luggage, tickets, food, drinks, a stroller, and 4 kids in an airport might look "suspicious" to many people too if she also has a baggy dress and a scarf on her head.
Bob Needham
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 2:50 p.m.
(several off-topic comments removed)
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 2:49 p.m.
Good post Richard. Too bad so many people do not understand what is going on. Sure we should have sat back and done nothing after 9/11. We should never have gone into Iraq, even though Saddam Hussein admitted he wanted to acquire nuclear weapons. Naturally he would similarly sat back and done nothing while Iran expands it nuclear weapons program, and of course we would rather have to deal with two tyrannical countries lead by despots trying to go nuclear than just one as we do now. So had we stayed out of Iraq, Afghanistan, etc we would be far better off than we are now, even though the terrorists would be far safer to train and attack us. These two recent attacks are tests of this administration, like 9/11 was a test of the previous. Fortunately, Pres Bush vowed right after 9/11, we will find out who was behind it and act. Has Pres Obama said such? If so, I have missed it. What he does say is how our system failed. I think it preposterous to think we can make all flights completely safe from acts of terror buy just enhancing security. There are just too many people to monitor, too many flights, and too many methods. I would rather fight in the terrorists back yard than ours.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 2:36 p.m.
@michael: while islamist justifications for terrorism are indeed bogus,the need to combat them is not..... what is also bogus are outlandish conspiracy theories fueled by internet cranks who regard "you tube' as a source of 'data". moderators: i believe you earlier called a halt to such outlandish nonsense...time to do it again.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 2:30 p.m.
@CraigLounsbury, tell that to the UN Peacekeeping Council. Your thoughts should go over well with them. And yes, there are certain religious fanatic groups that hate the US solely because we are not like them, barbaric medeival savages...and that we allow religious freedom in our country for ALL religions. They believe their religious beliefs are the only true ones and we, collectively in the US are infidels that must die...just the way it is. But, the crotch bomber was from Nigeria. We do not have any "world police" action happening there...One only has two cheeks to turn, then we must fight for our survival.
Regular Voter
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 2:30 p.m.
The heat, hate, fear, and divisiveness this column is generating must be gratifying to somebody. Who is that? Way to go
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 1:56 p.m.
@christy...and when the humanitarians are killed and kidnapped by terrorists?hmmmm? follow scott newalls advice ( if not his conclusions) and read and learn a bit about islamic imperialisms and cultures before you so cavalierly blame the west for all the problems in that region.... thankfully our president seems to have a good handle on alot of this, in a more nuanced...and hopefully effective... way than his predecessor.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 1:08 p.m.
@ scott newell and his exhortation to "learn and read"....been there done that and also put in over 2 years living ( with requisite language)in tribal villages in the region at issue.... while "prejudice" ( judgement before youve done your homework)is always wrong, "postjudice" isnt ( ie coming to possibly harsh conclusions from the very educational efforts you rightly commend)...i invite you see my other posts on this thread and elswhere on re "making lemonade from lemons in afghanistan" see how that can quite justifiably play out.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 12:59 p.m. one who knows your home country and its history quite well, particularly some of the more remote tribal regions, i think you're being a bit disingenuous in attributing the rise of militancy simply to "imperialism"... weren't the mughals, ghaznavids, and ghorid afghans---among others-- imperialists too ( in your region alone)?, and arent they indeed the template/role models for the taliban and al qaeda, at least among the pashtun and numerous others in pakistan?... no, there's alot more going on than a simple "blame the west " explanation will allow ( hint: misguided,egotistical mafia -like ideas of "honor" or 'izzat'); a culture of self-aggrandizement and greed ( reshwat) in which becoming a warlord or his follower ( chimcha)is a good way to go, especiallly if it can be justified by religion;and so very much more that is homegrown (and to which i was eyewitness during two of your numerous coups over the past 35 years).. please..alot more self-reflection and responsibility taking is well in order in pakistan, afghanistan, palestine and every other theater in which extremism is flourishing like a noxious weed that aims to overtake not only "kaffirs" or infidels but fellow muslims...
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 12:47 p.m.
reply to Craig Lounsbury: What your saying is true. But how about if they evolve into bigger mosquitoes or other types of animals. We get water our water from 3 bolcks away which is a strangers yard. We must take control of them if they cant keep their place safe for us and themselfs. I hope you understand what i meant. What you think about my idea. Thanks.
scott newell
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 12:44 p.m.
shame on all of us here in the USA. it never ceases to astound me how IGNORANT people are when it comes to history. "terrorism" will only cease when america stops being the worlds biggest "terrorist". shocking words from a traitor? are you really that blind? i would just say that the ignorance articulated in the this article and in the comments is the biggest threat to american "democracy". i urge all of you to go to the library and READ,READ, READ and then go abroad and LEARN, LEARN, LEARN. war is lunacy.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 12:40 p.m.
the original article is apt and appropriate....but some of the comments to it seem to prefer snark, bad analogies ( mosquitos? cmon!) and,in one case, an offer to amplify in this publication on a monomaniacal, and historically utterly inaccurate, obsession that that has already been over-aired in so many venues that its advocate here has indeed been declared "persona non grata' by numerous groups that are normally quite receptive to contrarian opinions and free expression
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 12:30 p.m.
Good article, as long as we can remember that almost everything we do is statistically more likely to harm us than terrorism. Despite all the hoopla in the media, it is an extremely rare occasion and we may as well be trained in spotting conditions for lightening to strike. Ironically, on the same day as the terrorist attack, four people were murdered in Detroit. Can you imagine if the nation became as focused on inner city crime as it has on terrorism how much we could make a difference? And as a Pakistani-American, I can tell you it is not our way of life that the terrorist hate. It is our Imperialism. It does NOT justify any act of violence, but it is how wayward souls are recruited--by being reminded of such things as the US's unwavering support of Israel (with not just words, but weapons!) no matter what it does. Again, this does NOT justify violence (I personalkly think the Middle East needs a Gandhi like leader) but simplistic analysis such as Bush's "they hate us for our freedom" is not worthy of our great nation. Thanks.
