Michigan football defensive coordinator Greg Mattison encouraged by Wolverines' intensity

Michigan football defensive coordinator Greg Mattison watches practice Tuesday in Al Glick Fieldhouse.
Melanie Maxwell | AnnArbor.com
Hours after Greg Mattison accepted his job as defensive coordinator of the Michigan football team, he asked his son, Bryan, to pack some of his belongings from their house in Mishawaka, Ind. One item stood out. “I said, ‘Make sure you get my Michigan Rose Bowl ring,’” said Mattison, who had previously served as an assistant coach at the school from 1992 to 1996. “He said, ‘C’mon, Dad.’ I said, ‘Seriously, I want that.’ Really, it’s a reminder of how proud I am to be back. Now our goal is to get more of those.”
Two months into his new job, Mattison has made the most progress toward that goal since the Wolverines opened their spring football practice schedule two weeks ago. The annual spring game is scheduled for April 16 at Michigan Stadium. Six practices into the spring, he likes what he sees from a defense that ranked last in the Big Ten in 2010 in points allowed (35.2) and yards allowed (450.8) per game.
At first, that might sound like an odd sentiment from a coach who said Wednesday that he has retreated from ambitious plans to install the team’s entire defensive scheme this spring in favor of extra work on fundamentals.
“Their grasp hasn’t been what I thought it would be, but their ‘want to’ is good,” Mattison said. He’s more encouraged by that than whatever technicalities Michigan endures as it adjusts to the 4-3 defense. “If anything, I get more enthused every day, because of who we’re working with. It’s like taking the guys and molding exactly how you want to,” he said. “I mentioned to my wife that I can’t remember coaching, where you come into a meeting room every day and the players sit there like, ‘Coach, what can we do?’” He knows the interest is genuine because he sees the corrections suggested in meetings made on the practice field the next day, possibly none more noticeable than the ones made by Cam Gordon. Only a sophomore, Gordon has already been on a whirlwind in his Michigan career. Last spring, he switched from wide receiver to safety, where he started seven games in 2010. Midway through his redshirt freshman season, he moved to the team’s hybrid linebacker position. Gordon will play the SAM linebacker position in Michigan’s 4-3. “The one guy - I should have mentioned this earlier - who has improved the most and I have really become excited about,” Mattison said. “I really have high hopes for him.” Another young player on Mattison’s radar through six practices: sophomore defensive end Jibreel Black, who has already drawn comparisons to teammate Craig Roh. “Jibreel Black has shown signs of being an explosive-type guy that we’re looking for,” Mattison said. “On some days, (he) looks as good as Craig or better.” Pete Bigelow covers Michigan football for AnnArbor.com. He can be reached at (734) 623-2556, via email at petebigelow@annarbor.com and followed on Twitter @PeterCBigelow.
Blu n Tpa
Fri, Apr 1, 2011 : 1:09 p.m.
Dusty, never mind. I see you took it from the Detroit News article, without attribution. And, in my opinion, you gleemed what you wanted out of it. Coach Mattison stated quite clearly that, "all the guys have had their good moments." No where does the Coach even discuss how he feels specifically about Will Campbell, either way, other than the above generalized quote. There is some question as to how the previous defensive coaching staff prepared and used him, so he is starting at the same point as Quinton Washington, first practices with new coaches. As a 5 star player out of high school, there is an expectation of how much of an impact WC has made, but that can be explained by the poor coaching of the past. This will be the pivotal year for his development. He will either start, rotate in on a even basis with QW, or fade out of the picture. It'will be up to him. To clear up your previous post you need to go back and start it, "According to Dusty..." What do you think?
Blu n Tpa
Sun, Apr 3, 2011 : 12:03 p.m.
Where are you getting that Campbell and Washington are "neck and neck"? There is no mention of either player in this article, so unless you were at the interview, you need to note a source for your quote. Weren't both of these players moved around last season? Desparate acts by a desparate coach. And, isn't there a totally new defensive coaching staff, bringing in a different scheme? In the article published in the Detroit News, Coach Mattison compliments all of the D-line players. The coach states that if QW messes up he can put WC in, and vice versa. (He used the phrase 'neck and neck'). Dusty, if you want to write that you are disappointed with WC, because of his 5 star rating coming out of high school, go ahead. But to use a different article than the one linked to this comment thread, without attribution, is questionable. It doesn't take a GENIUS to see that. Campbell is back in the type of defensive alignment that he thrived in back in high school. Washington is where these coaches feel he is best suited to help the team. Let the best man win!
