Despite loss, many Michigan football fans back coach Rich Rodriguez

Nathan Milliken of Ann Arbor screams at the Wolverines on Saturday. Despite the outcome, Milliken remains a fan of coach Rich Rodriguez saying, "I loved Lloyd Carr, and he's very far from Lloyd Carr ... but I think if we're all patient enough, (Rodriguez) will make us awesome."
Lon Horwedel |
David Karibo drove from Metamora, Michigan, to watch the Michigan football team play in its final home game Saturday. The highlight, he said, was the abundant sunshine — not the play on the field.
His wife, Jan Karibo, summed it up in just four words: “Michigan had no defense.”
The decisive 48-28 loss to Wisconsin brought a new chorus of calls among some fans for coach Rich Rodriguez to be fired. But others again stressed the need to be patient as Michigan rebuilds.
Cindy Tech, mother of Michigan senior defensive back Karl Tech, said Rodriguez came in to a difficult situation following a longtime coach with an established program.
“I think he's doing the best that he can,” Tech said. “I think he's putting the right people in there - the players are behind him, I think they like him, I just feel bad for the man because I think he's been crucified by the media from day one."
Michigan fan David Silk was disappointed in his team Saturday and didn’t hide his feelings for Rodriguez.
“Michigan has the worst defense I’ve ever seen, and they are poorly coached,” Silk said. “I think Rodriguez will stay another year, but he’s brought shame in the performances and actions of his team.”
Patience in the coach was a mantra repeated by many fans.

Cindy Tech, mother of Michigan senior defensive back Karl Tech, said Rich Rodriguez hasn't had it easy from the start.
Lon Horwedel |
“Michigan’s kicking game needs a lot of work,” said Chuck Petitpas, who came to the game from Livonia with his wife, Stacey Petitpas. “I think people should be patient with coach Rodriguez and give his players time to mature.”
Tony Ferrara, father of Michigan senior offensive lineman John Ferrara, said change can be a difficult process.
"You're seeing a change in this team ... people don't like change, change is tough for everybody. Show me anybody who likes going through change - this country is going through change, it's tough to endure, but unlike that team down in South Bend, who quit on Charlie Weiss, we have to stay patient,” he said. “People got to realize, this isn't the pros, you can't go to free agency and you can't pick up players. We got to recruit, and we got to recruit the right players, and I think you've already seen what (Rodriguez) can do on offense, now we just have to give him a chance to get the players on defense."
Michigan fan Steve Castillo of Coolwater, Ohio, left Saturday’s game frustrated, but remains solidly in Rodriguez's corner.
"I'm all in for Michigan — the coach should stay, but the defensive coordinator has got to go,” he said.

Tony Ferrara, father of Michigan senior offensive lineman John Ferrara, is pictured on the sidelines prior to Saturday's game.
Lon Horwedel |
Many fans agreed the Wolverines looked better in the second half of Saturday’s game.
“The first half was terrible,” said Michigan fan Eric Heie. “They found their offense in the third quarter.”
Don Duerr expects to see Rodriguez back next year.
“I think he’ll get a fourth year on his contract, and the team will be better,” he said.
But before the Wolverines look to next year, they’ll have a final game in Columbus next weekend and a bowl game to look forward to.
Don and Kathy Duerr drove to Ann Arbor from Canton, Ohio, Saturday because their son attends U-M. They predict a Buckeyes victory Nov. 27.
“OSU’s defense is better,” Don Duerr said.
Chuck and Stacey Petitpas plan to watch the Ohio State game at home wearing their maize and blue.
“If Michigan would beat Ohio State, it would be Rodriguez’s biggest upset,” Stacey Petitpas said.'s Lon Horwedel contributed to this story.
Fri, Nov 26, 2010 : 7:54 p.m.
Ah, the rattle does, indeed, continue as it must. Ditto my above comments, in case you missed them, as it seems. Even Doc Councilman, it is abundantly clear, couldnt make silk purses of sows ears. How could I possibly best him? Happy Holidays, all the same!
Wed, Nov 24, 2010 : 5:18 p.m.
I will re-post my comment that was removed for you, sherlock. No, I did not study weaponry at IU. You seem to want to distract from the fact that you are not, or never have been an elite athlete, or coach. Those who can do, those who can't complain.
Tue, Nov 23, 2010 : 6:58 p.m.
This really isn't a fair poll as it is pretty obvious that two of the options could be clumped into on category. What does "I'm divided-give him one more year" actaully mean. Doesn't it mean, you support RR? I take this option as one may supprt RR, but thinks, like a lot of the RR supporters, that he deserves one more year. There is no doubt that the expectations will be even greater next year. That is what most of this whole divide among the fanbase is about. Is 3 years enough time for RR?
Mon, Nov 22, 2010 : 9:09 p.m.
Has the empty barrel finally stop rattling? Huh! Not much of a "champion" there, after all! Such are empty barrels!
