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Posted on Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 3:55 p.m.

Brady Hoke's off-field moves just as important to Michigan football program as spring practice

By Pete Bigelow

On the day he fired Rich Rodriguez, athletic director Dave Brandon delivered a candid assessment of one of the major cracks in the once-proud Michigan football program. “We have been divided to a large extent, and we continue to be divided,” Brandon said. That’s all gone now. If Brady Hoke has accomplished anything in his first three months on the job, it’s that he has eliminated that fracture.


Michigan football coach Brady Hoke addressed more than 200 former players on Friday to talk about the state of the program.

Angela J. Cesere |

And if there’s any off-the-field development as important as one that occurs on the field this off-season, it’s that one. On the day before Michigan’s spring football game, Hoke gathered a group of former players that numbered approximately 250 at the Al Glick Field House and delivered a passionate speech. There was no asking for permission to be a Michigan man. There was no Josh Groban soundtrack. “I told them they will not always agree with what we do, and that’s OK,” Hoke said of the Friday gathering. “I really don’t care.” It was exactly what the group wanted to hear. From eras as diverse as the 1950s to recent graduates, they all wanted to feel good about the person in charge of Michigan football again. “It was electric,” said Lasker Smith, a defensive back who graduated in 1992. “And it was emotional. … I feel real good for this coming season, and I think he’s the right guy for the job.” The idea that Rodriguez never comprehended what tradition meant at Michigan was always a dopey one - he grasped the concept of the Ohio State-Michigan rivalry just fine. Regardless of which side of the Rodriguez infighting you fell on, it was obvious the very public family feud had become a distraction and sideshow, and obvious that dynamic had to change. Hoke resonates more because he has personal connections. He can talk about Bo Schembechler because he knew the man. He can talk about national championships here because he was here for one. And that matters, especially at a place where the past outweighs the present.


In addition to politely putting the alumni base in its place, Hoke spoke passionately for more than 30 minutes about the traditions and legacy of Michigan football. Sure, that sort of nostalgic enthusiasm was chum for an audience eager to reconnect to the past. But it soothed a lot of hurt feelings. “I think he brings back the tradition that kind of lost its way,” former running back Mike Hart said. “He really values the traditions, and the guys before him, whereas under Coach Rod, I don’t think he valued the tradition as much.” Tradition won’t win football games. Memorizing every note of “The Victors” isn’t the same as memorizing the playbook. There were signs of that on-field progress Saturday. A defense punished worse than the housing market for three straight years showed flickers of resurgence during the spring game. Carvin Johnson intercepted two passes and sacked Denard Robinson. Jake Ryan ran an interception back for a touchdown and appeared in the offensive backfield all afternoon. Ryan, it’s worth adding, has moved to the SAM linebacker position coached personally by Hoke. It’s premature to declare the Wolverines’ defensive struggles a thing of the past. But it’s not too early to say that Hoke has rallied the former players since his first day on the job. And after an encouraging weekend overall for Michigan football, their loyalty may be one factor he no longer has to worry about. Pete Bigelow covers Michigan football for He can be reached at (734) 623-2556, via email at and followed on Twitter @PeterCBigelow.



Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 11:12 a.m.

Defensive tackle Ryan Van Bergen was asked if the current team feels more comfortable knowing Hoke has taken steps to help repair a fractured Michigan "family" the last few years. "You know, it's just kind of unsettling that there's … it's great that they're back, but it's kind of, where have they been the last two or three years?" Van Bergen said. "We've still been wearing the same helmets since they were here. "It's good to have them back but at the same time, it's new all of a sudden, which is a good thing. It's good to have alumni back supporting us."

Blu n Tpa

Tue, Apr 19, 2011 : 1:02 p.m.

Chill, RVB is using the old 'double edge sword' which can cut both ways. He's assuming that all those players were welcome by the coaching staff and there's talk that that was NOT always the case. It's like visiting the mother-in-law, if you don't feel welcomed, you don't like to go. Ex-players returning to Michigan during the last 3 years was like going to see a friend in the hospital. Who likes doing that? And, the other side of the sword: Did RVB ever contact a former Michigan player and invite him to stop by Bo Hall to chat? Maybe, maybe not. But if he didnt extend the offer, can he really complain? Water over the dam. Look and move forward. TiM Go Blue!


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 9:24 p.m.

one man's opinion, many players loved Rich Rodriguez but 1st down knows that.

1st Down

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 6:18 p.m.

And.... a better question for RVB: Where have the wins been the last 3 years?


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 3:41 p.m.

