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Posted on Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 2:46 p.m.

Michigan football team's offense revolves around Denard Robinson, and that's OK with Rich Rodriguez

By Pete Bigelow

Rich Rodriguez doesn’t care one bit about the fact the Michigan football team’s offense is a one-man show.

“If we have 500 yards rushing in a game, and they all come from one guy, I don’t care,” he said Monday.

“Everybody says you can’t run your quarterback 20 times a game. Well, did they say you can’t run Barry Sanders 20 times a game? If you can handle it, you can handle it.”


Michigan quarterback Denard Robinson picks up some of his 502 total yards of offense against Notre Dame on Saturday.

Lon Horwedel |

For the Wolverines’ sake, they better hope Denard Robinson can handle it.

Their star-in-the-making quarterback touched the football 68 times Saturday and accounted for 94 percent of the team’s total offense in Saturday’s 28-24 win against Notre Dame.

He ran for 258 yards and two touchdowns, and threw for 244 more and another score. Three other running backs combined for 30 yards - the only ones on the day Robinson could not claim.

At the height of his college career, Texas quarterback Vince Young amassed 84 percent of his team’s offense, the same career high that Tim Tebow reached at Florida.

Pat White, a Rich Rodriguez protégé at West Virginia whom Robinson has often been compared to, never reached 80 percent in a game, according to ESPN’s Bruce Feldman.

Through two weeks, Robinson has done his best to keep the whirlwind ride at arm’s length.

“I’ve heard from my parents and my sister, and they’ve said, ‘this is the beginning and not the end. Don’t get complacent,’” said Robinson, who has gone from potential starter to Heisman Trophy candidate in a two-week span.

It's not only the outside attention he’ll need to endure.

Questions about his durability have arisen after he carried the ball 29 times in the season opener against UConn and then 28 times against Notre Dame.

Rodriguez wouldn’t say whether he’d reduce Robinson’s workload this weekend against UMass, saying only “our game plan will be whatever we need to do to win the game.”

But he said after the Notre Dame game that he’s more concerned about the number of throws Robinson makes. He completed 19 of 22 passes against UConn in the opener and went 24-for-40 in South Bend.

“We’re more worried about overthrowing … in practice,” Rodriguez said. “His arm can get tired, just like a kicker’s leg can get tired. So we’re really cognizant of that.”

Pete Bigelow can be reached at (734) 623-2556, via email at and followed on Twitter @PeterCBigelow.


Robbie Webb.

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 8:48 p.m.

3, I have always said injuries take a toll. Look at our secondary, I miss Troy and can't wait to have him back next year. But my friend, you have to understand that we are getting older and more experienced, and with that, like other teams, we can stand at least one injury. Now, if Denard goes down, then we have a bigger problem. Let's see how the season unfolds, I'm not jumping up and down yet myself.


Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 6:27 p.m.

I don't care if folks call me out this is all about fun right Sean T. Nobody on this blog is being mean that I can see this is just good old fashion football debating right Sean T. This is an exciting time to be a Wolves fan win or lose and the good natured debates going on here are healthy and informative if I offend anyone using their name I certainly don't mean harm I love the debating with all you guys both fans and complainers.

3 And Out

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 4:21 p.m.

Robbie Webb...every time you confront one of my posts here and mention me personally, you are in violation with's agreement and your post is subject to getting deleted. I suggest that you read their guidelines about personal attacks and stop stalking me. BTW, to your "point" ok...if you are going to state that about injuries then I never want to read you make excuses for Rich Rod and Barwis once this season is lost and even more guys get injured....since they are 'part of the game' well you just lost your excuse when D Rob goes down.


Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 11:21 a.m.

