Whether it was a punch or not, Michigan linebacker Jonas Mouton should sit against Eastern Michigan
For the second time this week, Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez played dumb. He said he didn’t know what reporters were talking about when asked about a Wolverine player punching a Notre Dame player following a play Saturday.
Except he knew. He absolutely knew. And he changed course about two seconds after video evidence was mentioned.
On the bottom left corner of the television screen with 8:42 remaining in the first half, Michigan linebacker Jonas Mouton got up after Notre Dame center Eric Olsen hit him at the whistle. As Mouton rose, his arm swung and made contact with Olsen’s face, sending him weeble-wobbling back down.
“I know they are talking about one incident, but from what we saw on film, I didn’t see anybody throw a punch, anything like that,” Rodriguez said.
Really, Rich? Really?
Come on. If that wasn’t a punch - or at least an unfriendly slap - I’m not sure what is.
Watch the video. Olsen may have stayed on him a bit longer than necessary. But as Mouton got up, he put his left hand on Olsen’s right shoulder. He moved him over a little bit. Then his right hand connected with Olsen’s chin.
But no, that’s not a punch at all, according to Rodriguez. His take: guys were tangled and Mouton was trying to free himself. Tangling usually involves the intertwining of body parts, which was not the case.
Is that possible? Sure. It’s possible. But not likely. Not after watching the tape.
And even still, if you’re Rodriguez, how do you not at least publicly say you spoke to Mouton about it? Don’t you ask him if he did it? Because Rodriguez, when pressed, said he didn’t. And he said that he’s not punishing the junior.
It’s clear, too, that Rodriguez became perturbed at the line of questioning, even wondering aloud, ‘What are we talking about that for?”
Well, Rich, it is an issue, especially since you’re denying it happened. And because at least publicly, you’re saying you’re not doing anything about it.
Listen, Mouton didn’t come close to LeGarrette Blount levels. Remember, it’s less than two weeks ago that Blount, an Oregon running back, punched a Boise State player after the game. It cost Blount his senior season.
Don’t sit Mouton for the season, because after-play shenanigans happen often in football games. Emotions run high during rivalry games. But to not punish him at all is wrong. Mouton was caught, film-handed. So sit him Saturday against Eastern Michigan.
Show your team that play like that - caught or not, in the heat of the moment or not - is unacceptable.
Especially since Michigan, according to Rodriguez, has a clear hierarchy of punishment for penalties from holding to personal fouls.
“No penalties go unpunished,” Rodriguez said Wednesday. “Personal fouls in particular, there’s no place for that in the game of football. Not only in the game but every day in practice. We take great pride in that.”
Except Saturday appeared extraordinarily chippy - on both sides - but not to Rodriguez.
“From my view on the sidelines, I didn’t sense guys were jawing at each other too much and that there were intentional late hits or any of that kind of stuff,” Rodriguez said. “I didn’t sense that at all.”
What game was he watching?
Players on both teams jawed back and forth continuously, notably in the matchup between Notre Dame wide receiver Golden Tate and Michigan cornerback Boubacar Cissoko. Also caught on film was Cissoko pushing Irish wide receiver Michael Floyd back to the ground after a play in the third quarter.
And the play before Mouton’s punch, Mouton appeared on the TV footage to be shoved down by Notre Dame running back Armando Allen when both were well out of bounds. Those are just a few examples.
Mouton wasn’t the only guilty player Saturday. But it doesn’t make it right. And it doesn’t mean you can pretend that nothing happened. Because Rodriguez knew something did.
Why else would Rodriguez, when he was done, walk away from the media seething?
Michael Rothstein covers University of Michigan sports for AnnArbor.com. He can be reached at (734) 623-2558, by e-mail at michaelrothstein@annarbor.com or follow along on Twitter @mikerothstein.
Sat, Sep 19, 2009 : 4:08 p.m.
i agree with petro and magicman..you had good insight and matters were taken over by the big 10...good reporting!
Sat, Sep 19, 2009 : 2:17 p.m.
I agree with petro, way to go Mike. Michigan fans, as great as they are, just can't stand to hear something negative about one of their players, RR, and the program in general. The TRUTH came out and since RR and company did nothing the Big 10 DID. Again, good reporting.
Fri, Sep 18, 2009 : 7:52 p.m.
Congratulations, Mike, on your complete vindication by the Big Ten. True Michigan fans are ashamed that it took the intervention of the league to bench Mouton.
Hawaiian Neal
Fri, Sep 18, 2009 : 3:03 p.m.
Yes, it was a punch (like one would expect from a Michigan State player)....NOT something from the Michigan program. Yes, it was because of a Notre Dame player taking an intentional late hit on a defenseless and down defensive player. The Notre Dame player should not get tossed because thats acceptable to their program as Weiss did not mention that as a problem. The Michigan player should get tossed (to MSU) because that is NOT acceptable in the Michigan program. We are an elitist program... because we are elite. 1 losing season in 40 years. It's just that simple. We are Michigan!
Fri, Sep 18, 2009 : 9:44 a.m.
I watched the video and can tell you that there was indeed a half-punch thrown. However, these incidents take place during football games and between highly competitive teams/individuals. If Mouton is to be benched for a game based on this slow-motion video, then I believe we should also bench all other Michigan football players for they also played hard, hit hard, etc. Perhaps ND should only play other not so violent sports.... Tiddly winks anyone? Michael you are dead wrong. Perhaps you should report on sports other than football. You have proven to be too delicate and dainty for the sport!
Fri, Sep 18, 2009 : 9:34 a.m.
I read this in the print version last night and had to make a comment. I'm sure Mike is an accomplished journalist (graduated from Syracuse like everyone in the field it seems) and I am going to assume he has a solid level of knowledge about the game. But my question to Annarbor.com is why is he here? I listened to him talk about why Western was going to beat Michigan. When it turned out that he was wrong--he blamed it on Tim Hiller's performance instead of praising Michigan. Then I listened to him heap praise on Notre Dame and describe why there was really no way Michigan was ready to play with them--whoops! Now this--come on. Granted, we don't need a Michigan homer to work here (though I would prefer that) but why on earth would annarbor.com hire a Notre Dame homer? And he may say he isn't but anyone that heard his segment on WTKA before the ND game would beg to differ. It was extremely transparent.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:45 p.m.
