Michigan football players excited to meet their new coach, Brady Hoke

Michigan running back Mike Cox talks outside of Schembechler Hall after learning that athletic director Dave Brandon hired Brady Hoke to coach the Michigan football team.
Lon Horwedel | AnnArbor.com
J.B. Fitzgerald came out of Schembechler Hall late Tuesday afternoon, a smile on his face and declared that Michigan’s players weren’t “orphans anymore.”
For a week, Michigan’s players felt that way as former coach Rich Rodriguez was in limbo and then fired. They endured a search that included the names of Jim Harbaugh and Les Miles and then learned of the hiring of former San Diego State coach Brady Hoke on Tuesday.
The players, the last ones told of Rodriguez’s firing a week ago, were the first to know about their new coach as Michigan kept the information remarkably quiet.
“It wasn’t that long, it was good,” said Fitzgerald, a senior linebacker. “But we’re all excited and ready to get back to work.”
Most players, though, didn’t know much about Hoke except what they were told by Michigan athletic director Dave Brandon in a players’ meeting inside Schembechler Hall at 4 p.m. Tuesday.
When they emerged, though, they uniformly seemed pleased.
“I don’t know too much,” wide receiver Darryl Stonum said about his new coach. “But I’ll find out tomorrow at 11:30.”
Hoke will meet his new players at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday.
What Brandon did tell Michigan’s players, though, was that he did a lot of research into Hoke.
“He’s a Michigan man, coached here from '95-2002,” Stonum said. “He talked to a lot of former players, former coaches, people that knew him, and all said he’s a great guy, he’s a players coach, and he’s a great fit.
“Dave Brandon was sold, and we are, too.”
Nose tackle Mike Martin was among them. Martin, who emerged as one of Michigan's top defensive performers last season, said he looks forward to playing for a coach dedicated to hard-nosed football.
"He's an old-school guy," Martin said. "There's no pizzazz, fanciness to him. He's just old school."
Players said Brandon heard from former Michigan stars Charles Woodson and Steve Hutchinson among others about the 52-year-old Dayton, Ohio, native.
Other players had similar thoughts:
Kevin Koger: “Round of applause. Everybody started smiling, and we didn’t really know what to do. Someone started the slow clap, and we all just followed in there.”
Mike Cox: “I’m happy. Hopefully when they come in I can show my talent and get to play.”
Jibreel Black: “Big cheer. Everybody, we’ve been waiting for a new coach. Finally got one. Got a leader back.”
Kenny Demens: "It feels awesome. It feels like I just committed. We're all excited."
AnnArbor.com sports reporter Jeff Arnold contributed to this report. Michael Rothstein covers University of Michigan basketball for AnnArbor.com. He can be reached at (734) 623-2558, by e-mail at michaelrothstein@annarbor.com or follow along on Twitter @mikerothstein
Wed, Jan 12, 2011 : 8:29 a.m.
I'm so glad that the first thing DB said about Hoke in that quote is that he's a "Michigan Man" because that is ALL that matters when looking for coaches, that they have a previous affiliation with the program. This coaching search was a sham from the beginning. I'll give Hoke a chance because he's the coach and deserves it. But this AD has just lost all credibility with me.
Wed, Jan 12, 2011 : 8:14 a.m.
Wait a bit Most people I have talked to or heard from wish RR the best. I know this Forum don't really care for him and is generally RR toxic but for the most part on the other blogs and pubs I have not heard alot of ill will toward RR. I know I wish him the best and being a Michigan fan I want Brady Hoke to be the answer for us. I do remember playing a Brady Hoke team in the past I think it was '06 and they almost ruined a perfect season. So he seems like the real deal.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 10:23 p.m.
@blusage? You're right, it is refreshing to have fans that are appreciative of a coach's hard work and effort, are able to be civil and wish their former coach the best of luck with no ill will. It says a great deal about the character of the SDSU fans as much as to the character of Coach Hoke, which I'm sure is beyond reproach.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 10:22 p.m.
Hope the Aztecs will get a real good coach soon.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 10:12 p.m.
@1st down I think "lorain" is richyrich or maybe rita, just trying to stir the pot before those two guys and that truck get to their house. Not thrilled by the hire but I think it will work out for everybody.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 10:06 p.m.