Mon, Nov 22, 2010 : 12:30 p.m.
Hopefully his compensation is tied to actual results on the field. Pay for performance!
Mon, Nov 22, 2010 : 12:26 p.m.
The poll already gives lie to this story's preposterous headline : seems most people do want to see RR go!
Mon, Nov 22, 2010 : 10:56 a.m.
If the margin on Staurday approaches the 50-14 loss in 1968 then RR needs not do the right thing but the BUMP thing. Bump Elliott resigned after the loss despite having a shot at the Rose Bowl prior to the game.
Mon, Nov 22, 2010 : 8:14 a.m.
The record says 7 wins but you could argue that Purdue and Illinois were more "they" lost than we beat them. My biggest concern is that the Coach seemingly refuses to adapt to a given situation or opponet if it's aganist his football philosophy. It's as if he is willing to lose almost every game if only once he can win "his" way. Then it's "I told you so" and back to losing. Playing a 3-3-5 against the run vs Wisconsin is the most recent case in point. I have a theory of why so many first and second year players have to get on the field. The coach runs off those players who realize that they are not being put in a position to compete versus the better teams. Players need to improve, to compete, to have a chance to win and finally, to win a championship. This is not happening with Michigan football. How would you feel if the position coach or coordinator refused to take responsibly for the failure of his group? At Michigan the players have to face the music after getting smacked by better prepared teams. What kind of coach sends out 18-22 year olds to take the heat? Not a coach I want to play for or that I want my son to play for. Some of you out there seem to think that replacing the DC, the whole defensive coaching staff, some of the special teams' coaches or all of the above coaches would somehow change the attitude and direction coming the head coach. I'm sorry but I don't see that. It's been three years, not two. Any worthwhile coach knows the clock starts when he is hired, not when he wants it to start. "When teams win, it's the players. When teams lose, IT'S THE COACH!" It's the coach.
Mon, Nov 22, 2010 : 6:24 a.m.
The empty barrel rattles the most. Rifle analogy? WHERE? The confusion evidently is with barrel, which is a hollow cylindrical container, traditionally made of vertical wooden staves and bound by wooden or metal hoops. And empty barrel refers to human mind in like condition, not rifles at all. Apparently, IU Bloomington failed to impart even basic knowledge in at least one case. Indeed, education is much more than mere graduation, so Doc Counsilman also appears to have failed, either in his message or delivery thereof. Did he also fail to warn about hubris, which is another word for "empty barrel"? Or did his warnings fall on deaf ears? You can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink. Chumps arent champs, any more than rifles are barrels. The case for reform of athletics in education grows ever stronger. The empty barrel rattles the most. Rattle on!
Mon, Nov 22, 2010 : midnight
We are a year away from returning an experienced QB and RB, a great flight of recievers, an above avg. O line, experience at all secondary positions, Croh back on the end, Demens and Mouton stepping up, and some potential heavy hitters in Carvin Johnson and Cam Gordon returning to solidify any redshirts and Frosh sensations coming in Spring/fall 2011. We have gone from 3 to 5 and to 7 (not counting bowl and not IMAGINING OSU win)...why wouldn't we expect the trend to mean 9 or 10 wins in 2011??? Changing coaches now--regardless of one embarassing loss to a stud team--would only undermine the expected break out 2011. Im betting that's what D Brandon is thinking, and i bet RR knows that had better be the result. BTW, wisconsin had not won in AA since 1994, i believe, so please spare me the incarnations of eliteness on that bunch. Im not content competing with the MSU/Wiscy's of the big boring ten---and whether RR or someone else, we needed a faster, more electric team. At least offensively, we have the brand, the scheme and, now, many of the athletes, to run it. Oh, and i wonder how many of you RR haters, and u know u've hated him from day 1, actually believed the boys would win 7 games this year??? Awwww...its ok to be honest with yourselves, you can still hate the man for his terrible suit/tie combinations!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 10:19 p.m.
I saw the front page today and said ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Is being paid by RR? You must have found the 1 fan out of 112,000 who "supports" RR. Please report the truth-or at least a balanced report. I am SO tired of the rah rah press about him. As your poll is showing, we fans are disgusted, fed up, feeling ripped off (remember we pay big bucks for those seats) RR is a bully, he is not mature enough for the Big 10 and Big 10 players, he continously throws the players under the bus, he has not instilled any confidence in his players, they play like nervous wrecks every game, I feel so sorry for these young men. I have never seen a team on all sides of the ball-offense, defense, and special teams, all turn to the sidelines for help-all 11 players. He has not breed any on-field confidence or leadership. I could go on but why bother David Brandon-please help-he is not a Michigan Man
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 5:44 p.m.
Love the rifle analogy...fits in well with the football theme. I'm asssuming your rifle has been locked and loaded with athletic prowess and coaching accomplishments. :D
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 5:20 p.m.