I watched the clip, does Mouton's are go out towards ND limeman, yes. Is it a punch? No. This clip has had way more attention than it deserves. By the way - What is Rothstein's record on picking Michigan football games this year?
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 8:43 p.m.
I don't really care one way or the other, but there is hypocrisy on both sides of this argument. Fans of other teams would argue that this happens all the time if one of their players did this, just like Michigan fans are doing. Michigan fans, on the other hand, would argue that the player should have to sit a game if it were an OSU or MSU player that did this. In other words, fans from both sides are blowing smoke out their backsides on this one.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 7:54 p.m.
One need not even read this article to be dumbfounded over the time spent on this. Just read the title : "Whether it was a punch or not, Michigan linebacker Jonas Mouton should sit against Eastern Michigan" What????? So if it wasn't a punch, why should he sit? Shouldn't Olsen sit for HITTING MOUTON IN THE BACK WHILE HE WAS DOWN? Nothing to say about that, I see. I don't think I have ever seen such an overwhelming negative response to any article in my life. This is beyond disgraceful.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 7:28 p.m.
What hit? I didnt see anything!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 7:08 p.m.
Here's what we do. The next time you see an opinion by Mr. Rothstein, ignore it. I can only assume Mr. Rothstein has never played the game. And that's ok, but if you talk to people that have played the game, it's a rough sport. Please stop bashing MIchigan. You took your shots all last year when we were losing. Now that team is winning, give it a rest.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 6:02 p.m.
For the most part, I have to agree with this article. I don't think they should suspend him, even for one game. But some sort of punishment or at least a good talkin' to from coach is in order. There is a difference between talking trash or a little extra shove after the whistle and giving a guy an uppercut on the chin. It was trashy move and at least deserves some acknowledgement. Like coach said: "There's no room for that..." Go Blue!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 4:53 p.m.
Lessee; 97 comments, 4 votes. Hmmm. Journalists are not supposed to be cheerleaders, but they are supposed to bring a degree of informed objectivity to their writing, even to opinion pieces. Maybe that explains the ratio.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 4:40 p.m.
I've seen thev video and if that was a punch, it was weak. What a lame story!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 4:28 p.m.
So, we are supposed to believe that he punched this guy in the the face and the Notre Dame player didn't care at all. The Notre Dame lineman didn't care to defend himself or even confront him. So, Charlie Weis makes a fool of himself week after week when his team loses and now he complains his players are being bullied even when they don't know it...
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 3:57 p.m.
It is interesting to see how many people are defending this punch and RR's non-action. I never liked Michigan but I did respect their program, now I see the program drifting to new lows and you fans are OK with it. I guess winning with no class is better than losing. A responsible coach would discipline his player for something like that, unless he agrees with it. Doesn't surprise me about Rodriquez. At least Tressel still represents what is good about the Big Ten.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 1:30 p.m.
Coach Rod walked away from the media seething because of the lame, petty preoccupation by at least one writer on something completely insignificant - instead of REAL issues and questions regarding the next game. I'd say he handled it A LOT better than some coaches who would have been very blunt about the stupidity of the questions about this so-called punch. Anyone who has watched football for any length of time can find worse incidents than that every game. C'mon. Let's stop this needless sniping at Michigan football. If there's a REAL issue, fine. But, let the coaches handle these types of things internally and save the wasted space on this blog for something of value.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 1:15 p.m.
Listen to yourselves: "I bet Rich dealt with this internally, everybody punches, Charlie Weis is crying, that wasn't much of a punch, you're just picking on Rich because he's from Michigan!" Fact is, all of these statements are true, but you're missing the point, or rationalizing. Jonas did punch the ND player. We can see that. It did happen on both sides, all day. The real issue is that Rich now does know about it, and he should have a disciplined enough program to address an obvious issue like this, otherwise he will appear to his detractors to be a liar. U-M football does not need this. Rich: admit it happened, and deal with it so that we, and you, can move on. We also need to stop crying about being picked on because we're Michigan (sounds like Sparty). John Beilein NEVER gets this kind of scrutiny, because he runs a clean, disciplined program. Rich needs to follow his lead. This is U-M, the winningest program in the country -- Rich needs to start acting like he deserves this job, and we as fans need to stand for what's right.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 1:07 p.m.
I think that Mouton's action was inappropriate but relatively minor, kind of like when a basketball player jabs an opponent with an elbow. It would have been different if it had injured the Notre Dame player. This is the kind of behavior, if caught by the refs, could result in a key penalty and reflects the lack of discipline of the player involved and possibly the coaching staff. However, I bet that RR has dealt with it already in private.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 12:44 p.m.
dude who are you? Honestly i wasn't as upset from Michael Rosenberg and stated to him politely but you CLEARLY went out of bounds on this article!! Can you stop reporting - geez find something real to write for once!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 12:39 p.m.
Maybe you should sit out from writing trash articles about irrelevance. This is so petty. This article is not even an article. Really, Michael? really? What a joke an Ann Arbor news paper trying to drag there team through the mud. WOW no loyalty. I would not sit Mouton for something so weak it is football not freaking powder puff. Maybe you should go and get a job at the South Bend. Are you kidding me why don't you dig up some more dirt on your local school, that is amaizing? What are you one of the Alumni that want Rich Rod's head if not it definately seems to be that way. Give it a rest. Why don't you write about the positives of that game and the direction that Rich Rod has the Michigan program heading. Oh I bet your a Michigan St. fan writing for an Ann Arbor news paper that would make sence as to why you are writing about this trash. Have a good day!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 12:23 p.m.
Rothstein could have commented on any number of reasons that he was upset with the game; Wies' poor play calling, the failure of Clausen to even come close to meeting all the hype or Lou Holtz's predication of a National Championship. Instead he chose to disect a snipet of film and then strongly suggest that a player be benched because of something he sees in that film. Compounding that, he accuses Rodriguez of being a liar. Maybe on Saturday intead of watching the Michigan game he should practice his old marching band formations and leave the reporting to someone else.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 12:20 p.m.
