Leave Michigan? Denard Robinson never flinched, even in January

Michigan junior quarterback Denard Robinson made it clear to teammates and incoming coach Brady Hoke in January that he wasn't considering a transfer.
File photo
CHICAGO — Denard Robinson is the man with the 1,000-watt smile.
But when doubt began to swirl over whether the quarterback would return to the Michigan football team after coach Brady Hoke was hired in January, he got downright surly.
Turns out, Robinson never gave any serious consideration to leaving the Wolverines — and took umbrage with the speculation he might.
He delivered his thoughts during an impassioned speech to his teammates the day Hoke was introduced on campus.
“Denard, he’s a really light-hearted guy. I’ve never really seen him get so ticked off," Michigan senior Mike Martin said Friday at the Big Ten media days in Chicago. "Something was bothering him, and when he said it, you could tell he was insulted we’d even think he would go anywhere.
“He was kind of pissed. He was like, ‘I can’t believe any of you guys would think I’d leave. You guys are my brothers, my teammates. I’m not going to leave you guys.’

Denard Robinson is working on improving his passing mechanics and learning the routes in Brady Hoke's pro-style offense.
Melanie Maxwell | AnnArbor.com
“I’m more of a guy who leads by showing,” Robinson said, “but when I have to, I speak up. That’s how I’ve always been.”
Hoke was in the room for that meeting, and said Robinson affirmed to him afterward he wasn’t going anywhere. That is why Hoke had so much confidence when peppered by the media about whether the Big Ten’s Offensive Player of the Year would return for his junior season.
No one would have blamed him if he hadn’t, though.
Robinson is a dual-threat quarterback who was recruited to run the spread-option attack of former coach Rich Rodriguez. He prospered wildly in the system last year as a first-time starter, and catapulted to the top of the Heisman Trophy running for much of the season’s first half.
He rushed for 1,702 yards, an NCAA record for a quarterback, and posted the most prolific offensive season by a player in Michigan history.
But Rodriguez is out, Hoke is in and the spread has been scrapped for a more traditional pro-style look.
Although, Rodriguez didn’t leave town without first imparting some words of advice that helped keep Robinson in Ann Arbor.
"Coach Rod told me if I'm going to stay here, give in, buy in 100 percent, don't just go halfway, go all in," Robinson said. "(He) told me to do that, so that's what I've been doing."
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So far, he has.
Hoke said Robinson is ahead of schedule in picking up the offense partly because he ran the scheme in high school.
“It feels like old times,” Robinson said.
Still, there will be a learning curve as the Deerfield Beach, Fla., native learns the intricacies of Hoke’s system.
Robinson listed four specific things he’s addressing before the start of fall camp Aug. 8: standing up in the pocket, moving toward his target, getting into position for improved arm strength and staying behind the ball in his throwing mechanics.
More than anything else, though, he is working to establish better timing with his receivers, who will be running different route trees. It is something they have worked on during 7-on-7 drills this summer.
Robinson has been instrumental in organizing the workouts, which have been well attended this summer, and said he’s seen “wicked improvement” in his timing with receivers.
“The route running, the precision of the route running,” Hoke said when asked about how the change in offenses most affects the passing game. “The timing of everything is different in the pro-style offense, the measurement of the route and all those things.”
What is Robinson’s biggest concern about his role in the new offense entering fall camp?
“Keep (my) feet under me and stepping up in the pocket,” Robinson said. “Pointing my feet to the target. That’s probably the biggest thing I’ve been working on.”
Spread quarterback or pro-style quarterback, the Wolverines’ fate again will rest on the feet of the man they call Shoelace.
Kyle Meinke covers Michigan football for AnnArbor.com. He can be reached at 734-623-2588, by email at kylemeinke@annarbor.com and followed on Twitter @kmeinke.
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 6:45 p.m.
