MSU fans celebrate a win, U-M fans hope for better luck next year against their in-state rivals

Michigan State fans cheer during the fourth quarter at Michigan Stadium on Saturday. Michigan lost to Michigan State, 34-17.
Melanie Maxwell I
As early as 30 minutes before the University of Michigan vs. Michigan State University game ended Saturday, Wolverines fans could be seen pouring out of the Big House.
They could see where it was going. In the end, MSU won 34-17.
The loss halted Michigan's undefeated record. And it gave Spartans fans bragging rights for the third straight year in the in-state rivalry.
But despite the defeat on home turf, many U-M fans remain hopeful about the season.
"I thought that (U-M) had an off day," said Cathy Wilson, a U-M fan from White Lake who left the game early. "The defense and offense had an off day, unfortunately."

A Michigan fan watches during the fourth quarter.
Melanie Maxwell I
Tom Acord of Corunna was a little more pointed in his post-game assessment.
"The only thing I really have to say is Coach Rodriguez better start winning some Big 10 games," he said after leaving the stadium with his wife and brothers. "I'd be more than happy to tell him face-to-face."
Mike Perry of Brighton was disappointed with U-M, but remains hopeful.
"Good game. Michigan made too many mistakes to win and Michigan State capitalized on them," he said. "We'll get them next year."
Mark Warner, a U-M fan from West Bloomfield, took his two daughters, Kennedy Warner, 13, and Nikki Warner, 9, to the game. They left the stadium before it ended.
"They were ready to go, and (U-M) is losing," Mark Kennedy said. "We like State, too, but we're primarily Michigan fans."
Though the team she was rooting for lost, Kennedy Warner said she still enjoyed herself.
"It was fun — we were in the section with all the State fans," she said.
Cheryl Olejniczak of Royal Oak attended the game with family, including her sister Micki McCarthy, a U-M fan from Grand Rapids. The two stood next to each other outside the stadium waiting for the rest of their group to come out — Olejniczak in green and white and McCarthy in maize and blue.
"It was a good game. I'm liking the way the game went because it went in my favor, so far," Olejniczak said minutes before it ended. "Great game, great match-up, and it's always a good rivalry."
Though her team was ahead, Olejniczak said she and her sister left the stadium early because the people sitting behind them were being unruly.
"It was a headache. That, unfortunately, made the game unenjoyable," she added.
For most Spartans fans, the trip to Ann Arbor Saturday was an enjoyable one.
Near halftime, State fan Harrison Kortz of Chicago was already celebrating.
"(The game is) awesome. State is way better than Michigan," he said while waiting to get into Bar Louie in downtown Ann Arbor. "Everyone knew coming in that State was going to win."
State fan Anthony Abela, of Asheville, North Carolina, said he was pleasantly surprised by the final score.
"It was a great game — I expected it to be closer than it was," he said. "The second half was all State."
And while most fans were committed to one team, Tim Todd of Grand Rapids was divided.
He stood out in the crowd with a shirt that was split down the middle — blue on one side, green on the other. It read "Mich State."
He said he has a daughter attending each school and didn't want to hurt any feelings.
"Loved it," he said of the game. "Loved the stadium. Had a good time."
Heather Lockwood is a reporter for Reach her at or follow her on Twitter.
Sun, Oct 10, 2010 : 10:48 p.m.
Hey, West Arbor you suck. Pride before the fall baby,and from the post on here you still have a way to go!!
Wystan Stevens
Sun, Oct 10, 2010 : 9:38 a.m.
Oh dear, now I see that my feeble effort at satire has been perceived as a "rant." Must one be obvious? Should I have signed the piece with smiley faces and "LOL" writ large? Incidentally, I thought the MSU women were, in the main, stunners: tall, blonde, athletic Amazons. (Don't tell my wife I was ogling them.) P.S. As I grow older, U of M women also look better every year.
Sun, Oct 10, 2010 : 7:55 a.m.
@wystanstevens: way to get a dig in at State girls. i live in AA and honey let me tell you, i've seen plenty BIG UM girls too. no need to stoop to that in your rant.
Bob W
Sun, Oct 10, 2010 : 7:15 a.m.
Somebody needs a bus ticket back to West Virginia.. ASAP. :o(
Jimmy McNulty
Sun, Oct 10, 2010 : 5:20 a.m.
Dear UM, Hahahahahaha. Yours Truly, Little Brother, with thanks to Mike Hart for the inspiration.
Sun, Oct 10, 2010 : 2:29 a.m.
Where can I find the UM fan in the picture?
Sun, Oct 10, 2010 : 1:02 a.m.
@wystanstevens...really? Have you not seen the masses of yellow and blue groups of drunks at every home game walking blindly from the effects of killing off too many brain cells? I don't care what color these rude, lewd people wear...they are an embarassment to all of us in, as you put it, "Athens of Washtenaw"...A2 has a great deal to be proud of in relation to the university...however, the rabid football fans are not, in any fashion, something to be proud of. It's going to be in the lower 80's on Sunday so the puke piles and pee puddles ought to smell ripe...just another Sunday after a homegame. I often wonder if the parents of these obnoxious students would be proud of their behavior....
Wystan Stevens
Sun, Oct 10, 2010 : 12:18 a.m.
SPARTA INVADES ATHENS On Saturday evening, downtown Ann Arbor was invaded and taken over by roving bands of Aliens. I knew that that was what they were, because I witnessed numerous clusters of little green men (and big green women), moving aimlessly up and down State Street in the campus area and the business district, high-fiving, muttering gibberish and shouting -- nay, screaming -- insane cries of tribal euphoria: "Go Green!" "Go White!" "Go Green!" "Go White!" ("Nay," chimed a blue-clad partisan: "Go Home!") Those who study such phenomena are aware that "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" have been defined as actual contacts with Aliens. There were many close encounters on State Street last night. Close calls, as well: I heard police sirens. I saw flashing blue lights. I dare say that all refined and civilized members of our community will join me in breathing a heartfelt sigh of relief after the drunken Spartan hordes withdraw from these genteel precincts, and sanity is once more restored to our bright realm of Ann Arbor, ancient seat of learning and "Athens of Washtenaw County."
Sat, Oct 9, 2010 : 10:17 p.m.
Better luck next year? That's a losers lament, and we've had to say it for three straight years now. We have no defense, no special teams, and an offense that has flatlined for three straight years against MSU. The improvement in year 3 of RR? Ask MSU fans if they see it.
Sat, Oct 9, 2010 : 8:49 p.m.
After attending many Michigan games I know first hand how rude they are. Many Michigan fan are arrogant and extremely rude. They need to look in the mirror before judging any other school that is visiting. They also tend to turn on each other when things go bad. Embarrassing!!!
Sat, Oct 9, 2010 : 8:28 p.m.
I have no idea how long fans, even the blindly, insanely optimistic ones, are going to continue to tolerate bad coaching. The only difference this year between last year is an athletic QB. When he goes flat as he did today, so does the team. Special teams, defense, discipline, and preparation are all missing. Rich Rod got a three year pass -- it is way passed time for him to go.