With Big Ten implications known, future Michigan football schedules could fill fast
Most schools in the Big Ten have scheduled the majority of their non-conference football games years into the future.
Michigan, on the other hand, has a blank slate.
Beyond 2011, the Wolverines do not have a non-conference opponent under contract. Now that implications of the Big Ten’s restructuring are clearer, the waiting could end soon.

Dave Brandon
One of them may be filled with Alabama, last year’s national champion, Brandon confirmed.
“There’s certainly a possibility we’ll tee it up against Alabama, but that’s not a deal yet,” he said. “We’re having discussions, and we’ll see where they go.”
The opportunity to schedule such powerhouses in the future may be limited.
In all likelihood, the Big Ten will adopt a nine-game conference schedule in 2015. That’s a move endorsed by conference commissioner Jim Delany, Brandon and others.
But the uneven number of Big Ten games means each school will have just four conference home games every other year.
Because of the financial windfall home games represent for athletic department budgets, Brandon and others want to play at least seven home games per season.
The scenario leaves three openings for non-conference opponents.
Scheduling the most desirable opponents for a home game would probably mean Michigan signs an agreement - commonly known as a home-and-home - to return the favor, which essentially removes a possible Michigan home game at a later date.
“That will often times prevent us from doing home-and-homes with other schools,” Brandon said. “It’s going to be a little tricky when we get to nine games. With eight, we still have some room to maneuver.”
Maneuvering means Michigan’s long-standing series with Notre Dame will likely continue through 2014 or 2015. Brandon said he expects to sign a specific contract for games through those years.
Beyond that, the future of the series is more uncertain.
At one point, the schools reached a 20-year agreement to play each other annually through 2031, but the agreement, according to Brandon, was never signed.
When potential Big Ten expansion became a scheduling complication, Brandon elected to wait and see how the scheduling implications played out. “A 20-year deal in today’s environment, as fast as it’s moving, is a little bit unwieldy,” he said.
Beyond 2015, Brandon said he and his Notre Dame counterpart, Jack Swarbrick, intend to continue the series, but are open to the “possibility of a hiatus.”
More information:
Michigan's 2011 non-conference opponents: Western Michigan, Notre Dame, Eastern Michigan, San Diego State
A potential look at key games on the 2012 schedule, a veritable Murderer's Row of opponents: Alabama (possible), at Notre Dame (possible), at Nebraska, Iowa, at Ohio State.
Pete Bigelow can be reached at (734) 623-2556 or emailed at petebigelow@annarbor.com. Follow him on Twitter @PeterCBigelow.
Sat, Sep 4, 2010 : 12:48 a.m.
WVtroll, thanks for bringing up Appy State and Toledo again I had almost forgotten about them since your last post.
Fri, Sep 3, 2010 : 2:49 p.m.
Port, Every team has the chance to lose to a cupcake. I only mention Appy State and Toledo because some of you seem to forget that any team can lose to any team on any Saturday. A lot of you seem to never quit mentioning how great you USED to be as well, so learn to take the bitter with the sweet. The only reason a cupcake would agree to play a top notch team is just maybe that upset will happen. Or the usual paycheck. Otherwise, they face a dismal defeat. What reasons would a top notch team have in scheduling a cupcake? Running the risk of an embarrassing loss? Loss of respect? An easy W? You should provide me with the valid reason, perhaps. In any event, I'm not a UM hater, as you suggest. I don't put down UM, as some of you suggest. I talk a little poorly about RR. And I don't usually come out and say anyone is dead wrong (maybe only once or twice). It seems that some just can't face negatives in any form, even though it's not meant to be bad. Sort of like criticism can be use to benefit someone if they use it properly. If they only complain about being told something isn't right, they never learn.
Fri, Sep 3, 2010 : 2:07 p.m.
many of you have touched on it, but i will go deeper... the thing that precludes U-M from scheduling a marquee game (in our eyees) is ND, i believe if they were playing to the level of their reputation then no one would have an issue having them as the rotating Big non-conference game but because they have fallen on hard times (like U-M lately) fans view it as a non-important game when in actuality it is... ask any of the major programs athletic directors would they schedule both ND and another marquee team (if ND was playing up to reputation) and im willing to bet 85% of them would say NO. What U-M needs to do is goto an every 2 year thing with ND and then schedule a marquee school (home/home/neutral site with TENNESSEE/FSU/OKLAHOMA), middle of the pack school (CO ST./UCF/arizona) and then a cupcake MAC school... the issue with the 9 conference games is finding a team that will only be willing to come to the big house i think a lot of schools are getting away from scheduling games too far in advance because you never know the turn the program may be taking... who would have known 5 years ago that scheduling tennessee, u-m, georgia for 2010 would be looked at as a easier road than scheduling UNC/TCU/iowa its all about chance...