Sat, Apr 2, 2011 : 11:55 p.m.
And if a 5-star recruit is "neck and neck" with a guy who just started playing the position less than a year ago, it doesn't take a genius to see that either the 5-star isn't up to snuff or the other guy is learning the position extremely quickly?
Blu n Tpa
Fri, Apr 1, 2011 : 12:19 p.m.
Dusty, where in the article does Coach Mattison mention Will Campbell and how he is doing? Please note your source so others can read the about it. Thanks.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 9:56 p.m.
So according to Mattison, Will Campbell isn't exactly impressing anybody. He's apparently neck and neck with Quinton Washington, who until last year was an o-lineman. So either Quinton is a prodigy, or Campbell was over-rated coming out of highschool.
Blu n Tpa
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 6:53 p.m.
Dwayne and TBF Thanks for your comments. D, I appreciated your point on how the dicussion always seems to go backward, not forward. I will try to not let myself get distracted in the future. Coach Mattison is exactly what Michigan needed. He brings a credibility the defensive players are wholeheartedly leaping at. They know his voice has been heard by some of the most successful college and pro football players during the last two decades, at schools like ND, FLA, and Michigan. Coach Mattison having recently been the DC at Baltimore, makes these young men want to learn what he has to offer. How many games will Michigan win this year isn't really the question. How much this team improves in all three aspects, is more important. My confidence in this coaching staff is based on their varied professional background. That is why Michigan will win more games this year than last, and they will do it on both sides of the ball. TiM Go Blue!
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 9:11 p.m.
You betcha Tp!
Blu n Tpa
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 9:04 p.m.
Who is Tp? If you are replying to me, I haven't been paying attention to any of those posts. Sorry. You're not allowed to attack people on this site, so if it was left on, it wasn't an attack. "Trying to ram your point of view down our throats", never crossed my mind so whomever Tp is, he has obviouly has been pulling your strings. Funny you would phrase it like that though. In general, as far as being patient, Michigan fans have already shown they have the faith. You just got to show progress, overall. You may be the same age, but Coach Mattison's still out there with the kids, working them, making them better. You just stay warm, take your aspirin and enjoy your chicken soup. TiM Go Blue!
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 7:08 p.m.
There ya go Tp, informative, no attacking and trying to ram your point of view down our throats, an overall positive attitude. I think your on to something Tp with this change of spirit, I commend you. coach Mattison is my age so you young whippersnappers give him a break, he's not the same fellow he was 5 years ago. I hope coach Matt. has enough left in the tank, expectations at Mich. can be unfairly high for instant gradification. We're not talking yr.5, we're talking yr. 1. How many games we win this yr may not be your question but speak for yourself cause a lot (bunches) of fans are expecting a return to glory this year next at the latest.
Blu n Tpa
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 4:06 p.m.
PLB Now you want two years before you will support Coach Hoke and Michigan! So why do you love the WCiMFH after the last three years? Didn't he come from a couple of smaller programs to the Big House? You wrote you "are sick of the mess over the last 4 years" but you seem to worship the failure of the last coach. You relax, have some aspirin and chicken soup, and we look forward to hearing from you again in January 2013, after Coach Hoke returns successfully from a New Years Day victory. TiM Go Blue!
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 4:49 p.m.
Well again Tp your interpretation is off, but you know that Tp. Brady is going to have to play with what the kids give him his first year and he has stated he knows he'll have to be flexible and sometime adjust to his talent. A lot of folks complained that Rich didn't adjust to what LLoyd left in the cupboard. The second year Brady should be heading in the direction he wants to take the team with his first real recruiting class and his first year team should be well on point by year 2. I wouldn't exactly call W.V. a small program and Rich had a real chance to get them in the big game before he left, he blew his chance. As far as me worshiping the failure of Rich Rodriguez the only thing I worship is, my god. By the way Tp., I do like chicken soup and I take an aspirin every day.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 3:59 p.m.
By all means, teach them some darn fundamentals! So tired of expecting, and knowing, it will take the third or fourth Wolverine to successfully make the tackle on every play.
Blu n Tpa
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 11:57 a.m.
PLM Why do you keep posting that you will wait until the fall before you will support the new Coach, Brady Hoke? Are you treating Coach Hoke the same way you say others treated the WCiMFH when he first came to Michigan? Hopefully, I'm wrong and your lack of public support is just you adding to fun of these discussions. Hope you can clear that up for me. TiM Go Blue!
