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Posted on Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 1:23 p.m.

Athletic director Dave Brandon on Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez's emotional speech: 'It was different'

By Pete Bigelow

After the Michigan football team’s 37-7 loss to Ohio State, athletic director Dave Brandon said he would make no decisions about the football program until after the Gator Bowl.

Nothing has changed his timeline.

In the interim, he’s assessing the program and gathering information. On Saturday, he met with football recruits and their families.

But Brandon said Monday he has no particular date in mind for announcing potential decisions about the football program.

“I don’t have a day on the calendar,” Brandon said. “But soon after the season ends, it’s my practice to sit down with the coach and go through the process of evaluating the progress we’ve made throughout the season.” Brandon spoke for the first time since football coach Rich Rodriguez made an emotional case for his job during the team’s annual banquet Thursday night.

Michigan’s first-year athletic director sat a few feet away from Rodriguez during a speech that has attracted plenty of attention.

“It was different,” Brandon said of Rodriguez’s speech. “The coach elected to do what he did. The banquet is now behind us and it’s time to focus on the bowl game.”

Rodriguez briefly addressed his emotional speech Monday, in which he talked about the affect his uncertain job status has on his family, quoted Bible verses and recited Josh Groban lyrics.

“Every coach has their own personality, and I probably always have been emotional at our senior banquets,” he said. “You feel so close to a team, particularly this senior class, and I probably always have had strong emotions at the banquets.”

Pete Bigelow covers the Michigan football team for He can be reached at 734-623-2551, via email at and followed on Twitter @PeterCBigelow.



Thu, Dec 9, 2010 : 10:16 p.m.

Guys, this 'emotional' display by RR is typical of a narcissist who has been brought low. It is all about him. He pulled this stuff at WVU. Don't fall for it. He's a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar after swearing again and again to mommy and daddy what an honest boy he is. He never had much of a defense at WVU. Never. His offense, as we all know, leaves his key players vulnerable to significant injury. Ditch RR now and rebuild a real conference team. He never will be the Michigan man he says he wants to be. The manipulative dinner side show proves it.


Tue, Dec 7, 2010 : 5:30 p.m.

Wannstedt was just fired. Pitt may come looking for RR. This could force DB to act faster to retain RR for another couple of years.


Tue, Dec 7, 2010 : 11:28 a.m.

Mick52 "I think any change would cause what has happened the last three years to happen all over again."... there is only 1 way that would be true - if we got another coach like RR. That argument makes no sense, and is certainly not a good reason to keep RR. There are many examples of schools that made a change to a good coach and things got better RIGHT AWAY. Some examples: Oklahoma/Bob Stoops, Nebraska/Bo Pelini, Alabama/Nick Saban, Auburn/Gene Chizik (natl. championship game in his 2nd season), Oregon/Chip Kelly (natl. championship game in his 2nd season), OSU/Jim Tressel, Stanford/Jim Harbaugh,... Mick52 "Name a team by Harbaugh, Miles, Saban, or anyone else who did better with a team this young... I really doubt that any other coach could have done much better."... why does it seem that all of the good coaches never get themselves into that position, especially by their 3rd season? And they seem to have good FG kickers and good special teams. And they seem to have really good offenses and really good defenses at the same time? And they improve the recruiting not bring it down? And they bring in more funds from the boosters and not less? And they seem to get more out of their players than mediocre coaches? Why? Because that's what Good Coaches do, and it doesn't take them very long to do it.


Tue, Dec 7, 2010 : 11:21 a.m.

Poor RR is so unaware of himself. He says he's emotional about the team and the seniors, but he was (once again) talking about himself. Seems to me that more often than not when he mentions people other than himself, it's because he's throwing them under the bus. Time for a new, accountable coach.


Tue, Dec 7, 2010 : 3:30 a.m.

Brandon is clearly in charge. This confuses me. He was a total failure at Dominoes. When he was CEO at Dominoes he wasn't smart enough to figure out that pizza crust like shoe leather, cheap cheese, and ketchup wasn't going to be successful. Interesting that he lauds Beilein. Why? Beilein has been a failure by most standards. No NCAA invite last year after getting in the previous year on Amaker's recruits? Collapse in the Big Ten? Loss to Harvard and other cupcakes? Yet, Beilein is doing a good job while Rich Rod is coaching a team with only a few senior leaders left of from Carr? I think Rich Rod isn't Brandon's style of emotionless, ethereal, and well spoken coach. Hence, "it was different." This man is as cold as Dominoes pizza on Saturday morning. After Bill Martin, UofM deserved better. Much better.