O...M...G. How does a great article about DRob once AGAIN devolve into this endless bickering? SERIOUSLY? And it follows the SAME FREAKING PATTERN as always. Tater and/or Lorraine has to take a pot shot at the LC era and how RR was basically screwed before he got here. Then ERMG jumps on to provide statistical proof why it was all RR's fault, not LC's. People, PEOPLE, my brothers, my sisters, can we PLEASE just get along? I am so SICK of every good article, eventually being hi-jacked into a war of which HC screwed UM. Can we please, please just let it go? There is so much more to talk about on the present team than whatever happened in the past.
Tue, Aug 2, 2011 : 3:30 p.m.
Very true. It seems anything positive written about Hoke needs to come with a snark against RR. And anything positive written about RR is met with canned statistics of to prove that RR has red skin and horns growing out of his head. It gets old. Where there's smoke there's fire. There is probably some truth to the LC rumors that he left the roster in lean shape and created internal dissention during RR's tenure. And there is some truth to the notion that RR doesn't know anything about B1G defense and he likely wasn't the best fit for Michigan. Both have faults and both are gone. Move on.
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 5:47 p.m.
This started out as an article about DRob, and it's turned into comments about crazy cousins and freak sideshows. LOL.
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 4:58 p.m.
Correction: Don't you recall RR's infamous line: "Not even Vince could coach this defense".
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 1:56 p.m.
Don't know if anyone else feels the same,but is getting really really old here,and a total waste of time and effort to go on and on about RR,he was a good man,but a terrible hire and fit for Michigan,its history bygones..Could care less what Tater, Theo Ms.Loraine and rest have to say here about the fore mentioned coach !! Lets move forward We finally have great Michigan men at the helm of the mighty "USS Michigan" battle ship!! Hoke & co have made great strides in recruiting for 2012 ,Top 3 class in Nation... Now we have 2011 season to look forward to,and watch them grow under some very fine coaches.. Lets move on instead of idling in mediocrity.. he said she said !! This is Michigan !! Not some freak sideshow...
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 1:24 p.m.
"But Rodriguez is out, Hoke is in and the spread has been scrapped for a more traditional pro-style look." Based on what I've heard lately, Borges is going to mix a lot of spread in with some pro style this season. In doing so he has calmed some of my worries about the O. It sounds like we're going to have the multiple offense that I have been craving for years.
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 1:58 p.m.
so true trueblue... thanks for moving on! good post !
Theo's Brother
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 3:04 a.m.
Tater, Lorain, and my brother Theo212 are like crazy cousins of the family with their comments. Nevertheless they are still family. We are all Michigan men/women in this comment calvacade! So glad D-Rob decided to stick around. Great season on the way! GO BLUE!
Blu n Tpa
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 3:09 p.m.
Yeah, and what do most families do with the "crazy cousins"? Keep them out of the public eye and as quiet as possible. Too bad there's no one available to take away their access to a computer. The "crazy cousins" that it. Hahahahahhahaha! (Think Vincent Price's laugh here.)
Theo's Brother
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 4:48 a.m.
Right on!
Terry Star21
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 4:24 a.m.
Okay then.....let's show some support for the Mighty Hoke.
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 12:10 a.m.
I have an extensive history with the University of Michigan (father is a double alumnus, I did my undergrad and master's here, and now I'm getting my PhD here) and, as can be expected, I've had the opportunity to meet a fair amount of athletes... never, and i mean never, have I met somebody with the class and humility Denard has (in any sport!)... add the man's videogame-like talent and...he is the quintessential Michigan Man... I honestly think that Brady Hoke and Mattison are going to lead this team to greatness, but Denard is going to help them out so much... GO BLUE!
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 1:21 p.m.
Thanks for your insight here Andre..
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 8:48 p.m.
Lorain "The simple facts ARE, that Rodriguez, IS, a Michigan Man, and he left the program, better than it was, when he found it! Carr on the otherhand, took over a strong program from another Michigan Man, Gary Moeller, and left it 13 years later, WEAKER, than when he found it." Winning percentages by UM coaches: Bo - .796 overall , .850 BT (13 BT titles, 17 bowl games) Mo- .758 overall , .775 BT (3 BT titles, 5 bowl games) LC - .753 overall , .779 BT (1 NC; 5 BT titles, 13 bowl games) RR- .405 overall , .250 BT (0 BT titles, 1 bowl blowout) Let's play a game ... it's called "Spot The Drop Off" ... can you find the drop off ? I know it's difficult tater and Lorain, but give it your best shot.