I've laughed and laughed at all the comments to this article. Rothstein, Rich Rod is the coach of the winningest program in college football history. There's a reason for that. And you're a long-haired sportswriter. There is no ground for you to stand on that properly suggests Rodriguez is wrong. So shut up about the stupid maybe punch (that the idiot Irish player had no reaction to) and move on to something else, like EMU. Maybe you writers should be part-time if you have so little to do.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 11:56 a.m.
JGS, Rothstein didn't have to go over the film frame by frame, NDNation did it for him. He just picked up on all of Charlie's and NDation's talking points and passed them on as if they were his own.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 11:16 a.m.
Blogs don't equal professional journalism. Hobbyists with a camera who will give their images away for free to get into a publication aren't professionals either (I happen to be a professional photographer who does some photojournalism). Moving to digital media does not require becoming an amateur publication...it is just an excuse to not pay professionals for their work. Bring back professional journalists and can the blogs except for a rare letter to the editor, hardcopy or digital. Professional, reliable and verifiable journalism is the most important component to our form of government. This article may just be sports but the trend extends to all sections of this publication as well as so many other publications.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 10:41 a.m.
I am so miffed by your attempt to make a mountain out of a mole hill on this Rothstein that I bothered to create a login just to tell you off. It is OBVIOUS that you have never played a down of football in your life. Yes, what Mouton did is wrong, but it was not dangerous. Now what Olsen did could have been disastrous. Let me see, so you think hitting a player FROM BEHIND in the spinal area while they are ALREADY DOWN and out of the play is all good sportsmanship do you? You would have much of a chance to spout your blatant attempts to make a story for yourself if Olsen would have paralyzed Mouton on that play would you? It is time for you to can it Mikey because what your boy Olsen had much worse potential problems than what Mouton did. We all know you covered Notre Dame football for years. We all know you have friends in South Bend. We all saw your nice background piece piece on Olsen and Ferrara. But that doesn't justify pushing an agenda that may be tainted by personal emotions. You need to let this drop because the hit by Olsen to the back of Mouton can also be called a personal foul. You cannot hit a guy from behind like that ANYWHERE on the field, especially when they are down on the ground already. So quit picking nits already and just let it go.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 10:40 a.m.
I find it funny how the media is so insatiable when it comes to Michigan Football. Did you and your staff go over this tape frame by frame? If you did, and that's all you came up with, then that's a pretty desperate piece if you ask me. This smells of freep work. Speaking of freep, why are we not constantly hearing about the *illegal* workouts at Michigan? This is not your best work Michael, I am disappointed.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 10:23 a.m.
Seriously, what a horrible piece. There was nothing flagrant, and the ND player hit Mouton at the end of the play while he was on the ground. Hard to tell from the video specificly what Mouton did, but nothing worthy of a game suspension. It was a tough physical game. That's football. There was an obvious late hit out of bounds on D. Robinson at the three. No penalty was called. Should they look at the tape and suspend the ND player. NO! It's over. They played hard. It was a big game. But now the game is over and ND lost. Sorry. Deal with it.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 10:15 a.m.
Final Score: Mich fans 75 Michael Rothstein 0
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 10:08 a.m.
are you kidding me? have you ever played football (REAL football, not Madden or NCAA)??? This is happening every play, it wasn't even a punch, barely a shove. Write something worth reading for once. You are a pathetic reporter if this is the best you can come up with. Lay of RR and the team, its this kinda crap that drives me nuts. Good try, you almost put a damper on a great week. If you are still looking I hear Forcier hates unicorns and punches puppies...
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:54 a.m.
AnnArbor.com.... are you begging to get the Freep treatment? Come on. I'm ashamed at myself for even reading this piece of garbage. TMZ wouldnt even cover this story. You should be ashamed at your staff for a.) hiring this guy and b.) publishing this article.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:52 a.m.
Lets see...Rothstein, Rosenberg....hmmmmm!!!!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:48 a.m.
Wow! That's a serious issue! Michael, are you kidding me! This happens in high school games. If the lineman can't take that little scrap I wouldn't want him on my line. Find something else to write about, you are truly reaching on this story. One question for you, Have you ever played in a game of football? Apparently not!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:47 a.m.
Sounds like a writer that once covered ND has some sour grapes over the outcome of the game. Sack up and Go Blue!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:39 a.m.
I think it's terrible how some people on this board have attacked Mr. Rothstein in such ugly ways for an opinion piece. I disagree with Mr. Rothstein that it was a particularly chippy game (no chippier than any of the others, as far as I can tell), and these kinds of plays happen dozens of times throughout the course of any game without punishment. It was, however, caught on film, and it was a very high-profile game with a lot of ND fans complaining afterward. I'm also not sure, given his past, that Mr. Rothstein should use the ND game as a platform for his most controversial piece to date. It does raise questions about allegiance and credibility. Nonetheless, that is no excuse for the kind of cruelty on this board. It makes me embarrassed (although I realize there are fans like this everywhere). I'd hate to see what the AA.com editors had to delete. How about a little more decency in our discourse? Also, please don't use the phrase "film-handed" ever again.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:37 a.m.
"Whether it was a punch or not," Rothstein should be banned from any further attempts at football commentary. He is a worthless hack!
J rodz
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:37 a.m.
This is shoddy journalism and sounds more like a rant than anything else...
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:32 a.m.
This deep resentment Rothstein and other writers have for Rodriguez is nothing short of ridiculous and totally unprofessional. Even in the wake of a huge win for the program, the effort made to sweep a black brush across SOMETHING - SOMEWHERE - SOMEHOW - ANYTHING - is absolutely shameful. The AA News and Free Press should collectively apologize to Rodriguez, his staff, and his players. And - I plead aloud with Angelique Chengelis not to cave to the pressure she may be receiving to lower herself to that stuff. She's a professional with a history of covering UM football fairly. I would hate to see that end, simply because her editors at the News might somehow think this is what readers want...
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:16 a.m.
This is clearly a case of sour grapes. Another example of journalism gone awry. I think it's time for you to reexamine your journalism integrity. Oh, and GO BLUE!! :)
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 9:08 a.m.
