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Posted on Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 5:45 a.m.

Case from the past: Rogues' standoff at Ann Arbor house party turned deadly

By Rich Kinsey

Thank goodness murders don't happen very often in Ann Arbor. A rather bizarre and tragic homicide occurred in the late 1980s. If one wrote a fictional account of the incident, it would be too unbelievable, unless you were mixing The Three Stooges into a serious drama.

It all started at a teen dance party being held in the basement of a townhouse on Ann Arbor’s west side. The basement was packed with kids having a good time. Several fellows from out-of-town decided to attend the party.

During the dancing, an Ann Arbor teen accidently stepped on the foot of one of the out-of-towners we’ll call “Tom.” Tom was outraged by the fumble footed dancer’s transgression and pulled out a .25 semiautomatic “Saturday Night Special” and fired a round at the would be Fred Astaire’s foot.  


One of the other Ann Arbor attendees who was dancing in a trench coat with a sawed off 12-gauge pump shotgun tucked under his arm witnessed the incident and decided to defend Fred Astaire. He raised his shotgun, pumped a 3” magnum 00 buckshot shell into the chamber, aimed at Tom and pulled the trigger. 

The firing pin hit the primer on the shell, but there was no bang - only a deafening “CLICK.” Thank goodness the shotgun malfunctioned, or innocent partygoers would have been shot along with the intended victim. The crime lab ascertained this shotgun wasn't chambered for the shells used, and that caused the weapon malfunction.

Tom probably realized he was almost dead - until he heard the CLICK - and then must have been elated. Now feeling he had the upper hand, Tom raised his .25 semiautomatic, took careful aim at the shotgun-wielding Ann Arbor youth and pulled the trigger. 

The report of Tom’s weapon was an equally crowd-hushing “CLICK.” Both gunmen hurried to clear the jams of their respective firearms. The gunmen faced each other in a blind panic. This was standoff of the worse kind, but allowed many bystanders to escape the basement.

In the meantime, Tom’s companion, we’ll call “Jerry,” walked up behind the gunfighter with the jammed shotgun and fired a round into the back of the young shotgunner’s head. The round fell the Ann Arbor youth instantly, and he died within moments, thus ending the gunfight. Pandemonium reigned as the revelers fled for their lives. 

In the confusion Tom and Jerry got away. My partner and I were one of the first cars on the scene, and things were pretty wild upon our arrival.

Detectives were able to put the case together and arrested both Tom and Jerry, who each went to prison for this senseless crime. Jerry was ironically, but not surprisingly based on his propensity toward violence, murdered by gunfire a short time after he got out of prison.  

Lock it up, don’t leave it unattended, be aware (of who you let into your party) and watch out for your neighbors.

Rich Kinsey is a retired Ann Arbor police detective sergeant who now blogs about crime and safety for


ronn oneal

Mon, Mar 15, 2010 : 6:26 p.m.

Hard to believe but I'm sure that somewhere out in this Universe, anything is possible... How much time did they get or did they get what they deserve for taking a life, Staying in prison until they naturally stop breathing because the victim cant wake up after 10-20yrs.

Adam Jaskiewicz

Mon, Mar 15, 2010 : 11:54 a.m.

"Cleansing" thoughts is dangerous. Say what you mean and mean what you say. A real-life example is going to get a point across a lot better than a fictional account of a hypothetical situation, and I think Mr. Kinsey knows that. All we can do is hope that hearing about this tragic situation saves someone's life by teaching them a valuable lesson. It would give more meaning to the lives of the three criminals in the story. I'd take you more seriously, nojoke35, if you bothered to at least make an attempt at proper capitalization and spelling.


Sun, Mar 14, 2010 : 1:06 a.m.