I am so disappointed. I could not afford the money to go to Ann Arbor. I wanted to see the new coach, feel the excitement , and see the team in action. Well, i tried to find it on television and no game on tv. Even though they advertised the times, nothing. I was so upset. So now i am watching the Big Ten channel and seeing Nebraska and how they will feel in the Big Ten. I have started making my reservations to September, we will be seeing the Wolverines vs Eastern Michigan, which is no big deal, but that's the only time my son could get time off to go out there. He flies in from Seattle, Washington and I along with a companion (cause I can't get travel alone due to my disability) , this is the only time of the year I get to see him. From what I am reading I am happy that Coach Hoke is doing an excellent job. It just makes me wish the calendar would fly to September. I get so excited to watch the previews and realize this team can go all the way. Go Blue and support your coach and your football team! Remember Hail to the Victors!


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:06 p.m.

Richard, good luck to you and yes, Hail to the Victors!


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 2:16 p.m.

Brady Hoke has done all the right things so far. The program is light years ahead of where it was at the spring game of 2008 which was a nightmare many fans would like to forget.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 1:30 p.m.

The Rich Rod lovers have all set it up that when Hoke does well it will be due to the great players he inherited. The facts do not support that at any school. The greatest example would be Florida. The talent that Urban Meyer had from Ron Zook won a national title. No intelligent person puts Ron Zook on equal footing with Urban Meyer. Good coaches win with the talent they have. Bad coaches look for excuses as to why they do not win.


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 10:13 p.m.

John Blake's record at OU is eerily similar to whatshisname's record at UM ... I guess he is the RR of OU.


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 8:56 p.m.

Don't forget Bob Stoops of Oklahoma. He won a national title with John Blake's players. Blake had 3 losing seasons.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:13 p.m.

It's human nature john and you just did it yourself in your post, thank you for the lesson.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:04 p.m.

No we haven't but you just did.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 12:57 p.m.

Like preseason games in any sport at any level the game on Saturday may not have proven a great deal because only the coaches know what the point to a lot of things are. The first week in October should give us a more accurate indication of where this team guess is championship material?Probably Not but NOT headed for a 6-18 BT record over three years either. Beat the IRISH the WORTHLESS NUTS From Round on the ends and High in the Middle.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 12:46 p.m.

Agree with Tater on the point that Michigan can't afford to let tradition completely define everything we do. We can't return to the stale, predictable offense and defense played during the later Carr years and win more than 8 or 9 games. Bringing in Rodriguez was a bold move (presumably) made to shake up Michigan's culture and magically transform us into the "spread offense age". Obviously as we all know, the experiment was a disaster. At the same time, I don't think that bringing Hoke in was made to take us back to "the old days" either. I think he will install some new offensive schemes and get our defense back to what it was in the 80's and 90's. We just need to give him time and be patient. There's no denying that the last 3 years have set back this program and that's reality folks. But, I firmly believe the worst is behind us and Hoke and staff can bring things back within the next 2 years.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:03 p.m.

Are you sure you want to stick with,"within the next 2 years", think.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 9:20 a.m.

The biggest issue with Rich Rodriguez was that small and fast is an unsustainable ideology in the Big Ten (or the SCC for that matter) because larger, more powerful, teams will pound at you until you are worn down to a pulp. Every well coached team gets better as the season goes on. Small and fast does the opposite. The reason why the SCC does so well in nonconference and bowl games is because of two major philosophical differences. 1) Emphasis on size and toughness in the trenches and speed at the skill positions. Speed allows an offense to accomplish many different things such as spreading the field and using open space to your advantage, getting behind the defense, and reducing the amount of time defenses have to react. On the other hand, speed on the defensive side of the ball an be useful to allow your secondary to stay in man coverage longer, break on the ball faster, and reduce the negative impacts of making mental errors. This is what the Carr era was missing and what motivated the Rich Rod hiring. The reason it didn't work is because of the systematic abandonment of size and toughness that allow a team to compete week to week. I think the past two seasons prove this case for me 2) Exploitation of the recruitment system. The best way to ensure you have the talent required to compete against any team you happen to face is to cheat the system. The way the SCC does this? Oversigning. From 2002-2010, 6 of the top 8 oversigners have been from the SCC, number one being none other than Auburn University. So where does Michigan fall on this list? #53. The biggest problem with this system is that when a team oversigns, they are not merely rewarded with more and better talent, and thus more wins, but they are also increasing their prestige, enabling them to take advantage of oversigning even more. This process of rigging the system in one's favor is so vital to success, that almost nothing else matters. Hail.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 10:12 p.m.

You've given a very apt and accurate analysis of Michigan and the rest of college football. I will try to keep your points in mind and hope others do so as well.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 9:22 a.m.

SEC... it's 5 in the morning... ok!


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 9:05 a.m.

