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Posted on Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 4:31 p.m.

The top 5 candidates to be the next Michigan football coach

By Pete Bigelow

The next head football coach at the University of Michigan will likely have prior head-coaching experience, although not necessarily from competing in a BCS conference.

As outlined by athletic director Dave Brandon, the next head coach will be someone who can regularly compete for Big Ten championships, someone who has an understanding of Michigan football.

Bonus points will be given to candidates who can tailor his schemes to existing players’ strengths and perhaps someone who has a defensive background.

“Is there a thought of getting a defensive-minded head coach? There’s a thought of getting a defensive-minded everything,” Brandon said Wednesday. “I want the ball boys to be defensive-minded.”

Brandon said that he’ll talk to any and all people he feels are qualified and capable successors to the 131-year legacy of Michigan football, but for now, he’s keeping prospective candidates to himself.

“I’m not going to get into this game of who and lists,” Brandon said.

But we will. We like lists. Here’s a look at the top five prospective candidates, sifted through the criteria laid out by Dave Brandon.


Brady Hoke was at the Champions for Children's Hearts golf scramble at the Michigan Golf Course in May.

Melanie Maxwell |


Profile: Led two long-dormant programs to success at Ball State and San Diego State. Michigan’s defensive line coach from 1995 to 2002.

Why he might be a good fit: At Ball State, he came in and cleaned up a program beset by NCAA sanctions. He’s tied to Lloyd Carr and the Schembechler legacy at Michigan. A defensive-minded guy.

Why he might not fit: Michigan football is a totally different animal than the smaller programs Hoke has coached. In eight years as a head coach in smaller conferences, he’s won one conference title. Career record of 47-50 as a head coach.

Odds: 3 to 1.


Profile: The 47-year-old Stanford coach is college and pro football’s most coveted coaching candidate.

Why he might fit: He’s has turned around two moribund programs as a head coach at San Diego and Stanford, which currently ranks in the Top 5. He’s a Michigan Man, having played for the Wolverines. He and his family have Schembechler ties.

Why he might not fit: Four years ago, Harbaugh said Michigan could do a better job educating its student-athletes, comments that still rub some administrators the wrong way. … Has Dave Brandon actually offered him the job? … He may have accepted an NFL offer by the time you read this. Odds: 30 to 1.


Profile: The 57-year-old coach at LSU has been a player and assistant coach at Michigan, succeeding in head-coaching gigs at Oklahoma State and LSU.

Why he might be a good fit: A Michigan man who has competed and succeeded in college football’s toughest conference. Won a national championship by punking a certain team from Columbus the Wolverines have had trouble beating lately. Why he might not fit: Was left in a lurch waiting for a phone call that never came during the last coaching search; it’s unclear what sort of relationship, if any, Miles has with the new athletic regime.

Odds: 20 to 1.


Profile: Northwestern’s coach was college football’s youngest coach by five years when he took over the program at age 31.

Why he might be a good fit: A defensive-minded guy who also runs a wide-open spread offense that would be a good fit for current personnel. A Big Ten guy widely respected as an up-and-coming college coach. Why he might not fit: He’s a Chicago guy through and through with no Michigan ties who, as a coach, has never competed for a Big Ten title and has an 0-3 bowl record.

Odds: 45 to 1.


Profile: Born in Royal Oak, Ferentz has guided Iowa for the past 12 season and compiled a 7-3 bowl record in that span.

Why he might be a good fit: He’s led the Hawkeyes to two shared Big Ten titles. … Knows what it’s like to take over a struggling program and coached at Iowa under current Michigan president Mary Sue Coleman. … Has regular recruited NFL-caliber defensive players. Why he might not fit: The last of those two shared Big Ten titles came six years ago.

Odds: 18 to 1.



Profile: The long-time Texas Christian coach has built a non-BCS powerhouse during a decade in Fort Worth.

Why he might be a good fit: His strength is Michigan’s weakness. Defense, defense, defense. Texas Christian ranks first in the nation in fewest points allowed, first in fewest yards allowed. And he does it while running a 3-3-5! He’s won three conference titles in six years, and his teams have finished first or second five times in those six years. Why he might not fit: He has no ties whatsoever to Michigan, no ties to the Midwest. Factions that didn’t like Rich Rodriguez because he wasn’t from Michigan might not like Patterson’s outsider status.

Odds: 70 to 1.

Pete Bigelow covers the Michigan football team for He can be reached at (734) 623-2551, via e-mail at and followed on Twitter @PeterCBigelow.



Sat, Jan 8, 2011 : 4:30 p.m.

Miles or Hoke, lets get one in quick before its too late. I believe that either will do an excellent job and I will support them and the program going forward!!

Jon Saalberg

Sat, Jan 8, 2011 : 11:38 a.m.

Before everyone gets in a lather about a big name coach, remember this: many moons ago, a certain Big Ten program face the tall task of replacing a hallowed name in coaching history. The conventional wisdom was to hire a big name coach. Instead, that school hired a small school coach, distinguished in Division I-AA, but without any history in "big time" college football. The rest is history - that coach has gone on to spectacular success - BCS wins and a national championship. His name: Jim Tressel. So don't discount anyone for the UM job. You never know what can happen.


Sat, Jan 8, 2011 : 8:35 a.m.

Mick, I respect your opinion and the way you express it. I do not share your optimism that RR was going to deliver a 9 win season next year, and I agree with DB that a change was necessary. I totally agree with you concerning the gloom and doom attitude that it will take at least another 2-5 years to rebuild our program. At this point I see no reason to have that attitude or opinion. I think some of that is from RR supporters that are angry that their man was fired, and from others that simply do not like change - any type of change. If done right, change can be a very good thing. Time will tell, but I believe our program will get back to the top tier of college football, and I believe it will happen sooner than many people think.


Sat, Jan 8, 2011 : midnight

Scratch Patterson off the list... just signed an extension. ARGH!!! This is a painful, painful process.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 11:27 p.m.

According to the announcers at the Cotton Bowl tonight during the half, regarding any overtures by Michigan, Les Miles said, "I don't even know if I'm on their radar screen." That doesn't sound like a person who has been contacted by Brandon. And I read that Hoke is interested in Stanford.

1st Down

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 10:43 p.m.

Denard would fit very well in Miles offense. Its like the spread on steroids...they can pound you and are very physical and require an athletic QB to run it.

1st Down

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 10:41 p.m.

LeS milesU up 35-17 over Texas A + M right now


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 9:27 p.m.

Patterson just signed an extension with TCU. My top 5 1. Urban Meyer 2. Bob Stoops 3. Bo Pelini 4. Gary Pinkel 5. Les Miles


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 8:48 p.m.

Ed: "It is the very definition of Kool Aid drinking." Please give us which dictionary we can use to check on this. In return I will contact the Ghost Whisperer to get you back to where ever it is she frees ghosts to. If you are unreturnable, and want to continue reading earthy news stories, may I suggest you just do what I do to those who post nonsense, ignore them or ask them for sources to confirm their statements: "Please explain exactly what you mean by_______." When they can't come up with an answer you have gotten your point across.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 8:33 p.m.