Fri, Sep 3, 2010 : 10:41 a.m.
I think we have to schedule cupcakes as long as you have ND on the ticket, but with ND falling out of grace over tha last two decabes, our schedule looks like a joke! Get rid of the Dome and start using that spot to play Texas, Alabama, USC, etc... I don't have a problem with ND being a part of that rotation, but it has to be a "rotation"
Fri, Sep 3, 2010 : 8:31 a.m.
Lorain, You might enjoy them, but you apparently don't read them all. I'm not a WV fan, I just live in WV. Mentioned that many times before. WV fans are not upset with losing RR. They don't like the way he left, and therefore, don't like him. After they saw the type of character he really was, I think they were glad he left. UM will probably see that one day as well. I'm happy for all those RR backers that think he has done such a great job, believe in his promises for the future, believe that the expense and embarrassment he has caused UM was worth it all. I'm just amazed that the blind faith still exists. I can understand people who back their coach when he loses a game or two, but has performed reasonably, but when that hasn't happened yet, I wonder how long that blind faith will prevail. It's not my call, though. I'm just explaining my feelings and remind you that I have no problems with you having your own thoughts about the situation. It's sort of like some of you who say you have the greatest team in America. If that's the way your team makes you feel, then that's the way it really is in your mind. That's all that matters to each individual. But every individual won't feel that way just because you do.
Lorain Steelmen
Fri, Sep 3, 2010 : 7:57 a.m.
I always enjoy the haters and slamers posts. It keeps things interesting. Hey, if Rodriguez was really such a bad guy, then why are the WV fans still upset at losing him? Meanwhile, we get the ususal msu envey, and OSU haters! Let's be honest, if osu were to stop playing UM, they could not exist. Michigan is how they measure themselves, athletically and as people. It's sad, but true. (I know I was born and raised there.) Going forward, I think UM has the basis of an awesome schedule every year. osu, msu, nd, nebraska, iowa, frequent crossover games with wisconsin and psu. I further like that Brandon is looking at games with schools like Alabama. Let's hope he can get Texas, or USC. We would all love to see Florida play in the big house. Not sure the Gators would do that, since they can't seem to beat us. Rodriguez will have built a perenial NC contender by then, and I think you have to play the best to be the best.
Fri, Sep 3, 2010 : 6:41 a.m.
I'm not a chronic complainer, just someone offering my opinions on what I've seen happen before. I've followed RR lots longer than most of you, so a little respect for your elders, please.... I wasn't being negative. UM can schedule whomever it chooses, but I was just saying that as long as they can't win the majority of their conference games, playing high school quality teams won't earn UM any respect. And for the most part, some of the big guns DO schedule some of these smaller schools, but they've got the respect of the nation already. UM, at this moment in time, doesn't. To show the pollsters that they mean business, they'd be better off trying for tougher schools. Scheduling less than the best they can get just shows they want W's by any means they can get them. No respect earned there. My original post here was to remind UMers that C-USA and MAC teams are not to be taken as lightly as some of those here seem to do. Marshall, at one recent time, was the most winning team in the country. Granted, they were playing non-BCS quality schools. But that's part of the problem with the BCS stuff where a team, any team in the country, can have top-caliber skills but never get to show how good they really are because they're destined to never play the BCS schools. Until UM beats those schools, and those schools continue to play fabulously against the school they do play, you can't judge just how really good they are. In other words, until UM plays MU, no one will ever know how UM would stack up against MU. The only thing we do know now is how OSU stacks up against MU. Sorry you guys feel I'm so against UM. RR is really the thing I'm following on this forum.
Fri, Sep 3, 2010 : 6:28 a.m.
I hardly ever agree with anything Tater says but I agree with him on ND. Years ago I recall Bo saying if he were the Big Ten Commissioner he would forbid any Big Ten team from playing ND. He said they are playing several BT teams, enjoying the benefits and wouldn't join or contribute to the conference.
Fri, Sep 3, 2010 : 6:24 a.m.
I like the 2012 schedule. Harbaugh will have the team ready to mow through Alabama, Notre Dame, Nebraska and Ohio State, and our return the the throne of college football will be complete. This is our time in the desert.
