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Posted on Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 12:17 p.m.

Live updates from Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez's Monday press conference

By Jeff Arnold


Michigan head coach Rich Rodriguez frowns as he walks off the field after Michigan's 34-17 loss to Michigan State at Michigan Stadium on Saturday. Melanie Maxwell I

After five consecutive wins, Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez realized the road was only going to get bumpier.

As rough as Saturday's 34-17 loss to No. 17 Michigan State was when the Wolverines' defense struggled and when quarterback Denard Robinson was held in check for the first time, the ride doesn't get any easier this week.

The Wolverines, who dropped out of the AP Top 25 following Saturday's loss, must contend with No. 15 Iowa Saturday at Michigan Stadium (3:36 p.m., ABC/ESPN). The Hawkeyes boast the Big Ten's No. 1 defense against the run as well as the league's second-ranked defense.

On Monday, Rodriguez sat down for his weekly meeting with the media to discuss what went wrong against the Spartans and what must improve Saturday against Iowa.

Like he said after Saturday's loss, Rodriguez said both the offense and defense struggled. On offense, receivers dropped passes and Robinson had some missed reads. The results -- 17 points out of a team that had been averaging more than 40 - were evident.

"We didn't execute well, and there's a lot of things we can get better at. We were off just a little bit on offense."

Rodriguez said Robinson was pressing. Rodriguez said he's not going to panic, realizing that Robinson is a sophomore and a first-year starter.

On defense, many issues - especially in the secondary - came from inexperience, Rodriguez said. He said some young players - like Cullen Christian and Cam Gordon - would normally redshirt, but they are needed this season.

Regardless, there are basic elements that Michigan's defense needs to fix.

"Our young guys are going to make mistakes, but we have to get better fundamentally," Rodriguez said. "At some point, we have to make sure we don't forget the fundamental parts of playing football."

Injury front

Center David Molk and nose guard Mike Martin suffered minor ankle injuries and should be fine for Saturday's game. Cornerback James Rogers experienced full body cramps and will be finel.

The news wasn't as good for wide receiver Martavious Odoms, who broke his foot Saturday. Rodriguez said he doesn't know how the injury happened, but it will force Odoms to miss extended time. Rodriguez said he did not know at this point if the injury is season-ending.

Running back Fitz Toussaint (shoulder) continues to be a question mark with the nagging injury. Rodriguez said Toussaint has bit hit by a bit of hard luck, much in the way former running back Brandon Minor did last season.

Tough loss Rodriguez said as disappointed as fans were with a third straight loss to Michigan State, no one took it harder than his players and staff.

Rodriguez said he got support from the same people he always has, including family, friends and fellow coaches as well as university officials.

As for some of the fans that again blame Rodriguez for a loss to the Spartans?

"There were probably people that wanted to hang me off the top of a building," Rodriguez said. "But they were probably the same people that wanted to do that after the first five games. They just weren't saying it publicly."

On the defensive Rodriguez said Iowa's defense presents a great challenge. The Hawkeyes bring in one of the nation's most dominating front four linemen.

"We're going to see what we can do to try and move the ball against them," Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez said some of the delayed offensive calls Michigan has used this season won't work against Iowa because of the Hawkeyes' abilities to get off of blocks.

"If you're able to block them, it won't be for long," Rodriguez said. "If there's a hole, you have to get through it quick."

Taking a break

Rodriguez said he will use next week's bye week to recover and spend extra time teaching. The Wolverines face Penn State in Happy Valley on Oct. 30.

But more time will be working with freshmen, helping them with some of the aspects of the scheme - especially defensively.

While he has scaled back the scheme back a bit to help younger players, Rodriguez said he can't go too simple.

"You just line up in one defense, and say, come and get us, most teams will find a way to move the ball," Rodriguez said.

Talking defense with defensive tackle Greg Banks Banks said dealing with a loss is tough.

He said Michigan's senior leaders will need to play a key role and that the top priority will be getting "the focus back right" with such a difficult opponent coming in Saturday.

Banks was asked about some of the struggles the Wolverines' young players have had remind him of when he first arrived in 2006.