Tue, Dec 7, 2010 : 12:58 a.m.

Wave bye-bye to Rich Rod


Tue, Dec 7, 2010 : 12:13 a.m.

What did Gary Moeller do with admiring members of the opposite sex? lol! I thought he was forced to resign coz he made trouble in a bar?


Tue, Dec 7, 2010 : 12:11 a.m.

What did Gary Moeller do with admiring members of the opposite sex? lol! I thought he was forced to resign coz he made trouble in a bar?


Tue, Dec 7, 2010 : midnight

If there is a mindset for a coaching change then waiting until January and after the bowl season is the right thing. Look what happened the last time a U of M football coach's departure was announced in December. I for one thing Gary Moeller should be offered the opportunity to retunrn to his former position. Having a few libations and admiring genuine qualities ina member of the opposuite sex should not wearrant a firing from your job. If that were the case, I would think about 90 percent of the males in America should be unemployed right now.Oh, and if it is exciting football yopu want, who called that pass play to Desmond in the end zone against Notre Dame on 4th and goal.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 11:29 p.m.

RR backers have been saying "the defense will be fine" for three years's gotten progressively worse. RR's defenses at WVU were never very good, either. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this year's version of Michigan would be the best team in the Big Least, as evidenced by blowing out a WEAK UConn team that went on to win that conference. In other words, RR is already doing as good a job at UM as he did at WVU, the only difference being that coaching against the heavyweights of college football (OSU, Wisconsin, PSU, Iowa, soon to be Nebraska) is a far different animal than the paper tigers in the Big Least. RR has already maxed out at Michigan...his brand of weak defense, pathetic special teams, and turnover prone/QB killing offense doesn't work here. He may be invited back by Brandon, but it will only serve to put both men on the hot seat next season after another 7-8 win season.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 11:15 p.m.

Just a thought-in Bo Schembechler's first year, he lost to Michigan State, beat Ohio State (#1 at the time) and went to the Rose Bowl. That's a coach.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 10:59 p.m.

Folks, as I was monitoring the conversations at the banquet (table 11), I can tell you that DB was choked up when Josh Groban piped in during Our King's beautiful speech. DB was sniffling, and he did NOT have a cold! Theo can vouch for this! All Hail The King


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 10:57 p.m.

Murrow -- it has everything to do with the mental state of the players if RR is not on the sidelines. Believe whatever you want, but just look at the quotes from the actual guys that play for Michigan. They love and respect Rich Rodriguez. It would be devastating to them if he was fired. As such, it is not a stretch to assume that they wouldn't play well if their leader was fired. This is not rocket science.

I love Michigan Football

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 10:57 p.m.

TheAnnouncerMan said it best. When the envelopes are dry from the boosters, Dave is forced to make the change. Why do you think he looks like the mob on the sidelines? He was hired to clean up Martin's mess and bring in the new foundation of what it is soon to it. It's not rocket science people.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 10:45 p.m.

Pride comes before the fall.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 10:45 p.m.

AnnouncerMan. Loosing by 17 points (MSU) and ten points (Iowa) is manhandled? I would say not. And I accounted for the poor showing against OSU and Wisconsin as related to the youth of this team. I don't know how anyone could expect players this young to play so well against teams stocked with senior starters. You, like me, may have been supportive of, Bo, Mo, and Lloyd, but still the criticism was constant. Jim Herrman defensive coach of the year in 1997 was booted. So was Ron English. Why do I call the offense great? Because they ended the season ranked ninth. To me that is good enough. You however say Michigan played JV teams to get there. Well every team plays those same teams but none ran up the offensive stats like Michigan did. And none with a team so young. And if the spread is a joke and Michigan's earlier coaches were so brilliant, how do you explain Appalachian State (now there is a JV team, eh?) and Oregon in 2007? Two spread offenses vs a traditional Michigan defense lead to two consecutive embarrassing games. Troy Smith, a running QB in a spread type offense 4-0 vs Michigan. That's a "gimmick?" I really like Lloyd Carr, but this team was going down for a while before RR. Lloyd had a great year in 2006, but 2007 was an 8-4 year. Both Henne and Hart had injuries. Yeah well that happened this year too. No Big Ten championships since 2004. You could see the downward spiral. You're down on a team with a bunch of 1st and 2nd year players vs BCS teams. What did you expect? I think the offensive records set are what we call a "clue." I don't think I have to be a coach to post my opinion nor would I ever criticize someone's opinion as a "hill of beans." Nope I am not a coach, maybe you are.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 10:30 p.m.