Two things are true here: 1. The Spring "practice" game doesn't tell us much about how Michigan will fare in the regular season. 2. IF-if-IF Hoke's team wins only 4-of- 8, 5-of-7 the next two seasons:there'll be another round of Fire / Don't Fire the Coach. Regarding #2 - odd logic at work here. There's little if any reason to believe Hoke's system will lose 7 or 8 games in any season. References to Carr's 4 loss seasons contradict that - making it apparent that there's some wishful thinking and some subconscious motive for seeing Hoke become another Rich Rodriguez, only with a more conventional system and philosophy. (Also - overlooking Carr's two 10-win and one 13-win seasons.) The general consensus has been for some time that RR's Spread Option system requires players who are not able to stand up to Big Ten opponents. The facts prove that RR never created anything but failure on defense. This wasn't "inherited" - it was created! willfully by Coach Rodriguez. He just never knew how to create a credible defense and apparently didn't care. In America, on planet Earth: we call that inept, incompetent, clueless coaching. How is it that Coach Hoke's determination to create a (much) better defense is being criticized as "too Carr-like"?? Coaches Carr and Hoke do have one thing in common there: they both had roles in the creation of the best defense in college football in 1997. Oh, wait, wasn't 1997 the year Michigan won its first national championship in 50 years? Why, yes, I believe it was. :-) The repetitious claim that there was a clique plotting against RR looks to be veering into the realm of paranoid hallucination and nightmare. Especially since there's a simpler explanation for RR getting fired and replaced by Hoke: RR should never have left his second tier football job in Virginia. The rule is: don't recruit second tier players for first tier football teams.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:32 a.m.

rich rodriguez was a better offensive coordinater than al borges man that was boring


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:09 a.m.

The team looked great last year in the spring game and only managed 7-6. Based on what I saw today, we're in for a winless season. What does the Old Fogie Crowd have to say about that?

Edward R Murrow's Ghost

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 6:19 p.m.

Actually, 1st Down, I think it has been only 12 practices. I'm hearing that Hoke has kept three practices in his pocket to work no things they saw in the scrimmage. Might be just rumor, but have heard it from several sources. Good Night and Good Luck

Blu n Tpa

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 12:48 p.m.

Thanks Dusty. You are right. It took only three years for your coach to get his offense "great last year in the spring game and only managed 7-6". Coach Hoke has only had three months and just only a dozen practices to make the defense look vastly improved. You keep selling your stuff. "Based on what I saw today, we're in for a winless season." Really? The defense scored and there was a running back breaking out for another one. I think you should quit using "we're" because if you should say this team is going "winless" you are just trolling and not a Michigan fan. TiM Go Blue! (Still waiting for your reply about debating the merits of your coach vs Coach Hoke's 2011 team. Should be easy since you don't think Michigan will win a game.)


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 3:43 p.m.

In last year's spring game there was little D and some special team issues ... sound familiar Dusty ? Sure the O looked good, but remember they were playing against the future # 110 rated D in the nation ... not too hard to look good against that D. <a href="" rel='nofollow'></a> ps - OWC is more accurate ... Older Wiser Crowd

Edward R Murrow's Ghost

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 1 p.m.

Yup. I'm older than you, wiser, than you, and have seen more of the world than you. I've defended my nation and helped young people improve their lives. Now retired from the military, I still serve my community and its youth. So I'll gladly wear that badge with pride. Call me that any time you like. Indeed, I take as a compliment. So thanks, Dusty!! Good Night and Good Luck

Blu n Tpa

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 12:15 p.m.

Based on your record, that's a sign of instant success. I would love to have a meaningful debate on last year's team vs this year's projected team. But my guess is it wont include you answering how you felt about the defense or special teams and you will avoid the bowl game discussion completely. Now if you want to really open yourself, and the record of your coach to the public forum, I'm in. Let's go. TiM Go Blue!


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 2:59 a.m.

rr left the shelves stocked and coach hoke should be able to coach these kids up to there potential. no matter who the coach is this defense should be at least 50% or more better then last year. if coach hoke and borges keep some of the spred mixed with the prostyle the offense should also be ok. . . support the team! GO BLUE. . .


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 4:58 p.m.

umgo, that was the most positive, understandable post yet, no excuses.

Blu n Tpa

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 12:21 p.m.

Wow, a simple, well thought out comment. I don't agree 100% with the content but do agree 100% with your support of the team. TiM Go Blue!


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 2:04 a.m.

He will win but he needs 3-4 years to recruit beef 6-6 is my prediction


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 6:16 p.m.

Are those 6 losses all against teams he needs to beat like michigan state and ohio state? The grace period on those kinds of losses could be short lived.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 1:13 a.m.

Mr. Bigelow: I think you give the former coach way too much credit. He never proved that he understood the Michigan tradition, from the importance symbolically of the OSU game, to the choosing of captains (which by the way meant no team leadership for his first two years--probably a big reason that his teams imploded so). His response to his third straight OSU loss last year: &quot;what do you want me to do? Sing Kumbaya?&quot; I just can't see how he could say that after losing to THAT team. That comment was as telling as anything. But I'll let former coach's record and demeanor stand for itself. 6-18 in B10 play. No signature wins. Worst defense in M history. Yup. I can see how the fractured base really forced him out.