MissionBrazil: The reason I posted in re to Ed is that he posts a lot on a bunch of issues both sports and other areas and I have been thinking lately that even though I do not always agree with him I have always felt he did not post insults. I guess I missed it. I think calling someone a "Kool Aid" drinker is juvenile and uncalled for and I wonder why someone would add that in response to a prior post. If you would not say it to someone in person, you should not post it in regard to comments on a news article. Sorry for being a grown up. Those others that maybe are more abusive, I give them no credence at all.(One of them has an avatar I like but I don't even read his posts anymore). As for being a RR supporter, I am not happy with the results, but as some others have noted, there seemed to be a negative slide in the program before RR came. Michigan was nationally embarrassed in the loss to App State and the thrashing one week later by Oregon. To me the losses to App St and OR were big clues. Those losses were with an experienced Michigan teams. This year Michigan put a very young inexperienced team on the field. Two games lost by ten points that might have been wins with less turnovers, maybe the 17 point loss to MSU. Now even if RR had recruited more defensive players, would they have been up to playing this year? Maybe, maybe not. So I wonder which is worse, keeping RR under the provision he must turn in at least a 9-3 next year or risk upsetting the whole program by a coaching change? If the new coach turns in 9-3 he will be exalted, but I think RR could have done that too if those ten point losses could be reversed, fewer turnovers, and with a better defensive coach. Maybe three more wins. I would not expect blowouts because WI was loaded with fifth year seniors and OSU has six players suspended for half the season. PSU is at home. So that is why in some of my previous posts that I suggested RR get one more year, I expect improvement and at least a 9-3 record next year, and a better one the next year, when DRob and his class are seniors. The bowl game was a killer though, didn't expect that. Shows just how far down the program is. That said, explain MSU's loss. Just as embarrassing, maybe more. Turns out the whole Big Ten did not do well in the bowls, even OSU. They escaped with that fumble touchdown and the final interception. They won but did not look so hot. When Brandon fired RR, I figured he had a coach in his pocket. JH or Miles. But he said he didn't and I prefer public figures don't lie and it appears he didn't. Now we seem to be in the same spot we were in when RR was hired. Absent JH or LM, I see these others as RR clones. RR had a good rep for what he had done at WV. So it didn't work out and I see no reason to think these coaches being named are in a better class. To me the bottom line is that it is just much harder to win now than it has been in the past. (Alabama, No 1 last year was no 15 going in the bowls.) We are seeing teams in the top 15 that never were prominent before, that tells you something. I am also interested in the apparent increase of violations, the Newton issue and the OSU issue, etc. I think the importance of winning maybe pushing people to unethical behavior. I think a coaching change will be most successful if the new coach makes high school stars say "Wow, I want to go to Michigan." That might require it had been Harbaugh, or is Miles or Stoops, not some coach where the response is "who?" Either way, unless players leave I expect at least 9-3 next year and better the next year. If not, then Brandon is at fault. Don't know if anyone takes Lou Holtz seriously but just a few days ago he was saying all Michigan needed was a good defensive coach, the offense is fine. It's odd that some people think it will take another 2-5 years to recover. I think 9-3 next year is very achievable. No one would have been upset with Coach Carr turning in a 9-3 season. Keep this team together and in two years, it should be a team loaded with experienced seniors, no excuse to not win the Big Ten. I don't care if anyone insults me for my opinion, but I will not return it, I just ignore them.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 4:46 p.m.

Pelini? No way. He has major anger management problems, he's a nepotist... the list goes on and on! p.s. Go Big Red!! p.s.s. Hope you guys score a home run. We're looking forward to some epic battles in what may again become the strongest football conference. fwiw, I think Patterson would be a great hire.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 4:24 p.m.

@1st down. Pelini would be better then Hoke, but I think it should be between miles and Patterson. Both would be able salvage this yr recruiting cause their a big name that have a excellent history of winning. Both also have notch defense. Bring in a Home and it will be extremely hard to have a decent recruiting class. Bo would be my next choice though I don't know why he would want to leave Nebraska with their tradition. Patterson has a history of already beating Harbaugh, Hoke, and Petersen. I would be estadic if we got him or Miles. Look at Patterson record and scores the last 3 yrs and you'll see what im talking about. Michigan needs to swallow their pride and get the best coach out there. Who cares if he is a michigan man or not. We just want to see good smashmouth football again. RR is gone so maybe now we will have basic fundementals back and a coach that takes the blame instead of throwing the kids under the bus. One thing is for sure, they better get a darn good coach with Nebraska now and Kelly at ND. That's a tuff schedule. Go Blue!!!!!


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 3:14 p.m.

I think that elway knows a little more than what he is saying. In order for 2 teams offering each miami 7 and denver potentially 6 mil. To be essentially shut down i think that about sums it up number 1 its obvious that to jim harbaugh its not 100% about the money otherwise he'd be at miami already. But ultimately I believe elway has talked to jim either by phone or in person and jim has expressed interest in either staying at stanford or going to michigan which basically leaves everything to speculation. This is shaping up to be a lebronesque conference.

Oscar Lavista

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 2:50 p.m.

I nominate Pat Shurmur, Offensive Coordinator for the Rams. He's smart, young, knows the state and comes from a great Big Ten school.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 2:29 p.m.

It looks like they are taking all comers.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 1:49 p.m.

Nebraska coach Bo Pelini says he has no interest in the vacant coaching job at Michigan. Pelini told The Associated Press on Friday that ''there is no truth'' to a media report that he would listen to Michigan if there was interest. Amazing how much speculation and how many crazy rumors are going on from "people in the know".


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 1:44 p.m.

J. DEAN. Im with u. Who cares what color the coach is. Bottom line he needs to win.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 1:35 p.m.

Mick "We can have differences of opinion, preferably based on facts, but I prefer reading posts from people who show some respect whether or not you agree with other people's opinions." I agree with you completely about what you said about posters should try to show more respect and be more mature. I am a little curious as to why you chose the Ghost to single out as one who was "immaturely insulting" others simply by using the term Kool-Aid drinker. Perhaps it is because you mostly disagree with him and you are/were an RR supporter? Perhaps you did it out of respect? You could have easily chosen one of dozens of other comments on just this one thread to single out, as there are far worse ones to choose from. How about the absolutely slanderous and unsubstantiated rumor about Gary Moeller? Or what about the people who are completely fabricating what others said? Or what about those who are saying far far worse things than "Kool-Aid drinker"? If it was simply the principal of the matter, I think you would have chosen a comment that was far worse than the one you chose. You probably chose it because it was by a non-RR supporter. Again I agree with you that this site and these threads would be far better if people would show more respect - the one you chose struck me as odd.

J. Dean

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:48 p.m.

I don't want a black coach. I don't want a white coach. I don't want a hispanic coach. I don't want a Martian axe-murdering coach. I want a GOOD coach, who wins and wins within the rules! Everything else... whatever.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:37 p.m.

Ed Murrow: I find your post odd. While I do not often agree with you, I have had respect for you because you did not in the past - in my opinion anyway - resort to insults. Now I see the term Kool Aid drinkers, a term I think is immaturely insulting in these last couple posts. I give no credit to anyone who posts with insults like that or referring to a person as a "cry baby," because it's immature something I would expect from those who have not attained adulthood. We can have differences of opinion, preferably based on facts, but I prefer reading posts from people who show some respect whether or not you agree with other people's opinions. I am actually surprised that is not editing out posts that insult other posters to the extent of name calling.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:22 p.m.

What a mess. Obviously the two best candidates are Harbaugh and Miles. Harbaugh may be gone and why not? Why go stay in a college program when you can go pro and try to work your magic into the super bowl? Recruiting high school kids must be a major pain, while perusing college stars for drafting must be much easier. Maybe Miles has heard nothing yet because DB is waiting until after the bowl game tonight and avoid the mess that comes with rumors of being recruited. I imagine if LSU looses tonight he might be more available. His age may be a factor though, college coaches seem to have heart problems and at his age he at the age where it can be a problem. After those two, the drop in certified quality drops immensely and I doubt anyone is a sure bet. Anyone promoting Brady Hoke must be a MSU or OSU fan in disguise. If Brandon picks up a coach with an overall loosing record, the next search will be for a new AD. I think the "Michigan man" mantra should be dropped. As Desmond Howard has been saying, ties to the program are not important, what is important: wins and losses. Jim Herrman had ties to the program and he was run out of town.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:12 p.m.

Go for Wayne Fontes!


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 11:42 a.m.

Hire a black coach? You must be kidding. The U does't even acknowledge the black players here at Michigan. Drive down Main St. and/or Stadium and check out the player pictures on the banners...all white. Guess they don't feel even Desmond or Charles should be represented...forget about Hart, Perry, Tayor, etc. By the way, I'm over 70 and white.

Macabre Sunset

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 11:36 a.m.

Is it complaining to point out that the new hire in 2008 couldn't coach worth a word we can't print here? Maybe some of you don't know football, but it was apparent by mid-season 2008 that your king was wearing no coaching clothes. He wasn't capable of competing at this level. He was willing to sacrifice Denard's athletic, but relatively tiny body to eke out seven wins against mediocre competition instead of the four his system would ordinarily provide at this level. I am troubled, though, by reports quoting Brandon as having hired a search firm to work on the new hire. The time for that, since those services can be discrete, passed about a month ago. We do need to move quickly to salvage the mess Rodriguez made out of recruiting.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 11:35 a.m.

It won't be Hoke because that would have happened by now, and you don't spend $1.25M when you have $5M in your wallet.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 11:17 a.m.