Time to lay off the poor guy already. Just piling on now! It is my personal opinion that change is in the air, but not sure that it is Harbaugh after today's announcement that Stanford has offered a sweetened deal to Harbaugh and expect him to accept it. I felt certain that there had to be some contact between Brandon and Harbaugh already, but not so sure anymore. Brandon has been clear that the coaches and team have earned the right to prepare and play in the bowl. I think there is a possibility that he offers the possibility of major staff overhauls (def. coord, special teams coach, etc.) to save his job. He may leave it up to RR to decide.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 10:29 p.m.

Calm down everyone. Take a deep breath and just wait a few weeks for this to resolve itself. The last time I checked, RR is under contract and is the coach of UM, so what would compel DB to divert from his original statement? This entire spectacle is completely driven by the media who play with the fans' passions to amplify the situation to sell "papers" and increase viewers/listeners/web traffic. The team's strengths and weaknesses are obvious and well-known, but maybe DB wants to see how the team responds after 3 weeks of prep and time to get healthy. The track record of this coaching staff is not good (2 weeks to prep for PSU yielded poor results), but regardless of how we got here, RR deserves a chance to show if he can "coach them up" for a bowl game. If they lay another egg, the decision should be easy. If they roll and play solid D, it certainly gets more complicated. I don't fault DB for his "wait and see" approach. It seems like the prudent thing to do.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 10:06 p.m.

I see a wide receiver recruit wont be able to make academics. Another recruit down. Seems to be common.

Jay Allen

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 9:54 p.m.

@johnnya2: "By the way, my opinion has been given to Mary Sue, along with my empty donation envelope since he has been coach." Johnny is right on! The "empty" donation is ringing hard through the halls. It is being heard a lot. I know I am not donating a dime next year. People, it is ALL to the LAST DROP all about money. From top to bottom in the Big 10 and ALL college athletics.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 9:52 p.m.

Boise States' coach? Hmm that would be like taking a coach from the Big East. I have to side with PUMSU and Lorain. I think any change would cause what has happened the last three years to happen all over again. I have read in other story posts there is a contract provision that notes that UM will save a big chunk of cash if they wait until after Jan 1 to dismiss RR. Don't know if that is true, the contract should be confidential I would think but that may be why DB will wait. All you folks that propose RR be fired, I have known you for 30 years. I heard you call for Bo's firing, Lloyd's firing, several asst coaches firings, on and on and on. Also I heard you whining for a spread offense because the traditional offense does not work any more and its boring. I'm not a coach and I suspect none of you are, so I really do not know how tough this is. Haven't heard of any college level coaches commenting on RR's predicament. That would be interesting. Excuse me for relying on facts but Michigan did put out a remarkable offense. True they did not do so well against all teams. But two facts here. All those teams also played teams of various abilities and did not produce like Michigan's offense did. All of them feared Michigan's offense. The other fact is that the youth on this team is a significant issue on both sides of the ball. Name a team by Harbaugh, Miles, Saban, or anyone else who did better with a team this young. Wisconsin was loaded with fifth year seniors, OSU with 24 seniors. Loosing by ten points is not a "big loss" and those two games could easily have been wins with a few less turnovers and stopping some big plays. TOs can't be blamed on a coach. Young players tend to do that. During the OSU game the very reliable WRs dropped a lot of balls that were catchable. I really doubt that any other coach could have done much better. I really think that this team can have a great year next year. I would like to see a better defense but it really does not have to rise up to the best Michigan has had to get a championship next year. I would be happy to get Harbaugh, but I am sure at this time next year y'all will be calling for his firing too if Michigan is not in the BCS championship game. RR deserves one more year to see what happens. To do otherwise might be the last move Brandon makes. But Glenn Robinson should go work elsewhere, cause Defense Wins Ballgames and his doesn't.

Jay Allen

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 9:48 p.m.

Here is a bit more, Rich you can pull this if you want. In the next 2 or 3 years watch ticket prices soar. Why? Because of the lack of funding from boosters that want RR gone. That is a FACT. The SAME boosters wanted 9-3 / 10-2 Lloyd gone and it worked. You think this simpleton stands a chance against the all mighty dollar? A few of you need to get a firm grip. Just going to a banquet or quoting a news conference does not get the "real" information and does allow the pulse to be accurately monitored.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 9:43 p.m.