Blu n Tpa
Fri, Apr 1, 2011 : 2:36 p.m.
Mission is correct. I was not even posting anywhere about the state of Michigan football until toward the middle of last season. The doubts really started from the UMass game that my 13 year old son and I attended at the Big House. I started watching to see if the defense was making adjustments from half to half and game to game. I heard the talk never saw the walk. Special teams also were a window to how the coaching staff couldn't get it's act together. Neither seem to improve and the last three games, well, were their last three game. And rightly so. I don't know if its ironic that those who miss the WCiMFH find it hard to support Coach Hoke, and the rest of his staff. I think it's moronic that some have to wait to see if he wins before they can support this team. At this point they are one and the same. TiM Go Blue!
Fri, Apr 1, 2011 : 2:09 p.m.
Dwayne "There was a large segment of fans that didn't like RR, from day 1. Didn't think he was the right guy and they were very vocal about it and dare I say, hoped that he would fail and be fired. Those are the fans that had their loyalty questioned." Dwayne, that is a statement that is not true of 99% of the posters on this site ... supporters of whatshisname love to make this argument, that no one gave him a chance and from day 1 they didn't support him. That is simply not true of most people here. Name 1 person on this site that this applies to. If you had paid attention, most people have explained when they lost faith in him ... for most it was after the NCAA violations and then the failure for the 3rd year in a row to beat MSU/PSU/Iowa/OSU and 2 years in a row of losses to Wiscy. For some it took as long as the bowl blowout against Miss. St. If you want to make a comment and a point about people, at least be accurate. The irony of your statement is that the people who supported the last coach until the end are the ones who are not supporting BH and his staff at this time. You are definitely not one of them... but some are doing exactly what they falsely claimed others were doing when the old coach arrived.
Fri, Apr 1, 2011 : 2:14 a.m.
Look up the definition of "ironic", because there is no irony there. And you're comparing people who voice opinions about the old coach to people who voice different opinions about the old coach, not people who voice opinions about the old coach with people who voice opinions of the new coach. You make straw-man arguments because you literally don't have anything else. Intelligent people understand that two people who disagree on one subject do not necessarily disagree on every subject. I can share your hopefulness for the future without sharing your opinion of how we arrived here. But you go ahead and keep arguing with me based on a made up opinion you've given me. It gives me things to point out to co-workers so they can laugh, too.
Fri, Apr 1, 2011 : 2:14 a.m.
NE_PA...I fail to see your irony correlation. There was a large segment of fans that didn't like RR, from day 1. Didn't think he was the right guy and they were very vocal about it and dare I say, hoped that he would fail and be fired. Those are the fans that had their loyalty questioned. You don't have that now. Most of us that were supportive of RR, at least, to the point that we felt if he was hired, he should be given a proper window to make things work, are completely behind Coach Hoke and the new staff and can't wait to get the season started. Having said that, it doesn't mean that a few of us don't get completely irritated when we have to listen (read) to some of you and your "nah, nah, nah, nah, boo, boo" attitudes about how we NOW have a coach and THIS is Michigan and all of that garbage. But no, there is no irony there, it is what it is.
Fri, Apr 1, 2011 : 1:39 a.m.
Let's see, when those that DIDN'T care for the Hack and the way he treated the kids and the program voiced our opinions, we were accused of NOT being true Michigan fans. Ironic now isn't it?
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 9:52 p.m.
Why do you people think that anybody who doesn't openly bash the former coaching staff isn't supporting the new coaching staff? This isn't an either-or issue. Personally, I like to support the student-athletes themselves, and whatever goes into that. At the end of the day, none of the coaches, past nor present, are as important as the kids are.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 7:43 p.m.
Portage, you are a walking contradiction ... at times you say you support BH and the team, yet at times you sound as though you definitely do not. My comment wasn't meant as an attack; just trying to show you the contradictions of some of your comments. Perhaps your way of supporting is different than mine. I'll make a deal with you ... I won't make any more direct adverserial replies to your comments (though that is easier said than done at times), for the sake of improved unity in the UM fan base... even though you sound more like an OSU or a USC fan to me than a UM fan at times.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 4:06 p.m.