Theo, Now that we know you've spent the last three years with the same teacher in the second grade explains a lot!!! You should first understand that in order to progress you have to get better in all subjects, not just one. You sort of remind me of a stubborn football coach we used to have around here who thought his teams only have to concentrate on offense. He was a crybaby like you and didn't get very far, either. :-)


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 10:53 a.m.

Theo... only a 2nd grader would give this year a B, so you signed your post correctly at least.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 10:38 a.m.

oops, my bad. After checking on Google they did not play on same teams but nonetheless still played for Bo and knows what type of football this program needs to get back too.

Blueman Rick

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 10:35 a.m.

Not sure if anybody can "unify the Michigan fan base". It's going to be rough to get the program back on track. Thank you so much Bill and Mary for your insightful leadership. Steve Mariucci is worthy of consideration.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 10:32 a.m.

C,mon author of this story, he asks what sort of relationship Brandon and Miles have. They played on the same teams for Bo in the early 70's and therefore know what tough M football is all about.

J. Dean

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 10:11 a.m.

@P U MSU, You may be right, but holding back a final decision doesn't help the team any. On a plus note, Hoke is a step in the right direction toward a solid team. Defense first, and has turned two teams into winning schools, one of which had a 12-0 record. Like I said somewhere else, I was investigating the comments of the SDSU folks online, and they are VERY impressed with him. Plus, his players genuinely love having him. Keep in mind, too, that the SDSU victory over Navy, while not quite on par with beating a team like Auburn or Oregon, was significant. Navy is not a cupcake team. This was the same Navy that nearly upset Ohio State in the first regular season game of 2009; that's nothing to sneeze at. Also, Hoke took Ball State to a 12-0 record without the top recruits in his state-not an easy thing to accomplish, regardless of what football division you play in. So while Hoke's not my first choice for coach, he's not necessarily the bottom of the barrel, either. Have faith, my fellow maize and blue fans. We've hit bottom; we're on our way back up.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 9:59 a.m.

J.Dean, "I'm not convinced that it's Hoke. If it were Hoke, Brandon would have already announced it." DB is a business man. He must demonstrate that he is carrying out his due diligence. Announcing a "small-name" coach such as Hoke so soon would seem that he did not reach out to big-name coaches. It a business decision.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 9:43 a.m.

1st Down... Bo Pelini would be a very good choice if that is how it goes and JH does not come. He comes from a great football area (Youngstown Ohio) and went to the same high school as Bob Stoops (my high school also), and he played at OSU and knows the BT. For a fairly young guy (43) he has alot of experience as an assistant coach in the NFL (9 years) and in college, and has worked under some great coaches (Hayden Fry, Les Miles, Bob Stoops,...). As a DC at Nebraska, Ok. U., and LSU his D's were mostly Top 10 or Top 5. Plus he took over a Nebraska program that was going backwards, and that was doing well offensively and doing poorly defensively. They have won 9, 10, and 10 games in his 3 years, although they did have an ugly loss in the recent bowl game.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 9:33 a.m.

Good Morning AA faithful, Have been out this past week very sick - strep. Everything seems to be playing out as I thought. Looks like Hoke is the guy like I said a month ago. I am not too excited about this, but I refuse to not support the new coach; unlike many fans had done with RR. Hoke runs a fairly open offense, though it is very pass heavy. While I would love for Denard to return, Devin should be perfect for this new style. He does have an overall losing record, but the numbers are misleading. He has taken on very bad teams, made them bowl eligible and moved on to the next program. While he will not be the fans #1 choice, admittingly he is not mine, he is very highly regarded in the coaching circle. I ask that everyone give this guy a chance and help make Michigan, Michigan again.

J. Dean

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 9:19 a.m.

I'm not convinced that it's Hoke. If it were Hoke, Brandon would have already announced it.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 9:05 a.m.

I've given some more thought to this and I think we need step back from the Michigan Koolaid this time. We keep proposing poaching a HC from another major university w/o looking at what the real landscape of the NCAA is. Here's a question for you. Who was the last successful coach to take over a BCS program who was a an HC at another BCS school? The only one I can think of is Saban, when he went to LSU. Before him it would have been Mack Brown. Stoops was a DC. Meyer came from Utah. Carrol was an NFL washout. Florida this year pulled an assistant out of another program to be their HC. Tressel was 1-AA. My point? I think we need to step back and look at who has the right attitudes and shows the skills to develop and lead young men at lvl other than HC of a major institution. The jobs these HC have are hard to leave. This isn't my screed saying "Hoke or nothing", but it does mean that we need to change focus, IMO. Patterson, Petersen, and Whittingham are all maybes, so is Hoke. Kirby Smart at Alabama and Brent Venables at Oklahoma should be on our list. Maybe some other coordinators at both the college and NFL levels. It's got nothing to do with Michigan losing any luster or DB being a moron. Facts are facts and poaching HC is neither easy nor all that successful in the long run. Let's find the right guy who can teach fundamentals and hire a good staff and go from there.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 8:49 a.m.

everyone knows its going to be hoke. the other names being thrown out want nothing to due with the rebuilding job that needs to be attempted. this isn't a perennial 10-2 michigan team of the past. this job isn't going to draw the big name everyone wants. hokes the guy, and everyday that DB doesn't announce it is one more nail in the 2011 season's coffin.

Just Blue

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 1:22 a.m.

And the answer is Gary Pinkel.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 1:13 a.m.

Wow. Not enthusiastic about anyone except Ferentz and possibly Fitzgerald. I guess we'll know the wisdom of this decision in 2 years. If things are better, thank you Rich Rod. If things are worse, thank you Dave Brandon, the cardboard pizza man.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 1:10 a.m.

I haven't heard anything regarding Chris Petersen from Boise State. Am I missing something or just uninformed regarding the status of his ability to coach in the Big Ten? Fill me in on the real "scoop" regarding Petersen. Is it possible he could be a fit for the M?

Just Blue

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 1:04 a.m.

After wracking the old brain I come up with the coach who has turned around a program in a major confrence, goes to bowl games every year lately, is ranked in the Top Twenty, and defeated a Number One this year, and was the coach of BG for years in Ohio, and if Harbaugh doesn't come, will be our next coach....

Dankston Hughez

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:53 a.m. got to be kidding me.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:53 a.m.

Oh Yes, Jim Tressel would love the Brady Hoke Hire. He was the defensive line for Carr, and Carr had a losing record against JT. MSU and Ohio would have a field day with Hoke. JT will take one look at Hoke's Defense and say "Gee, I think I've seen this defense before just 4 to 5 years ago". Not to mention all the top High School recruits would say "Brady Who?" I watched some of his interviews and every answer he gave before he became the SDSU coach sounded scripted. Almost like a politician giving the same speech in every city so much as it loses it's meaning. I can read the headlines 3 years from now, Brady Hoke Choked. I just don't see him blending in with the offense we have now. He would go to Devin Gardner and try to turn him into a pro style quarterback. To be fair, I could be wrong.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:51 a.m.

Harbaugh and Miles are hardly possibilities. Harbaugh isn't interested, and the Miles ship passed.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:50 a.m.

Dave Brandon quit screwing around. Offer so much money to Harbaugh that he can't turn it down. 7 million should do it. Or better yet just give him a blank check. If he won't go for that screw him and offer it to Jon Gruden. At this point the only hire that will please everyone is a superstar. If not Gruden then see if Bill Cowher will bite. I do like Jimmy Johnson too. He was a great college and pro coach. We need someone like that to come that will be able to draw a top 5 recruiting class year after year. If you want to go back to 8-4 seasons every year then hire Brady Hoke. Personally, I want to beat the Buckeyes this decade.


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:49 a.m.

Jim Nazium -- after watching Ross decline JH for the Miami job, I believe your theory has some legs. Ross is a huge Michigan fan evidenced by the millions of dollars he has donated. I believe his meeting with JH was more to get him to Ann Arbor than to interview him for the Miami job. DB and Ross are teaming up to put the power play on JH. Stanford senses it and they have already upped the ante. This is getting really interesting!


Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 12:17 a.m.

Dennis - the differences between Hoke & RR are mainly on the field. Each brings a different set of values and intangibles to the table. Stating that Hoke is "no better" than RR is disappointing to say the least. At least Hoke can fess up and admit he made a mistake.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 11:51 p.m.