It was over for me when Groban teased RR about crying over "You raise me up". You can never recover from something like that. It makes a mockery out of the UM program to keep him here one more second. On my watch he'd be out the very next day after a stunt like that. This is Big 10 football for chrissake not some evangelical ministry. You can get out of the RR contract now because he has embarrased the ENTIRE program and everything it stands for. There must be a clause where if you do more harm than good or if you bring inquiry and shame to the program you don't get the golden parachute. Grow a pair please. OUT


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 8:55 p.m.

Forget about JH, I want Boise State's Chris Petersen. He does an amazing job on both offense and defense with 2 and 3 star athletes. (No chance of this happening -- I'm just tired of all the speculation about Harbaugh.)


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 8:53 p.m.

@Lorrain and all you other Rich Rod lovers Stanford in Four years of Harbaugh has exactly ZERO NCAA violations. In three years with RichRod FIVE major violations at the UM. You obviously consider lying and cheating acceptable. A Michigan man wins the RIGHT way, not the Rich Rod way. Tell us Rich about how the team has the best GPA in HISTORY (oh wait ANOTHER lie) He is a disgraceful human being and worse coach. If he goes 13-0, I will NEVER accept him as what MICHIGAN is all about. By the way, my opinion has been given to Mary Sue, along with my empty donation envelope since he has been coach.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 8:42 p.m.

I just hope harbaugh comes now that Stanford just offered him some more money. Either way, RR can't coach for crap., 3 yrs on the job and u don't have a kicker!! Unbelievable. I would like to see Harbaugh here with his hardcore football. U RR fans must have not watched any of the games because Michigan barely won against the bottom dwellers of the big ten. And barely beat Umass. That's flat out terrible football.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 8:36 p.m.

So I was at the banquet sitting next to DB. He leaned over and whispered to me... "see those two guys over there?" [pointing at RR and Theo]... "Neither one of them will be at next years banquet."

Jim Christophersen

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 8:28 p.m.

Nero played the violin while Rome burned.

3 And Out

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 8:04 p.m.

+1 above....and BTW even if some of you guys had your Hearts & Minds taken away by Rich Rod and his Grobanfest...or maybe you just love the man...the fact is that the team has failed miserably on the field.... after 3 seasons of badly coached teams, it is a wonder that some of you still support him because you think he is a "good man"....well a lot of us do not feel that way and when you combine it with badly coached football (missed tackles, blown coverages, penalties, many turnovers, inability to kick or return a ball, down recruiting etc.)... it is easy to see why some of us feel: 3AndOut is the way to go for RR....


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 8:02 p.m. Would you please explain why you deleted my post on this article. I don't believe I attacked any one or that it was in poor taste. I just referred back to a quote that Coach Rodriguez made after the Ohio State game.

Jay Allen

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 7:53 p.m.

I wish that AA.Com did not have like a 3rd Grade vocabulary limit and we could not call bologna (edit) when bologna (edited) is being spewed. ERM's Ghost and I have been on the same channel in regards to this from Day 1. We (along with a few others) have not wavered all year. The fact is RR is a narcissistic person that sucks the energy out of anything that is nearby. When a few of you RR tree huggers (edited) are sucked dry of everything you have, then a few of us that were smarter/faster will sit back and laugh. Crying, Holding Hands, and singing "Kumbayah" does not make you a "Michigan Man". It brings your team down several more notches (not there are many more to go) and just shows us all the fool you are. And to say: "I was seated near DB during the wonderful moment. He was fully involved during this fine display of unity" 1. Wonderful Moment? Every single person I have spoken to is APPALLED by what he did as it was embarrassing. 2. Fully involved? Dude, are you that naive? DB has done a decent job at not tipping his hand. If he did not partake in cookies and milk with the other kindergartners the it surely would have tipped his hand. It was a low class move and it took him by surprise. I know this for a fact. I also know other stuff too as a FACT. But if I say it then it is just "speculation", right? Some of you people amaze me that you have the sense to get through life's daily tasks.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 7:19 p.m.

DB is not handling this thing properly if he has not decided yet on RR and he has not selected and indirectly spoken with the replacement at this time. But if he has already decided to let go of RR and has sent feelers to the replacement and both agreed to talk after the bowl game, then that explains why DB is so cool with the situation. He can afford to sit and relax while everyone else (RR included) is panicking.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 7:18 p.m.

Murrow -- come on, you're smarter than this. There is **no way** the Gator Bowl takes Michigan if they knew Fred Jackson or any coach not named Rich Rodriguez was coaching the team. Are you kidding? They wouldn't want another Florida - Cincy. All you need to do to figure anything out w/r to David Brandon's motives -- just ask what course of action would net the Michigan athletic department the most money? Financially speaking, DB's on the top of his game. The problem is his whole world seems to revolve around money and profit. In this way he is no better than Bill Martin.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 6:24 p.m.