I do hope RR does something internally. Losing your cool can cost your team a game if the refs throw the flag. But that doesn't excuse this piece of hackery. Once again, Mlive's stripped down technology creates annoyances because I don't know if I am clicking on a Rothstien article or not. I assure you Rothstien (sp? don't care enough to check,) your readership will plummet the moment we can find out ahead of time we're clicking on your nonsensical musing.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 8:50 a.m.
Happen in front of me. Clear as day. There was no punch. There was a shove and very quick scuffle. That was it. If you think about it, ESPN would have been showing the film over and over if a punch had been thrown. If the team wasn't constantly taking shots, this wouldn't even be a story. Michael Rothstein needs to get his facts straight next time. If you look at the clip in the article, it looks like he shoved him from behind. Explain to me how that became a punch to the face? I have seen much worse over the years that didn't result in a player sitting out a game.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 8:13 a.m.
The key word in the title to this article is opinion. Like all newswriters who cover sports, they feel their opinions are always right. Of course, most writers who cover sports never have played a down in their lives. This article is a glaring example of how an insignificant writer wants to make his name become a household word by riling up the hometown fanbase. I'm sure if our beloved team doesn't blow out Eastern by 40, we will see another OPINION article on how Rich Rod "played dumb". If the video that is linked to this article is evidense of a punch, then not guilty. The edge of the video cuts off the area of where the "punch" occurs. Oh wait, I forgot, we are suppose to blindly believe and follow the media. They are the experts. This ND slappy needs to go back to South Bend.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 7:45 a.m.
I keep seeing everywhere in the media that this was a "punch". I'm not exactly from a rough neighborhood, but if you think that was a punch, then maybe writing about the opera and the ballet is more your speed. It was a weak swat at the facemask. My friends and I used to do worse to each other on the school bus. That said, he should not have done it, and it probably could've been called a penalty. Mouton should get a lecture on sportsmanship the way Greg Robinson pulled one of the players over on the sideline during the game.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 7:41 a.m.
Wow. This might be the worst headline/view of all time... "Whether it was a punch or not, Michigan linebacker Jonas Mouton should sit against Eastern Michigan". So even if he didn't punch him..he should just be forced to sit anyways. What the hell kind of thought processing is that? You don't make a kid miss a game "even if he didn't punch somebody". Use your head Mike.. sound foolish.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 7:22 a.m.
If AA.com is going to arbitrary delete posts it doesn't like because they're "off topic" they should cancel the Rothstein column as being off topic. I had a post deleted that was distinctly "on topic" but very uncomfortable for Mr Rothstein. Rothstein's column fit nicely in with page after page of posts at NDNation. I's pretty clear that's where he got this whole angle for his story.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 7:21 a.m.
"Keep it in the family." That should be the motto of the team and program. I know you work for the press, and as a fan I want to know everything, but somethings need to be kept private. If RR acknowledges this, then he begins to legitimize Weiss' claims that there is bias in B10 refs, which ultimately hurts our league and diminishes our win on Saturday. Why do this?
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 7:14 a.m.
"maizeandzoo" Yeah. Your a Michigan Fan. LOL
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 6:46 a.m.
My first reaction to seeing the video: (Long drawn out laughter) "Yeah, that was a punch." I like how sneaky he is about it. He kind of looks both ways afterward, like "Oh, looks like the play is over," (punch) "yep, just minded my own business." As much as I enjoyed watching it, sit this guy for the Eastern game, coach, and let's move on.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 6:33 a.m.
Why does it seem like all the AA media want RR and Michigan to fail. Did we get these bozos from Columbus or what. Considering Michigan fan basically sign your paychecks I would at least get behind the program a little bit. Otherwise go to Columbus or East Lansing.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 6:27 a.m.
Michael Rothstein covers NOTRE DAME sports for AnnArbor.com.
Paula Gardner
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 6:27 a.m.
Several comments from overnight have just been removed because they're off-topic, contain personal attacks or otherwise violate our comment policy.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 6:07 a.m.
Jeez, I don't know Rothstein. Why would RR walk away from the media seething?? Maybe because his team just had on of its best wins in years and all you jokers want to talk about is this nonsense. Have you ever played the game? This goes on in every play. One of the most famous involved Woodson and Boston. Caught on national TV...no penalties, no repercussions. You are quickly throwing yourself into the pool of Michigan Football Hating Reporters a la Carty and Rosenberg. I can't wait until RR goes to Lloyd and asks him how to best handle the media at Michigan. You're a joke, picking EMU this week I imagine?
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 6:06 a.m.
I know this is an opinion column, but why does the press continue to go on making mountains out of mole hills? "And the play before Moutons punch, Mouton appeared on the TV footage to be shoved down by Notre Dame running back Armando Allen when both were well out of bounds." Eric Olsen is not so innocent himself. He did more than "stayed on him a bit longer than necessary". Olsen grabbed Jonas and slammed him to the ground (which is a hold by they way), and then he slammed into Jonas while he was prone on the ground (admittedly right at the whistle, but the play was clearly over and Jonas had no chance of getting back into it). They should slow-mo, and point arrows at both of those infractions as well. Notre Dame scored a touchdown on that posession by the way, so it is not like the penalty would have gained them anything. It was a physical game. Graham was mugged on virtually every play. We won. They lost. Welcome back to the Notre Dame - Michigan rivalry. The whiney Notre Dame coaches and fans need to stop complaining and move on. Can we play Eastern now?
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 4:19 a.m.
Bench Mouton, what a ridiculous idea, RR shoild do what it takes to win.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 4:07 a.m.
Furthermore Maize-n-Zoo, PR is taking place here. In this case, it's Coach Weis's PR, his spin of game events to deflect attention from himself and his errors that cost ND the game. Rothstein is just being duped, that's all!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 3:55 a.m.
Rich Rid was seething because you creeps won't leave him alone. It is really sad what's happened to the journalist profession. Let Rich Rod do his job and you do yours - i.e. find something newsworthy to write about. That shouldn't be too hard with the State of Michigan and the University of Michigan in virtual free-fall. I said it. It's like the blind leading the blind everywhere over there... And you jackals are trying to become the next Mitch Albom by beating up on the one guy that's actually doing his job and doing it well. Are you all reading the national press? The joke is on you. Anyway, because you clearly do not understand, allow me to explain: Rich Rid didn't see anything to suggest that this was a punch and not simply two tangled up guys trying to free themselves. This is a guy who's been around football his entire life. And that applies to all of the officials on the field, who would have called this in a heartbeat, if they thought it was the former and not the latter. But, as you said, I am sure you know better. I am also sure you know your head from your... you know what. Get a life.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 3:50 a.m.