Look everyone I firmly beleive that David Brandon has a true list of his choosen candidates and a pool of others that contacted him on interest of their own behalf. This is a real crucial hire that will take place and he knows he can't screw this up. These so called list by is speculation and the rumors out in espn and others are just that. David Brandon is keeping everything close to the vest and he should be. I really have a feeling this new hire will be a bomb shell of a hire and send a shock wave accross the college football landscape or it will be either one of these 5 candidates. 5-Brady Hoke 4-Chris Petterson 3-Gary Patterson 2-Bo Pelini 1-Les Miles Whatever happens all I want is for the great University of Michigan to be back to what we have known the Maize and Blue to be in the last 40 years minus the 08 to 10 fiasco. GO BLUE!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 11:21 p.m.

Hire Les and be done with it. He has led two major college programs and he is a proven winner with a substantial track record. Despite what some folks think 57 years young does not put your foot in the grave. If you're going to hire Brady then we should have Rich Rod! Rich Rod brought a more significant/proven record to the job than Brady does at this juncture!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 11:19 p.m.

@1st down. Pelini would be better then Hoke, but I think it should be between miles and Patterson. Both would be able salvage this yr recruiting cause their a big name that have a excellent history of winning. Both also have notch defense. Bring in a Home and it will be extremely hard to have a decent recruiting class. Bo would be my next choice though I don't know why he would want to leave Nebraska with their tradition. Patterson has a history of already beating Harbaugh, Hoke, and Petersen. I would be estadic if we got him or Miles. Look at Patterson record and scores the last 3 yrs and you'll see what im talking about. Michigan needs to swallow their pride and get the best coach out there. Who cares if he is a michigan man or not. We just want to see good smashmouth football again. RR is gone so maybe now we will have basic fundementals back and a coach that takes the blame instead of throwing the kids under the bus. One thing is for sure, they better get a darn good coach with Nebraska now and Kelly at ND. That's a tuff schedule. Go Blue!!!!!

Jim Nazium

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 11:16 p.m.

JH isn't going to Miami, that's what I've been telling you all along!!! LOL Was this all just a huge marketing scheme with all the build up? He meets with Stanford then I bet he's here in a week or less.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 11:13 p.m.

One thing I will say is that almost all of the posters here today want the best for Michigan football, we are faithfully awaiting something good Good night and may your talents make you money.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 11:13 p.m.

First of all: I think Portage above mentioned Bellotti being AD at Oregon. He quit coach at Oregon to become AD, but quit within 6 mos to become a coach again. He is an ESPN commentator and waiting for the right opportunity. Rothstein said he is a bit old to be considered but I think he is a great candidate. Other names: NE PA said Stoops--Bingo. Cowher would have the right toughness but he is not a college coach. I personally like Miles. He is crazy and flaky but he wins. And he does indeed love michigan. Those rumors have floated around for a long time. I think he and LC were not close, but doubt those rumors. I hope Michigan does not go after any other B10 coach. It is not the right thing to do to your conference. I love that Fitzgerald stayed at NW. I hope he is there for 30 years. He is inspirational and a great coach. Obviously loves being at his alma mater. (Harbaugh could be the same at either Stanford or UM, but he is chasing the dollars apparently).

NC Wolverine 20

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 11:10 p.m.

Brady Hoke. Why would we want a MAC coach from Ohio? Oh, wait, Bo was a MAC coach from Ohio. Sweater Vest was a step below the MAC before he went to OSU. Why would we want to hire a coach with a losing record? That plan worked out for Auburn. Brady Hoke will be the next UM coach. Get behind him now.

I love Michigan Football

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 11:06 p.m.

I find it funny that people bring up rumors about Les and Moellers wife or he recruited dirty against Carr. If you think for one second that no one else is dirty when it comes to recruiting, you might not want to be a fan of college football. Rumors are rumors and no one can ever prove any of them. David Brandon even said in his press conference, he himself will be the only deciding factor on who is hired. That pretty much means that Carr, Moeller or any outside influence will be denied. The Jim Harbaugh talk was just a smoke screen to take the pressure off of Miles for his bowl prep this week. The Cotton Bowl is tommorow night and you heard NOTHING about it on ESPN this week. Brandon did not talk about anyone other than Harbaugh in his press conference. He knew that it would be on the ESPN ticker that he still talks to Harbs and that the media would run with it, and they did. He was able to totally direct the media away from Miles so the deal could get done and not have the mess that Martin made 3 years prior. Book it.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:50 p.m.

@ Ben, I read your post too quickly, I thought you were lumping all general studies degree majors together. I agree, athletes with a potential in the pros should be forced to take some econ and accounting, and maybe some kind of ngotiation skills class.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:48 p.m.

I'd go 1. Harbaugh 2. Bob Stoops 3. Mark Richt 4. Kyle Whittingham 5. Les Miles If we're serious about offering serious coin, then we need to pry one of these guys out of primo job and into Ann Arbor.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:44 p.m.

A General Studies degree is worthless? I'll bet you a couple million dollars on that one. I know I can find at least one grad making a living offf one, if not 1,000 to prove you wrong. More Harbaugh


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:41 p.m.

Not sure why everyone is downing Hoke, energetic, wants the job and is from Ohio and can recruit the area. I have met and talked with him and he loves UM & would get better players there that at Ball State and SDSU. I am a wolverine fan in Columbus and the buckeye nation said the same about THE VEST now look. Just saying. Another thought since we're talking NFL, Mike Singletary, have a recruit tell him no.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:40 p.m.

Hmmm... It seems like billionaires are throwing their $$$ around, but someone is not biting. Maybe he wants to come home after all. Just an observation...


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:35 p.m.

Harbaugh does have the most exciting and compelling resume


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:32 p.m.

Here's the link to the Toledo Blade article on Bo Pelini:


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:30 p.m.

No, JH did not burn his Alma Mater, he spoke the truth. A general studies degree is WORTHLESS. Students who have the academics to barely get admitted to Michigan should NOT be taking bullcrap degrees just to play football. The majority of the team will not be playing on Sunday and they will struggle to find work (especially today) with a GS degree.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:28 p.m.

@ Obama from Kenya, you gotta admit that hair would look great on the new and improved Michigan Replay on Sunday mornings. Why in the heck did RR stop that show from going forward? It was pure genius.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:25 p.m.

@ KeepingitReal I suggested Charlie Strong as a candidate, who is African American. He's the former DC under Urban Meyer at Florida and just completed his first season as head coach of the Louisville Cardinals, where he led the team to a bowl win. And it's a pipe dream, but I'd love to see Tony Dungy or Mike Tomlin as Michigan's next head coach. Mike Singletary could be interesting, too. Go Blue


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:24 p.m.

Didn't Jim Harbaugh burn his alma mater a few years back talking about the degrees awarded to athletes? Also, a few people who I have seen recently supporting JH for the position forget to recall he professed to be a born again before Peyton showed up, and based on othe posts from them over the years their position seems inconsistent. Good night and use your skills to the best of your abilities.

obama from kenya

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:21 p.m.

Jimmie Johnson? "Survivor: Ann Arbor." I'd watch.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:17 p.m.

Steve Mariucci would be a terrible choice. He proved in his stint with the Lions that he's not that great. He was successful with the 49ers because he inherited a very good team. He's more of a manager of talent than a developer of it.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:14 p.m.

Pellini righted a ship, sunk by Pitts former and current AD, might not be a bad option.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:11 p.m.

Brady Hoke is the man live with it and support your team not your coach


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:10 p.m.

Why would Fitzgerald come to Michigan regardless? NW is a fantastic school, they're okay athletically but one of the best in the area academically. He's coaching at his Alma Mater, you don't burn your alma mater.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:08 p.m.

Moeller should have the first right of refusal, bring him back if he wants the job. If having a few libations and telling a waitress she has nice eyes means you should lose your job then I bet half the posters hewre should be unemployed. If Moeller won't take the gig give Jimmy Johsnon 500k more than he is making at Fox. He can recruit kie the beejesus and he has proven himself at both levels. He has a presence in Florida and Texas where about one quarter to one third of the football talent is located. Riddle me this batman, if Jimmy Johnson asked to come over to your house and taalk to you and your son about the possibility of him playing for Michigan would you tell him no thanks?


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:06 p.m.

Not a big loss, but it looks like Fitsgerald is out too.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 10:01 p.m.

Fitsgerald refused UM interview. It's on ESPN site.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:58 p.m.