"It was difficult (making adjustments) because the playbook is more difficult than high school and the strength of the players is at a different level," Banks said.

"So it's sort of a shock - took me some time to pick it up - I'm not going to lie to you. But eventually, when I grasped the concepts of the defense and got more physically apt, the game slowed down for me."

Talking offense Slot receiver Kelvin Grady just finished speaking and said all of the miscues that Michigan had Saturday against Michigan State were correctable. He echoed Rodriguez's summation that the offense was just a little off but that some of the issues the Wolverines had against the Spartans were fixable.

Michigan dropped several passes - including one that would have been a sure touchdown - and Grady was asked whether the drops were contagious.

"Even the best receivers dropped passes," Grady said. "It's going to happen. It was just unfortunate it had to happen in a big game."

Grady said after the game players felt "horrible", but that Denard Robinson - who players agree is quickly emerging as one of the offense's leaders - spoke up.

"We all felt horrible and (Robinson) just said this was a feeling we weren't going to feel again," Grady said.

Making matters worse Defensive tackle Ryan Van Bergen said both long runs that went for Michigan State touchdowns were plays the Wolverines had planned for all week. Both came on the same play and a play that, other the two scores - went for either losses or short gains. "It was huge - the defense has been nit-picked at so much that for two simple runs to gash us like that is so disappointing because we were so prepared," he said. "I would much rather have them throw something at us that we had never seen before and see how we react to it. Maybe we get it, maybe we don't. But the fact we had practiced it so much was frustrating."



Wed, Oct 13, 2010 : 5:31 p.m.

Joe, 1) I wish he would have given up the buy out fight much sooner, althought I didn't blame him for at least trying 2) I was very disappointed that the Big Ten had to come in and suspend our LB (can't recall name) for punching the ND player last year. Happened again with I think Doorstein a couple weeks later. RR played dumb to to both and I think that was bush-league. 3) I wish he were more patient on the sideline. He looks like a mad man at times and he needs to learn to keep his cool with these 18-22 yr. old kids. Probably a couple other things that I'm missing, but I'm not passing judgement on the real estate deals, and while I'm dissappointed in the NCAA investigation, I think it's a joke and could happen to almost any coach in a bigtime program. The problem is that RR does not understand the politics of what he is dealing with. I also am not standing in judgement of his W-L record because I don't think people understand the enormity of the task he has undertaken. I believe he will get us to a very good place within a couple years on O and D.


Tue, Oct 12, 2010 : 5:45 p.m.

Thanks Sally and I HOPE you are correct!!! :)


Tue, Oct 12, 2010 : 5:32 p.m.

Joe and Terrin Bell, I agree with your posts. Good analysis of the coach. I also agree that RR is not UM caliber (can you seriously compare him to Bo?). He would be a better fit at a Division II school. I still predict a 5 - 7 season and the end of his coaching career at UM in December. I think it's called, three and out.


Tue, Oct 12, 2010 : 2:07 p.m.

Mich Please understand they I love our Maize and Blue. I hurt with every loss and am overjoyed with each victory. I just have not believed from the start that RR is the coach for UM. Everything about the hiring, all of the WVA issues with his buy out and on and on. I am open minded enough that I gave him the first two years, but the NCAA stuff both with us and WVA, the lack of improvement on the field (how many times are we "going back to the basics"?), the lackluster recruiting (not terrible, but no where near our standards), his penchant (most of the time) for not taking the blame for the things that are going on, etc, etc. As I have said, yes he has done very well with his compassion and concern for the players and their families, and not putting up with any crap, but none of that makes up for his failures with the stuff I wrote above. Don't you think that UM deserves and commands the same sort of football program (coach) like Fla, Ala, and (PLEASE FORGIVE ME) THAT school have? Just for grins, what does your "laundry list" look like? :)


Tue, Oct 12, 2010 : 12:01 p.m.

michboy - to go a little further on your OSU point, did you see how bad OSU's offense was when Bauserman went in? If TP is out for an extended period of time, OSU will go in the tank. I don't care how good their defense is. They won't score any points.