I posted this on another blog, but it needs to be said here. Whether anyone disagrees or not, I simply do not care. It is time to end this Bullcrud: He is refusing to acknowledge any "punch" to the press...and that is a beautiful strategy. Even if he saw a punch, and talked to Mouton about it...it is beautiful that he is not going to mention it to the press and bristle when they try to bring it up. Why? Because after Fat Charlie made it a point in half his press conference to criticize the officiating, blame the Big Ten crew for stealing the game from ND... anything that RR does to acknowledge even 1 possible blown call, a personal foul that wasnt called...would validate Fat Charlie in a way...and RR is not about to do that. Watch the tape and just look at RRs facial expressions when the pimping reporters from the Freep and the former ND beat writer from Mlive who ask him about the tape...obviously he doesnt want to talk about it and its more than just 'discipline' its about competitive advantage and being a Man. It is similar to what Bo Schembechler would have done...you never admit something that the press is trying to construe into a fallacious controversy and you handle it in-house...no doubt that they are... Why do I say that? Because after JT Floyd shoved a ND player after the whistle on a kick return...GROB went off on him in his ear hole telling him that is not acceptible. There is no doubt that RR and staff preach to the kids to play clean...but eventually when there is pushing and shoving after the play as there is in every football game anywhere played on this planet... there will be stuff happening. Kudos to RR for not playing in to fat Charlie's hands by acknowledging something that the press is looking for. As it is now, this "non story" will fade in to the past and the only thing that is permanent is: Michigan 38 Notre crying Shame 34
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 3:50 a.m.
I posted this on another blog, but it needs to be said here. Whether anyone disagrees or not, I simply do not care. It is time to end this Bullcrud: He is refusing to acknowledge any "punch" to the press...and that is a beautiful strategy. Even if he saw a punch, and talked to Mouton about it...it is beautiful that he is not going to mention it to the press and bristle when they try to bring it up. Why? Because after Fat Charlie made it a point in half his press conference to criticize the officiating, blame the Big Ten crew for stealing the game from ND... anything that RR does to acknowledge even 1 possible blown call, a personal foul that wasnt called...would validate Fat Charlie in a way...and RR is not about to do that. Watch the tape and just look at RRs facial expressions when the pimping reporters from the Freep and the former ND beat writer from Mlive who ask him about the tape...obviously he doesnt want to talk about it and its more than just 'discipline' its about competitive advantage and being a Man. It is similar to what Bo Schembechler would have done...you never admit something that the press is trying to construe into a fallacious controversy and you handle it in-house...no doubt that they are... Why do I say that? Because after JT Floyd shoved a ND player after the whistle on a kick return...GROB went off on him in his ear hole telling him that is not acceptible. There is no doubt that RR and staff preach to the kids to play clean...but eventually when there is pushing and shoving after the play as there is in every football game anywhere played on this planet... there will be stuff happening. Kudos to RR for not playing in to fat Charlie's hands by acknowledging something that the press is looking for. As it is now, this "non story" will fade in to the past and the only thing that is permanent is: Michigan 38 Notre crying Shame 34
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 3:50 a.m.
I posted this on another blog, but it needs to be said here. Whether anyone disagrees or not, I simply do not care. It is time to end this Bullcrud: He is refusing to acknowledge any "punch" to the press...and that is a beautiful strategy. Even if he saw a punch, and talked to Mouton about it...it is beautiful that he is not going to mention it to the press and bristle when they try to bring it up. Why? Because after Fat Charlie made it a point in half his press conference to criticize the officiating, blame the Big Ten crew for stealing the game from ND... anything that RR does to acknowledge even 1 possible blown call, a personal foul that wasnt called...would validate Fat Charlie in a way...and RR is not about to do that. Watch the tape and just look at RRs facial expressions when the pimping reporters from the Freep and the former ND beat writer from Mlive who ask him about the tape...obviously he doesnt want to talk about it and its more than just 'discipline' its about competitive advantage and being a Man. It is similar to what Bo Schembechler would have done...you never admit something that the press is trying to construe into a fallacious controversy and you handle it in-house...no doubt that they are... Why do I say that? Because after JT Floyd shoved a ND player after the whistle on a kick return...GROB went off on him in his ear hole telling him that is not acceptible. There is no doubt that RR and staff preach to the kids to play clean...but eventually when there is pushing and shoving after the play as there is in every football game anywhere played on this planet... there will be stuff happening. Kudos to RR for not playing in to fat Charlie's hands by acknowledging something that the press is looking for. As it is now, this "non story" will fade in to the past and the only thing that is permanent is: Michigan 38 Notre crying Shame 34
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 3:50 a.m.
I posted this on another blog, but it needs to be said here. Whether anyone disagrees or not, I simply do not care. It is time to end this Bullcrud: He is refusing to acknowledge any "punch" to the press...and that is a beautiful strategy. Even if he saw a punch, and talked to Mouton about it...it is beautiful that he is not going to mention it to the press and bristle when they try to bring it up. Why? Because after Fat Charlie made it a point in half his press conference to criticize the officiating, blame the Big Ten crew for stealing the game from ND... anything that RR does to acknowledge even 1 possible blown call, a personal foul that wasnt called...would validate Fat Charlie in a way...and RR is not about to do that. Watch the tape and just look at RRs facial expressions when the pimping reporters from the Freep and the former ND beat writer from Mlive who ask him about the tape...obviously he doesnt want to talk about it and its more than just 'discipline' its about competitive advantage and being a Man. It is similar to what Bo Schembechler would have done...you never admit something that the press is trying to construe into a fallacious controversy and you handle it in-house...no doubt that they are... Why do I say that? Because after JT Floyd shoved a ND player after the whistle on a kick return...GROB went off on him in his ear hole telling him that is not acceptible. There is no doubt that RR and staff preach to the kids to play clean...but eventually when there is pushing and shoving after the play as there is in every football game anywhere played on this planet... there will be stuff happening. Kudos to RR for not playing in to fat Charlie's hands by acknowledging something that the press is looking for. As it is now, this "non story" will fade in to the past and the only thing that is permanent is: Michigan 38 Notre crying Shame 34
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 3:50 a.m.