Blu n Tpa

Tue, Apr 19, 2011 : 12:42 p.m.

Lake, did you see the spring practice on TV? After the first couple of plays the &quot;D&quot; settled down and tackling was much improved. Not perfect but encouraging. You have now written abut 500 times you want to see it on the field. So what did you see? DRob's run option is still there and coming this fall, his skills at throwing the ball and using fakes, and reading defense while under center, and his knowledge of the offense, and the O line working better together, and, well you get my drift. DRob, a more complete QB playing with a more player utilized offense. TiM Go Blue!


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 9:20 p.m.

Means, some folks settled for Hoke just because they wanted Rich gone. Now in detail, did we really get the right guy or just settle for the guy that says the right things allllllllll the time.

Blu n Tpa

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 1:24 a.m.

PLB What?


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 6:13 p.m.

heartbreak, RR lost that job all by his lonesom but, that doesn't mean Hoke is the right coach for Mich.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 6:10 p.m.

If RR was the type that kisses up I'm sure he would have learned everything he could to impress certain types of fans that need that type of blanket security. Now ol Hoke he is either very smart that way or he kisses up, take your pick.

Edward R Murrow's Ghost

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 1:11 a.m.

I see the MCC is out in strength tonight. Good Night and Good Luck

Blu n Tpa

Tue, Apr 19, 2011 : 12:32 p.m.

tbf It's Blu n Tpa. I DID NOT WANT Michigan football to have a losing record over the last 3 years either. Looks like neither one of us got what we wanted. So you let Dusty make your decisions for you? OK, I expected better but if that's how you go, it's real. Only FG kicking was bad? The punt return game was so bad they were taking fair catches inside the 10 and you had to hold you breath because there was always a chance the ball was going to be put on the ground. The WCiMFH left the punter at home before the osu game but didn't seem to think that maybe the backup needed some reps before the game. The best HS punter in the state was sitting on the bench but he used is QBs instead. What would your priority be during your 15 spring practices, defense or special teams? (tick, tock, tick, .....) Please! Coach Mattison came back to Michigan for two reasons. First, it's where he wanted to coach. Second, because of Coach Hoke. There was NOT ONE DC in the country worth his salt that would have touched the UM DC position after last season. Being a defensive coach under the WCiMFH could be a career killer. Finally, your great offense wasn't very good vs better than average teams. It needs more options and more players involved to keep the D from tearing DRob's head off or do you think he's equally effective sitting on the bench with an ice bag on his______(fill in the injured part.) during the latter part of the game? Come on tbf, you know that Michigan needed to make a change after the last 3 games of the 2010 season. It's OK, get behind Michigan football's new coaching staff. TiM Go Blue!

Edward R Murrow's Ghost

Tue, Apr 19, 2011 : 1:18 a.m.

&quot;I will tell you that the first meaningful data point for comparison of RR vs Hoke comes in week 2 against ND. We'll have something to discuss there. If Michigan loses, I don't want to hear the HMLC dropping the &quot;but, but, Crist was injured&quot; bit (despite the fact that Rees carried the team the majority of the rest of the season).&quot; Pretty funny, this. The MCC will accept ANY excuse for the failures of the WCiMFH, but they're already deciding what excuses they won't except if Michigan loses to ND (and, from the tone of this post, it's pretty clear that they already have ND chalked in the loss column). But the disaster that was the D under WCiMFH? Not his fault. No, it was the D-coord's fault. Interesting. Scott Shaffer took over the D-coord in 2008 and the defense fell from 24th to 67 in the FBS. So Shaffer got fired and G-Rob came in, and the D went to 84th, and then to 110th. In the meantime, Shaffer went to Syracuse where, in 2010, he had the nation's 7th ranked defense. So tell me, please, how it is that the D-coords were the problem? And, even if you can make the argument that they were the problem, the WCiMFH was the person who hired them. Why should anyone have any confidence whatsoever that, after having hired two disastrous D-coords, the WCiMFH was going to hire someone who knew what they were doing? As I said, I love the MCC's loyalty toward the WCiMFH--tons of excuses for his manifest incompetence. And pretty funny, too, how they've set the bar much higher for Hoke than they ever did for the WCiMFH. Wish it were because they have more faith in Hoke than in the WCiMFH. But, unfortunately, they clearly piling the sandbags high and wide so that they can continue their defense of the WCiMFH. Such is MCC logic. Good Night and Good Luck


Tue, Apr 19, 2011 : 12:22 a.m.