My top choices would break down as follows: (1) Harbaugh (not likely) (2) Les Miles (I was in favor of him 3 yrs ago and it is time to make it right). (3)? I just don't know enough good options, but Charlie Strong is intriguing to me. If Urban Meyer was interested, he would jump to the top of the list. I am not sure about Hoke, because I don't know enough about him. If Dave Brandon chooses Hoke then I will trust his judgement. It is his reputation on the line and I have to assume he has done his homework. The expectations will be high. I expect victories over our chief rivals immediately and several over OSU in the first 3 years. That will be the sign that this was the right hire, the same way it was at Stanford when JH beat USC and at Mich when Bo beat Woody in year 2.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:56 p.m.

Bo Pelini?? Woody Jr in A2? Interesting!!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:51 p.m.

My two cents (sans JH as we pretty much know he isn't coming) 1. Les Miles (Hs nothing to do with the "Michigan Man" stuff) 1A. Gary Patterson 2. Charlie Strong (was at Fla, now Louisville) 3. Hoke To me Miles and Patterson are very close, and either would work well.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:44 p.m.

Nebraska's Pelini mentioned in search for new Michigan coach Photo Nebraska coach Bo Pelini ( ASSOCIATED PRESS ) Zoom | Photo Reprints By RYAN AUTULLO BLADE SPORTS WRITER ANN ARBOR --- A new name has surfaced in the Michigan head coaching search. Someone with knowledge of the situation believes Nebraska coach Bo Pelini will likely entertain the thought of coaching the Wolverines should school athletic director Dave Brandon approach him. The person was unsure as of Thursday evening whether Brandon and Pelini had spoken.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:41 p.m. Think about this fellas.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:41 p.m.

according to the Toledo Blade, people close to Bo Pellini are saying that he wants to speak to Michigan about the opening... anyone have any thoughts on that dark horse candidate?


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:36 p.m.

I'm going to omit Harbaugh because we all know he is not coming here. Here's my choices on who I would be calling up. 1. Gary Patterson (TCU) -Because he can talk 2 or 3 star rated player and coach them to perform phenomenally. He's proved himself over and over again. I don't think he wants to come here after learning how some Michigan Fans displayed a mild form of "neuroses" banging the Michigan Man drum. I'm a Michigan fan and it makes me want to stick my head in the sand where I hear that BS. 2.Bill Cower - Steelers: Try to convince him to coach a college team and he's defensive minded. I don't think he would come to Michigan, but that would be exciting. Oh, and he's won a Super Bowl ring. 3. Bob Gruden - Former NFL coach and has a Super Bowl ring. Great defensive minded coach and has a no nonsense approach. 4.Urban Myer: I don't buy that he wants to stay retired, considering he tried to recruit at least three players that are Michigan players. Good fit and big name to draw in better recruits. He had Michigan as 1 of 3 as his dream jobs. Would be an easy fit and he's from Ohio. 5.Steve Mariuchi - This would get Michigan States goat since he has ties with Tom Izzo. Yeah, I know he did a bad job coaching the lions. But he has NFL experience plus I think his batteries are recharged by now. Note: Stay away from coaches from the ACC and the Big East. They are hardly in the spot light and I don't think they would be very good for recruiting players. that's my two cents.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:33 p.m.

I have visited some other blogs and it has been stated that Bill McCartney (coached with Moeller and Miles)and founded the Christian group Promise Keepers. He supposedly speaks at Les Miles camps and sent his grandson to play for Miles. The question that was raised was: Do you think he would have spoke at his camp and sent his grandson to play for Miles if he thought Les had done what the gossip girls around UM claim he did? I seem to recall Les having hard feelings that Carr got hired over him to be the Head Coach at Michigan. Can anyone confirm?

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:33 p.m.

from 2007, more former players who support Miles OK so we can put the dumb conspiracy theories to rest? we know mgoblog wont...but that is par-for-the-course over there... over here at Ann Arbor. com we stive for more intelligent discourse.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:30 p.m.

racer what Koolaid? lol...Im just correcting some internet rumours...keep spinning though...there are many good candidates out there for this job and Miles is just one of them.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:22 p.m.

3andOut, lay off the Kool-Aid.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:20 p.m.

With all the pressure to beat Ohio, why don"t they just hire the Ohio coaching staff. U of M has deeper pockets anyway.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:18 p.m.

Al McD - I am assuming you have first hand knowledge of the issues with Miles that you raise, otherwise your comments could be considered libel.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:17 p.m.

amzack...that is a good question regarding the Rivalry. Look, Ive never spoken to RR about I can only go by the reports that were made public in the media (aka his comments and comments from others) as well as bits that I picked up BTS from contacts that I have. RR never circled The Game with a red letter pen. He should have emphasized it every day, like Bo did...and like Tressel does (every day in practice Tressel works on Michigan at some point). RR did not do this in practice. Publically RR always said things like "we have 3 rivals" or "every game is a big game" or "when we are good enough to win we will be" etc.... which is fine... but when Tressel was hired, he called out Michigan publically and let everyone know that he would be gunning for us... well it worked! It rallied everyone over there at OSU and gave them a primary focus. Since OSU is the number 1 rival, and pretty much consistently the best team in the Big Ten, it would make good sense for the HC of Michigan to point to that game as THE most important game of the season....not only to suit the rivalry...but most importantly to BE the need to BEAT the BEST. I hope whoever the new coach is understands this and eats and breathes it. That is part of what Brandon said yesterday about "red letter games" and "understanding what we are all about here"


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:15 p.m.

Why is it so important to have a "Michigan Man". Bo wasn't a Michigan Man he was an Ohio Man when he came here. And how about other schools, Nick Saban wasn't a Bama Man, Les Miles wasn't a LSU man. Let's just get a WINNING MAN!!!!!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:14 p.m.

Broaden the scope - how about? Chuck Heater - Florida Kyle Whittingham - Utah Gary Patterson - TCU Chris Petersen - Boise Mike Trgovac - NFL Les and the rest have storylines that feel good - but we need more.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:11 p.m.

Keeping it real, yes, no doubt about it, if the best man available is an African American man then he should be hired but make no mistake, we need the best qualified man available.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:09 p.m.

lambert...Trgovac would be a great hire as DC...he was very good for many years in the NFL as a DC and currently is the D Line coach for Green Bay...

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:08 p.m.

People with sanity...ask your self a simple question: Was the reason that Les Miles left Michigan due to that dumb internet rumour...or more likely due to the fact that he was passed over for the HC job in 95 when Lloyd got it instead of him? If you choose b) wouldnt that make for at least a little bit of competition and contention between Les and Lloyd? Lets call it for what it is...and if 15 years later they cant put that difference behind, well that is not helpful to the program frankly regardless of who is the coach.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:06 p.m.

It's interesting that after all of the contributions African American athletes have made to the sports programs at UM, i.e., football, basketball, the money producing sports, not one of your top candidates for the coach position is an African American. Please do not tell me that I am playing the race card. They are well qualified to play the game but not qualified to coach it. I hope the African American athletes are paying attention to these developments.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:05 p.m.

1st Down (formerly 3&Out), will you explain why you think RR didn't understand the rival w/ MSU & OSU? That opinion always puzzles me. If RR ends up at USC, I think he would 'get' that UCLA and ND are their rivals. Pretty simple.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:02 p.m.

So many times on this site many of us have sounded like combatants. I think what we all really want is to see Mich. football at it's best. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't we all have the same goal which is to see Mich. football back to greatness?


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:02 p.m.

PLKBLU - The 1975 OSU game was 6 years after the big upset in '69. That means it would take at least 6 years to get back to that level of excitement that you experienced. I hope we don't have to wait that long. I don't like any of the top five candidates. Here's an alternative list and the reasons why: o Brett Favre - it seems he's available o Matt Millen - he's a good broadcaster - so why not a coach? o Denzel Washington - Remember the Titans? o Pete Bigelow - just because

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9:01 p.m.

After five seasons at Colorado, Miles returned to Michigan in 1987 as offensive line coach under Schembechler. The two were like father and son, says Cameron, who also was a Michigan assistant at the time. Cameron remembers Miles often challenging Schembechler to take more risks, seemingly infuriating him and often earning Miles a reprimand of, "Youre the dumbest coach. Right after that, hed turn around and do what Les said, Cameron says. Miles remained at Michigan through the transition from Schembechler to Gary Moeller, but when Moeller resigned in 1995, Miles left to become offensive coordinator at Oklahoma State. Even though it was a promotion, he had a hard time leaving. I cried like a baby, Miles says. Thats how much I enjoyed that place. So Bo and Les were close....Cam Cameron and Les were close... wow those are some pretty key Michigan guys there that Les was close with....there are others too.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 9 p.m.