@bear i am sorry that u feel the way u do. but the guy that was murdered was not welding a gun. yes he did have 1 but he never presented the gun until his friend was shot n the foot. now i understand how and y some would comment on guns and violence. cause i do feel the same but the point of it all is mr kinsey could have commented about guns and violence in his own words. not about something like that. he was a police officer. he could have just given an honest opinion about guns and violence. he did not have 2 speak on what happened all those years ago the way that he did. and on top of that he didn't even as putting it the way that he did really say what happened right. u r right we sure don't live n a sanitized world especially with a retired officer who feels that he's making or proving a point by bringing up old stuff and putting it out there the way that he did. that is very unsanitary. he ought 2 have cleansed his thoughts and put out there about guns and violence period. not directing it towards individuals in a cartoon like or comedic way. those were real people that got hurt or killed. not cartoon characters or comedians. they die on tv and can b brought back 2 life. in reality they can't. deep down mr. kinsey probably felt he was meaning well, but he should've thought about what he wrote before he put it out there. but it is evident he didn't. i don't think he is being attacked about speaking on guns and violence (well i'm not attacking him about speaking on it) he is being ridiculed because he directed 2 a particular incident thus making it like it was a joke when in reality it wasn't. and what he said is really not how it happened even speaking as if it was a joke. so u c u have your opinion about what everyone is saying about him. but i'm speaking fact. cause i was a witness 2 that incident all those years ago. i was there from the beginning til the end. and i still say that he was wrong 4 putting that story out there like that.


Fri, Mar 12, 2010 : 1:16 p.m.

gee, I-love-ann-arbor, the kid who was "murdered" happened to be welding a sawed-off shotgun with buckshot in it and you act as if he were an innocent victim? Not being acquainted with the weapon you choose to use can and does get you killed. And all the namby-pamby's clucking your tongues at Mr. Kinsey like little chickens in a henhouse i find disgusting. Yes, let's feign concern for some imbeciles who acted out a sad Abbott & Costello drama. Get over yourselves, we don't live in a sanitized world, although I am sure some of you wish we did. I am thoroughly appalled at the level of lily-livered comments I have read here. No wonder our country is in trouble, if our leadership is at all reflected by the type of comments on this article. Words fail to express my level of nausea.


Fri, Mar 12, 2010 : 12:40 a.m.

@djm12552- mr rich could've used his own words 2 make a point about guns and killings. he did not have 2 use what happened almost 21 yrs ago. i'm pretty sure that the family and friends who knew those tv (like me) characters that he named was of their loved 1's or friends. and they probably feel the same way i do. u must have no clue about that incident. and if u don't then Huh? u said it right. cause u don't have a clue!


Wed, Mar 10, 2010 : 11:09 a.m.

The moral of the story is "Never load a 12 gauge with a 20 gauge shell", Right Rich?????


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 8 p.m.

Regular Voter - what are you talking about?


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 2:56 p.m.

@lkcarter, I'm so confused. If this incident was about race, was it because the kid that died [illegally carrying a sawed-off shotgun] was African-American and the other 2 kids also with guns [illegally] were not? Please help me understand.

Regular Voter

Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 2:09 p.m.

Semper has had plenty of other columns containing chilling passages, look 'em up. How could you ever be comfortable around somebody like that. Definitely not good PR for police although I'd bet they love him.


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 1:44 p.m.



Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 1:37 p.m.

@Trevor Staples...did we read the same article? Where is the joke? If you find the recounting of the party-goers actions as hilarious, what exact phraseology is it in the article that I am missing?


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 1:27 p.m.

few notations here...@mlott..."I would impart the lesson that a kid carrying a gun in public is never a good idea, whether it be a movie or real life."...your quote leaves me somewhat befuddled...isn't a "kid" or anyone not licensed to carry a weapon a wee bit more than a bad idea? How about it happens to be a crime!!!! Teach that to the little darlings...and @I_love_Ann_Arbor....aint nobody bringing up the race card but you so if there is a "relations" problem in A2, maybe you might want to rethink your position...and last but not Det Kinsey [Ret.], get your story mention the 3 Stooges but then bring in the cartoon characters...Tom & Jerry", what happened to Larry, Curley and Moe???? need to watch more on the TVLand channel.