While its clear that Denard worked hard in the off season and we always knew he had tremendous athletic talent, the Michigan quarterback coach did a fantastic job coaching Denard on seeing his receivers. When Denard leaves the opposing defensive backs 10 yards behind him as he reaches the end zone I am awed by his speed. When he connects with a receiver who is 30 yards down field running at top speed, I am equally awed by the improvement his coach has achieved. Player improvement year to year is the mark of a good coach. The mark of a great coach is year to year improvement across all of the players on the team, from QBs to defensive lineman, to the punter. While I also think that the offensive line has shown tremendous improvement, Michigan's defense continues to over run ball carriers and receivers, tackles poorly, and continues to give up big plays. I think the Rich's focus and abilities are the real deal on offense, but defense doesn't seem to be his game.

Robbie Webb.

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 9:48 a.m.

Hahaha! There's 3 and IN saying that if Crist would have played then they would have won. Are you saying that injuries affect a team? Kind of like what I've been saying happened the past two years, right? Oh, but Michigan injuries don't count because Rodriguez is the head coach. I guess those injuries to Molk and Minor didn't affect us at all and wouldn't have made a bit of difference against Iowa, Purdue, or MSU. Not to mention youth and no depth. Keep back pedling 3 and In, you're going to moon walk through the wall behind you.

BLU-Fan Cols

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 9:21 a.m.

As a U of M fan living in Columbus, Ohio I always thought the fans in Columbus were the most obnoxious, but after reading these post about the head man at Michigan I may have to change my mind. For those of you who are longing for the good ole days "B.R." Before Rod, let's see 2006 OSU 41 Mich 39, 2007 App State 34 Mich 32. Now RR may not be Bo, Mo or Lloyd but he is the current coach and as such should be supported. BTW what if TP went down where would that leave OSU, if Mallet went down where would that leave Arkansas? Injuries are a part of the game, let's just hope that it doesn't happen to DR. Go Blue!!!

John-Maize Blueblood

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 8:52 a.m.

@GoblueinNE_PA: I'm surprised you are still predicting how this team's season will unfold. According to some of your previous posts, we were subject to lose against both UConn & Notre Dame. Please spare us your predictions! We are only two games into the season. Things could get worse; likewise they could get even better. One quick question to all of you Naysayers: What do you think would happen to OSU, MSU, PSU, Iowa, or Wisky if their quarterbacks were to go down? At least we have Tate and/or Devin that I believe can step in and can reasonably carry us through the rest of the way. I don't think I can say that about the teams I listed above. You don't think so? Remember Notre Dame last Saturday!

John-Maize Blueblood

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 8:48 a.m.

How is it that some posters keep asserting that Coach Rod is overusing DRob? The kid is the starting quarterback. With that, he is on the field a lot. Should we also declare that Tressel has been overusing Pryor?


Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 8:37 a.m.

yogi... great post... and as for 3and out, if dr had gone down tate would have stepped in and finished the job!!! GO BLUE!!!


Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 7:51 a.m.

Everyone who is blaiming RR for the % of offense DR generates is off base. UM runs a zone read spread offense and that means that DR has the option to hand off, run, or pass on virtually every play. So far he has made very credible reads of the opposing defenses and UM has won both games. This is what the offense is supposed to look like so get used to it. Plus anyone who thinks beating an unranked ND on their home field with a sophomore QB is not a big win is just plain wrong! I'm very happy with the way things are going and I'm glad to see the negative posts declining. Go Blue.


Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 7:46 a.m.

I hope and pray that Denard will hold up this season. I don't blame Coach Rod for using him so much in these two first games. But, we MUST find some help at running back. If Denard carries 28 or 29 times every game this year, he won't last the season. That's a fact. No QB in the modern era has run that much in a full season and made it through without serious injury. DR is an amazing athlete but he is certainly not indestructible. Still, I think Michigan will get better in most of the problem areas (kicking, pass defense, and running) and will have a pretty good season. I see 8 wins as very achievable, and if things go well, maybe 9.


Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 7:06 a.m.