Blue in Tampa - What possible value do we get out of debating how Rich Rodriguez's team did in ACTUAL games last season vs what Hoke's 2011 squad did in a few practices? Now I can see why Dusty blew you off. I DID NOT want RR to be fired because I thought we had the makings of a dominant offensive juggernaut. However, I thought the defense was headed in the wrong direction (obviously) and we needed a new DC who was allowed to bring in his own assistants. One good hire there (as we'll probably see this year) can make all the difference in the world. Special teams outside of FG kicking was serviceable. Not great, but not terrible. But I see FG kicking still hasn't improved under Hoke. I will tell you that the first meaningful data point for comparison of RR vs Hoke comes in week 2 against ND. We'll have something to discuss there. If Michigan loses, I don't want to hear the HMLC dropping the &quot;but, but, Crist was injured&quot; bit (despite the fact that Rees carried the team the majority of the rest of the season).

Blu n Tpa

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 12:33 p.m.

tbf I've been posting it for months now. (Thank you, I did make it up. Same with TiM. This is Michigan) I didn't know I was on call to answer all your questions but now I know, I'll get right on those in the future. So after the bowl game vs MissStateU, you still thought the team was heading in the right direction? That the offense, defense, and special teams were competitive in the last three games of the 2010 season? I issued a challenge to Dusty to debate the merits of last years teams vs next falls team, but he's lost his computer or something because he hasn't responded. Probably had to take the trash out, or something. You up for it? Tim Go Blue!

Edward R Murrow's Ghost

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 11:42 a.m.

&quot;Whatever you say&quot; = Facts the MCC cannot refute Good Night and Good Luck


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 4:58 a.m.

Thank you Blu n Tpa for answering my question. It only took 3 requests. Worst coach in Michigan history? Whatever you say.

Blu n Tpa

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 1:23 a.m.

How come it is after you write the facts, there is NEVER a response from a single supporter of Rich Rodriguez? Never! Never! NEVER!!! Because he was the WCiMFH. (Worst Coach in Michigan Football History)

Edward R Murrow's Ghost

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 6:33 p.m.

@trueblue: Yes, after three years of manifest incompetence, there are those of us who are, perhaps, just a bit too hopeful about the future. Of course, what boggles the mind is the fact that the MCC remain mournful over the firing of the WCiMFH, whose record included: * 6-18 in the Big Ten over a three-year period * 1-13 against OSU/MSU/PSU/Iowa/Wisky * 0-12 against Big Ten teams with winning records * 2-11 against teams in the top 25 at the moment we played them. * Zero wins against teams that finished the season in the Top 25 * A defense that has gone from 24th in the NCAA (total yards) in 2007, to 67th in 2008, to 84th in 2009, to 110th of 120 FBS teams in 2010 * An offense that has gaudy numbers against the BGSUs and Delaware States of the world but that sputters badly anytime it comes up against well-coached defensive teams. * Worst bowl loss in program history * First NCAA probation in program history Yet despite these &quot;gaudy&quot; statistics, the MCC continues to whine about the firing of the WCiMFH and to pitch fictional stories about the &quot;Carr-tel&quot; undermining him. So, yes, those of us who are hopeful about Hoke might be so based more on faith than on any demonstrable reality. The MCC for the WCiMFH, however, are simply living in an alternative universe. Good Night and Good Luck


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:20 p.m.

MCC = &quot;Man Crush Crowd&quot;, right? What would you label people that are overly enamored with Hoke, even though he hasn't coached a single game yet? HMLC.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:09 p.m.

What the heck does WCiMFH, TiM, MCC and OFC mean? I've asked this a few times and nobody ever responds. Does someone have a definition of acronyms for me?


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 4:56 p.m.

I enjoy people disagreeing with me, it tells me you are still alive.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 4:55 p.m.

Ed Ghost, does it bother you that many Mich. fans don't agree with you?

Blu n Tpa

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 12:02 p.m.

OFC? Oh, I get it. Official Football Commanders. At ease, Private Dusty, we'll let you know if we need anything. TiM Go Blue!

Blu n Tpa

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 11:52 a.m.

Ghost, do you have any MCC spray I can use? They are so thick you can't see reality. The WCiMFH is STILL GONE! And all the MCC crowd wearing ruby slippers won't get him back. TiM Go Blue!!


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:06 a.m.

I see the OFC is out in strength tonight, too.

Blu n Tpa

Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 11:27 p.m.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of make believe there were some fans. These fans like to blame everything wrong with the WCiMFH on everybody else. Wins? Carrs fault. Defense? Carrs fault. Special teams? The offense is so good, who needs special teams. Well, a good football team does. Last year's team was poorly coached and the results are there for the world to see. So enjoy your trip to fantasy land. There you can dream of the WCiMFH coaching one third of your team to a sub .500 record. As for me, I'll move on with a new coaching staff with tons of experience and leadership skills. TiM Go Blue!

Blu n Tpa

Tue, Apr 19, 2011 : 11:55 a.m.