Look at the difference between the SD crowd and the WV crowd. One is happy for the new coach (who never hid his dream job), one was a lynch mob who wanted the scalp of the "shredder" on his way out of town. One coach is being flown on a domino's jet from the warmth to the cold. The other made secret phone calls to a recruit (now a buckeye) and secretly slid his way out of town before arriving in A2. What a refreshing change. Can't wait to see if he brings back some of the old guard, like Soup Campbell, or Trgovac, Jackson, etc. Just please, please, no Moeller!!
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 10:05 p.m.
..Yeeah!, Wolverines in the snow..hitting, tackling, running and passing..REAL FOOTBALL..MICHIGAN FOOTBALL those that stay Will Be Champions! i luv it, i love it, i luuuv it! Welcome home coach Hoke.. Hail to the Victors! Go Blue! v
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 9:40 p.m.
I hope DR sees this as a chance for all his skill and hard work to be rewarded with wins and he won't have to get as beat up as he was last season. I'm sure BH will find a scheme that uses his and the rest of the offense's ability while getting the defense to a point where all the offensive scoring will end up in wins. Best of luck to Brady Holk and the rest of the team. GO BLUE!
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 9:15 p.m.
I just read that Brady Hoke (got it right this time!) was promoted to associate head coach under Carr, so those criticizing that he wasn't even a coordinator before becoming a head coach, hence he lacks the experience, should put a cork in it. Again, rewatch the SDSU-Navy bowl game then tell me this guy can't coach. (And go look at the teams and margins they lost to this year. A whole lot more impressive than what RR accomplished this year.) One last thing: it's refreshing that SDSU fans are happy for Hoke for finally getting his dream job which he was always upfront about. They say they wish he'd stay, they'll miss him, but they're happy for him. No ill will. That's refreshing and says a lot about his character. This is a good hire. All critics, skeptics and snide commenters get ready to have your smirks slapped off your faces next fall. Go Blue!
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 9:06 p.m.
I sure hope rr lands something soon. I can't wait for what are likely three rr aliases to transfer to another forum. Hoke is an excellent fit and I am glad we got him over Les Miles. He knows how to get the most out of his players and shouldn't be looking to retire soon or jump to the NFL.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 9:03 p.m.
AS I SAID BEFORE These are Brady Hoke's answers from an interview at San Diego. BH I told the team the first time I met with them, Were going to play for our seniorsso our seniors can leave a legacy. And then, obviously, recruiting is a big part of it, because when you have pretty good players youre a pretty good coach. Whats your offensive style? BH Its about two thingsoffense and defense. Were going to be multiple in what we do offensively and defensively. Where a lot of guys make a mistake is forgetting youve got to have a system thats going to fit your personalities. So were going to take advantage of what we do well I hope DR and the rest of the team gives him a chance. GOOD LUCK BH. GO BLUE!
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 8:56 p.m.
His record doesn't bother me when you consider the actual physical resources he had to work with. His not being a coordinator doesn't bother me: yes, it's a common career path, but not necessary. Some people take to head coaching more easily than others. His team looked sharp in the bowl game against Navy and beat the spread by a lot. Unlike RR's teams which have NEVER looked sharp, even after three years. I'm certain the defense is going to instantly improve. My only concern is his plans for the offense. But from what I've read, he cares about the players, and I'm sure he won't be blaming them for not being the right "type" of players like someone I know. Finally, I will bet top dollar that the turnovers stop. Most thought Bo was a bad hire, but he turned out pretty good. I have high hopes and unbridled support for Hoke Brady -- our new football coach. GO BLUE!
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 8:32 p.m.
Go Brady Go! Make it happen big guy! I think the UM faithful will like what they hear tomorrow.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 8:25 p.m.
BH is the most versatile of the 3 coaches they were looking into. He's been rebuilding programs the last 10 years and everywhere you look in the media he's loved by former players and fans. Anybody that spews venom at this hire should go elsewhere as this IS the right guy for Michigan football. Welcome back to fundamentals. Can't wait to see what coach does with developing the returning players. All of you worried about recruiting, dont be. We have returning freshmen and sophomores thanks to our previous coach. Only this time, the coach will develop them instead of just giving them playing time and then throwing them in front of the bus when they make a mistake.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 8:13 p.m.
Azwolverine, thanks for clarifying what offense Hoke likes to run. I am definitely hoping he will adapt to the strengths of the team and believe he will do what is best for the team to succeed.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 8:05 p.m.
Hey 1st Down, what's up buddy. Just wanted to say that it is 1st and Ten for the U-M program!! Rejoice people, you will see that we are in good hands now, I'm so glad we didn't hire Miles. BTW, tomorrow when Hoke is in front of the podium, you will then realize what I have been saying all this time, just wait.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:56 p.m.