Tru2Blu76 Maybe we should take a poll of the past Wolverine players that made Michigan and the tradition. Maybe we should see if they think this train wreck is heading to the promise land. Maybe better yet, we should take a poll of the big money alumi and donors that make it possible for Michigan to pay the big bucks for a football coach what they think of the situation. I'm sure they aren't happy about the fact we are now the cellar dwellers along with the other crap teams in the B10 such as Indiana and Minnesota. 1 win against a top tier team in the B10 in 3 years!! Sorry, this is a joke and it will continue for as long as this square peg is trying to fit in a round hole. Don't be surprised if Brandon dumps RR after Michigan gets blown out in Columbus next week. He also has to answer to others for this mess even though he didn't create at. He does have the authority to fix it and he better take advantage of that authority soon or someone else will be in his position making the decision.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 5:15 p.m.
"The proof of the pudding lies in the eating." "The empty barrel rattles the most." Rattle on!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 5:11 p.m.
The empty rattles the most!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 4:54 p.m.
Wow, Sherlock. I'm sure you have a complete understanding of what it takes to be a world class champion and coach. I understand that. I've been there. I never coached a team that didn't win a state championship. I had large numbers swim at the National level and beyond. IU Bloomington has never been a "Football school". Thank God for that. To me, watching football is like observing paint dry. IU is noted for its world class education. I'm privileged to have received that. I also had the privilege of swimming with the finest coach in the history of swimming....Doc Counsilman. He used to say: It's not about me. It's about you getting the job done in the pool and graduating. 'Nuff said, Sherlock?
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 4:47 p.m.
The voters are saying "he has to go". The on field results speak for themselves. If you showed the same results in your job after 3 years and getting paid a huge salary like RR, would you expect to keep your position? Michigan has became a cellar dweller in the B10 and things are not showing signs of change. The offense has only shined against weak competition or in games against good teams after the outcome has been established. Against Iowa, PSU and MSU we were down by at least 3 TD's before we showed any offensive prowess. The other teams were in prevent mode once they got such big leads. We need a coach that understands Michigan tradition, B10 conference and believes defense is as big a part of the game as offense is. RR isn't going to turn this train wreck around and if Brandon can't see this being a Michigan Man as he is, then maybe he isn't the right guy for his position either
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 3 p.m.
Like old sayings? How bout the one cited above: You are what your record says you are"? Was Bill Parcells wrong about that? If he was, WHO knows coaching? Gerry Faust? Or how 'bout The proof of the puddings in the eating? If the pudding's no good, whose fault is that? The god of the hearth? IU Bloomington? Swimming coach? Nuff said! The empty barrel rattles the most!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 2:46 p.m.
Excuses are for losers. Can't justify losses away. The 'maybe next year' mentality is for a school of less calibur than Michigan. The faithful used to get bent out of shape with one (or God forbid, 2 losses). Now it seems o.k. to justify 'maybe next year'. Sometimes reality hurts, if you let it.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 2:19 p.m.
@sevans68 I coached swimming for more than 25 years. There is an old saying: "Good swim, good swimmer...bad swim, bad coach." Surely a good coach is an important factor for any athletic team..but there are so many other variables to consider in any athletic outcome. To blame a coach solely for lossses is flawed logic at best. Michigan loses a few footbal games, and OH MY GOD, the coach must go! Any athletic program takes time to build. Period. I am not a UM graduate. I graduated from IU Bloomington, I am proud to say. Why are UM "fans" so quick to judge? Do they really think they're "all that", all of the time? Gotta have the biggest stadium in the country...go to the bowl every year, or life as UM fans know it ceases to exist? I must admit I am not a big football fan. I favor basketball. Football in Ann Arbor?...Brouhaha...I know I'll get some flack for this post. Have at it, folks. I can deal with it. I know coaching.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 1:55 p.m.
No, way! Put ketchup on cardboard and sell it as pizza -- and pay the people who serve that "product" delivery boy wages. That's the new "Michigan way" -- years in the cellar of the MAC. Hail to the Losers!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 1:37 p.m.
Hey Dave Brandon, seen enough? Guess not!
Sandra Samons
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 1:36 p.m.
Rebuilds? From what? The Big House is fast becoming a gaping hole in the ground into which we pour money while waiting for RR to repair the hole he dug. How long will it take for the powers that be to recognize when a plan is not working? Meanwhile, the biggest tragedy in my opinion, is what this does to the futures of a lot of talented young players who only have one shot at a great career in Michigan football?
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 1:16 p.m.
As much as I want to believe in RichRod's approach, there is no way to defend this guy's performance. UM was a premiere football program, one which largely recruited talent on its own. RichRod, through his own arrogance, refuses to acknowledge any of the history or tradition of the program. He is singlehandedly taking Michigan football off the map from a national perspective. The on field performance speaks for itself. Not only is Michigan losing against good Big Ten teams, they are being blown out on a routine basis. Winning only a handful of Big Ten games in three seasons cannot be acceptable. The lack of improvement between seasons and during the season cannot be acceptable. The idiotic comments the head coach makes to the media cannot be acceptable. And to the joker who brought up politics in a football discussion, I'd gladly have some of that "misery" of the Bush years compared to what we have going on now. Bush deserved a second term in office; Obama didn't deserve a first.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 12:53 p.m.