While being recruited by Michigan, Miles flirted with Ohio State and took several unofficial visits there. Hayes often told him, Dont you like Ohio? This is about Ohio State. The Buckeyes interest made Schembechler want Miles even more. Bubba Miles advised his son, Listen, Im just telling you, if you know hes a great man, youve got to be around him. That made the decision easy. Im coming, the junior Miles told Schembechler at the end of his official visit to Michigan. Im sure that at that point in time he was probably thinking, Are you sure? Do you want to rethink this? Miles says. But I didnt. Id seen what I needed to see: a great education, tradition without reproach and a leader in Bo Schembechler. In Miles hometown, which is Ohio State loyal, some residents wouldnt talk to him. Later theyd open up, but only to rub it in that the Buckeyes had a run of victories against the Wolverines while he played for them. Miles got his revenge later when he was a full-time assistant coach for Michigan and the Wolverines reeled off several wins against Ohio State. It was beautiful, he says, smiling.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:59 p.m.

Here is an interesting article/interview with Miles that talks a ton about his history at Michigan and lays out the truth about the 07 coaching search: Im hoping AA allows this link, its a great read no matter what side of the fence you sit on.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:57 p.m.

AlD...that is the conspiracy theorists point of view on Miles....however I know for a fact that many of the guys that played in the 70s like Miles and would support him... Also, Dave Brandon was quoted in 2007 as saying "Absolutely Les Miles should be a candidate for this opening" and thats a the people who dont like Miles need to get a grip because a lot of people do like him and He LOVES Michigan...


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:55 p.m.

Les Miles would be a fine choice. I find it interesting that there are always rumors about Miles that surface when someone from the Lloyd Carr camp is up for the position. If there is an issue with Miles, please substantiate it, otherwise he should be the choice. He is the most accomplished of the choices after Harbaugh.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:54 p.m.

Mike Trgovac is a good choice - there are other possibilities that fit Brandon's requirements. If it is no for Harbaugh then the rest of the current list of "front runners" do not inspire. We need to look deeper.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:53 p.m.

btw 2, just to clarify...yes we should interview Harbaugh if he is interested but he reportedly is not.

obama from kenya

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:52 p.m.

Portage - Not to dodge the question, but it really is difficult to say. When you being to list the possibilities and noting pros and cons, the most ideal guy seems to be Harbaugh other than I don't believe that he'd be in for the long haul. That might not be bad if we get a couple Big Ten titles and a shot at a National Championship out of the deal. But as far as a guy that seems like a "safe" choice, I suppose Hoke would be the choice. He may not get us where we want to ultimately be, but he could return us to the level of the Carr days. But then the RR experiement would have been for nothing. I say offer Harbaugh the stars and the sky to get him here. You only live once so lets get some fast returns on the investment.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:50 p.m.

btw lorraine... when did I ever say RR was "too blue collar" for Michigan? Boy you are an odd person...seeing/reading things that were never said. RR was actually the opposite. Finesse offensive scheme, defensive scheme that was flimsy at best and coaching staff made up of his old buddies. His teams played soft, Loose (not in a good way) and undisciplined football... and that is not Blue Collar...keep trying to discredit me though and I will keep defending myself vs. your spew.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:49 p.m.

A quick story, I was at that I believe 1975 Ohio State vs Mich. game at Mich. stadium. Archie's last game against Mich. I was invited by an Ohio State alum and sat in the Ohio State section. The electricity of that game still leaves me in awe. Watching those coaches and that crowd left me speechless. I want to go back to those days and Ohio State is ready it's just up to us. We will get back there and I can't wait.

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:47 p.m.

Loraine...oh bo hoo since your guy stunk it up and got canned...and I was 100 percent right about him all call me "anti michigan" whatever...give it up. Buy Football for Dummies, it may help you... or maybe not. So keep attacking me, I will just keep telling the truth and making you disagree cause you dont get football. On that list above, Patterson, Hoke and Miles are the only 3 that I would consider for an interview. There are also reports that Bo Pellini is interested.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:41 p.m.

Jon Gruden would be great. He has a ton of energy and needs a new challenge.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:40 p.m.

One name that has not been mentioned by anyone is Mike Trgovac whose resume is outstanding. A native of Ohio, he played defensive lineman at M from 1977-80 and was twice All-Big Ten and second team All-American as a senior. Trgovac was a defensive line coach for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1995-1998; Washington Redskins from 1999-2000; Carolina Panthers 2002-2003; and 2004-present Green Bay Packers defensive line coach. He also was a graduate assistant under B0 from 1984-85. Some commentators exhibit a bias against defensive coaches but successful coaches, particularly in the NFL, often come from the defensive side of the ball. No one could doubt Bill Cowher as an example and there are numerous others.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:37 p.m.

Obama, who would you like to see hired as our next coach?


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:34 p.m.

Michigan Man you say? Bo was from Ohio - Maybe we should be looking there?


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:32 p.m.

I agree with you Obama.

obama from kenya

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:28 p.m.

The in-fighting that now exists among the University head honchos is what makes this search so difficult. Not only must the candidate be a good man, a good coach and good recruiter, he must also be willing to tolerate all of the nonsense that goes along with this job. The money that the University gets as a result of this football team has changed this entire thing from the days of Bo. Its gotten so big, and so many people have their hands in it, that there is no easy resolution. I believe even if Harbaugh came here, his independent nature would have him in deep water with someone at the top, and he'd end up splitting for thr NFL anyway. Bo is dead, and so too are the days in which a man like Bo could be great.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:22 p.m.

It won't surprise me if we're all very surprised by who the next coach at Mich. is. DB seems like he is his own man and that said he makes his decisions based on his own ideas about who he is going to hire. I have faith he will make a wise decision.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:22 p.m.

John Cooper, loved in AnnArbor, sounds like RichRod so players will be quick to understand him,available, knows BigTen, great recruiter,honors his contracts, younger than Paterno


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:18 p.m.

PortageLkBlu and Lorain Steelmen you better listen to Al McD. He know what he is talking about on this Les Miles story. The story that you got fed the last time around about Les seemed a little fishy, didn't it? Well now your starting to get the real lowdown. Pay attention to what Al is saying.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:13 p.m.

JH is going to sign with the Dolphins. Can we lay that one to rest? I think the obvious choice int his list is Patterson. Strong defenses, beat the biggest, toughest and arguably the best Wisconsin team in many years. Runs a spread offense. Solid head coach.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:07 p.m.

Michigan really should try to offer Harbaugh more than the Dolphins. It might seem ludicrous to give a guy that much money but I'm sure the university could afford it if they really want him. Make him the highest paid coach in college sports. Make him an offer he can't refuse.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:06 p.m.

If we get a,"Michigan Man" I hope he was a good boy while he was here.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 8:03 p.m.

AiMcd that is a horrible story if it is true and if it is true that certainly would be a black mark. I never heard that one are you sure of your facts?


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:56 p.m.

Guys like Gruden, Patterson, Chris Peterson, etc. will never get a fair shot because this stupid term "michigan man". (coined by a buckeye). Pete great job on rivals with Jack Arute.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:55 p.m.

I love how the odds add up to just over 50%. I say pay Harbaugh 9 Mil. UM's got to make that in 1 home game. I can't get stoked about Hoke. I could get behind Miles or how about Chucky.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:45 p.m.

Bring back Matt Millen to coach U of M. He would save U of M lots of money since he is willing to coach (and come back to Detroit area) for less than $100,000/yr. He has the support of Detroit and metro Detroit area and is a Pro bowler with extesive business experience. Or better yet, fire Dave Brandon and hire Matt Millen and then you will see several BCS and NCAA championships. :D

I love Michigan Football

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:42 p.m.

I believe Les Miles is the perfect candidate to take over. 1. Michigan Man 2. Kicked the snot out of Tressel and Ohio State in the National Championship 3. Can recruit the south 4. Has very good offensive and defensive lines 5. Runs duel QB's, would fit Devin and Denard perfect 6. 50/50 runs both spread and pro-style offenses 7. They absolutely hate him at LSU, so I can see him wanting to leave now 8. The 2nd luckiest coach that I know (you know who is 1st) 9. I believe all our current kids would play for him and he could adapt to what we have 10. I think he can handle the media and would be able to unite the fanbase I really like Hoke, he wants the job and seems very passionate. If you watch alot of his interviews on youtube, he seems like a really good coach. He likes the ground and pound but also can run a version of the spread. His defenses seems to punish when they hit and they fly to the ball. I think it happens quick though.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:40 p.m.