Coach Carr worked almost his entire adult life with the goal to uphold the image of the University of Michigan. On and off the field he helped mold young men to be better at everything they did and, by any standard, he was successful. His support of the UM Women's Softball team is well known. To those of you who feel you were let down by Coach Carr, and any of his teams, I simply ask that you show me another team that was more successful over the same time period. PLB You need to read more carefully. Or write more clearly.


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 9:15 p.m.

I thought you were a Carr man, now you make sense.

1st Down

Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 10:37 p.m.

Both defenses looked good and made plays. Defensively we are miles and miles and eons better than at any point in the past 3 years and Mattison &amp; Co. have only had 15 practices. The front was active, lots of zone blitzes and coverage drops, everyone was pretty much in position to make plays and they were active all over....very nice and encouraging job from the defense... yes Coaching makes all the difference in the world... Once the offense gets its timing down, it will be just fine... defenses are usually ahead of the offense at this time of the year...usually.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 12:09 a.m.

Apparently great coaching hasn't helped the FG kicking. Defense looked good, but our offense was so limited (40% of the playbook) and inefficient that it's difficult to determine how much they've improved. Based on what I saw today, I definitely expect the offense to be considerably worse than last year. The question is, will the defense improve enough to offset the fall in the offense? Right now, I am thinking &quot;no&quot;. I'll take last year's offense with an improved defense. That is the best case scenario for this upcoming season. But I have the sinking feeling that the current regime is working hard to ditch the only thing that carried the team to 7 wins.


Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 10:33 p.m.

Tater, I cannot agree with you more. The reason that Lloyd &quot;retired&quot; was due to the fact that Michigan football had become antiquated and it could no longer produce undefeated seasons or even wins over o-lie-o state. Dave Brandon has set us back ten years and I can easily see us reverting back to 8-4 seasons and constant beat downs from Ohio. The more things change the more they stay the same.


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 8:24 p.m.

&quot;I can easily see us reverting back to 8-4 seasons and constant beat downs from Ohio.&quot; RR was 0-3 against OSU. I'll take the 8-4 seasons over Rich Rod's record any day.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 5:22 p.m.

Huh? We never played the Ohio Bobcats.

Blu n Tpa

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 2:29 p.m.

David, what team did Coach Hoke tell everyone who every interviewed him he would take if offered? So why would you hire him just so he could use you to get where he told you he wanted to go? That would be like you renting your house, which you want to sell, to a guy who wants to buy the house across the street. You're help him get what he wants at your expense. (Housing markets bad in Tpa.) Which job would you want to take? Please.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 2:25 a.m.

David, If 8-4 is a bad thing, then what is 7-6? Or 5-7? Or 3-9? Constant beat downs from Ohio? Seriously! We've been beaten down by OSU the past three seasons worse than any other period in HISTORY!!! An average of 33-8, if you weren't paying attention. And this whole Michigan &quot;could no longer produce undefeated seasons&quot; is ridiculous. How often does ANY program produce undefeated seasons? And how many programs do it on a regular basis? NONE!!! Teams win NC's without going undefeated. No program will ever win at the rate you demand, and certainly not one coached by the previous coach. That said, as late as 2006, UM was three points away from an undefeated regular season and a spot in the NC game. If that's not competing and winning to you, then almost nothing will be. Sorry to say, but no program on earth will consistently go undefeated and play for NC's every year.


Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 11:15 p.m.

1st down, do you think since we hired a coach that could not even land the indiana or minnesota job that we are miraculously back? Please let me know your thoughts.

1st Down

Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 10:38 p.m.

lol... whatever....


Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 10:32 p.m.

To say that the fracture is gone because a group of former players really liked the head coaches speech is incredibly poor journalism. There are many fans out there just like me who believe Rich Rodriguez was given a raw deal and who DO NOT support the hiring of Brady Hoke as head football coach. The fracture still exists and it is going to take a high level of winning to mend it. Rich Rodriguez left Brady Hoke with the Big Ten Offensive Player of the Year and a boat load of returning starters. We better win now, and we better win big.


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 10:01 p.m.

MCC gems: * &quot;RR should have been given at least 5 years to &quot;turn things around&quot; (&quot;turn things around from a coach that averaged 9.5 wins per season). &quot;Hoke better win now, and he better win big.&quot; &quot;Hoke better beat OSU in his 1st year or else...&quot; (whatshisname never beat OSU and lost to them by an average of 25+ points) * &quot;RR came in when the &quot;cupboard was bare&quot;. &quot;RR left a full cupboard for Hoke&quot;. * &quot;RR's problems were all on Carr, the Carr-tel, the fans who didn't like him, the ex-players who didn't like him, the players who played for him,...&quot; &quot;If Hoke doesn't win soon it's all on him.&quot; The best fiction writers of all time cannot come up with material this good.


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 9:13 p.m.

mun, we're talking about what we now have, again.


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 8:54 p.m.