BorninA2: You obviously know nothing about football to write something like "our starting QB completed only 60% of his passes" and try to position that as a negative. Give me a break! Tom Brady's and Peyton Manning's career completion percentage is 63 and 64 percent respectively. 60 percent is good! Also, of course the offense looks like 2008. It's the same offense. But the one difference I'm seeing this year as opposed to the past two years, is that there are no negative yardage plays, and barely any zero gains. That's what killed the offense. Now I'm not ready to annoint anyone here. Last year's start and horrible finish taught a valuable lesson. But I'm going to enjoy the season as it unfolds, and not keep pouting like you because we're 2-0.


Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 6:05 a.m.

Geez oh Pete, some of you complainers are getting your panties in a bunch, if you even are a Mich. fan enjoy the moment. How about I predict that in the year 2015 we're going to go undefeated and win the BCS. That makes as much sense as you complainers predicting we'll win 5 and probably go down the toilet after that. If we do go down the toilet hey that's life, for now try to have some fun with this whole thing and right now is an exciting time to be a Mich. Wolverine fan.

John-Maize Blueblood

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 3:57 a.m.

I still don't understand why we waste our time paying attention to some of the trolls posting negative stuff on just about every article regardng the team and RR. A certain troll here must either be a kid with Attention Deficit Disorder or a mentally challenged adult. I will not call that particular troll out by name to avoid getting my post removed, but he/she knows exactly whom I'm referring to. That particular troll just continuously posts stupid stuff like "DRob bailing RR out". He/she is not even bright enough to realize by now that football is a team effort. DRob is great, but there is no way he would have achieved what he has so far achieved if the O-line was weak. That troll only posts here to draw the attention that he/she craves so much. I notice recently that the more we pay attention to that troll, the more he/she tends to continue posting stupid stuff here hoping to pull our legs. Why don't we just ignore that retard and he/she will go away like all annoying flies eventually do? @GoblueinNE_PA: I'm surprised you are still predicting how this team's season will unfold. According to some of your previous posts, we were subject to lose against both UConn & Notre Dame. Please spare us your predictions! We are only two games into the season. Things could get worse; likewise they could get even better. One quick question to all of you Naysayers: What do you think would happen to OSU, MSU, PSU, Iowa, or Wisky if their quarterbacks were to go down? At least we have Tate and/or Devin that I believe can step in and can reasonably carry us through the rest of the way. I don't think I can say that about the teams I listed above. You don't think so? Remember Notre Dame last Saturday! Good Night & Go Blue!!!

3 And Out

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 1:36 a.m.

The fact is that if Crist didnt go down we lose that game regardless (or "Irregardless" as RR would say it) of what Denard did.

Sean T.

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 : 1:19 a.m.

So is there anyone that truly believes that if Denard quit the team tomorrow we would still be setting record numbers with our other QB's? The O-line did open some holes but most of the plays were made by D. Robinson himself. No one has seen all of the jukes, broken tackles and flat out speed? When our opponent's talent level increases Denard will not be able to bail us out all the time, we need someone to step up to help from the backfield. Also, no one knows how long he will be able to keep up this miraculous pace and I hope he can do it his whole career but he will be a target and he already took himself out of the game at ND. (1 play) ND was a good test and we caught them early so on to next week!


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 10:11 p.m.

"Why don't you just appreciate what you just saw." I, for one, do. And at the same time I'm not blinded to the other things I saw, many of which were things that I saw last year and had the same things said to me when I pointed them out. For example: We had the kid that so many are calling the best player in college ball through two games on our side and the other guys had water boys playing QB for *half the game*, and it took heroics in the last 60 seconds against said unranked team along with their half-blind starting QB throwing a pass into row 20 behind our end zone on the last play for us to escape the W. So yah-freaking-hoo, we played even with an unranked team. I'm just not buying that this vindicates our ethically-challenged coach or foretells great things for this season any more than it did last year.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 9:50 p.m.

These "one man show" comments are crazy. The o-line was punching holes that Sheridan or Threet could have run through for big yards. What about Molk? Maybe he's the "one man show". Bluemax said it best in the first comment. Denard isn't blocking for himself or catching the passes he throws. There are 11 guys on offense in any given play.