I liked the discussions of coach options put forth by Brian the editor of "Non-Hoke Options: Extant" The title gives his thoughts about Hoke but he does give an interesting list and the reasons pro - con why Michigan should consider them too. The comment section is good too. There sure are a lot of opinions... some fairly informed and many emotional. Hopefully a choice can be made that will take BLUE into the future to be competitive at the highest levels.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:40 p.m.

ESPN says, Harbaugh could very well take that Miami job, money talks.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:37 p.m.

Mike Belotti is the Oregon AD and he bleeds Ducks.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:34 p.m.

Of all these candidates I like that TCU coach seems like he can do a lot with a little. He knows how to beat the best in the Big 10.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:30 p.m.

@Rude Jude: I completely agree with the Charlie Strong argument. I doubt it will happen but Michigan would be very fortunate if they made him their head coach.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:27 p.m.

The reason Brady Hoke's record isn't so great is because he coached BALL STATE. Of course he's going to have to go through a few losing seasons before he turns that team around. They're one of the worst programs in the country and he almost took them to a BCS bowl! He's a great coach and that's all there is to it. Michigan fans astound me sometimes. This is why Dave Brandon is the athletic director and the people who post comments on ARE NOT.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:25 p.m.

My guess is that it will be Brady Hoke or someone else most of us have never heard of. Considering the Michigan's current roster, Pat Fitzgerald could be a good fit. I doubt people would circle around another Big East coach, but he's only been at Louisville one year...Charlie Strong. He's the former DC at Florida under Urban Meyer, who in his first year as a head coach took a 4-8 mess of a Louisville team and managed a 7-6 record with a bowl win. According to Tony Dungy, "When they see what he can do, you're probably going to have a lot of people disappointed they didn't hire him sooner," kinda like we are right now after not hiring Harbaugh as an assistant years ago. He doesn't have midwest ties, only three years as a DE/DT coach at Notre Dame. I'm not calling for him to be the next coach, just floating the idea to see what people think.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:21 p.m.

azwolverine.. You make alot of sense with the idea of hiring Les Miles. He definitely could right the ship and bring in recruits right away. In the mean time, Michigan can prepare for the eventual retirement and groom a successor.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:10 p.m.

Lorain "missionbrazil... you, and Mr.Ghost, and 3&out, all felt that RR was 'too blue collar' for a school like UM. We need a Michigan man that 'gets' it, right?!!" I know for a fact that we and others have NEVER said these 2 things about RR... "too blue collar" and "not a Michigan man." You previously lost your credibility as a poster because of your wild comments, but now you have sunk even lower by trying to fabricate others' statements.

Lorain Steelmen

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:02 p.m.

azwolervine...see, we CAN agree! Miles, probably gets it, and I'm totally cool with that! It would nice to see some NASTY Wolverines, for a change! If we got 10 years out of the 'madhatter', we may be 'pushing the envelope', BUT, Miles could 'groom' an in-house successor, like BO did for MO, and, unlike Carr, who left this program 'hanging'. missionbrazil... you, and Mr.Ghost, and 3&out, all felt that RR was 'too blue collar' for a school like UM. We need a Michigan man that 'gets' it, right?!! Good Night, and Good Luck

Solar Blue

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 7:01 p.m.

Here is why I like Brady Hoke......he has built up (not torn down) two programs from the dumps to bowl eligibility and winners. In the case of Ball State, he left them on top (now they are not so good). As a MAC conference alumnus I don't take that success lightly. Sort of like Urban Meyer's success at Bowling Green and Brian Kelly's at Central Michigan - this experience translates well to a bigger stage. He then goes to SDSU and builds them up from scratch. They not just beat a decent Navy squad in their bowl game, but pounded them physically and gave them their worst loss of the year. While his overall record is not awesome, I respect that he has built up two downtrodden programs from scratch - proving it was not a fluke. As stated on these boards, reports are that he is an excellent motivator and coach. What could he do at Michigan with the facilities and resources behind him? Great things I believe. Maybe there are better candidates, but I think Hoke could be an excellent choice.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:57 p.m.

Why don't we hear the Cam Cameron being mentioned this time around?


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:50 p.m.

FAN - FYI, the Patriots and the Dolphins are both in the AFC, so they can't meet in the Super Bowl! Anyone know where Mike Belotti is, the former Oregon coach who built that program and ran the spread? He could do well if he was interested.

marlon glenn

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:48 p.m.

This love affair with Brady Hoke is ridiculous. If he was not a Lloyd Carr disciple, he wouldn't be given a second, make that first thought. Lloyd wants to be the new "Bo" so I am sure Carr would love for BH to be the coach. Hiring BH will not unify the fan base. You will have LC part 2. 8 to 9 wins a season. He will beat State but will lose to OSU. If that is good enough for UM, go for it! I know the Buckeyes would LOVE to see a Carr assistant patrolling the sidelines!

Lorain Steelmen

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:47 p.m.

By sunday, Brandon will have a real headache! There may not be a good choice out there. If he delays, the recruiting is totally shot. If he takes the 'default' coach, Hoke, he has a coach with no 'curb appeal'. UM will become the laughing stock of the college football world. People will ask, what was Brandon thinking?!? And, as Mr. Ghost would say,...Good Night, and Good Luck! How about Patterson? Hey, TCU really handled the Badgers! He seems to have solved, both the offensive, AND, defensive sides of the ball. I just don't know if he would be 'welcomed' by the Ghost, or 3&out, et al, since Patterson is NOT a Michigan man! Then we're all stuck with three more years, of negative posts by these guys.....


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:43 p.m.

Lorain, I actually agree with SOME of what you are saying (first time for everything, right? Maybe we fans can all come together). I think Miles is a tough, hard nosed coach and, although he may not be here for a long time (I could actually see 10 years, though), he would get Michigan back to playing tough, no nonsense football. Then, when he does retire, it won't be a rebuild, as it is now, but a smooth transition to the next coach with a program that is already competing at the highest level. I actually wouldn't mind, Hoke, either, though, although I think he might be better suited to take over a UM program that is already up and running smoothly. Regardless, I am excited to get our new coach in town with his new staff working to put UM back on top. Go Blue!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:42 p.m.

Lorain "I like Miles because he is a 'blue collar' guy, but we just went through three years of people on here running RR down! Mostly because RR was also a 'blue collar' guy." How can you make things up like that? You are just spinning and creating things as you go. Who has ever said "I don't like RR because he is a blue collar guy?" Name one person. RR is gone... get over it!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:40 p.m.

If restricted only to the above list (and assuming Harbaugh is history), I'd prefer Patterson. IF not him, then Hoke. Current and former players and ADs speak highly of him. He seems to be a highly motivational coach who gets the most out of his team. Again, restricting ourselves to the above list, I believe DB should at least interview Hoke.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:35 p.m.

I want Vince Lombardi. That way, he can prove once and for all that he CAN win with the talent we have.

The Ben

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:35 p.m.

LOL... interesting that TCU runs the 3-3-5 and beat Wisconsin with smaller, faster guys. Proof that RichRods's schemes didn't struggle because of the "mighty Big Ten." RichRod failed for a lot of reasons, but I don't think the "strong Big Ten" was one of them. The spread offense/3-3-5 critics think that they've been validated, but I think RichRod failed for a lot of other reasons.

Lorain Steelmen

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:34 p.m.

PAco12054...Amend to all of that. I like Miles because he is a 'blue collar' guy, but we just went through three years of people on here running RR down! Mostly because RR was also a 'blue collar' guy. They have been totally off the wall.( Hey, maybe that's why Lloyd doesn't like Miles...) Miles is getting up there in age, so he's a short term stop gap, at best. On the positive side, Miles teams are tough, physically! It's been since 2000 or 2001, since a UM team was tough physically...maybe another reason why LC doesn't like him!)


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:30 p.m.

The evening news just repoted that Michigan offered (or willing to offer) Jim Harbaugh $5.2M while the Miami Dolphins (Ross?) met with Harbaugh this afternoon and has offered Jim $7.6M making him the highest paid coach in the NFL. For me, that's a lot of money for a college football coach who has lost nearly as many games as he has won (29/24). That said, maybe, Miami should pick up Vince Young who was released today by Tennessee; hire Jim Harbaugh to work with Young to challenge the New England Patriots' Bll Belicick and Tom Brady. Two Michigan qaurterbacks facing off in a SuperBowl; now that would be real "Luck"! See you in South Beach!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:25 p.m.