Why not be honest I have been, I liked Rich Rodriguez still do and almost personally feel offended at the uncouth way he was treated at Mich. Now Brady Hoke appears to be an upfront guy that might be okay to have a beer with, but at this early stage I won't drool over the guy because he has not proven anything to me. I wish him well his first 2 years but until he has completed 2 years and I can see (see) what the heck he's doing, sorry boys and girls can't give him a passing grade yet on projections alone. By the way, if he has a bad first year but shows a solid improvement on defense, that's all I ask for. I will not attack Brady if he has a couple of bad years and it's very possible especially in 2012. I did not complain about Rich Rodriguez those first 2 years and I won't complain about Brady. In year 3 I was not happy t he way our defense played but I stiill believe that by year 5 Rich Rodriguez would have turned it around, my opinion. By the way Dwayne, I'm not so tough to figure out I'm on this site posting my B.S. the same as the rest of you boys and girls, it's just killing time B.S..
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 3:39 p.m.
Thank you Mission, I see you are still disguising your rhetoric as a Michigan fan and wanna be student of the game however, thank you for your very generous criticism although I find it to be not constructive in nature but rather an attack that you think will impress some of your cronies on this site. You may not want to conceive this, but all of the folks that supported Rich Rodriguez and still wish him well are Mich.fans. beyond reproach. This is a fact that you know to be true so I believe what you do is attack for your own personal pleasure and I for one find it entertaining and funny, so please continue it's good spirited sport. Whether you like it or not you and I have 1 thing in common, we love Michigan Wolverine sports and wish the football team well. Go Blue!
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 2:50 p.m.
Here is a sampling of Porty "supporting" Coach Hoke and the program (posts in the last 24 hours): "This is Michigan", god, where's the aspirin and the chicken soup?" "I'll reserve my pride for the new coaches for when the season starts until then talk is cheap." "Hey fredric, I am happy hoke is here..." "Oh isn't that nice, we have a sentimental defensive coach." "You see, I am not particularly happy about the choice of Brady..." The only reason I am posting this is because Porty claims that he and his buddies will be the only ones "supporting" BH and the team as "true fans", and all the rest will not be. The comments speak for themselves. Go BH ! Go Blue !
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 12:58 p.m.
Okay, I'll try to help you understand. I hope Brady does a good job hey, 3 cheers for Brady and all that. The key word here is, Hope. The man hasn't coached a down yet as head coach and it was my experiance in many cases of hiring and fiiring that very often not always but very often the pre employment talkers ended up being just that, little substance a lot of talk. Brady may have had some success at the smaller schools but Tp like the man himself said, "hey, this is Michigan". You can't compare some success at much smaller programs with coaching at Mich and all the problems that come with it, Tressell is finding out how tough a coaching job it is hell, the guy has been cheating all along to maintain his status. Tp, I was sick of the mess the last 4 years and I Hope Brady does well but, I will reserve my opinion until at least 2years of head coaching now, if he does well his first year that will make me a happy Michigan fan. I would consider 8 wins a good year, 9 would be fantastic.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 12:54 p.m.
You're a tough one to figure out, PLB. Thanks for the soup recommendation. I'll keep it in mind as my head is spinning trying to figure out your take on things, most times. Case in point, the sentimental defensive coach comment. What is that all about? Sarcasm? Still don't get it. Mattison is a beast of a defensive coach, one of the best in the NFL and exactly what Michigan needed. Maybe your expertise is in cold and illness remedy and not sports. Now that makes sense. Go Blue!
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 12:34 p.m.
I do agree with you here, BnT. I'm excited about Coach Hoke and the coaching staff that he brought in, especially the coordinators. I'm hopeful that this season begins the restoration of the winning tradition that we're used to as Michigan fans. However, if the transition is too much in the first year, it won't affect my support for this coach. I believe a five year window should be given to any new coach. Go Blue!
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 2:04 a.m.
Here we go, again. A good story, about a great and intense defensive coach, talking about what he likes about what he is seeing in practice and a few stand outs...and we have to drag it through this your guy, my guy crap. It just makes me sick. For the most part, everyone that visits this site has passion for Michigan and this program and wants nothing but to see it be successful. The coach that you guys despised is gone, move on, enough already. It's just such an old tired message, get over it and let's celebrate the progress and efforts of this new coaching staff.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 11:29 a.m.
Take an aspirin and drink chicken soup, works everytime when I get sick. In the meantime it's my opinion that everyone on these sites is enjoying their time spent or they wouldn't be on the site, sorry you don't enjoy yourself. Go Blue!
1st Down
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 1:27 a.m.
Fundamentals Baby. After all, this IS Michigan.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 2:34 p.m.