3 And Out

Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 9:15 p.m.

and Lloyd and Bo never went 7-16+1 and pointed fingers at the previous regime blaming them for the supposed lack of talent when it all left under their own watch


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 8:36 p.m.

Hey tz: Someone can be critical of the head coach and still be a true blue fan, deserving season tickets, etc. I don't think it is fair to call out someone who is airing dissent with the coach. Believe me, I used to hear lots of that in the stands when Bo and LC were coaching.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 8:20 p.m.

So lets see here. A kid goes out and has two outstanding performances and the trolls come running out to say how this can't continue, how the defense stinks, how the kicking games is awful, the coach should be fired, blah, blah, blah. Why don't you just appreciate what you just saw. I challenge any of you to find better back to back performances by any player at time time in college football history! Just face it. RR is going to have this thing rolling and you are STUCK with him.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 7:49 p.m.

September 12, 2009: Against Notre Dame the Michigan defense gives up 490 yards and 34 points. Michigan gets the ball with less than three minutes to play and Tate Forcier bails out the defense. August 2, 2010: Troy Woolfolk calls out Forcier. September 11, 2010: Against Notre Dame the Michigan defense gives up 500 plus yards. Michigan gets the ball back with less than four minutes to play and Denard Robinson bails out the defense. Lets hope that Woolfolk (RIP) and the rest of the defense are worrying about their own laundry. No matter how good Robinson plays the defense is the weak link.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 7:34 p.m.

Paco, You're spot on. This season has been great so far and our QB has been the best player in the country, bar none. That doesn't change the fact that there are issues that need to be corrected before we face the B10 season (95 yard TD pass against our secondary, anyone?)Don't forget, our last 7 games are all against teams that we lost to last year. I do THINK we're better than last year, but until we prove it against those 7 teams, I don't know for sure. Based on what I've seen, I still feel comfortable with my 8-4 prediction.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 7:23 p.m.

Larry, I have to agree with you. You know very little, but at least you are smart enough to realize it. As for being a 36 year season ticket holder, based on your dismay for RR, you should do everyone a favor and give your tickets up so a true UM supporter can occupy those seats. If you think this team is a one man show you obviously haven't been paying attention. DR was 19/21 passing in game 1 and he was 24/40 in game 2 with at least 5 or 6 drops by the receivers. So if he is a 1 man show, who caught the 43 pass completions? Last time I looked the QB was responsible to throw the ball and good coaches learn to take what the defense gives them. Last Saturday, the ND defense decided to make sure to stuff the UM running attack when the ball was handed off to te RB's thus allowing DR to make plays. What should RR and DR do when the defense is daring you to have the QB run the ball, just decide not to take advantage of it. You may have played a little football, but obviously not in this world.

Tru Blue Fan

Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 7:21 p.m.

It's crazy how the masses are awaiting a michigan downfall. I've been reading some of the post over the past couple of weeks and you can tell that some of them come from people who obviously don't watch alot of football. I'm a diehard michigan fan since birth, but i'm also a BigTen fan. If you stack up the numbers of our so called gimmicky offense compared to your big three of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Ohio State we are up there in every statistacal category rushing, recieving and passing. And the best part of me saying that is our first two games were not warm-ups like the rest of the big three with the exception of the Ohio State and Miami match up. Uconn put up crazy numbers this weekend and will probably win the Big East and Notre Dame is Notre Dame and will be good as the season goes along and let's not kid ourselves not only do they probably have the best WR and TE in college football they have two backs that will more than likely be all-americans at seasons end. As far as Saturday goes it wasn't luck that got us thru the game it was growth. We are now a season older with our offense and a season older with Greg Rob as d-coordinator. The hit's we took in the secondary wasn't bc he's not coaching these guys our safeties are still just taking bad angles. With that said our run defense is much improved and our corners are doing a good job also. We have injuries to key leaders on the team (Woolfolk) and we also had backups in position of need leave the program. Still we continue to play and get the results we all as Michigan fans have been hoping for the past three years. So let's stop the negative post because recruits look at these sites and draw bogus conclusion from those who claim to be real michigan fans. And remember "Those Who Stay Will Be Champions."