Edward R Murrow's Ghost
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 9:24 p.m.
@mission: There are no facts that matter to the MCC. Good Night and Good Luck
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 7:36 p.m.
More good news, Chris Wormley just committed to U-M, good choice Chris, Go Blue!!!
Edward R Murrow's Ghost
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 7:25 p.m.
Miss Lorraine wrote: "So 'the Wolverines' move on now, and RR's foundation . . . " The "foundation" left by the WCiMFH: Went 7-6 Was tied for 7th in the Big Ten Lost all six games by more than 10 points. Lost four of those games by 17 points or more. Had the 110th-ranked defense in the FBS. Got blown out against OSU Got blown out in its bowl game against the 7th best team in the SEC. Yes. Some "foundation" left by the WCiMFH. Can't wait for the MCC, led by tater and Miss Lorraine, to credit the WCiMFH when Hoke does well with that "foundation", even though the WCiMFH was a manifest failure with that "foundation". Good Night and Good Luck
Lorain Steelmen
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 6:57 p.m.
Tater...Thanks for 'telling it like it is', again! Rich Rodriguez had enough class to believe in DRob, and in the Michigan program. And RR knew what that UM degree means! Rather than thinking about himself, RR saw DRob, as a class kid, a leader, that could help maintain continuity, and take the program to the next level. DRob's comments are NOT rewriting history, (as Missionbrazil tries, yet again, to denigrate the prorgam,...DRob is only recountiing history, recounting HIS reality. He was there, and as the class kid he is, decided to stay, and be a part of something special. Never forget that it was Rodriguez, that saw something 'special' in DRob, not just speed, and it was Rodriguez, that recruited DRob, AS A QUARTERBACK, when everyone else, including Florida, only wanted him, as a receiver, or RB. The simple facts ARE, that Rodriguez, IS, a Michigan Man, and he left the program, better than it was, when he found it! Carr on the otherhand, took over a strong program from another Michigan Man, Gary Moeller, and left it 13 years later, WEAKER, than when he found it. It would have been easy, for RR to have been 'bitter', after the disgusting, and shameful way he was treated here,(not by everyone), but by many, including LC. But RR did have the support, of a the M-men that counted...Bo's guys, Moeller, Hanlon, Branstatter, Leach, et al. And don't kid yourself, even though he'll have to stay 'neutral' on TV, RR will be pulling for 'his Michigan kids', DRob, Martain, Roh, Kovachs, Koger, Molk, Lewan, et al, to have an awesome year! And if Hoke comes to him for support, or help, in any way, RR is a 'big enough man', to lend a hand, to the NEXT Michigan man, Hoke. So 'the Wolverines' move on now, and RR's foundation, WILL be strengthened, by Hoke. DRob, WILL put 'team' ahead of self, and do everything he can to bring Michigan back, to finish the job, that RR started. MY hope is, that the team wins the first league championship, and DRob earns the Heisman!
Edward R Murrow's Ghost
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 6:55 p.m.
tater and Lorraine live in an MCC fantasyland, but what to the rest of us is a house of horrors. They ignore the fact that Mallett had to seek out the WCiMFH rather than the coach seeking him out. They ignore the fact that that meeting, when it finally happened, did not go well. They ignore the fact the WCiMFH was very outspoken on his arrival that he intended to run an offense not suited to Mallett's skill set. But, MOST interestingly, they have changed their finely honed stories! Last fall they were telling us that Mallett was transferring anyway, would have transfered even had LC stayed, and that his loss was no big deal because he did not have the appropriate skills set of the WCiMFH's offense. But after the story came out this past spring that Lloyd Carr had advised Mallett to transfer AFTER the above events had taken place, tater and Lorraine were HORRIFED--losing Mallett was a HUGE and what Lloyd Carr did was a BETRAYAL. The MCC can't even keep their story straight. Good Night and Good Luck
Edward R Murrow's Ghost
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 7:08 p.m.