&quot;Dusty, you cannot reason with some of these dinosaurs...&quot; Well, some of us &quot;dinosaurs&quot; cannot comprehend what is so great about taking a winning team and turning them into losers (2007 9-4 vs 2008 3-9, 2009 5-7). And when Rich Rod goes 7-6, you declare him &quot;great&quot; but Lloyd's going 9-4 was &quot;mediocre.&quot;


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 5:02 p.m.

&quot;Rich Rodriguez left this team with the cupboards loaded up with talent.&quot; If you call a defense that finished 110th and a (not so) special teams that couldn't kick a field goal &quot;talent,&quot; then you're right.

Edward R Murrow's Ghost

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 11:41 a.m.

Reason, facts, and logic= * 6-18 in the Big Ten over a three-year period * 1-13 against OSU/MSU/PSU/Iowa/Wisky * 0-12 against Big Ten teams with winning records * 2-11 against teams in the top 25 at the moment we played them. * Zero wins against teams that finished the season in the Top 25 * A defense that has gone from 24th in the NCAA (total yards) in 2007, to 67th in 2008, to 84th in 2009, to 110th of 120 FBS teams in 2010 * An offense that has gaudy numbers against the BGSUs and Delaware States of the world but that sputters badly anytime it comes up against well-coached defensive teams. * Worst bowl loss in program history * First NCAA probation in program history Fantasy = the MCC continues to whine about the firing of the WCiMFH and to pitch fictional stories about the &quot;Carr-tel&quot; undermining him. Good Night and Good Luck


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 4:52 p.m.

Dusty, you cannot reason with some of these dinosaurs, stop wasting your time because they are pointless. Some of these boys and girls did not like Rich Rodriguez before they even knew anything about him because they were told not to like him. We know what we got with Brady, decent coach, good orator, and will probably produce decent teams. If that is enough for some of these boys and girls well, good for them.

Blu n Tpa

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 11:41 a.m.

Dusty, you go ahead and help yourself to more than one piece of candy. That sign is for those who don't think they deserve &quot;special&quot; treatment. If someone takes more than the owner requested, what do you call that? Borrowing? After watching the televised, mostly, practice I came away with the idea that this coaching staff is serious about defense. That they will use DRob to the best of his abilities while teaching him more skills. These skills will let him finish more games which means Michigan has the chance to win more games. This will be a more successful team, just maybe not as flashy on offense. TiM Go Blue!


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 4:49 a.m.

That's like saying because I'm willing to take two pieces of candy from a bowl that says &quot;please take one&quot; that I'd also be willing to rob a bank. It's not black and white like that.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 4:48 a.m.

&quot;Well, you have me there. Given the allegations swirling around the recruiting of Cam Newton, and given the fact the WCiHMF admitted to major violations of NCAA rules, you would have been more likely to see players like Cam had he not been fired.&quot; That's really not fair and you know it. Too much stretching is a far cry from paying cash for players. There has never been anything in RR's history that would suggest he was a dirty recruiter. Not one hint.

Edward R Murrow's Ghost

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 3:06 a.m.

&quot; . . . and then there are fans like Murrow and AZ who want Michigan to pound it out on the ground for 3 yards and a cloud of dust because 10,000 years ago that worked for Bo.&quot; Please tell me where I wrote this or anything close to it. I must have missed it. &quot;There are fans like myself who want to see . . . players like Cam Newton&quot; Well, you have me there. Given the allegations swirling around the recruiting of Cam Newton, and given the fact the WCiHMF admitted to major violations of NCAA rules, you would have been more likely to see players like Cam had he not been fired. Thank God he was so we wouldn't go any further down that path. Good Night and Good Luck


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 2:24 a.m.

Rich Rodriguez left this team with the cupboards loaded up with talent. Almost everyone returning on a prolific offense which features Heisman candidate and Big Ten Offensive Player of the Year Denard Robinson at QB. Rich Rodriguez came to this team with a pocket passer who was too homesick to play in Ann Arbor and decided to transfer. Then he had to deal with Steven - I grew up down the street - Threet and Nick Sheri-Who ... great job building up a talent pool Carr. The fracture is anything but mended... poor, poor journalism to report that we're a family again. There are fans like myself who want to see Michigan come to the modern era of football where teams like Florida win back-to-back championships and players like Cam Newton run away with the Heisman... and then there are fans like Murrow and AZ who want Michigan to pound it out on the ground for 3 yards and a cloud of dust because 10,000 years ago that worked for Bo. Wake up.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 2:14 a.m.

&quot;We better win now and we better win big&quot;....Really? Why didn't we do it with that &quot;boat load&quot; of talent under the former coach, then? Why did a 9-4 team with 40 straight winning seasons suddenly plummet to 3-9? Then 'climb' to 5-7...then 7-6 while getting pasted by OSU by more than 25 points per game...was that your idea of winning &quot;big?&quot; Were they, by your estimation, winning &quot;now?&quot; What Hoke will do with this program remains to be seen, but the fact that UM needed to go in a different direction is obvious. If Hoke can just get us back to COMPETING against top Big Ten programs next season, that would be a major accomplishment, because we haven't even been close to doing that the past three seasons.