Tue, Oct 12, 2010 : 10 a.m.

Sounds like "All in for Michigan." What a train wreck!


Tue, Oct 12, 2010 : 8:23 a.m.

Alabama was Dee's #2 and they lost too. I highly doubt a commit is going to hang on one loss. If that were the case he would have waited until one day after MSU, not one day before.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 11:48 p.m.

Didn't Dee Hart commit to UM before the MSU game? I wouldn't be surprised if someone pulls the old snake oil on Rich Rod and Dee Hart changes his mind for a truly competitive football program...


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 10:59 p.m.

Joe, You didn't ask if he was the best coach, nor did you ask why he's the best fit. You simply asked why I'm proud of him and I told you. I'm not saying he's better or worse than other coaches in the aspects highlighted, only that I think he is pretty good in many areas. If you ask me what I don't like about him I would have a laundry list for that too, but the guy is my coach and I'm going to support him because it's the best way to support the team. You take him down?, the team goes with him (at least for a few years). We just landed the #1 all purpose RB out of Orlando Florida, Dee Hart, so I would challenge you on the notion that good players will stop coming here. I totally disagree about Boren, plain and simple. It's no accident the OSU run game is struggling, and Boren is the anchor...If you know someone who knows him...blah blah. You are right about one thing....he would have stayed if not for RR. RR set him strait right away and told him the free ride was over and he didn't appreciate it. He was not willing to do the work so he went to a place where getting bigger and slower and not working as hard was acceptable. I'm telling you, I live in CBUS and I can see the cracks in the OSU armor. They are coming to the end of their run for the same reasons all programs do. They are complacent, overconfident, and cocky. They have the most talent by far in the big ten, so they are winning, but I think you are going to see a major fall off when TP leaves there.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 6:22 p.m.

A lot of great posts on this article by Jeff Arnold with good quotes from the organization. A2D2 asks: "When will UofM get it?" Answer: If they haven't by now, they won't any time soon.

3 And Out

Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 5:27 p.m.

7-5 would be a bad joke... that would be 3-5 in the Big Ten (once again bottom tier) and 6 Big Ten wins for Rich Rodriguez in 3 years. That is unacceptable and not what Michigan paid millions for and sacrificed 130 years of impeccable reputation for. its hard to see 2 more cetain BT wins on the schedule...maybe they will eek one out vs Purdue who knows... soft, badly coached, finesse schemes on both sides of the ball...


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 4:46 p.m.

Rivalry! What rivalry? You must be talking about the Nebraska - Ohio State rivalry that's about to dominate the Big Ten.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 4:20 p.m.

I dislike RR's coaching and what he brought to the University of Michigan for numerous reasons. First, unlike good coaches like Ohio State's Tressel, RR doesn't coach to the talent he already has on hand. Instead, he tried to force a brand new system over night when he hadn't yet obtained the type of talent he needed to put it in place. In doing so he sacrificed years of rich Michigan records and history. The whole Carr left the cupboard's bare is ridiculous as well. Michigan has always recruited top talent. Problem is RR scared off the talent that was currently at Michigan by being too heavy handed and not working with current players who already were and Michigan (not their fault Carr retired). Further, Carr stayed with the athletic department and certainly would have helped to retain talent if asked to do so. Jim Tressel in one year after taking over as head coach at Ohio State went 14 and 0. Enough said. Second, RR came with too much negative baggage(e.g. sued by University for shredding docs, violating contract, sued by developer for allegedly shady business practice; etc.). Not the type of thing you'd think the University of Michigan wanted to be associated with. Third, there is no excuse for Michigan being excused of violating NCAA rules especially after the basketball mess. I am sure the guy is an alright coach, but he doesn't seem to be Michigan caliber. Fourth, some of his coaching decisions make you wonder. Last year he gave Robinson a chance and Robinson couldn't pass effectively. Tate is clearly the more effective passer and with this years more effective offensive line (something he didn't have last year) he might have been effective in this game. When it wasn't working with Robinson, Tate should been thrown in to see if the change up had any effect.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 3:35 p.m.

