Purple Rose Theatre undergoing renovations this month

PRTC apprentices Lyle M. Henning, Katie J. Terpstra, Jillian Kurtz and Liz Carey-Linskey at work on the theater's renovations.
Photo by Danna Segrest
“We’re doing this in anticipation of our 20th anniversary season, which starts this fall,” said managing director Alan Ribant.
The renovations mark the most significant changes at the Rose in 10 years. From 1990-99, PRTC performed in the former used car and bus garage, at 137 Park St. in Chelsea, which had previously belonged to executive director Jeff Daniels’ grandfather.
In 1999, PRTC launched a $2.2 million capital campaign to expand the theater, and the building was subsequently closed for 18 months to construct new administrative offices, as well as the stage and theater space. The doors re-opened in January, 2001.
“We had a timeline of when these things would wear out,” said Ribant. “Just the fact that we’ve known about this for two years allows us to really stay on top of it. It’s planned maintenance to keep us up and running for another 10 years.”
PRTC, which is coming off a record-breaking season in terms of attendance, closed its most recent production, “Boeing Boeing,” on Saturday, September 11; struck the set on September 12; and had the old seats and carpeting removed September 13.
And because PRTC has long planned to make these updates, the money necessary was largely raised through the company's fundraising efforts.
Renovations should continue through almost the end of the month, when the load-in for the set of Daniels’ newest comedy, “Best of Friends,” is scheduled to happen.
Jenn McKee is the entertainment digital journalist for AnnArbor.com. Reach her at jennmckee@annarbor.com or 734-623-2546, and follow her on Twitter @jennmckee.