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 7:19 p.m.

heartbreakM -- great points. Your concerns are shared by the rest of the true Michigan fanbase. I honestly don't believe we are going to win many games in the B10 simply by outscoring our opposition. As such, our season will be defined by the progress of our defense. Honestly, as bad as Gordon et al looked on a couple of those big plays, I think that stuff is pretty easily correctable. Once the secondary improves a little, we can start rushing more bodies and sending more blitzes. But we can't do that right now with all the newbies in the secondary. I believe the D will improve at a rapid pace this season. We have a great group of kids who are pouring their souls into making Michigan great again. Listening to their words in interviews, they sound humble and sincere. It just sounds like they have the right mentality, like they truly believe in the direction of the program. I didn't get that feeling the past couple years.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 7:04 p.m.

bluemax79, BorninA2 -- were you complaining when Tim Biakabutuka shouldered the vast majority of the load as he carried the ball 37 times for 313 yards in UM's victory over OSU in 1995? Was anyone complaining when Chris Perry was a "one man show" against MSU carrying the ball 51(!) times? How about all those games where Braylon or Mike Hart almost single-handedly carried us to victory? Lloyd Carr rode with the 'hot hand' as much as any coach. Please, stop making a mountain out of a mole hill. We'll see a lot more balance in the offense as the line jells and other players emerge.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 6:39 p.m.

I think the best thing about Saturday is that they played horrible(except DROB) and still won. Tons of drive killing penalties and two missed field goals. The defense played decent except for a couple horrible plays by the secondary. Play calling was also an issue. Greg Robinson needs to grow some balls and blitz once in awhile. A three man rush is not going to win the game. Also, on third DROB needs to throw past the down marker. Nothing I hate more than short passes on third down. This year is different than last. I am not saying they will win the Big Ten, but 8 games is not unrealistic. If RR keeps his job watch out for Michigan in 2011 and 2012. We all need to support our coach. Otherwise go cheer foe sparty.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 6:15 p.m.

Folks, let's remember as amazing as he was, D-Rob didn't win the game by himself. Go to and watch the replays. On the 87 yard TD run, the right guard blocked 2 guys downfield, and both receivers sealed off their men. No doubt D-Rob is special, but it was a great team effort too. Now, if we can just get a pass rush on the opposing QB...


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 5:45 p.m.

@BorninA2, would you be happier with a different playbook and more losses? The fact of the matter is the team has rolled up massive points and yards with the same offense that RR brought in - that speaks to the players now executing it. I agree with the comparison to last year - this is only two wins. The Big 10 season will be the true test of this team, but for now, it's fun to watch DR and the O throw up the big numbers and handle it with grace. Go Blue!

3 And Out

Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 5:12 p.m.

GoblueinNE_PA... +1000 you get it.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 4:21 p.m.

These two games have been unbelievable. Are we watching the best college football player in the country or what?


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 4:20 p.m.

They are playing good, but if you over play this guy he's gonna get busted up one way or another. He throws good and runs great. But he does not have Barry Sanders skill and agility. And only Barry Sanders can take the pounding this guy is gonna be taking the way they have him set up to play right now. But Barry won't come back and play anymore! lol


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 4:05 p.m.

Well, I have been critical of RR since he was hired, but at this point, I cannot criticize him this year (yet). There are aspects of the team that I think needs improvement, as mentioned above, and I don't know what happens to the defense in between its good plays. So I think we should look at the team so far this year and say, "Wow, what a performance DR has given for 2 games. What a good job of developing his skills the coaches have done (The coaches are critized when doing badly, they should be praised when doing good). What an exciting player DR is". I continue to be concerned with the attrition of players--yet another transfer today, and am concerned with our absolute poor running back performance, for the third straight year. But the downfield receiver blocking has been coached well, and maybe just maybe, we are seeing the turnaround of a once proud program that was destroyed over the last 2 years.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 4:05 p.m.

