Potential impact of Palace sale; Reese Witherspoon as Peggy Lee; Justin Bieber preview
It's too early to have any real answers, but a story from the Detroit Free Press' Brian McCollum asks some interesting questions about what a potential sale of Palace Sports and Entertainment to Olympia Entertainment (the Ilitch family) would do to the regional entertainment scene. It's worth a read.
Other entertainment items of note online today:
• The Detroit News reports on two Ann Arbor boys who are competing in the World Pokemon Championship in Hawaii this weekend.
• YouTube user maxbarter uploaded this sample of Laith al-Saadi playing at a recent Sonic Lunch:
• The Dexter Leader has a story about a local guy inspired to follow a music career by seeing a band called Core Effect — and he ended up joining that band.
• The Detroit News previews Sunday's Justin Bieber concert at the Palace of Auburn Hills.
• If you missed Ingrid Michaelson's sold-out show at The Ark last night, she's coming to Pontiac in October; for presale tickets, sign up for her newsletter on her website.
• MTV has named a former Detroiter as its first "Twitter jockey."
• Reese Witherspoon is planning a biopic about singer Peggy Lee.
• Former NFL coach Jimmy Johnson has signed onto the cast of "Survivor: Nicaragua."
• The Associated Press reports that advertisers are being asked to boycott the upcoming "S--- My Dad Says."
• Bill Cosby will return as grand marshal for the Detroit Public Schools parade.
• Levi Johnston plans to run for mayor of Wasilla, Alasaka, for a reality show.
• The Dexter Leader has a review of the Encore Theatre production of "The Sound of Music."
Renee Tellez contributed to this roundup. Bob Needham is director of entertainment content for AnnArbor.com. Reach him at bobneedham@annarbor.com or 734-623-2541, and follow him on Twitter @bobneedham.
Bob Needham
Tue, Aug 10, 2010 : 3:06 p.m.
Agreed, Jessica