Fri, Sep 3, 2010 : 12:44 a.m.
The1Cool, you've got to understand your talking to the chronic complainers and there is no debate only a negative point of view such as the weak schedule issue. You and I know that for a variety of reasons several big time programs fill the gaps with much weaker teams and why not if they are selling the seats. Go ahead and play a brutal schedule the first 2 or 3 non conference and then go limping into your conference with injuries everywhere. Some of our complainers just type the words with little or no thought about the facts, your right it is amazing in that some of these boys and girls could care less about contributing to both sides of the issues. Well, you know what a horse looks like with blinders on. I must admit though that some of the inaccuracies here are almost as entertaining as, well I can't think of anything to compare. I wouldn't mind seeing a good program like an Alabama and then a couple like say, Washington State and Colorado State. Now these schools are more in tune for Mich. than Eastern and Western Mich. By the way WVtroll I just heard that in the last 2 or 3 years Mich lost to Appy State and did you say Toledo wow no kidding, I didn't know, do you think you could mention that each time you come on site in case there is anyone that doesn't know yet, I'm serious, thank you for the vast knowledge you are contributing, keep up the good work.
Thu, Sep 2, 2010 : 10:51 p.m.
Why don't we worry about beating the teams on the schedule's we have rather than worrying about who we're going to schedule in the future. Until Michigan starts winning games again, we can't really call any opponent a cupcake because, quite honestly, we've been a cupcake ourselves the last two seasons.
Thu, Sep 2, 2010 : 9:27 p.m.
If we played just one tough team I would agree with you guys.
Thu, Sep 2, 2010 : 9:03 p.m.
Thank you Cool..you took the words right out of my mouth..most other "top teams" play an easy non-con schedule..M has been one of the few teams to actually schedule real non-conference schedule opponents..Colorado, Miami of Ohio, Florida State, etc etc...ring a bell???
Thu, Sep 2, 2010 : 8:28 p.m.
Every program, including the great Boise St., plays cupcakes. The difference w/ Boise St. is their entire conference is one big cupcake (Wyoming, New Mexico St., Toledo, San Jose St., Louisiana Tech, Hawaii, Idaho, Fresno St., Nevada and Utah St. whew!) so they have to schedule a tough OOC game or two. Major teams scheduling weak OOC teams is a common problem not limited to any one team or conference.
Thu, Sep 2, 2010 : 8:22 p.m.
Ohio St. is also playing Marshall (today), Ohio and Eastern Michigan while Texas plays Rice, Florida Atlantic and Wyoming. I'm amazed you don't know this seeing that it is easily accessible information that is regularly reported on. But neither of you two seem to be... the type to know these things.
Thu, Sep 2, 2010 : 8:05 p.m.
wvtroll is right! Michigan used to complain about other teams padding their schedules with weaklings. Now we are one of those teams. We can't become great and return to glory playing Delaware State and UMASS!!!!!!! Ohio State is playing Texas, Cal, Miami, and other tough teams - recognizing that a BCS berth comes from learning how to play with the big boys. That comes only from playing against them. Maybe RR will schedule Grand Rapids Community College next. The non-conference schedule is a horrible joke. Also, how about more recruiting exposure? Look at what Boise State has done! They play tougher teams than us and would probably mop the floor with Michigan.
Thu, Sep 2, 2010 : 6:40 p.m.
I'm sure Appy State and Toledo would be happy to come back. To be real, though, UM had better try and schedule teams like Alabama. They'll never get respect playing those little teams and beating them unless it is mirrored by beating the top of the conference. When RR was at WVU, they never learned that a tune-up game against teams like Wolford would only hurt them, even if they won. Once the Big East was stripped of Miami, Va Tech, etc, there wasn't much to brag about even by winning the conference title. Great teams play great teams every game, and that's how they win respect and high poll rankings. Now that UConn has risen in the worldly eye to where they now reside, it's mandatory that UM wins just to maintain a chance at climbing back into respectability. Hopefully, they'll schedule the toughest teams they can find. It wouldn't hurt them nearly as bad to lose to Alabama, even by a not-so-small margin as long as it's not a blow out, than to knock out a lowly nothing component. Every one puts down the Big East as a mediocre conference, but to be beaten by one of them would really hurt UM's return to prominence. So they better play their behinds off this week. Since most of the UM fans here talk about other conferences as weak, the Big Ten could possibly lose more bragging rights concerning the B10.