Why is it that anyone who has an opinion that points out anything that might be a potential weakness or stumbling block is called out as a troll or hater? I am a U of M grad and past president of the local U of M alumni club and the characterization of me and other people who wish to see the season play out before making a judgement, calling us trolls or haters, is not only foolish and childish but quite untrue. I am now neutral on RR but I think it is unrealistic, at this point, to anoint RR, DR or anyone or team as the next greatest thing. I love the two games so far, they certainly indicate it will be a good season but is far too early to tell. We have significant issues in the secondary and kicking and very often they can be the weak link that loses a game. Add to that the facts of last season when our QB got hurt and I see every reason to say let's see how the season plays out.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 3:52 p.m.

A guy here at work, who's an ND fan, said it reminded him of a High School game, where one team has that star player that's destined to go play at a major D1 program. That one kid outplays everyone, even the guys on his own team, and single handledly wins the games. (If you've looked at any highlight videos from the kids we've recruited, you'll know what I'm talking about.) Well, that's what we have w/DRob, a kid that's better than everyone else and is winning these games on his own. The problem with that is when those kids run up against a team that is little bit better level of talent, these one man shows lose. Why? Not because they shutdown the superstar, but they contain that kid enough that the others on his team HAVE to show up and contribute and they can't. IMO, it won't matter whether DRob gets hurt or not, the better teams will have enough talent to keep him contained. Maybe he still runs for 150 yds and a couple of TD's, but that won't be enough to win the game. The others on the team will have to make something happen on the field and I don't see it out there right now. The RB's are awful, as is the D. We'll probably be sitting at 4-0, but all bets are off after that.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 3:31 p.m.

I apologize to Kubrick my post should have been directed to Larry.

3 And Out

Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 3:30 p.m.

D Rob is bailing RR out. Row row row the boat D Rob. Great player and great kid.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 3:24 p.m.

@kubrick I agree if DR were to go down it would be a blow but no team is made up of one player. DR didn't take the yards. The offense (as in the rest of the team) opened holes for him to run through and he also completed over 60% of his passes without one turnover. Devin and Tate are no slouchs at the QB position its just that DR has been remarkable (as in the best player in the country) so far. The team, the team, the team!! Go Blue.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 3:08 p.m.

larry ciancio... "if anything happens to DR we are done and trust me this is an instant replay to last year! We will win 5 and fuhgettaboutit! Sorry guys this ain't no cinderella year...see ya Rich! BJM43" I could respond to this in a million different ways but the simplest is probably the best. Denard took the yards because they were there. And they won in the process. It's that simple. And if you can't see the difference between this year and last I don't have the patience to explain it to you.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 3:08 p.m.

I'm with Bluemax79 these first two games were must wins against what most people said were two very good teams until UM beat them and then they suddenly became mediocre (or lousy by some accounts). Any coach is going to use the best weapons he has to win games and try to spare them from injury but RR did not have that luxury. DR is the best option at this point and until other players step and contribute his work load is going to be heavy. The offense has been spectacular so far and I hope the ball can be spread around some soon but I'm enjoying the ride for now. The defense is much improved with a couple of lapses that cost UM big plays and touchdowns. I'm hoping and rooting for a big year Go Blue.....


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 2:41 p.m.

Let us enjoy it while it lasts.... and let us hope it lasts!


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 2:40 p.m.

OK, OK! DR put up an amazing output of offense...terrific between the 20's...C'mon man only 24 points? And, we better find a punter and a place guys are in a coma with this Michigan team, yes I'm a 36 year season ticket holder, a son that went to Michigan and 2 to State, anther to Central and one to Temple...and I played the game as well. So I know a little bit...not much but, a little. If anything happens to DR we are done and trust me this is an instant replay to last year! We will win 5 and fuhgettaboutit! Sorry guys this ain't no cinderella year...see ya Rich! BJM43


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 2:29 p.m.