Hey TZ, way to tell Lorain off, good on ya mate!!! This is the guy I wanted and have been lobbying for if we didn't get JH. In a way, I'm kinda glad we'll have someone who won't be going anywhere else anytime in the near future. I love this hire and we're gonna play Defense again, finally. I have so many friends out here in San Diego that are congratulating me and are sad that he's gone, and I mean really sad. SDSU fans loved him here. You guys wait and see, we're gonna rock people's world on the field. I can't wait for the season to begin and beating OSU this year in AA. Buckeyes, it's over, your little lucky run is done. You can laugh all you want, but you'll see!!!! Hoke is no joke!! GO BLUE!!!!
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:52 p.m.
If you are not happy with the new Coach then just go somewhere else and wait for RichRod to get hired at a new school. Then you can spend your time pouting on a different web site. Honestly, you won't be missed. Let's go Brady, time to turn this ship around!!
John B.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:45 p.m.
Amen, tzgb!
1st Down
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:43 p.m.
Cox, Toussaint and Justice Hayes will all fit this offense well... the banger kid from Texas will also be utilized..
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:42 p.m.
UM Owns Mike Cox got a raw deal from RR. RR made public statements that Cox couldn't play because he didn't know the play book. Well I believe it up to the coaches to teach and help players learn the play book. It would also help if the player was given a chance to execute the plays in the play book. The problem RR had with Cox was he is a big strong inside runner and that didn't fit with RR's idea of a running back. If you weren't 5'6" and 180 lbs you didn't get to play. Further to the point, where was Hopkins in our offense the back half of last season? Sitting on the bench at 220 lbs while our little 180 lb guy failed to get the first downs on third and short yardage time and again. Cox will flourish in BH system and then people will understand his comments
1st Down
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:42 p.m.
Lorraine...who once once again needs an education... Hoke's offense was ranked 16th in CF last year and their QB threw over 30TD passes and the young RB had more yards than Marshall Faulk had there...they are explosive and dynamic.
1st Down
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:39 p.m.
Kevin Koger: no worries man, you will be an All Big Ten TE next season in Hoke's offense.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:31 p.m.
tulsa, supposedly Hoke runs a variation of the spread. That would seem to indicate that many of the offensive players will stay. As for defense, I think they'll all stay...we may even get some more before signing day. As for his coaching, he is strong on fundamentals, something that has been lacking in the past. The key to this hire, though, will be the assistants that he gets. The assistants are, in many cases, even more important than the head coach. The HC gameplans, motivates, and delegates while assistants do most of the hands on coaching overseen by the HC. If Hoke gets top assistants that are all on the same page, UM will be a top notch team that can compete with anybody.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:31 p.m.
This is the best fit. A lot of people wont agree right off the bat but JH showed he wasnt interested in being a long term coach and Les Miles wasnt wanted the first time and this time around his heart wasnt really in it. We got a guy who understands M and wants to be hear. He has something to prove and is willing to work hard to achieve success. Right now its hard to see but with 18 of 22 starters returning he could come in and have a solid 8-4 9-3 year. Maybe on the cool-aid with that but aim high and you never know what happens. Nobody knew who gene chizik was, he wasnt the pop. choice, now everybody know who he is (just saying). Get on board this could be good.
Lorain Steelmen
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:24 p.m.
With Hoke, we'll be without an offense and a defense. Now we sit back and wait to see where DRob and company transfer to.
UM owns
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:22 p.m.
Mike Cox rubs me the wrong way. When RR was fired, he made a snide remark about a "party at his [Cox's] crib" and finally having a chance to play, and now he's saying again that he'll hopefully get a chance to play. Michigan Men are team players, and don't celebrate their coach's firing.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:19 p.m.
@tulsa: forcing an offense on his players. Hmmmm. Where have we heard that before :) I don't think we'll have that problem. I'm hopeful that Hoke is everything we hope he will be. Not a sexy name today, but after we beat OSU next year, that name will ooze sexy!!
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 7:08 p.m.
As I said before 3rd choice but maybe in the end best choice. If not Hoke we'd be more screwed than keeping Rich Rod.
Tue, Jan 11, 2011 : 6:59 p.m.
I am hoping that the players have an open mind and give Hoke the benefit of a doubt and not transfer before giving him a chance. I also hope Hoke will tailor his offense to the talent of his players and not try to force an offense on them that doesn't take advantage of their talents.