Even as a Spartan fan I find it very annoying when some UM fans announce, with certainty, that UM will only win, say, two Big Ten games. (And of course I find it annoying when any fan announces, with certainty, that their team will finish 10-2.) Come on, people. You still have a good team! MSU played an excellent game. Picking off three passes was way above what MSU could've expected. Often in the past those opportunities have been dropped. Then the UM receivers decided to play dropsy. MSU coaches had a great plan for mixing up the offense, too, and UM's weaknesses were further exposed. But other than the OSU game on the road, I expect UM to be in every game. UM could easily beat Iowa next Saturday. I wouldn't bet on it, but I wouldn't bet against it, either.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 3:29 p.m.

Let me give you just two examples of what I would say is a coach to be proud of. First, Urban Mayer at Fla. He went to Fla in 2005 after the Ron Zook fiasco. All he did was win a National Championship his second year there with a team that had little to no talent thanks to Zook, and then win another one 2 years later with HIS talent. Now, Nick Saben. He came to a program that was DESCIMATED by NCAA sanctions. He took them to within one game of a NC game by his second year and won the NC in his third year. Both of those men took teams that had been successful (like Michigan) from the dumpster to the top of the mountain within the same time frame as RR. Oh, and I bet that they care for their players and families, have their players in shape and PROBABLY hate to lose!!


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 2:49 p.m.

michboy: You gave a list of valid reasons, of which I will mostly not debate. One thing that is a corollary with 'hating losing', though, is what I think he lacks vis-a-vis OSU and MSU. I sense no passion or depth of understanding those rivalries. Of course, as a true WVU man, I don't think he could truly understand these, but I would have hoped by his third year, he could have added some fire like Dantonio has done, (or Bo had done, or LC, etc). Tressel also adds a focus to M like no other team, and I think that is something that RR has needed to do. The only emotion I have seen out of him is when he teared up last year (about the Freep allegations). Controlling your emotions is fine, but bring fire to that team. I don't see much of that. You are right that he is an offensive coordinator. He is doing a fine job of that in games 1-5 this year (though poor in 2008 and most of B10 season 2009). But most of what you say is generic about all coaches, and I don't see RR has earned his leeway from you (other than the fact that UM named him head coach).


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 2:36 p.m.

Sean I hope you are wrong about the one more year. I don't see why Brandon will need another year to evaluate RR. Whether during his tenure or not, he can't dismiss the total package of failure and the NCAA investigations both here and at WVU. That is, unless someone can come up with at least 5 real reasons why we should be proud of him as a COACH.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 2:18 p.m.

Michboy 1) So, he is the only coach in America who genuinely cares about his players in that way? 2) I'll give you that one, but trying to understand why that makes him a better (or the right) COACH. 3) We should be proud of him for not running away? Kind of think that fits all coaches. 4) You think our guys are in shape? Seriously? 5) And you know for a fact that he hates losing more than anyone, how? 6) I agree, but don't see where he is any different than any other coach. 7) Granted, he does seem to know offense, but once the best players stop coming....and they will....then what? 8) Totally agree with the not taking crap, and will say that is the ONE reason I am glad he is there. 9) You are wrong about Justin Boren. I have family who know the Boren family and he would have stayed, and his brother would probably have followed, were it not for RR. 10) I have been a Michigan fan for probably more years than you have been alive, so I too can say that they are witout a doubt my most favorite team. I really am trying to have someone explain to me why he is the right fit for the most successful football program in America. What you wrote does say a lot about him as a man, but they don't say anything about his ability as a coach that should be coaching at our school. There are a lot of coaches out there with all of the same attributes that he has off of the field. We need someone who can make a difference between the lines. I do thank you for that ONE reason (not taking crap) to be proud to have RR as a coach.

Sean T.

Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:51 p.m.