See, LGC15? You should have lauded the "rebuilding the program" cant! The title of the article is "Despite loss, many Michigan football fans back coach Rich Rodriguez." Not the other way around. And that's the Party line here.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 12:42 p.m.
Every week it's the same haters commenting about RR and GR. Look, RR wasn't my first choice as coach. I would have preferred Les Miles, but they are crying down there about replacing him and he is 9-1. I can't think of any team in the country that has to line up with so many 1st year players. Chris Speilman had a great comment yesterday during the game. Name one player on UM's defense that's NFL caliber. He named one, Mike Martin and he get double teamed all the time. You can fire every coach we got, but until the talent level improve on defense we will continue to get hammered. By the way, Texas is bad too. Hum! Mack Brown must be a bad coach too! Please get rid of 3-3-5 defense, you need a lot of talent for that scheme. Another one of Chris Speilman's observations.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 12:27 p.m.
Boy, vanoefft! You sure got offed! What happened to the others, though?
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : noon
Exactly. Bill Martin's Master Plan won't fully be achieved until UM reaches the cellar of the MAC. And it is abundantly clear that the "overwhelming majority" fully approves of Martin's plan. The rest of us were fools for not recognizing the sheer ingenuity of that plan. Now that we've awakened, let us not stop now. The objective has not FULLY been attained. On with Diamond RichRod! To the cellar of the MAC!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 11:48 a.m.
The number of people that want to give RR another year are still in the overwhelming majority. I hear rumors that David Brandon is part of the majority here. Michigan needs an EFFECTIVE defensive coordinator who is allowed to bring in his own assistants. That is it. We don't need a new coach.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 10:50 a.m.
The comments here crack me up. It's some how the fans fault that the team stinks, is coached poorly, and recruiting has fallen apart. There is absolutely nothing that RichRod sycophants won't do to absolve this Hack of his responsibilities. I was not a Carr fan because I felt we routinely underperformed. I now long for the days of Carr. Back then, there was NEVER a game that we went into that I didn't think we had, at the very least, a shot of winning. Most, if not all games, I thought we had a better than even chance of winning. Now, under this debacle of a head coach, there are very few games that we enter that we actually have a chance to compete, let alone win. Can any one remember a game under Bo/Gary/LLoyd that we went into praying that we could keep it close? That's what we are relegated to under this miserable failure. I thought after the last 2 wins, even though they were horrible efforts, the Hack may have saved his job for 1 more year. However, after getting thoroughly embarrassed on our home field and another blow out loss awaiting us at our former rivals bulding, I think the long 3 year nightmare will be over. Only 1 stop left on the RichRod farewell tour!! See you all in Columbus!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 10:49 a.m.
Correct me if I'm wrong: The "spread" philosophy employed by UM's current football coaching staff was developed primarily as a way for smaller schools (smaller budget, less tradition)to upstart their programs and somehow compete with the traditional powers(The schools who have always been able to recruit real football players, i.e. NFL players, big boys, tall QBs w/ strong arms). Kind of a David vs. Goliath mentality right? The problem is football is a game of Goliaths. Just look at Wisconsin. Also, I think you need a QB who can see over the tops of their lineman, not one who can only pass on a rollout.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 10:30 a.m.
Despite the factor that Rich Rod has had two years and deserves a third year. The writing on the wall is pretty clear. If Rich takes a loss at OSU. The Alumni humm is he will be fired. Jim Harbaugh will be leaving Stanford at the end of this season according to Mark Purdy of the San Jose Mercury News. Michigan would be foolish to let Harbaugh go to the NFL and coach. This is a no brainer for AD Brandon.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 10:29 a.m.
Why upset the apple cart now? Bill Martin's Master Plan is right on target! Hail to the Losers!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 10:10 a.m.
a win is a win in the W column but a loss isn't really a "loss" because it was only by 10 or 17 points? what is the status of the WV NCAA investigation? What is the worst case scenario for Michigan/RR on this, anyone know?
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 10:04 a.m.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for hiring Rich Rodriguez! Thank you for nor firing Rich after he shattered every record for ineptitude in the history of Michigan football. Thank you for handing easy victories to the other teams! Thank you Michigan fans for standing behind Rich and perpetuating the failure! Thank you for your "Point a minute defense"! We love you Rich Rod! Signed, The Spartans, THe Badgers, The Buckeyes, The Hawkeyes etc. etc. etc
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 9:44 a.m.