Pete Bigelow
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 12:11 p.m.
A comment has been removed from this thread because it was off-topic. Please stick with the topic at hand, thanks.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 11:47 a.m.
Somehow I don't think Franklin meant that we should roll over for the invading British Empire. Fortunately the British were polite enough to wear bright red uniforms most of the time. Muslims who take Mohammad's call to conquest a little too seriously tend to be a bit sneakier. Even in Franklin's time, British spies and saboteurs were executed. He'd be baffled by our hospitality to the residents of Club Gitmo. We have the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Note the order. Anyone who thinks that provocation is necessary when it comes to fundamentalist Islam is ignorant of history. Look up the Barbary Wars, the fall of Constantinople, the Armenian Genocide, etc. Maybe democracy in Muslim lands will bring peace where dictatorship has brought war. We'll see.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 10:45 a.m.
" Those willing to give up liberty for security deserve niether and will lose both." Ben Franklin
John Hritz
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 10:11 a.m.
The video could be improved with s'mores and hotdogs to go along with the creepy music and generally melodramatic tone. I agree with the premise, however, i.e. to report suspicious activity. That said, I suspect that terrorist activity is largely indistinguishable from garden-variety crime from the viewpoint of a citizen. And suspicious activity is contextual. In a city that attracts tourists, artists and architects, being concerned about people sketching bridges and photographing buildings is going to generate a lot of false alarms.
Craig Lounsbury
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 9:57 a.m.
You operate on the assumption that they hate our way of life. I operate on the possibility that they merely hate our military presence in their part of the world. I contend that if your right, my solution would keep us just as safe, maybe safer at less of a cost to American lives and sheer dollars. If I'm right, my solution eliminates the problem. Your solution will never eliminate the problem because we can't kill them all, they keep reproducing.
Top Cat
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 9:50 a.m.
Enough of the silly mosquito analogies. The cost of two wars is one factor that is driving us toward insolvency. Has either war really made us safer? We need to be absolutely focused on defending our people within our own borders. Janet Napolitano is a political hack and obviously not up for the job. Our current airport procedure of frisking Gramma Strunk from Wapwallopen is ridiculous. We know who the people are who want to harm us. They need to be scrutinized and profiled. We need to call these people what they are, terrorists and enemy combatants. They need to be "encouraged" to tell us everything they know and not lawyer up. Obama needs to stop the excuses and say that the buck stops here.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 9:46 a.m.
Coleman. Ref your: "That means olive-skinned tourists will continue to be scrutinized, and reported to police, for taking tourist photos." Did it ever occur to you that "olive-skinned" folks flew US aircraft into buildings on American soil? Did it ever occur to you that "olive skinned" people are blowing up other "olive skinned" people all over the world, daily, just 'cuz one group's beliefs are a bit different than the other "olive-skinned" group? Or are you justifying all of the above just so you can spout the usual anti west propaganda?
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 9:40 a.m.
Thanks Rich, made people think once again. Sometimes we see things and "don't want to get involved". We are in a different time and should be more aware of what is going on around us.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 9:31 a.m.
It is actually working quite well as I haven't been seriously bit since 2001. Those that have continued to oppose this war are paving the way for many more serious "bites." Thank God for the spraying being done overseas.
Craig Lounsbury
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 9:11 a.m.
"When I want to stop mosquitoes from biting me in my yard, I support county wide spraying and eradication." and how well is that working there shawnsbrain?
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 9 a.m.
What is appalling to me as a frequent flying is the little known fact that the tax I pay on tickets when I fly, is being used for pork barrel such as the unnecessary expansion at the Ann Arbor airport. Not too long ago, USAToday had an article about our tax dollars being wasted on such little used small airports. This tax was intended to be used used to improve the safety of those who are paying the tax, the public traveling on major airlines. If you care about about inappropriate use of tax you pay as a traveler, you should write your Congressman and also and also Congressman Mark Schauer of the House Aviation Subcommittee and that committee's chairman, Chairman Congressman Jerry Costello of Illinois, and the parent committee's chairman, Transportation Committee Chairman Congressman James Oberstar of Minnesota. Tell them that as an Ann Arbor resident you want them to re appropriate the federal Airport Airways Trust Fund allocated by Congress and the FAA through the MDOT and use them for what the original intent of such funds was; safe and secure travel for those who pay this tax. We have plenty of pork already and obviously not good enough security and antiquated airways system. Don't just sit there. Next time you may be using the our nation's airways. Thank you.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 8:52 a.m.
When I want to stop mosquitoes from biting me in my yard, I support county wide spraying and eradication.
Craig Lounsbury
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 8:36 a.m.
Interesting stuff there Kevin, thanks for the links
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 7:49 a.m.
How would this have stopped the Flight 253 crotch bomber?
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 7:30 a.m.
I always enjoy your posts, Rich. It was really a great idea to post this video, thanks.
Craig Lounsbury
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 7:18 a.m.
"We must face the fact that there are entities around the world that don't like us or our way of life... Maybe its not so much our way of life but our nonstop military presence in their part of the world. Maybe we need to face the fact that we can't nor should try to be the world police. Maybe we should call our brave men and women of the military home and have them guard our own borders. If I want to keep mosquitoes out of my house I don't go swat them 3 blocks away in some strangers yard. I put up some screens at my house.