Heartbreak and Joe, All I can see is they have some form of man-crush. Then that's disturbing because what attributes have RR brought to the program that's worthy of this loyal praise. All I've seen is three talented QB's in which the best passer is third string. I think Greg Robinson may be a decent coach who is handcuffed by his boss, who pretends the game can only be played from a offensive perspective. RR also takes the same perspective on recruiting for defense as for offense....speed but even that looks unsettling when our opponents players are streaking past ours every Saturday. I believe if RR was given until Denard's senior year to get it right we'd still be where we are now. He's always used players with speed but they seem to consistently lack fundamentals which should fall on his shoulders. All we get our excuses; from him, from his coaches and his loyal fans! I predicted that RR would have a fourth year because Dave Brandon may need another year to assess RR under his tenure. If RR wins his sixth game, he'll probably stay another year but it may be his last.

David Briegel

Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:40 p.m.

Hey, the offense and Denard had a bad game. Overthrown passes, dropped passes, poor routes, 3 interceptions. That is a lot of missed opportunities that could have resulted in points. That put even more pressure on the D. And MSU is probably a lot better than most people think and highly motivated to support their coach. Not to mention the little brother stuff. And MSU played well. The lack of running game and the D are real problems going forward. I sure hope they get on track because I don't see anything easy on the horizon. 7-5 may be too optomistic? We'll find out Sat!


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:35 p.m.

Joe, I'm proud of Coach Rod for the following reasons: 1) He cares about his players in a way that makes them feel like they have a friend and father for life. I think he genuinely cares for his guys as much as any that came before him. 2) He has opened the program to all football alum in a different way than past coaches....he practically begs the guys to come work out during off season and has an open door policy 24/7/365. 3) Coach Rod has been villainized since the day he arrived on campus, but he has stood tall, taken all the heat, and is still here trying to win for Michigan. 4) He runs a tough program, and I think our guys are in better shape than many of the previous classes at Michigan. 5) He hates loosing more than anyone, but he just keeps trying and hanging in there. 6) He would do anything to help his players and their families (Mealer) 7) He is an offensive innovator, and if he is allowed to stay, we will have some of the most prolific O's since the point a minute days. 8) He doesn't take any crap in his program. If you get out of line you better fix it fast or you are gone! 9) Justin Boren sited "lack of family values" and "not my kind of crowd" when he left Michigan. I think what he meant is that he was being forced to earn his keep, and the guys coming in did not take to his arrogance and self entitled attitude. In other words, I think Coach Rod is bringing in a more humble, hard working type of kid, and I like that. 10) I'm proud of him because he is the head coach at the University of Michigan (my favorite team) Well, do you feel enlightened?


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:31 p.m.

Mitch, you say 7-5 is going in the right direction? Michigan hasn't beaten a quality team yet. They barely beat Indiana!! In college football, its easy to go 7-5, because of all the filler teams like Bowling Green and Connecticut. Show me a quality win against a quality team, and thats going in the right direction. I don't understand why Michigan fans allow the coaches to say they're not worried when their younger players don't perform well - MSU relied on their young running backs (Freshman Bell, Sophomore Baker, Sophomore Caper) to put away the Wolverines. But I'm a student at MSU, so I'm actually enjoying watching Coach Rodriguez ruin the football program in Ann Arbor :-)


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:29 p.m.

Denard is only a sophomore and will have off-games. That's fully to be expected. But, I'm still very excited about his potential. It's good news that Molk and Martin are fine, but bad news about M. Odoms. He has become a very reliable receiver. I agree that the coaches need to consider changing the defensive lineup. In particular, they need to get Ezeh off the field. He's a 5th year senior that doesn't play anything like a Big Ten caliber middle linebacker. Any younger player can do at least as well. Both of the MSU back-breaking long runs for TD's were his plays to stop. Plus, he routinely miss-tackles guys leading to bigger gains. I think Van Bergen played a lot better. But, it totally baffles me and many other fans why they won't put Will Campbell into the lineup for more plays. Another big, hard-to-move lineman in the middle has GOT to help.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:24 p.m.

Heart...I totally agree with you....that comment makes absolutely no sense to me. In my mind, if RR had been the coach on that day the game would not have come down to a blocked field goal...Appy would have been too far ahead for a field goal to help us!!


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:18 p.m.

App State? What does LC have to do with RR? (And don't give me that Michigan wanted to go in a different direction--RR was not even the first choice!!)


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:15 p.m.