If you want more beating up on cupcake opponents and then losing to the better teams in this conference, go right ahead. Don't give me "the cupboard was bare". Michigan was generally good for 7 wins in it's worst years during Bo/Gary/Lloyd. Now they have 7 and it looks like the ceiling this year. This is the thing: The team was capable of 8 wins when RR first showed up. It was understandable then because his philosophy was so drastically different. There was no room for a 6'6" QB who couldn't run well. It's not that the cupboard was empty, he just wanted different tools. Now time's up. The offense, while explosive, is gimmicky and the good teams already know how to contain it. Wisconsin, Iowa, Penn State, Michigan State: they were all up by about 20 before the offense started clicking. How about getting a couple scores when it's still close? Furthermore, if the defense could get a few stops, they wouldn't need to score as much. I watched Wisconsin methodically dismantle this team. It wasn't the blowout I thought it would be but it wasn't nearly as close as the score would indicate either. He's had 2+ years (the first, to be fair, wasn't quite a full year) to recruit. The fact that the defense is comprised of mostly freshmen and very few Juniors (where are all the sophomores?) points to an unwillingness to use what is available and adjust your scheme to the tools that you have. Every good coach can do that. Good coaches stand behind their players. "Vince Lombardi couldn't fix this defense.. "(paraphrase) and the onside kicks are no-confidence votes in your defense. One onside kick, fine but as a general strategy? You're getting scored on with nearly every possession and you know it.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 8:59 a.m.
What would all you fair weather fans say if we beat Wisconsin? Go Become state or buckeye fans! WE DON'T NEED YOU!!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 8:53 a.m.
Many? 41% of 2150 doesn't seem to be a very large percentage of the sampling population! That isn't enough people to fill a section at the big house. Those are probably the same fans that scream "down in front" but can't scream for their team to show support! BO BLUE or GO HOME!!!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 8:19 a.m.
Peltist, there is a huge difference between the Michigan teams of the last 40 years and those of the last 3 years. I mean, there is absolutely no comparison. To say the teams of the Carr years were not as good as we thought ignores how bade the teams under Rodriguez are. Welcome to the Dark Ages of Michigan football. It has never been this bad... check the record books.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 8:09 a.m.
I think he's doing the best that he can, Me too. That's why he needs to be gone. "Many"? Really going out on a limb there. Nice home-town writing.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 7:34 a.m.
Hey guys, after 3 years he has got us 7th place in the Big Ten standings. Not bad, last year we were 10th? After next weeks butt whooping we will finish the Bigten season in 8th place. If thats not improvement, what is? Right trublu? Shut the pie hole. You are gaping!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 7:30 a.m.
Sometimes it's easy to just look at the won-loss record and come to the conclusion that fits your opinion. But coaching is more than W's and L's and that's where the AD should put the mircoscope before deciding what's the best move for Michigan football. I have followed the development of the special teams this year, mostly looking to see if they are getting better, you know getting "coached up". Special teams can and often do set the table for what's to follow offensively and defensively. So who out there thinks Jeremy Gallon is the guy to handle punts and/or kickoffs for the Blue? I don't think a game's been played where he didn't "misjudge", "mishandle", "muff", "boot", or commit some kind of "mental error" that cost UM terrible field position. But there he is, still at it, every Saturday. I don't get it and I don't think the coach get's it either. If the head coach is truly responsible for all facets of the team, then he is also the one to bear the mantle of the consequences. If anyone out there can look at the entire structure of this football team and state, without reservation, the players are 100% ready to play every weekend, please help me out. Otherwise more time wont change the results and more of the same, like #10 trying to field punts, is the new reality of Michigan football. And you don't need a mircoscope to see that.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 7:10 a.m.
"What we do isn't pretty," Bielema said. "A lot of places, there's a certain emphasis on being pretty and being individualized on players." That seemed to be a shot at Michigan, especially after Bielema was asked about Denard Robinson's 360-yard, four-TD performance. "For them, that's great," Bielema said. "We would never recruit to that."
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 5:50 a.m.
While the ranting must feel good for many of you, it isn't going to do anything to advance the cause of Michigan football. While I would not be surprised to see RR dismissed next year (he has done very little to earn a 4th year), I am surprised at how delusional our fan base is on this Michigan "Glory" thing. The fact of the matter is that prior to RR's arrival Michigan was a very good program but it was hardly an elite program. We won 1 NC since 1969 (the Bo era) and lost most big bowls that we played in (72,76,77,78,79,83,87,90,92,04,05,07). Our big bowl wins since 1969 - Rose 81, Fiesta 86, Rose 89, Rose 93, Rose 97 and Orange 00. That is it, 6 big bowl wins in the 39 years before RR arrived. Not bad, but not great either. Lloyd's last 10 seasons had only 2 teams lose less than 3 games (99 and 06) the rest lost 3 or more. The 2005 team has 20+ players in the NFL and they lost 5 games. The 2000 team was loaded with 6-7 NFL players on offense and lost 3 games same with the 2003 team. The 2007 team has players doing well in the NFL and they lost 4 games. If you look at the points allowed in the last 10 bowl games by Carr it is more than 30+. So let's get off this we were great stuff. We weren't. We have been underachievers for years. Michigan took a chance on RR and it backfired and it is probably time to move on. It sucks and it has made me irritable but we have to trust that Dave Brandt will do what is best for Michigan football.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 5:14 a.m.