"At first, that might sound like an odd sentiment from a coach who said Wednesday that he has retreated from ambitious plans to install the team's entire defensive scheme this spring in favor of extra work on fundamentals." Translation: Mattison - "3 years is a long time for these guys to not have learned the fundamentals, so we are going to have to work overtime to teach these guys what they should have already learned ... but no problem, we have it covered."
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 11:30 a.m.
"This is Michigan", god, where's the aspirin and the chicken soup?
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 1:35 a.m.
Imagine that, teaching fundamentals before worrying about the scheme. Teach them how to tackle so when you put them in the right position, they'll know what to do when the time comes instead of waiting for the other guy to trip over his shoelaces.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 1:01 a.m.
Mattison "Really, it's a reminder of how proud I am to be back. " Great to see the pride that Coach Hoke, Coach Mattison, and the rest of the coaches have to be a part of UM. Their pride and enthusiasm for UM is genuine, and will help to make a positive difference in the program.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 11:25 a.m.
I'll reserve my pride for the new coaches for when the season starts until then talk is cheap.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 12:28 a.m.
Defense only matters if guys are lateraling and stuff on int. returns. Nobody really cares about defense anymore, and that's the way it should be. Tigers 7 yanks 2
Blu n Tpa
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 9:58 p.m.
PLB You nailed it. If I may quote you, "...nice, we have a... DEFENSIVE COACH." (capitals added) Anyone disagree with the sage from the West Coast? Exactly, because Michigan hasn't had ONE for three years. Glad you joined in the new Michigan era. TiM Go Blue!
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 11:23 a.m.
Nice try Tp but the 1st season doesn't start till Sept. until then anything you have to say is, speculation.
Blu n Tpa
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 9:47 p.m.
Trublufan Absolutely. It would be a three game improvement over the WCiMFH's first year, Coach Hoke would have a non-losing record, which would also be to the plus side. The defense and special teams have to be better than the last 3 years, and I wont have to listen to excuses about how the dog ate his homework, err defensive playbook. TiM Go Blue!
Fri, Apr 1, 2011 : 1:54 a.m.
ERMG You hit it out of the park again. A common fallacy used by the fans of RichRod is the confusion of Correlation w/Causation. The pattern of wins by the program under the Hack has absolutely no bearing on what the record this season would have been if we'd have been forced to endure another season under his "leadership". We were just as likely to win 4 games as 9.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 11:38 a.m.
trublu, that thing about some of these boys not calling Rich Rodriguez by name, don't take them seriously. There just having fun at the expense of Rich and those of us on the site that try to be fair minded. If after a few years Hoke gets fired I'll still call him Hoke.
Edward R Murrow's Ghost
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 3:13 a.m.
TBF, Let's review the 2010 season. Michigan lost 6 games by a combined 125 points, or an average differential of 21 points per game in each of those losses. None of those losses were by eight points or less. In other words, the Wolverines lost EVERY game by more than two scores. Michigan won 7 games in 2010 by a combined 93 points (13 points per game. Four of those games it won by less than 8 points (most of that differential was 44 points against BGSU). In other words, the opponents in those four games needed only one more score to win the game. Conclusion: Michigan was one turnover, one mistake, one penalty away from losing 4 more games than it did. On the other hand, the games it lost is lost rather handily. The other team was never really in any danger of losing any of those games. It is therefore silliness to see a "projection" that has Michigan winning 9 games under the cheating incompetent, especially with a defense that, under his leadership, had steadily declined over three years--from 24th in the nation in 2007 to 110th in 2010. And, sorry, this can not be passed off on G-Rob. G-Rob was the second D-coord under the cheating incompetent. The first, Scott Shaffer, took the fall for the collapse in 2007 and got fired. He then went to Syracuse as D-coord and, this year, had the nation's 7th ranked defense. So it is a convenient fairy tale to believe that the thankfully departed band of cheating incompetents were going to get this team to more than 8 wins this year. Indeed, it seems more likely to me that they would have led us to another losing season. Good Night and Good Luck
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 2:31 a.m.
I will be absolutely ecstatic if Michigan wins more than 7 games this season. In fact, I think 8 wins should be the minimum acceptable. The "worst" coach in Michigan history was on that progression. So shouldn't "a much better staff" be capable of at least 8 wins?
Blu n Tpa
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 11:29 p.m.