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 10:29 a.m.

Well done everyone. Keep up the great articles Rich. In the 20 plus years since this incident how many more young adults have been killed by gunfire. Leave the guns home, grab a 40 or two, dance,eat,smile style and profile, call a cab at the end of the night and go home to do it again another evening.

Alan Benard

Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 9:06 a.m.

This would never have been printed in the Ann Arbor News. But Laurel Champion has agreed to allow Tony Dearing to follow the general principle that, because something is printed online first, it doesn't need to follow the standard journalistic standards of adhering to community standards, good taste, fairness, competent writing and reporting ability. Anything goes so long as the content providers are cheap, preferably free. And you, the reader, usually don't complain.


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 5:48 a.m.

ann arbor doesn't care about black people. plain and simple. its sad but true. the AAPD doesn't do anything if there is a fight, and the AAPD defiantly don't do anything when there is a shooting. especially when involving black people. i have first hand experience with this, so i know this as a fact. the AAPD will harass the black kids when nothing serious is happening, but the second someone pulls a gun, the AAPD wait for someone to get killed before they do anything. EVEN IF THEY ARE LOCATED IN A PATROL CAR LESS THAN 50meters away. i have seen it with my own eyes too many times. this is why i will move from a2 soon. the covert racism here is RIDICULOUS. if you are black, and have gone to at least one high school party, football, or basketball game during your teen years, you will know exactly what i am talking about. the AAPD is not protecting YOU at all.....


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 1:58 a.m.



Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 1:40 a.m.

i agree with i love ann arbor and several others who commented on this so called story. how can u mock someones love 1 getting killed? and on top of that u had it wrong. i was there. from beginning 2 the end. u ought 2 b ashamed of yourself. that young man happened 2 b loved by alot of people and is still deeply missed. how do u know if he wasn't just an innocent bystander himself? cause he had a gun? u don't know what really happened then and here it is almost 21 yrs later and u still have no clue. how would u like it if someone mocked 1 of your loved ones? u r retired, stay retired. take a vacation. but please don't try and write n e more stories 4 cause your so called making a point with this story was pointless. all u did was anger people who knew the young man and what really happened that night. YOU JUST POURED SALT N 2 HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS WOUNDS!


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 1:21 a.m.

i agree with i love ann arbor and several other people on this mockery that u made of this incident 20 yrs ago. i was there also. and fist off what u said is not what happened. u ought 2 b ashamed of yourself 4 even putting something like that on the internet. that young man happened 2 b loved by a lot of people here n ann arbor. and he is so deeply missed by a lot of people. was it right that n e of them had guns? no it wasn't. how do u know if he wasn't the innocent bystander? just b cause he had a gun? u should've gotten your story right back then. and mayb your so called mockery of it would make some since now. but beings u didn't, your story was so pointless. and as a former police officer of the law, does not give u the right 2 mock someones love one. cause regardless of who or what he was, he was somebody's loved one. would u like it if someone mocked someone n your family? u say u r retired, well u need 2 get a new hobby cause putting stories on is not 4 u.


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 1:20 a.m.

i agree with i love ann arbor and several other people on this mockery that u made of this incident 20 yrs ago. i was there also. and fist off what u said is not what happened. u ought 2 b ashamed of yourself 4 even putting something like that on the internet. that young man happened 2 b loved by alot of people here n ann arbor. and he is so deeply missed by alot of people. was it right that n e of them had guns? no it wasn't. how do u know if he wasn't the innocent bystander? just b cause he had a gun? u should've gotten your story right back then. and mayb your so called mockery of it would make some since now. but beings u didn't, your story was so pointless. and as a former police officer of the law, does not give u the right 2 mock someones love one. cause regardless of who or what he was, he was somebody's loved one. would u like it if someone mocked someone n your family? u say u r retired, well u need 2 get a new hobby cause putting stories on is not 4 u.


Tue, Mar 9, 2010 : 12:52 a.m.

