Domino's Pizza's Noid named among Time magazine's 'Top 10 creepiest product mascots'
Poor Noid.

The Noid, created by Domino's Pizza in the 1980s, isn't creepy. Right?
Photo courtesy of Domino's Pizza
The Noid, which rose to fame in the 1980s by fecklessly trying to destroy Domino's pizzas, was named as one of Time magazine's "Top 10 Creepiest Product Mascots."
Claiming the Noid "didn't seem to have much to do with pizza," Time says the Domino's advertising campaign was "bizarre," describing the cartoonish creature as a "red-costumed gremlin with rabbit-like ears."
Apparently Time doesn't enjoy watching the Noid attempt to obliterate pizza using liquid nitrogen.
Alas, the Noid met his demise, Time reports, when "in January 1989, a mentally ill man named Kenneth Noid held up a Domino's in Georgia, claiming that the chain was personally attacking him. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and Domino's abandoned the creepy pizza-hating Noid shortly thereafter."
Other creepy product mascots, according to Time, include McDonald's Hamburglar, Burger King's plastic King character, the Kool-Aid Man and Count Chocula.
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Thu, Sep 8, 2011 : 2:22 p.m.
What about the disturbing singing rodents from the Quizno's Subs commercials. I never understood how seeing those nasty creatures would make me want to eat at their establishments.
Fri, Sep 2, 2011 : 5:27 p.m.
I didn't vote. Why isn't Ronald McDonald on there for allegedly leading to obese and unhealthy generations? Now THAT'S creepy. And I need to make sure I word this in a way to not get my comment deleted, but isn't it interesting (that's all I'm saying) that one of Time's top 10 creepiest cartoon characters is from a corporation with ultra conservative leanings? Not making disparaging remarks - just an interesting observation to be clear.
Some Guy in 734
Fri, Sep 2, 2011 : 12:21 p.m.
I mean, I get the point of the Noid. "Whoo-ee, our pizza is SOO awesome that it, a dang PIZZA, a bunch of sauce on bread, can routinely triumph over a sentient creature who's specifically designed to defeat it." I wasn't particularly a fan, but it's a reasonable tactic to take, I guess. Now, Bad Andy? I couldn't figure that one out at all.
Andrew Inwood
Thu, Sep 1, 2011 : 9:50 p.m.
"I'm under 25, I've never heard of these mascots you speak of." I feel that question is stretching it on age. I'm 18 and all those names were household names when I was growing up. But then again I guess it's where you're coming from. I have older brothers and what they watched as a kid, I watched as a kid.
Thu, Sep 1, 2011 : 7:38 p.m.
they totally forgot to include the toe fungus things and the old style michelin man (or maybe just as a 3 year old I was afraid of him)
Thu, Sep 1, 2011 : 6:59 p.m.
creepy and stupid are different. The Noid is stupid, the Burger King king, creepy.
Thu, Sep 1, 2011 : 7:34 p.m.
creepy in that the King just seems like he'd rub up against you uninvited
Chris 8 - YPSI PRIDE
Thu, Sep 1, 2011 : 5:06 p.m.
As a former "Dominoid" as I was called, I think he was a cute little critter. When I worked there many many moons ago you were considered a "Dominoid" after an intense week long Manager in Training program. I was brainwashed for two years that it was the Career of a lifetime and I would hit it big with franchising stores. They sold Pizza and Cokes only back then. The Noid is a spinoff from the name Dominoid. I worked for them when their goal was to hit 3000 stores in the mid 80's. I was actually brought to a Training School in New Jersey for a week (all expenses paid) during which CBS was doing a documentary about their training. A show called West 57th did a fifteen minute segment (I had my fifteen minutes of fame) on the training methods and goals of MIT's as we were called. I still have a copy of the tape. Tom Monahan showed off his collection of cars and wealth in this segment. Very convincing to me at the time. I worked my butt off for them for sure, but I have to admit it was a fun job in it's own way. There was something in the atmosphere in a busy store that just wanted to make you hit an "80 pie" hour. The slogan back then was "30 minutes or $3". They once had a guarantee on delivery time but stopped that off when a lunatic driver killed a pedestrian. I remember it being a fun job, but working long long hours and had no choice but to wear a hat. Just a little history for you all.
Thu, Sep 1, 2011 : 6 p.m.
I bet I know you brother.Same thing here worked at 1117.It sucked the life out of you