TBF No problem I enjoy reading ernest comments from fellow Michigan fans. I don't hold the corner on all the right answers, never said I did. I answered your question honestly. I do think, and have stated so, that Michigan will be a better team, not because the players have another year under them (can't argue a fact like that) but that they will be better prepared, better coached. You dismiss the defense and kicking game like they don't matter. So did the WCiMFH, and he did so at his peril. Michigan will win more than 6 games. I will travel to AA, with family members, to see them play at the Big House, like I have for 2 of the last 3 years. Since I answered your question, will you answer mine? Will you be unhappy if they win more than 8? I wont. Take care and TiM Go Blue!
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 10:29 p.m.
OK, thanks for answering. You would seriously be happy with 6-6? Remember that the coach you despise so much that you can't call him by name (Rich Rod) went 7-5 with nearly the same team, player for player, but one year younger. You can't get more apples to apples than that. And he did it while being handicapped by his own DC and poor FG kicking. Kudos to Hoke for getting Mattison. The best thing Hoke brings to Michigan is Mattison.
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 9:36 p.m.
Portage - label him sentimental if you wish. Mattison simply yearns to return to the days of U-M being a powerhouse and actually being able to compete - and win - in the Rose Bowl. Unlike your departed hero who tried to tug at the sentimental heart strings of his employer with that nauseating display at the banquet. Mattison's 'sentimentality' pales in comparison to RR's groveling.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 12:42 p.m.
Gimmick wise, Mattison is too old fashioned compared to RR. RR was a rock star! lol!
Edward R Murrow's Ghost
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 9:38 p.m.
But a Josh Groban sing-a-long is always great for motivating football players. Good Night and Good Luck
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 8:58 p.m.
"No matter what people say, these players will be the products of this coaching staff. And if you don't believe me, just ask them. TiM Go Blue." Will you say that if the team goes 6-6 this season?
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 10:31 p.m.
trueblue, I would consider this a successful season if UM goes 6-6 (as did Pete Carrol and Nick Saban in thier first years at SC and Bama, respectively) and COMPETES against the likes of OSU and other top teams, something that has not even come close to happening over the past three seasons. So, to answer your question, yes, 6-6 is just fine because we will know that we are back to building a contender, not the pretender that racked up 68 against BGSU and then 61 less than that against OSU.
Thu, Mar 31, 2011 : 12:40 p.m.
Of course the record will reflect on the coach and the coaching staff. A 6-6 record would be better than 3-9 of RR but a 6-6 will be under the expectations. RR's team is not that bad, it was due to RR's poor coaching and motivating skills. Why force a one trick pony offense? Why force the poor defensive formation? Looking at the sched, if the new staff stops the run more and runs the ball more with RB's then the record should be at least 7-5. If RR's poor coaching could take the team to 7-5, then this new staff should improve on that.
Blu n Tpa
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 11:34 p.m.
TBF I already had by the time you wrote the above post. 5:47 comes before 6:17. Don't want PLB thinking I'm ducking you. TiM Go Blue!
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 10:17 p.m.
Please answer the question. Will you say that if the team goes 6-6 this season?
Blu n Tpa
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 10:02 p.m.
And, Ghost, Michigan would be bowl eligible in his first year. Something we missed earlier. Yes, 6-6 is better that 3 and a trip to the bathroom to throw up.
Edward R Murrow's Ghost
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 9:36 p.m.
If we go 6-6 with a first-year coach who has inherited talent from a coach who was manifestly incompetent, I'll be a lot happier than I was when we went 3-9 with a first-year coach who inherited talent from one of the greatest coaches in Michigan history and whose last 4 recruiting classes (i.e., the player that the incompetent inherited) were rated by Rivals #5, #6, #13, and #12. Hoke inherited a mess. Carr bestowed a program of sustained excellence. The comparison isn't even close. Good Night and Good Luck
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 8:29 p.m.
Oh isn't that nice, we have a sentimental defensive coach.
Blu n Tpa
Wed, Mar 30, 2011 : 8:15 p.m.
One of the most important factors when building a new team, or unit of a team, is how the players take to the coaching. Are they listening and applying what you tell them or do you feel like you need a hammer to get it through. Last season someone of import would state post-game, every week, "Gee, they did so well in practice, I just don't know why they don't do better in games." I have always said it wasn't the players, it was what the coaches were teaching. This team got better before the words "This is Michigan..." faded in the air at Coach Hoke's first PC. No matter what people say, these players will be the products of this coaching staff. And if you don't believe me, just ask them. TiM Go Blue.