@ Trevor Staples-finally, another person who seemingly would love to have Kinsey's dribble ended. This is the same police department that swore up and down that A2 didn't have a crack problem and it was only Ypsi. Then, 512 Packard street opens shop (and other places), but it took LAWNET to bust that place and not the A2 police! And the house wasn't a problem until the dealer was showing up at Frat parties with a steady and heffy clientele money wise. The same PD that pulls a gun on a bunch of students walking thinking that one of them "fit" the description. The same PD that has a city with little crime, but wonders how to keep them sharp by playing Kojak, Columbo, Spencer, Dano, McCloud. Let them servce on a rotation basis 6mos. in Detroit! That'll keep them sharp!


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 11:47 p.m.

well said bedrog


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 11:27 p.m.

Chrissy, I agree with you. This article was in poor taste and definitely missed its mark on a general public audience. There's a reason they call it cop or gallows humor.

lk carter

Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 10:47 p.m.

yep, just like ann arbor folk, probably not even here 20 years ago when this happen!! i had my prior comments removed because felt that calling someone a racist was a personal attack? it is what is, just as someone stated that this had nothing to do with race? it has everything to do with race!! bad taste, bad judgement, bad cop,bad paper!! did i read right? this kinsey guy blogs on crime and safety? what safety is he speaking on?


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 10:45 p.m.

i love No I did not make it a issue, you did when you stated that a " mockery of a murder of a African American teenager" was being made.You said it not me


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 10:23 p.m.

well, here is the deal... if you want to dance, you have to pay the fiddler. Social Darwinism has to do with the concept of natural selection applied to social structures. Simply put- if you want to point a gun at someone you need to accept the fact that a gun may be pointed at you and the other guy may be a better shot. If none of these guys showed up with guns nobody would be dead.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 10:06 p.m.

Free Lil Wayne


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 9:55 p.m.

tdw- I WAS AT the party when it happened. That is how I know.I personally know all three of the men involved. You have made it an issue. I stated my opinion. It matters to me because it affected me personally and the African American community in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 8:16 p.m.

Disgusting article.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 8:13 p.m.

I seriously cannot believe people are taking offense to this story! Settling disputes with guns and violence is never OK, and muddling up that simple fact with comments about race and snobbery misses the point of the column.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 7:54 p.m.

I think that those of you that are criticizing the levity of this story are truly missing the morale of this story, which is, "Lock it up, dont leave it unattended, be aware (of who you let into your party) and watch out for your neighbors." Like Trevor I am also a teacher, however unlike Trevor I would impart the lesson that a kid carrying a gun in public is never a good idea, whether it be a movie or real life. If Tom, Jerry, or Fred Astaire had not been carrying a gun the worst that would've happened would be a fist fight over the scuffed shoe. Which leads me to question how did these three kids all get guns? Just like anyone would question how does a cartoon mouse always have a cash of Acme explosives? So the lesson to be taught is, "Lock it up, dont leave it unattended, be aware (of who you let into your party) and watch out for your neighbors."


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 7:47 p.m.

peter and 'i love'...while i'm perfectly well aware of herbert spencer and the economic/class framework of strictly defined "social darwinism" what xsn ( and i) were addressing is the more general "survival of the most fit" aspects of the term( as in the "darwin awards"). and "i love'...i wasnt aware ( and dont really care) about the ethnic background of the actors. they were hyper -violent fools, irrespective of race, and far from poster children for innocent just glad no non-packers were killed.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 5:56 p.m.

a bunch of holier-than-thou Ann Arborites get angry at Det. Kinsey. Trevor, I am glad I am not your student.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 5:13 p.m.

@i-love-annarbor I did'nt see race mentioned anywhere,in fact the picture shows white kids.So why is race always a issue?

Adam Jaskiewicz

Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 5:11 p.m.

Bad choices all around. People bringing guns to parties, trying to "defend" someone in a crowded room with a sawed-off shotgun, etc. It was a tragic incident, but it could have been a lot worse. At least no bystanders were killed. I feel most sorry for the kid who presumably got shot in the foot and then had his friend killed right in front of him.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 4:57 p.m.