I posted this on another blog, but it needs to be said here. Whether anyone disagrees or not, I simply do not care. It is time to end this Bullcrud: He is refusing to acknowledge any "punch" to the press...and that is a beautiful strategy. Even if he saw a punch, and talked to Mouton about it...it is beautiful that he is not going to mention it to the press and bristle when they try to bring it up. Why? Because after Fat Charlie made it a point in half his press conference to criticize the officiating, blame the Big Ten crew for stealing the game from ND... anything that RR does to acknowledge even 1 possible blown call, a personal foul that wasnt called...would validate Fat Charlie in a way...and RR is not about to do that. Watch the tape and just look at RRs facial expressions when the pimping reporters from the Freep and the former ND beat writer from Mlive who ask him about the tape...obviously he doesnt want to talk about it and its more than just 'discipline' its about competitive advantage and being a Man. It is similar to what Bo Schembechler would have done...you never admit something that the press is trying to construe into a fallacious controversy and you handle it in-house...no doubt that they are... Why do I say that? Because after JT Floyd shoved a ND player after the whistle on a kick return...GROB went off on him in his ear hole telling him that is not acceptible. There is no doubt that RR and staff preach to the kids to play clean...but eventually when there is pushing and shoving after the play as there is in every football game anywhere played on this planet... there will be stuff happening. Kudos to RR for not playing in to fat Charlie's hands by acknowledging something that the press is looking for. As it is now, this "non story" will fade in to the past and the only thing that is permanent is: Michigan 38 Notre crying Shame 34
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 3:49 a.m.
I posted this on another blog, but it needs to be said here. Whether anyone disagrees or not, I simply do not care. It is time to end this Bullcrud: He is refusing to acknowledge any "punch" to the press...and that is a beautiful strategy. Even if he saw a punch, and talked to Mouton about it...it is beautiful that he is not going to mention it to the press and bristle when they try to bring it up. Why? Because after Fat Charlie made it a point in half his press conference to criticize the officiating, blame the Big Ten crew for stealing the game from ND... anything that RR does to acknowledge even 1 possible blown call, a personal foul that wasnt called...would validate Fat Charlie in a way...and RR is not about to do that. Watch the tape and just look at RRs facial expressions when the pimping reporters from the Freep and the former ND beat writer from Mlive who ask him about the tape...obviously he doesnt want to talk about it and its more than just 'discipline' its about competitive advantage and being a Man. It is similar to what Bo Schembechler would have done...you never admit something that the press is trying to construe into a fallacious controversy and you handle it in-house...no doubt that they are... Why do I say that? Because after JT Floyd shoved a ND player after the whistle on a kick return...GROB went off on him in his ear hole telling him that is not acceptible. There is no doubt that RR and staff preach to the kids to play clean...but eventually when there is pushing and shoving after the play as there is in every football game anywhere played on this planet... there will be stuff happening. Kudos to RR for not playing in to fat Charlie's hands by acknowledging something that the press is looking for. As it is now, this "non story" will fade in to the past and the only thing that is permanent is: Michigan 38 Notre crying Shame 34
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 3:48 a.m.
I posted this on another blog, but it needs to be said here. Whether anyone disagrees or not, I simply do not care. It is time to end this Bullcrud: He is refusing to acknowledge any "punch" to the press...and that is a beautiful strategy. Even if he saw a punch, and talked to Mouton about it...it is beautiful that he is not going to mention it to the press and bristle when they try to bring it up. Why? Because after Fat Charlie made it a point in half his press conference to criticize the officiating, blame the Big Ten crew for stealing the game from ND... anything that RR does to acknowledge even 1 possible blown call, a personal foul that wasnt called...would validate Fat Charlie in a way...and RR is not about to do that. Watch the tape and just look at RRs facial expressions when the pimping reporters from the Freep and the former ND beat writer from Mlive who ask him about the tape...obviously he doesnt want to talk about it and its more than just 'discipline' its about competitive advantage and being a Man. It is similar to what Bo Schembechler would have done...you never admit something that the press is trying to construe into a fallacious controversy and you handle it in-house...no doubt that they are... Why do I say that? Because after JT Floyd shoved a ND player after the whistle on a kick return...GROB went off on him in his ear hole telling him that is not acceptible. There is no doubt that RR and staff preach to the kids to play clean...but eventually when there is pushing and shoving after the play as there is in every football game anywhere played on this planet... there will be stuff happening. Kudos to RR for not playing in to fat Charlie's hands by acknowledging something that the press is looking for. As it is now, this "non story" will fade in to the past and the only thing that is permanent is: Michigan 38 Notre crying Shame 34
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 2:56 a.m.
And so what's your point Maize-n-Zoo... an "opinion" piece by a reporter with ties to Notre Dame is unbiased? Where as, this same piece written as an "article" would be questionable? What you don't seem to understand, is that, some Michigan fans disagree with Rothstein's "opinion", which they are voicing. A thinking person can see that your problem is that you're blinded by your opinion as being the only right one.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 2:37 a.m.
WOW im so sick of hereing this crap you act like he knocked him out like Blount did to the boise player get real man it was not a punch get your glasses clean or somthing man this constant looking for things to bash rich rod with is getting old lay off and let him do his job hes doing great things with these kids but its people like you that constantly bashin him that makes me sick get a life man GO BLUE
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 1:54 a.m.
My first job was delivering the Ann Arbor News back in the 60's. I got the job to pay for season tickets to UM football so I could get into the OSU game. I had over 200 customers that I would deliver to on my bike with my dog. Sad that my last interaction with the old paper will be cancelling the subscription I have for it's fraud replacement. I just turned 50, so that will be the end of a 40 year relationship. Thanks guys!!!
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 1:45 a.m.