Edward R Murrow's Ghost

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 1:45 a.m.

If 6-18 in the Big Ten was good enough for you to support the WCiMFH, one would presumes you would be happy with 7-17 under Hoke. If 110th in the nation in defense was good enough for you to support the WCiMFH, one presumes you would be happy with 109th? If 1-12 against OSU/PSU/MSU/Wisky/Iowa was good enough for you to support the WCiMFH, one presumes you'll be happy with 2-11? I could go on. Of course you will. Good Night and Good Luck


Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 10 p.m.

tater &quot;while the constant whining about RR and grasping at straws to find reasons to berate him...&quot; Come on tater, we really don't have to think at all to find reasons ... his poor record and NCAA violations speak for themselves. In case you forgot ... that's 6-18 in the BT. The real grasping at straws is the continuous defending of whatshisname by those who still have a man crush, and the continual blaming of everyone else except the one responsible for the 3 year fiasco... that is really grasping at straws.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 4:44 p.m.

Actually Mission, a lot of the concern is about what we have, right now.


Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 9:19 p.m.

The reason there is no &quot;fracture&quot; anymore is that the people who caused it in the first place got their way. And, while the constant whining about RR and grasping at straws to find reasons to berate him after the fact as if it will justify giving the Carr-tel its way is good for recruiting the midwest, it just makes Michigan look like a bunch of babies to the rest of the football world. The Carr-tel deliberately sabotaged the program for three years because they didn't get their way. Now, because &quot;one of their own&quot; has the job, it's suddenly sunshine and roses again. It's no accident that nobody outside of the Carr-tel, including Jim Harbaugh, wanted anything to do with the Michigan job. I hope Brady Hoke is able to get the job done. If Hoke is able to transcend the Carr-tel and bring new coaching DNA into the inbred, good ol' boy network the University of Michigan has become, Michigan can still fulfill its potential as a perennial national contender. If he can't, the 'aughts are going to look good in comparison to this decade. The last three years of the Lloyd Carr era proved that his systems on both offense and defense were too outdated to get the job done anymore. Even the one potentially great year ended in crushing losses to TSIO and USC. Anyone out there who thinks going back to what was known as &quot;Michigan football&quot; is anything but a recipe for mediocrity is deluding himself. It's great to be tough, but everyone else is tough, too. It takes more than toughness to get the job done in this era. Hopefully, Hoke already knows that. If he doesn't, get ready for a lot of 7-5 and 8-4 seasons that are just enough to keep the Carr-tel in power.


Mon, Apr 18, 2011 : 9:01 p.m.

&quot;The last three years of the Lloyd Carr era proved that his systems on both offense and defense were too outdated to get the job done anymore.&quot; The last 3 years of the Carr era also proved that Carr's worst record (7-5 in 2005) was still better than Rich Rod's best (7-6 in 2010).


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 4:43 p.m.

Well put Tater, well put.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 3:14 p.m.

johnnya2 &quot;He won as many B10 games as Lloyd did in ONE season. &quot; Ouch, the truth hurts. In 5 different seasons LC won MORE BT games in 1 season than whatshisname did in 3 years.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 1:19 p.m.

tater, RR was a disgraced failure PERIOD. That is not open for debate. He won as many B10 games as Lloyd did in ONE season. He was arrogant, he cheated, he hurt alumni donations, and lets make this clear. he has NEVER EVER in his entire career won a NC. Lloyd has. End of debate as to who is the better coach.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 12:54 p.m.

Testify Tater! Testify!


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 9:19 a.m.

I do not know why you keep on bashing Carr's UM record if RR's best was a 7-5 (without the bowl loss) in his third season. Carr won 75% of his games for 13 years and his worst season was 7-5 which is RR's best. Carr &gt; RR.

Craig Lounsbury

Sat, Apr 16, 2011 : 8:19 p.m.

"We have been divided to a large extent, and we continue to be divided," Brandon said. That's all gone now. If Brady Hoke has accomplished anything in his first three months on the job, it's that he has eliminated that fracture.&quot; Its not gone its not eliminated its on hold. If Brady Hoke has a couple 4-8, 5-7 seasons you'll see that fracture reappear.

Blu n Tpa

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 2:20 p.m.

Hope (Hoke) in one hand and the results of the WCiMFH in the other. I'll take the hand without the WCiMFH. Thank you.

Craig Lounsbury

Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 12:11 p.m.

I hope the guy is successful. I hoped RichRod would have been successful.


Sun, Apr 17, 2011 : 1:13 a.m.

&quot; If Brady Hoke has a couple 4-8, 5-7 seasons you'll see that fracture reappear.&quot; Is that hope you're painting?