The single most important predictor of future success in college football is your past record, at all levels. Hoke fails this test. With the exception of Pete Carroll I can think of no NFL head coach that has been successful coming down to college unless he has had previous winning college experience. I like Dungy but the risk is too high, college and the pros are too different. Do we really want Miles? Decent record but a very poor game manager and some serious ethical concerns. Brandon has his work cut out.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:24 p.m.

Mooch is Millen stained. No way Brandon links himself to Millen.

Lorain Steelmen

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:21 p.m.

1st down. We need a pro Michigan guy, not an anti Michigan guy.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:20 p.m.

How can you say the job is too big for Hoke? From what I understand he's got a pretty big personality and he's a high character guy. He wants the job, he's turned bad programs around, so he should be able to turn a good program around. I kinda hope it's Hoke, and for some reason I don't want anything to do with Miles.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:20 p.m.

Brandon said "Dynamic list of candidates". AND "a few have contacted me". That list probably includes Hoke, but is not exclusive to Hoke. So who would be a wow/dynamic pick? That's how I came up with Mariucci. I believe a "Dynamic" choice would be someone we wouldn't suspect and has NFL ties. Like Mariucci, Miles, Gruden, Dungy, Mangini, Sparano, I'm sure there are many other NFL coaches (fired or coordinators) who would be interested in UM. NFL guys are ALMOST always successful in college, but college to pros, is a whole different ball game. Any other NFL coaches that have Midwestern ties? Please feel free to add........

1st Down

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:19 p.m.

Id like to throw my hat in on the job. Im younger than all of those guys and Im defensive minded. Plus, I get the rivalry.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:18 p.m.

Dan Mullen David Yost, Offensive coord - Missouri (i like the name)


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:17 p.m.

i think the 'michigan man' idea must come second. all that is needed is someone that understands the big 10 and big 10 style ball. tradition for the sake of tradition can be stifling, when, instead, a tradition of progression ought to be more sought after. personally, i think brandon ought to have robinson coach while he takes his time finding the man he wants, or he needs to make a decision soon, before the recruiting season ends, before michigan loses the commitments they have now, and any other potential commitments in the wings.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:15 p.m.

I say go get Steve Mariucci, I hadn't thought about it to someone mentioned it earlier, I think he is the one former nfl coach that michigan could get. I think he did a good job a cal. before taking the 49ers job. great idea

Lorain Steelmen

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:15 p.m.

Brady Hoke is a NON choice. we need to focus on someone who can rewally do the job. Only Carr would support Hoke....and we've had more than enough of that around here1


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:15 p.m.

Whoever it is - it will require several more press conferences so DB can make sure he is the top story in this whole painful saga. Any coach with the talent and brains to take the job - doesn't want to go near it because of the idiots running the show. Whoever does take it will be a coach by proxy under Lloyd. This whole mess is an embarrasssing s***storm. And one more thing.... just because DB says it into a microphone doesn't make it true.

Lorain Steelmen

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:14 p.m.

Theo...I'm in for 'special teams'....been watching the Beamer Ball crew at VaTech. Those cats are NASTY!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:03 p.m.

I want the job too and my Peewee record is 27-10 so maybe the fans will like me. I love U of M ball but the jon at this point is too big for BK. It has to be somebody that can wow kids and get them to buy into the program again.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 6:03 p.m.

Les miles, I am not sure the fan base and the media would allow him to be successful? The greyshirting issues alone make him a real target. Many would like him but how successful would he be having to focus on better academics and not be in the wide open SEC? Hoke, OK but not exciting but acceptable. Chris Petersen from Boise State but Boise State coaches have struggled after taking new positions but he might be worth a look Steve Mariucci is an interesting suggestion

Bemused Passerby

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:59 p.m.

Uh, it would seem that if this is a list of the likely possibilities, at least one of them should be have greater than even odds. The best would be a 3:1 (presumably against). Can you recalculate?


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:54 p.m.

I don't know why some have a problem with Hoke. If they announced his hiring tomorrow I'd be for it. It's not a sexy pick, but the guy wants the job. I want a coach that wants the job because it's his dream job, not because he's being paid to act like it's his dream job.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:45 p.m.

If Brady Hoke comes to Michigan, he won't be available for filming of the eighth season of Curb Your Enthusiasm.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:36 p.m.

AND he's only 55! Hoke is 52, Miles is 57, Harbs is 47.....So he's not an old geezer!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:33 p.m.

How about Steve Mariucci? Before you laugh, let's look at it. 1. Born in Michigan. Played QB at Northern Michigan and won a DII national championship. 2. Has college and NFL experience (could sell prospects on getting them ready for the NFL). 3. The west coast offense that he runs would be a nice transition from the read option spread that RR ran (west coast is not a total 180 degrees like a pro/i form would be). 4. Has tons of NFL connections (Stanford didn't take off until Vic Fangio came it with his NFL 3-4 defense) 5. NFL to college is a much easier transition than vice versa. 6. Has the personality to be successful. Student athletes would love him. He's on TV, has clout, funny, football savy, etc.... 7. Recruiting: He coached Favre, Rice, Montana, Young....just to name a few. Could you imagine him in your living room telling you to come to UM? Done deal! Like Monte Kiffin from Tampa to USC. Sold!! I could go on and on and on....BUT, fans would have to support it. I know Lions fans hate him, but he would be an EXCELLENT college coach. Mark in down!


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:29 p.m.

Any realistic top search should look something like 1) Jim Harbaugh 2) Les Miles 3) Patterson 4) Peterson 5) NFL Coach with Hoke as a surprisingly acceptable consolation prize. The fact is that Michigan needs recruits. I agree that you don't pick a coach to save a recruit, but that doesnt need to be a concrete philosophy. Picking someone with a wildly successful brand and name means recruiting NOW. Picking a no namer or a small name person means a much higher chance for weaker recruiting which could hurt Michigan more in the long run than having to change coaches in 5 years because one of these guys has used up all of their time. Id like to see Miles come in, run us for 5-6 years until he's ready to retire and then try and snag Harbaugh once his NFL Bug has finally gone away.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:27 p.m.

Harbaugh is by far the best candidate, but we'll probably end up with Hoke. The rest of the guys won't work out for various reasons. Miles is slimy and Michigan didn't go after him last time for that reason. THAT's why the "phone call never came" - not because Bill Martin forgot to bring his cell with him on the boat. That story is a hoax concocted by Miles supporters. I've heard so many wild names suggested today by people I won't waste the space here and repeat them. Hopefully, Brandon will pull off a coup here and get an excellent candidate. I'll support whoever he brings in (except Miles), but I'm afraid Hoke might suffer a similar fate to Rodriguez (lack of internal support) until he starts winning.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:26 p.m.

How about Tony Dungy? Although he didn't attend or coach at U-M, his coaching pedigree is outstanding and he's a local guy from Jackson with a squeaky clean reputation for ethics and integrity along with being an excellent defensive football coach. He would attract top caliber prospects who wanted to play for a former successful pro coach. The only problem is that he is retired and may not be interested. Plus, he's getting up there a little in age like Les Miles.


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:26 p.m.

Harbaugh is by far the best candidate, but we'll probably end up with Hoke. The rest of the guys won't work out for various reasons. Miles is slimy and Michigan didn't go after him last time for that reason. THAT's why the "phone call never came" - not because Bill Martin forgot to bring his cell with him on the boat. That story is a hoax concocted by Miles supporters. I've heard so many wild names suggested today by people I won't waste the space here and repeat them. Hopefully, Brandon will pull off a coup here and get an excellent candidate. I'll support whoever he brings in (except Miles), but I'm afraid Hoke might suffer a similar fate to Rodriguez (lack of internal support) until he starts winning.

Rob Pollard

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 5:25 p.m.

I think you're probably right, but my goodness - Brady Hoke, a long time coach with a career under.500 record? BTW, your Jim Harbaugh odds should be 7 mil - one (or whatever Stephen Ross is going to be paying him)


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 4:40 p.m.

Bring home Les Miles


Thu, Jan 6, 2011 : 4:37 p.m.

Jimmy Johnson!!!