First of all, this is an opinion piece, not an article. Second, I love how fans expect news organizations to be PR people for the school. You want PR, contact Michigan's sports information dept. Third, I'm a Wolverines fan and thought the punch warranted punishment. It's not about football being physical, it's about throwing a punch. Michigan is supposed to be held to a higher standard than other trash teams, right? We shouldn't excuse it like the head coach did. But RR doesn't care about that kind of stuff. And you can bet more junk like this will happen under his watch, tarnishing the Michigan name. Stop being blind fans and start being thinking fans.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 1:27 a.m.
Should a former ND sports beat writer pen an editorial piece on UM less than a week after the ND game? Poor choice by the editor to run with this given your audience. The question of ethics here does not fall on cRR, but on the author of the column.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 12:45 a.m.
SO you are the same guy that wrote for ND as I just found online TOO BAD YOU NEGLECTED TO STATE THIS BEFORE YOUR EDITORIAL (if you did I must have missed it) Credibility is hard to get and easy to lose.... "An Announcement Regarding My Future By Michael RothsteinThe Journal Gazette So, if you checked out today's link package, you might have noticed a little nugget in there about an important announcement here at Insights later today. The announcement, for once, has nothing to do with breaking news at Notre Dame or Brady Quinn or Jeff Samardzija being called up for the 1,000,000th time. Instead, it has to do with me. As some readers may have seen or heard already, I will be departing Fort Wayne and the Notre Dame beat permanently in a little over a week. It's been a fun ride, sometimes literally as I often made the drive of a little under four hours roundtrip whenever I needed to be in South Bend for an event, practice or press conference......... So where am I going? If you're a savvy web searcher and googled my name, you might have found it although, in all honesty, I don't even think my mom does that. I am heading up to Michigan and specifically to Ann Arbor to join the staff of AnnArbor.com. While there, I'll be leading the coverage of Michigan men's basketball and helping out with Michigan football...... Before I take my official leave on July 14, I'll post a place where people can keep in contact with me. And of course, you can visit my new place of blogging/reporting when I start there in less than two weeks....... "
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 12:24 a.m.
I respect your opinion but it appears you were not very detailed in your research. I posted the rest of this under the video article. "If one looks at the video really close it also appears there was helmet to helmet contact AND a lot of verbal commentary by the ND player while both were down. SO before one makes a "simple" decision about a punch one should look at and hear the whole sequence. Any supposed "punch" may have been a simple reaction anyone might do in that circumstance. Was not a ND player penalized 15 yards for inappropriate comments to the students section a ref overheard later in the game? BTW..... I would hope you make a comment about the post by sandlegoblue noting a person with the same name as you who wrote for ND. Full disclosure would be appropriate. It is required when a reporter discusses stocks to keep credibility.
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 12:12 a.m.
This whole thing is a joke!!! When are you people going to stop attempting to bring the UM program down and to run RR out of town. This is just another hack job by another hack who does not like Rich Rod. You could watch that game frame by frame and find this same kind of thing happened many times from both sides. Instead you hear ND's coach whining about it and then report on it as the one single act of violence perpetuated on the football field that day. What is your real agenda here????
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 : 12:07 a.m.
wow! a hack reporter from ND. AA.com has insiders trying to run off RR and his staff.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 11:53 p.m.
i see what happened. #75 for ND, Olsen, tackles Mouton then does something to Mouton's neck while on the ground. Mouton simply returns the favor.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 11:47 p.m.
What doesn't make any sense is Olsen not reacting after he got punched. If someone hits me in the chin, I am going to do more than just walk away. Does the angle make it look worse than it really was? See the Boise St game.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 11:23 p.m.
Thanks Mikie for making my job easier, I'm now up to 18 people who have canceled subsriptions because of your journalism
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 11:21 p.m.
This article reads like a rant on the message boards over at ND Nation. To put this story in proper context, the author needs to consider the source of the original claim, which was Coach Weis. This story about Weis, not cRR Weis surfaced this "issue" publicly as a deliberate attempt to save face with the ND community. By focusing on this topic and the refs, he's managed to divert attention away from his horrible end-of-game coaching strategy -- a combo of poor clock management and overly aggressive play calling. So thanks to Coach Weis, we now have "refgate" and "punchgate." These are hot topics in the ND community and for that, we need to give Coach Weis some credit. He's managed to pull the wool over the eyes of ND faithful, including the author of this column.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 11:14 p.m.
"Its clear, too, that Rodriguez became perturbed at the line of questioning, even wondering aloud, What are we talking about that for? COME ON ROTHSTEIN! I'd be saying the same thing. ARE WE NOT BEING A LITTLE JUVENILE HERE? You guys act like a bunch of kids on a playground tattling on each other. Give us a break. Do you report this because you have nothing else relevant to report? This is lame journalism. ALSO - Do we really need to remove posts because someone's feelings might get hurt. GROW UP and act like adults, for crying out loud!
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 10:59 p.m.
Good grief Rothstein, you're quite the sleuth! Do you fancy yourself as a Woodward or Bernstein. After these articles, it's become quite apparent... Michigan football is going to hell in a handbasket! Damn physicality in football; it's ruining everything!!
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 10:56 p.m.
Alright, look at the frames just ahead of the punch. Olsen wraps his arm around Mouton's neck, then drives his helmet into the back of Mouton's head. I'd punch him, too.
Mark White
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 10:39 p.m.
Good Grief. Where did you get your education, man? With reasoning like that, I could have never passed senior logic - In High School. Ok, Domer, go back to your hole underneath Charlie's ample rear.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 10:37 p.m.
Get a life some where else. This is physical college football. No the same as the one you play in Kindergarten.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 10:36 p.m.
This article reads like a rant on the message boards over at ND Nation. To put this story in proper context, the author needs to consider the source of the original claim, Coach Weis. This story is less about cRR and more about Weis. Surfacing this "issue" publicly was a deliberate attempt to save face with the ND community. By focusing on this topic and the refs, he's managed to divert attention away from his horrible end-of-game coaching strategy -- a combo of poor clock management and overly aggressive play calling. Weis called that last series like someone playing Madden with buddies in a dorm room. That didn't work and so thanks to Coach Weis, we now have "refgate" and "punchgate." These are hot topics in the ND community and for that, we need to give Coach Weis some credit. He's managed to pull the wool over the eyes of ND faithful, including the author of this column.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 10:36 p.m.