I was at that party and lost a very good friend. Why would you make a mockery of a murder of a African American teenager? You guys were in the area before the murder because that townhouse is located in a certain complex where there had been problems. Did you really have nothing else to do? What is the point of your story? And the AAPD wonders why community relations are poor.. Thanks for letting us know that we are nothing more than cartoon characters that kill one another


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 4:34 p.m.

At least one of you two above this post has absolutely no clue what that term means. I also don't really see any irony or bizarreness to this story at all.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 3:57 p.m.

xsnrg...indeed. worthy of a "law and order: knuckledragger unit" episode.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 2:57 p.m.

Yet another example of Social Darwinisim

Adam Jaskiewicz

Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 12:55 p.m.

How was "Fred Astaire"? And I guess I don't see the irony in this situation. "Jerry" was a violent criminal. That he should live by the sword and die by the sword is hardly ironic.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 12:37 p.m.

While I agree the topic at hand could have been written with more sensitivity, let us remember that Mr. Kinsey is not a writer or a journalist and his words to us appear in the "raw" with his life experiences and coloring. I must vehemently disagree with the characterization of a mutual combatant who maybe be underaged but most definitely was feloniously concealing an illegal AOW (sawed off shotgun) as a "murdered child." Mutual armed combat and complete disregard for the actual innocents at the party does not a victim make.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 12:05 p.m.

In his defense, I don't think Rich Kinsey's intent was to make light of a tragic situation, but rather, in his retirement, to try his hand at writing about a bizarre story, in the style of an old western. ("Two drifters rolled into town with nothin' but trouble on their minds...") He's a retired police detective, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. This story is tragic because it's true, but it would pass for entertainment if it were only fiction.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 11:57 a.m.

I'd like to thank those that are calling Mr. Kinsey out on his callousness. This whole blog entry is disrespectful not just to those involved in this particular crime but also to crime victims everywhere. I do understand that humor is used on the job to cope with the horrible things that people do to one another but there's a place for it. This is not one of those places.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 11:48 a.m.

I agree that police must immure themselves to the horror that they witness each day and even develop a sense of humor to deal. Many doctors do the same thing. But professionals must also understand that if they write for the general public, most people will not understand the "lighter side of homicide". If there is one. If I was the parent of a murdered child, I wouldn't want to read this type of account.

Eric D

Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 11:38 a.m.

If you're going to be cop for 25-30 years. You better learn to see both the humor and the irony in most of these situations. Otherwise I'm afraid you would become just another statistic yourself. Good story Rich, Thanks

T. Kiefer

Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 11:36 a.m. - WHERE is the quality control? I simply cannot believe that one of your contributors is poking fun at such a serious crime. I also find it alarming that Rich Kinsey served as a police detective sergeant in our area for over 20 years with such an alarming perspective. Yikes.

J. Clark

Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 10:58 a.m.

When you make your living spectating crimes, you must become immune to the horror and heartbreak of them. Otherwise you wouldn't describe murder as if practicing for your stand-up comedy debut.

Trevor Staples

Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 10:07 a.m.

How bizarre that Mr. Kinsey would be joking about a homicide. This is at best in poor taste, and at worst showing that Mr. Kinsey has no respect for human life. He points out that the offenders were from "out of town," then proceeds to recount how hilarious it was when they tried to shoot each other in a crowded room. When I saw that, I read, "our valuable Ann Arbor teens were not the ones who did the crime, it was those undesirable out-of-towners." Ann Arbor residents have a reputation for being snobby about people from other communities. Mr. Kinsey, in his piece above, validate that reputation. I teach third grade, and on a daily basis I'm talking to the kids about the difference between TV/cartoons/movies and real life. Maybe Mr. Kinsey needs to visit my classroom so I can explain the difference to him.


Mon, Mar 8, 2010 : 9:58 a.m.

How long did "Jerry " serve for committing that homicide?