"As a Michigan 'wanna be', it is YOU, that have consistently rewritten history, and distorted reality. It was you, that referred to BO as a 'hillbilly'. " Link please and EXACT quote, young lady? Nope. Can't do it. Just more MCC fiction. Good Night and Good Luck
Lorain Steelmen
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 7:06 p.m.
Ghost....As a Michigan 'wanna be', it is YOU, that have consistently rewritten history, and distorted reality. It was you, that referred to BO as a 'hillbilly'. You always try to be 'cutesy'. But there has never been any indication, that you could walk, or ever did walk, in any of these guy's footsteps. Instead you just denigrate the HC , and thereby the program. I was hopeful that you would learn from the example of Bo, and Moeller, and Hanlon, and Brandstater, and Leach...but that's just not in your DNA.
Terry Star21
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 6:16 p.m.
Kyle, this is another great story. It paints a great portrait of Denard - the student, the athlete, the Michigan man ! I think many of the Michigan Football Faithful are still learning (all good) things about Denard, his background and his personality. The important fact is he never complains, he takes what he is given and not only tries to make it better but goes for it all. He never considered leaving, like many others have done when things changed and that is what makes him special - he is Michigan. Although his intention was slightly different then what I heard when he said, ""It feels like old times," , I think the Michigan Faithful will be saying that over, and over, and over again this season ! MgoBlueForTim..........and it will 'feel like old times' this season DRob.....
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 4:15 p.m.
tater "One of the main reasons Denard didn't leave was because his ex-coach had enough class not to "advise" the entire roster to leave like his predecessor did." More attempts to try to rewrite history. LC did not advise "the entire roster" ... he advised 1 player that was completely ignored by the new HC, and was clearly given a signal by the new HC that he did not fit into his "system". He clearly felt unwanted and ignored, and THEN he sought advice. Also, notice the "advice" by RR ... "IF you stay, give in, buy in 100 percent, don't just go halfway, go all in." "IF you stay..." is not nearly the same as saying "This is Michigan, you SHOULD stay." or even "You should stay and finish what you started here." "IF you stay..." is not advising DR to stay ... he was really saying "Wherever you end up, buy in 100%". Nice try tater ... another fail.
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 7:04 p.m.
KeepingItReal, I wasn't trying to disparage the advice or RR ... rather I was responding to someone who obviously was trying to disparage LC, as usual. I was just trying to clarify what happened previously, and with DR. The advice to give it his all is good advice, but RR did not tell him or advise him to stay.
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 5:23 p.m.
missionbrazil> try as you might, you cannot disparage the advice RR gave this young man. He apparently left it up to Denard and to what his final decision but advised him if he stayed to give it his all. Its funny that Denard still stays in touch with his old QB coach who now coaches at Indiana. Hoke is the one that will benefit the most from this young man's talent.
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 2:58 p.m.
One of the main reasons Denard didn't leave was because his ex-coach had enough class not to "advise" the entire roster to leave like his predecessor did. To put it in plain English, if RR had pulled the same crap on Hoke that Carr did on him, this roster would look a lot different than it does now, and Denard may have been gone. I'm glad RR left with more class than Carr did.
Tue, Aug 2, 2011 : 7:44 a.m.
Lorraine So you'd have told him to play for a man who clearly didn't want him there, as evidenced by the fact that Rodriguez never sought him out. Told him to play for a man who would clearly replace him at the first chance he got. Told him to play in a system that not only played against his strengths but would also do irreprable damage to his NFL prospects. I would say it's admirable that you follow Michigan to that extent, but the fact that you would tell a kid to sell his NFL carreer down the river for what would inevitably be one season of probably poor football all so RR would have a slightly less bad first season speaks a lot louder about you as a person than anything else
Blu n Tpa
Mon, Aug 1, 2011 : 2:59 p.m.