Anyone with a ****ing brain wants this clown fired. He has no accountability, and has never one taken the blame for his idiotic schemes and coaching decisions. Blame Greg Robinson. Make stupid press statements on how Vince Lombardi couldn't fix this defense or how we are fun to watch. Blame your young players. Blame the fact you are undersized. Blame the fact that you have don't many seniors. Look in the mirror you dolt. Rich Rod has singlehandedly destroyed Michigan Football. WIth his UNLV running rebel style of play that focuses on no defense, he has gone 6-18 in three seasons and has set school and big ten records for the terrible defenses. Lloyd Carr's bad seasons were 8-4. Denard is a running back that occasionally passes the ball. You are a one dimensional joke that has put up nothing against quality opponents. Wisconsin ran for almost 400 yards WITHOUT THEIR STARTING RB. This article is ridiculous. Many fans want him to say? Who? Get a ****ing grip.
God Loves Us All
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 2:20 a.m.
God bless Michigan Maybe Snyder can fix this too. And God bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 12:16 a.m.
Unfortunately I cannot support RR. Three years of the worst seasons in recent history: no defense, no kicking game, no clue of how to build a top ten comprehensive program. At best, RR is a good offensive coordinator and Michigan's offense has been explosive this year. But no defense/no kicking game means you lose when you play a good team. 3-3-5 is stupid with a freshman team; no 4 or 5 star defensive recruits have committed to MI for next year; unfortunately with the big bucks he is making he should have been thinking defense and kicking as well as offense. I hope he goes and loyal fans are put out of the misery, no more excuses. Michigan never before made such excuses in losing to other Big Ten teams. We were the best, the leaders of the west. Let's return the program to that glory.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 12:11 a.m.
meant 6 big ten wins in 3 years and 3 wins this year compared with 1 big ten win last year.
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 : 12:02 a.m.
Julie - I disagree, a lot of the time a coach is the differece in the development of a player and the scheme, adjustments, etc that take a team to the next level and they do get the credit. But they also take the heat because they are the ones getting paid, not the players. The concern with Rich Rod is a lot of the development (especially on defense) appears to be lacking. Mick - I disagree that two 10 point and a 17 point loss are not blow outs, especially when 2 of the games were at home and U of M had to score late to make the cames "appear"close. Tru2Blu - you had your say and now it's my turn. While I respect your opinion and your support of the program, I don't agree with many parts of it. I do agree that this is Brandon's decision and he will need to evaluate the season and the program - just because people want Rich Rod gone shouldn't be the reason to get rid of him. But comparing Rich Rod to Bo is just ridiculous. When Bo coached the emphasis was the big ten title, beating Ohio State and running a clean program. I think every fan would have preferred a better bowl record but Bo did take care of the other things and really carried on the Michigan football tradition and moved it forward. Something Rich Rod hasn't done. The comment about being a "Michigan Man" are really that people wanted Rich to embrace and understand the Michigan traditions and the rivalries. To this point he hasn't shown that. He didn't even know the significance of the #1 jersey and has ignored defense until people started screaming for his head. I could care less where the coach comes from as long as he can pick up the program and move forward. I hope Brandon does evaluate the state of the program at the end of the season. Yes he has won more games this year but he hasn't made any considerable improvement in his record against teams that are over.500. 6 wins in the big ten is embarrasing even if it is 3 times more than he had last year. I look at progress for the program based on where the program was before he took over. If you think we are a better program now than we were 4+ years ago then that is your opinion but I don't see it. Many people talk about giving Rich time and being patient, but Rich didn't give Scott Schaffer (1st D coordinator) time and I don't expect he will give Greg Robinson more time. If Rich is still the coach next year I will still support the program and the team. But until I see different results on the field and improvement during the season for young players I will not support the coach.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 11:15 p.m.
Tulsatom, answering your question, it says "negligence and disaster". What did we expect when they fired all the coaches, blew up the winning system, and hired someone who has no familiarity with the Big 10 or how to win in it?
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 11:08 p.m.
Come on folks, let's be fair. Give RR at least 3 more years to fix things! We love RR! Go Green Go White
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 10:13 p.m.
anyone who ditched a championship level D b/c they thought the 3-3-5 would work in a real BSC conference deserves to get fired. that person is Rich Rod
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 10:07 p.m.
3 and Out, Hope Brendan Gibbons and that Brokehouse dude can learn from the Stooges proven method of PKing. Somewhere, Jim Harbaugh & Lloyd Carr are laughing and mocking at you RR kool aid drinkers, smile. Harbaugh in 2011.