Buck...I should be proud to have RR as our coach because of Appy St? Sorry, but I'm not following you on that one.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:09 p.m.

Joe, one reason, App. State.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:06 p.m.

What one thing stands out on Defense as being successful this year for michigan? Simply put, if this was the nfl Robinson would have been fired at the end of last season. The question is, how long do you need Greg? Because you took a major step backwards this year from last. Are you on the 5 year plan to get this team back to ranked 80th in the nation in pass dfense? Can anyone imagine what it is like going over film with this guy!? He either has the highest blood pressure in ann arbor or is sitting on a football clucking and trying to fly like in the waterboy! Someone send him the complete idiots guide to football defense. I feel bad going on but why would we rip on the kids in this program? Its not their fault they are not being taught how to get to the next level!


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 1:04 p.m.

I think that it is right anc correct to question the direction of the team. Three years is an eternity (or at least it seems that way when you get the snot kicked out of you by every offense in the country)for a coach to be given to implement his program.. Someone on WTKA said something that rang true. He/She said, "There aren't any freshmen that are coming in who will make this defense any better next year than it is this year. If it's going to get better, it's going to be with the kids that are here now.....". The only thing that will markedly improve the team - especially on defense - is a change in emphasis and direction.. Remember, "Without change, there is no hope"


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 12:51 p.m.

I have a question for all of the RR supporters. Please tell me all/any reasons that you are proud to have RR as our coach? Can it be his overall and/or conference record? Can it be the number of bowl games he has taken us to? Can it be the outstanding defense he has put on the field week after week? Can it be the number of players that have left AA? Can it be his squeaky clean record with the NCAA both here and at WVA? As for me, I have a grand total of ZERO reasons, so please help me to see the light.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 12:50 p.m.

Here's my favorite quote of the article:. "There were probably people that wanted to hang me off the top of a building," Rodriguez said. "But they were probably the same people that wanted to do that after the first five games. They just weren't saying it publicly.". No, the majority of Michigan fans at the game were embarrassed by the obvious fire that was in MSU's belly. Does MSU have a world-class defense? Not by a long shot. It their offense world-class? Nope.. The truth of the matter is that they outplayed, outcoached, and "out-efforted" Michigan. It ws truly embarrassing to see Maize and Blue down by 17, tuck their tails and punt with a few mimutes to go in the 4th quarter. What's the worst thing that could have happened? We don't convert and they score again? OOOOOOOOOOOH, big difference in 41-17 instead of 34-17.. Sure every loss hurts, coach. But Mark Dantonio gets it- he understands that if you plan your year around beating UofM, you'll probably end up being a pretty good team. Probably have 8 or 9 wins.. The question is, "When will UofM get it?"


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 12:40 p.m.

The team is not moving in the right direction. Best case scenario is 2 wins in the Big Ten..Pathetic!!


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 12:38 p.m.

Mitch: Expectations are a sticky thing. While the record expectation may be around 8-4 or 7-5 (which in his third year is woeful, by the way), the way they got to that record is what I am disappointed in. Fundamentals on defense are lacking and getting worse year by year. I think at the beginning of the year, we would have predicted tough times on D, but last in NCAA div I? Come on. This is the B10, this is Michigan. Highly rated recruits. We are worse statistically than Toledo? than Washington State? Worse than Eastern, Western, Ball State? It's not like we've faced all the offensive powerhouses. Offense has outperformed, but as far as I can tell, RR is head coach, and not offensive coordinator. These trends are disturbing, and I don't see them getting better as we face tougher competition, which will not allow our offense to stay on the field. That's where my (and most Wolverine fans) expectations may differ from yours. And that's where 'right' direction is not where I think RR has taken Michigan.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 11:55 a.m.

This could be the beginning of the end. The only game left that should be a sure bet is Purdue. Better plan on partying hard because it could be our only win for the rest of the season. Why hasn't the defensive coordinator been fired? Are they waiting for a 600+ yard game? Oops, another record in RR's camp.


Mon, Oct 11, 2010 : 11:44 a.m.

Fundamental football. Now there's a thought!!