Entire roster? Is that the TRUTH? You really mean it? That Coach Carr advised the entire roster to leave? I will tell you right now, You, Sir, are WRONG. You need to proceed to the nearest mental health center, and ask for emergency treatment for dealing with delusion. It maight be a group thing so take the others with you, if they think the same way!
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 6:31 p.m.
By the way...apparently the ex-coach also had more class than the individual who been beating the "it's Carr's fault" drum for three years now. Let it go. The vast majority of fans and alums know where the blame of 15-22 falls and if you don't, that's okay. But let it go, man! It's over! Neither Carr nor your guy are here anymore so show some class of your own and move on. Get on board with Hokemania and put the past to rest!
Terry Star21
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 6:23 p.m.
Tater, I believe there was never a choice of leaving with Denard...it was more of 'what will my role be now' ? I feel all the people that gave him advice, were reminding him how important he was to Michigan.
Lorain Steelmen
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 6:20 p.m.
UKWolverine..well, since you asked. As the HC, leaving, I would have taken Mallett aside, and said, "Look, Ryan, you are the returning QB here, and you 're a Michigan Man... It's up to you to be a 'leader'. Stay the course, make your name in the new system, and GET THAT MICHIGAN DEGREE. Nothing worth having, comes easy..now go after it with everything you have!
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 5:57 p.m.
Tater, since you and Lorraine are riding an 18ft high gelding on this matter, I'd like to ask you an honest question. What would YOU have done in Carr's shoes in the Mallet/Rodriguez situation. And no dancing around, no politician speak, a straight answer, what would YOU have told him?
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 5:40 p.m.
Now if only the guy would have had a clue how to coach he might still be doing it rather than handing out advice.
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 2:50 p.m.
You have to love this guy. I hope Mr. Hoke has the coaching ability to utilize all of Denard's many extraordinary talents. It seems Denard is the type of kid who can see his own faults and will be very willing to take instruction and work hard to improve.
Terry Star21
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 6:29 p.m.
Ray..Denard has made a career out of learning from mistakes...and is probably the best at listening and taking instruction. He is shy, and what I would like to see more of is him advising (serious) Hoke on some occasions...as Hoke is also a strong and willing listener.
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 1:49 p.m.
D Rob isn't exactly a dual threat.his passing ability is a work in progress.
David Vande Bunte
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 6:40 p.m.
over 2,500 passing yards last year would disagree with you, 15crown00.
Terry Star21
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 6:30 p.m.
That's funny.......
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 1:29 p.m.
I didn't realize Denard was a pro-style QB in high school. That should help him adjust a little quicker to the new offense. I also didn't realize you could practice with other players in between the Spring and Summer camps. I assume it isn't officially considered practice if you just work out among yourselves, correct?. I'm not up on all the rules regarding what players can and can't do during the summer. I am also impressed by Denard's leadership abilities. He will be the leader of the offense and key to its success again this year. Denard will be a heck of a scrambling threat that will (hopefully) drive opposing defenses nuts.
Hot Sam
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 12:40 p.m.
A drop back passer that knows the pro set and can take off and run is the most potent threat in football. Hopefully Denard will get us back to being quarterback U again!!!
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 12:06 p.m.
My faith has been restored in seeing what Michigan fans have come to expect from the football program. Brady is going to take these kids and make something out of them. This first year will probably be a little tough but I really believe you are going to enjoy what you see on the field this season even if they might not win a game or two. There is an excitement in the air this year that we haven't seen in a while and I think the players sense that also. As always injuries will play a big part in the outcome but these kids are going to be stronger than the last 3 years I believe. What Denard feels is what all Michigan players should feel and you have the makings of a great team. I believe this coach can bring that all together. It's great to be a Michigan Wolverine!
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 11:34 a.m.
Great to hear! A true leader!
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 : 11:25 a.m.
34 more days!!! Go Blue!!!