Just Blue
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 9:45 p.m.
I guess the definition of delusional is if you hit your head against the wall continuously and expect a different outcome. Face it, this loser's ceiling was the Big East at WV and he'll never make it here. Time to join the Rod Marinelli and John L. Smith recovery group for RR.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 9:39 p.m.
Yep. As in any sport, the team loses a few times it's the coach's fault. When they win, it's because the team has great players....So stupid.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 9:35 p.m.
I think we should make a change and give it 3 or 4 more years so the new coach can implement his system. By 2013 or 2014 we should be back to a bowl game again.
Marshall Applewhite
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 9:35 p.m.
The bottom line is that we must fire as many coaches as possible and cause as much instability as possible. That's the ticket to success. I call on all fans to boo as much as possible during games. Show the recruits in attendance that this is a welcoming place where they can flourish!!! P.S. Did anyone see Harbaugh and his group of strippers at the last UofM golf outing? Is that really the man you want coaching this team? Be careful what you wish for.....
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 9:33 p.m.
I have to be with Mike Bush and Dr Blue. The Michigan offense used to be so boring. Now it is near the top in the nation with a bunch of 1st and 2nd year players. One of the commentators during the Wisc noted both Michigan offense and defense are staffed with a bunch of freshmen, and that Wisconsin's whole team was loaded with 5th year seniors. DRob set an NCAA record today in his first year of being a starter. He does not do it alone, he is getting good blocking. I think we need a much better defensive coordinator. Maybe it is the youth, but the 3-3-5 just does not seem to work. I just think if RR is fired and a new coach comes in and is successful it will be on RR's dime. I just think bringing in a new coach would upset the whole balance and we would be back to where we were before the 2009 season. Lloyd Carr was 1-6 v OSU during his last seven seasons. Before today the three losses were by just 37 points total, two losses by 10 pts and one by 17. Not blowouts and probably wins if the turnovers were not so bad. TOs are common with young players. I think he deserves one more year, but I expect a Big Ten Championship.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 9:27 p.m.
Well said, SaveMichiganFootball. Rich Rodriguez's MO is the same wherever he goes. He has high-octane finesse offenses and below-average defenses that give up a lot of points on defense and just hopes to win shootouts. This has never been Michigan football but it is RR football.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:52 p.m.
I have realized in observing the Michigan football team this year (and the previous 2 years) that there are many who just don't understand what it takes to WIN - specifically those who support the current leadership of the program. Football is a very simple game. It consists of blocking and tackling. It requires both mental and physical toughness. There are coaches in America that do understand this concept and WIN because they understand - right away and do NOT need years to recruit their own players to make it happen. Sadly, Michigan does not have the right person at the helm to make it work. We might be glitzy and able to score points but we are not tough - both mentally and physically. I am tired of paying lots of money to watch flag football. I watch it for free when I watch my neighbors and grandsons in the youth Y league. We need to get back to basics and once again become TOUGH. That's what it takes to win in football and in life. MAN UP!
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:40 p.m.
RR's 6-17 Big Ten record is very misleading in that it makes him look MUCH better than he really is. Only "1" of those "6" wins was against a Big Ten team IN THE UPPER HALF of the Big Ten standings.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:37 p.m.
It isn't just Lloyd's recruits leaving, RR's recruits have bailed as well. I wouldn't be even a little surprised if RR is STILL starting primarily freshmen next year (wherever he may be...I just hope it isn't here).
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:32 p.m.
Bill Parcells once said, "You are what your record says you are". Under Rich Rodriguez, Michigan's Big Ten record is 6-17. What does that say about him?
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:30 p.m.
I hope today was rich rods last game at the big house. Give Jim Harbaugh a blank check with his name on it.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:27 p.m.
Every year we hear an excuse: Year 1: The system is new and the players are learning. Year 2: They are improving but still learning. Year 3: They have learned but we have 7 freshmen on defense. What? Three years of recruiting and we have 7 freshmen on defense? Prediction for year 4: The sophomore defensive 7 are improving but still learning. Year 5: New coach!
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:26 p.m.
Never liked him, never will. I hope he wins if he stays but he still reminds me of my ninth grade gym teacher, just paid more. He has also shamed the most storied football program for the first time in history. Bo would flip. I also notice that over 50% of the survey respondents say he should go. Go blue!
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:25 p.m.
The fans that think its time for RR to go are probably the same ones that stood with their mouths shut and their arms crossed when the team needed them to make the most noise - this occurred after the 1st Wiscy TD and continued the remainder of the day. I was at the Alabama vs. GSU game thursday night. There were maybe 65,000 fans there and they made more noise than 112,000+. Its been the same way all season long in the Big House. Its a shame that so many were talking about how the new construction would affect the atmosphere. I don't care what shape the stadium was/is/could be, 100,000 people should be able to make enough noise to make it impossible to think. Yet every week, I see more and more "Michigan Fans" talk about how their coach needs to be fired. If I were the coach, I'd want my fans that sit on their hands and cant seem to make some freakin' noise fired.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:15 p.m.