RR will do anything to keep his job at this point. And I really don't see how anyone can say one player accounting for 94% of the team's offensive production is anything other than a "one-man show". Tackling looks better than last year, but still sloppy. The secondary is atrocious, AGAIN. We couldn't get any pressure on their QB without blitzing, we dropped a lot of passes, our RBs totalled 30 yards, our starting QB completed only 60% of his passes, and our offensive playbook looks frighteningly like 2008, albeit with a better athlete under center. Our kicking game is ghastly. Without their starting QB for half the game, ND still piled up 500 yards of offense and may well have won had Kelly kicked a field goal at the end of the first half. Other than our final drive, our offense was ineffective (at least in the category that counts: points) in the second half. ND might be a big rival, but they are still an unranked opponent. As are our next three. Beating these sorts of teams used be be expected. Now we want to break out the party hats over it. Seven wins and a berth in the Whocares Bowl used to be a failed season, now it's being held out as a certain indicator of RR's success. Where have our standards gone? From wins to ethics, RR's biggest accomplishment seems to be that he's single handedly redefined "success" for this program. Again, I'm glad for the W, but this year has started in a startlingly similar way to last year and we all know where that ended up.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 2:28 p.m.

DR's performances are crazy good, so much so that we hardly know how to respond. Can he sustain it as the season progresses, and the competition improves and becomes better informed? We'll see. A team's performance often hinges on the ability of a small number of players in "skill positions." I would like to see more out of our running backs, to avoid having defenses key only on DR. That's my concern - ensuring that Michigan can compete once again in the Big Ten. Looks like we are on our way.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 2:21 p.m.

This level of production is simply off the chart and likely not sustainable. I have a great lifelong friend who is a huge Notre Dame fan and we talk a little smack back and forth about the rivalry and he knows I have great respect for Notre Dame. He has seen many great peformances against the Irish but this was the best all time. As quoted from my friend who attended Saturday's game... "I have followed college football for 40 years and I have never seen 1 player dominate a football game like Robinson of Michigan! Even the Rocket's 2 kick-off returns against Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1990 takes a back seat to this performance. He didn't sneak up on us. We knew what he was capable of, yet we were unable to contain him.As an ND fan, I have seen many great performances against us: O.J. Simpson's Junior year, USC's Anthony Davis' 5 touchdowns, Lynn Swan's senior year, Tony Dorsett's 303 yard game in 1977, Herschel Walker beating us in the Sugar Bowl, Desmond Howard's Catch, Johnny Rodgers of Nebraska in the Orange Bowl, Marcus Allen at the Coluseum, Dan Marino and Bernie Kosar and Tom Brady and Drew Brees and Reggie Bush and Eddie George. Anyway, my point is not one of them was more spectacular than Robinson. This was a performance for the ages. I believe that as the season unfolds, Notre Dame's defense will be recognized as a very good unit. I believe that our D will shut down most of our opponents. This is not a Charlie Weis D. This is a real D with some future NFL players. That makes Robinson's performance that much more remarkable. I see him as a Bo Jackson, Herschel Walker, Tony Dorsett, O.J. Simpson, Barry Sanders, Marshall Faulk, Rocket Ismail, Tommy Frazier-type player who cannot be contained even if you prepare for him". Unquote =================================================================== If this offense gets balanced to the extent that Robinson is only 50-60% of the offense, that is even amazing. I've never seen a guy able to completely "freeze" the defense with a quick look or small fake like Robinson. He's got great savvy and presence. It's only 2 games but he looks like lightning in a bottle. Question is, can lightning strike more than twice. Sure looks like it.


Mon, Sep 13, 2010 : 2:10 p.m.

so we win the game against a big rival and all people want to say is that Denard is a 1 man show? he isn't blocking for himself or catching the passes he throws, RRod puts together a game plan and we get 500+ yards and enough points to winthe game and people complain about how he does it. RRod cannot catch a break with the media.