Entry #13: Jerry Blackstone's backyard perennials
Summer Garden Contest entry #13 by Jerry Blackstone
Photo courtesy of Jerry Blackstone
Last month we asked you to tell us about your garden, and we received many beautiful photos and stories about creative gardens around town.
Blackstone's garden is entry #13 to our Summer Garden Contest. Click below this story in the "More Info" section to check out previous entries.
Blackstone writes:
"Attached is a photo of my backyard garden. We live in town on a corner lot and the garden has been planted for about seven years. It's a perennial garden and contains, among other things, many day lilies, hostas, hydrangeas, garden phlox. As is probably the case with most gardeners, the most special aspect of my garden is simply the time spent caring for it.
Like Blackstone's garden? Keep watching this space daily to see more beautiful entries to our Summer Garden Contest.
After we've showcased all the gardens that were submitted, we'll post a poll and let you vote on your favorite. The garden with the most votes at the close of the poll will be featured in an upcoming story in the print edition of AnnArbor.com.