To give the man his due, I think he is a pretty good offensive coordinator and that's where he belongs, as an offensive coordinator. He has no business as the head coach at Michigan. Too many glaring weaknesses in so many areas as we reach the end of his third year at Michigan. The worst decision he ever made was to summarily and arrogantly fire all of Lloyd Carr's assistants except Fred Jackson. What was he thinking? Had he kept Ron English as defensive coordinator, the defense would be in much better shape today. Ron English may not be the best X's and O's guy, but he knew how to recruit good defensive players. Under RR and Greg Robinson, U-M competes with the MAC and Big East for defensive players when they used to compete with Top Ten teams for the best of the best in the country.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:15 p.m.
obama from kenya If the players don't deserve to were maize and blue Than Dick Rod don't deserve to were the Block M! Let him were his old WVU crap he stole on the way out the door. Because he the one who gave the "Maize and Blue" a black eye!
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8:08 p.m.
Like a battered spouse, some Michigan fans just don't know when to call it quits on Rich Rodriguez. Thinking things will get better one of these years, they make excuses for him when it is painfully obvious it isn't working. How many nationally-televised embarrassing performances will it take because they see he needs to be replaced as head coach?
obama from kenya
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 8 p.m.
RichRod simply needs to recruit a faster QB. It's perfectly obvious that Shoelace is not fast enough for this offense. Its not the coaches or the scheme. Its the lousy players not following Mike Barwis' conditioning regimen. I'm tired of everyone throwing the coaches under the bus. The players are responsible. What are they majoring in again? They don't even deserve to wear maize and blue.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 7:51 p.m.
Rich Rod sucks and so does Michigan football. I'm sick of being patient 3 years of sucking is long enough.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 7:51 p.m.
Problem is Mike that RR is the one insisting on 335. We have gotten worse every year on D and O was not all that great till we were all ready down 24 to nothing. Been that way all year. How long since we beat a top 5 team or even were able to compete with one? Not since RR that is for sure. His big ten record is one of the worst ever and his recruiting has been less than steller.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 7:50 p.m.
I like RR because i believe UM needs to focus on speed--in fact, the entire big ten needs a speed upgrade if we want BCS glory. And i have fully supported him for the last three years on this and other Michigan sites. However, i believed the conditioning and speed emphasis would impact more than the offensive side of the ball...well, it hasn't! Not sure now is the time for a change. Might give him one more year, but NO EXCUSES on Defense. Coach the ENTIRE TEAM and make it fast!!!! On a side note, my other concern is that the spread RR plays is entirely dependent on the QB...whereas, Wiscy loses its prime RB and simply plugs in 2 more---the scheme works because it is team oriented and not a single player oriented. Unlike the NFL where we could envision plugging in a number one guy for years, like Peyton Maning, we will constantly be recruiting and training THE GUY. And, as he goes, the offense goes. If you run a pro style, the parts are more interchangable, i think. Still, manhy of today's young athletes are speed guys who like to play fast, so this system has proven attractive in the recruiting arena. Give him one last year--10 wins or gone.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 7:48 p.m.
What a sad state where it seems like everyone in this country expects immediate results...with everything. No wonder this country is in the condition its in. Anything worth having takes time and when you factor in "Those who (didn't) stay" and the injuries it makes perfect sense this team is in the position its in. If you get rid of this coach now, the attrition rate will be earth-shattering. I support RR until our AD says he's no longer our coach. If you love the program and are not a troll, you will do the same. All others - haters are gonna hate. There are some changes that need to take place but if you get rid of the DC or a large portion of the defensive coaches, you may lose a significant number of recruits. Very few recruits choose a school based on tradition anymore. Its all about what school can get them to the pros. If you're not with us, you're against us. I'm "All In".
3 And Out
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 7:48 p.m.
The offense is not there in the first half vs. good defenses (MSU, PSU, Iowa, Wisky and soon to be OSU).... and we get way behind... RR is not an offensive genius...he just has a really fast QB who can find space in garbage time vs. good teams and vs. really bad teams more frequently. BTW parents of players will always support the coach, and that is the way it should be...but it doesnt mean that RR is doing a good job, he is not. Hey D21 is that our new place kicking recruit for next year in your pic?
obama from kenya
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 7:46 p.m.
I think that they should give RichRod an extension. Best coach ever! He just keeps getting injured players and incoming freshmen. But someday, he'll have a team of entirely healthy seniors, and on that day gentlemen, there will also be peace in the Middle East.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 7:31 p.m.
not me i support rich.the offense is there we just need to say bye to robison and the 3-3-5. go blue beat osu in a shootout.
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 7:30 p.m.
"Many" sure isn't "most."
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 : 7:14 p.m.
But many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many,many, many, many, fans are CLAMORING for RR to be fired.