Your sarcasm towards Rich Rodriguez cleary indicates your seething hatred for him. For you to be writing this column is so wrong it goes beyond "conflict of interest". Why did you take the job if you hate The University of Michigan so much? I seriously cannot believe that you are allowed to write about "University of Michigan sports".
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 10:27 p.m.
Admit it Mike, you did your research for this article at NDNation. You're peddling the same swill that the blabbering leprechauns over there have been fixated since Saturday.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 10:19 p.m.
Admit it Mike, you did your research for this article at NDNation. You're peddling the same swill that the blabbering leprechauns over there have been fixated since Saturday.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 10:10 p.m.
Mike, good article. There really is no place for Mouton's swing at Olsen's jaw. The Big House isn't the Octagon, and most fans aren't barbarians. Keep calling it as you see it.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 9:54 p.m.
It might have been a bent-elbow pop to the chin. So? Besides, if it was not a punch ("Whether it was a punch or not...") then how in the world do you justify punishment anyways? And if you think that game was chippy -- you have NEVER watched Michigan-Michigan State! EVERY player on the field would have to be suspended after one of those...'chippy' doesn't even come close...
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 9:53 p.m.
Charlie-if you are complaining now, all I can say is: Get in the buffet line: you are so fat it is amazing you can make any offensive play calls
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 9:46 p.m.
I don't understand why one of my comments was deleted. I was not attacking the author nor was I making an inappropriate, racist, or profane comment so I will try to rewrite it to test the limits of the thought police that is AnnArbor.com. This incident pales in comparison to the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty by Allen. Why? He not only taunts the crowd, but he calls the crowd a derogatory name that the gay community would not appreciate.
Macabre Sunset
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 9:37 p.m.
I'm sure you wouldn't be calling for this penalty if it were Michigan State, Penn State or Ohio State on the schedule next weekend. So let it rest. It was minor, and it's being handled.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 9:37 p.m.
I saw the video of the presser where Rodriguez got annoyed, and he was perturbed because he probably thought the same thing that I am right now. Yes, it was probably a shove to face mask in response to equally cheap hit by Olsen. However, it wasn't a punch or swing of a nature that really goes beyond chippiness that ordinarily occurs when rivals play each other. If Notre Dame had won this game, I would bet that Weis would not send in this footage to Big Ten officials.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 9:19 p.m.
I get accidentally hit harder every other morning trying to get off the bus in downtown Chicago everyday. You have got to be kidding me. If you replayed the entire game, and watched carefully, I guarantee you could find a hundred more after-the-play incidents that warrant a greater reprimand.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 9:18 p.m.
As I have contended all along, you have no credibility. You have little, if any, understanding of this team sport. Bring back the Ann Arbor News and say good-bye to this sham of a blog.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 9:15 p.m.
Why is this an issue? Oh wait because it's Michigan. Every little thing done by Michigan and someone has to write about it. You mean to tell me no other team do these things when they're playing a hard fought rivalry game? Like Notre Dame committing a penalty that wasn't called? Give me a break. Another writer trying to stir up something. Honestly. Apparently you haven't watched much football especially rivalry games.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 9:05 p.m.
Get a life man. This is football. Players push, hit and kick. This was child pay compared to everything else going on during the game. I was there and you could see the emotion. This has come up only because CW is trying to deflect attention from his stupid play calling and you reporters are playing along with him. You call this journalism. This is pathetic.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 8:58 p.m.
You need to Google Michael Rothstein. You will find that he covered Notre Dame very favorably for the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette as recently as 2008. Give it up Mike. We do not want you in Michigan. Get another job, if you can.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 8:42 p.m.
You should be ashamed to call yourself a reporter. This is not reporting news, this is creating news. Pushing, shoving, biting, twisting, jawing happens every dang play in college football. Under the piles people are trained to beat the crap out of the other teams' players by every coach at every level from pee wee to the NFL. Please, please, please.....will all the reporters in the state of Michigan please stop trying to ruin this school and program? Please go and dig crap up on our opponnents, and please leave UM and Rich Rodriquez alone. I beg you.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 8:35 p.m.
I agree with michfan222- How much more will the local media heap on RR? You want the Michigan team to fail, there is no other logical conclusion for your comments...get over it and get on board, or go to another paper (South Bend Tribune is looking for someone)
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 8:29 p.m.
Just what we long for, a Domer lecturing us about how to run our program. Good grief. Two weeks into the season and you've marginalized yourself already.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 8:28 p.m.
Ann Arbor.com continues it's quest to bad mouth the Michigan program. What any highly contested college sport and you will see a lot of this on both sides of the ball/puck. You guys seem to want to run Rich Rod out of town. Shame on you. At least give equal time for the positive and quit looking for every little thing you think you can blow up into a big negative. I saw pushing and shving all over the field on both sides Saturday. Get off Rich Rod's back!
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 8:22 p.m.
To elaborate: I'm pretty sure RR took care of this internally. I would imagine that certain members of the media would rather see Mouton put in stocks and flogged at State and Liberty at noon, but all "stories" like this really accomplish is to give the trolls something to rally behind. I think we were better off when the media used to simply report the news instead of trying to create it.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 8:17 p.m.
Micheal, you should watch the entire game and start taking notes of all the punching, knee, elbows and pinching that goes on at the bottom of the pile when someone gets tackled. Then you could probably suspend half the players on every football team in the nation. It just seems like everyone is focused on getting the Michigan coach lately. It's evident your trying to make something out of nothing.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 8:16 p.m.
It's really sad that our local media has to search this hard to find something negative to write and try to spoil such a great week for Michigan football. They were playing football, not golf or tennis.
Wed, Sep 16, 2009 : 8:15 p.m.
You honestly could not be more wrong on this topic. If you want to bench Mouton for that then half of the players on every team in D1 football would be benched every week becasue that type of scuffling happens after every play in college football. Why are we even still talking about this....or should I say WHY ARE YOU STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS?! Let it go...RR is not going to do anything about it which is the right call. It is what it is so drop it...