Hey Ben, Welcome to corporate America, I am fairly sure the new recipe was well underway when Brandon was still the CEO. See, they come up with a new recipes, send them out to focus groups, talk about which one was the best, put in place a marketing campaign, and then release it to the public. My guess is that Brandon had a major hand in the turnaround of Dominos...I just hope he can do the same thing with Michigan's football team.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 6:20 p.m.

Murrow -- I totally disagree. RR's fate should've been publicly announced by now. It is irresponsible and not in the best interests of Michigan football. A lame duck charade is quite disrespectful to RR, his staff and their families. Or, if this is all about DB garnering one more data point on RR (i.e. the bowl game), that would be severely misguided as well. DB's plan to wait on the announcement is under heavy scrutiny by just about everyone in the country. It's not the right thing to do. The circus is already here. Harbaugh and RR have been in the spotlight for the past couple weeks. Do you really believe it would be any different if RR were already fired? Let me get to my point. Do you really believe we would've gotten a Jan. 1 bowl with an interim coach in charge? Of course not. DB is all about the $$$, even if it means screwing over RR. I can see right through DB on this one. Shame.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 6:17 p.m.

I've a bad feeling each day that passes that RR is going to be back next year. Please Dave Brandon, don't do this to Michigan fans. Does anyone know how many more years are left on the Rich Rod contract? I only ask b/c if for some crazy reason he is brought back next year, it would almost seem to be a given that a contract extension would be needed for the 'appearance' of stability. My point is this, when trying to recruit top talent (coaches and players), they are going to want to know who they are committing to play for. Please people, don't give me 'they are committing to play for the University', they are coming to play for a coaching staff and this isn't 1975. Before people say I am supporting Rich Rod, I am among the 90%+ that think he should be fired. Let Rich go back to a successful career coaching in the Big East or ACC. It has not worked at Michigan against Big Ten competition. If they can't get Harbaugh, who is next in line? I only ask b/c most people assume it will be Harbaugh. The only thing worse than keeping Rich Rod would be to fire him in January and not have a contract agreed to with his replacement.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 5:59 p.m.

DB professional career? Calculated decisions? How come Domino's sold crappy Pizza until he left, when the new guy changed almost everything?


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 5:39 p.m.

@truebluefan, isn't it very possible that the decision was already made? Can you consider that DB is a professional executive and has shown a career of calculated decisions and this one is no different? It is more than possible. For many of us on this board, our impressions tell us that it is very probable that DB has already made up his mind. Care to take a guess what that might be?


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 5:32 p.m.

Murrow - there is nothing fair about waiting until after the bowl to make a decision. Just about every RR hater on this board predicted Brandon would fire RR a day or two after the OSU game. Why is there no uproar? By the way, I am not making a case for or against RR staying, so you can call off your dogs. All I am saying is Brandon is not handling this situation properly.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 5:29 p.m.

Forget it Rich Rod. He's just not that into you.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 5:06 p.m.

RR's team just barely won against Indiana, Illinois and Purdue and lost big against Wisco, MSU, Iowa and OSU. There is really no logic that RR's team beats the big boys next year. Defense, Special teams, even the offense is not clicking against the big boys in year 3, how many more years does it take RR to get to the 11-1 win standard?


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 5:06 p.m.

Theo212 - "But Our King (also a fine Michigan man) was here first, has laid the Crystal-paved groundwork, and will now reap those benefits with speed, cunning, and commitment to offense."... I am enjoying your Crystal-meth laced comments immensely. Lorain - "Harbaugh @ Stanford went 4-8,5-7,8-5 in his first three years. Rodriguez @ Michigan went 3-9,5-7,7-5, with one game yet to be played. If RR wins the bowl game he is only one win short of the 'great harbaugh'."... here is a more accurate way to compare the two: 2 Years Before JH: 5-6 1-11 (2006) Since JH: 4-8 (+3 wins vs 2006) 5-7 (+4) 8-5 (+7) 11-1 (+10)(Best Stanford season since 1940) Before RR: 11-2 / 7-1 BT 9-4 / 6-2 BT After RR: 3-9 (-6) / 2-6 (-4) (worst season EVER) 5-7 (-4) / 1-7 (-5) 7-5 (-2) / 3-5 (-3) Progress at UM? If you only compare it to 2008 sure... but compare it to all of LC's seasons except 1 or all of Bo's... no way.

Lorain Steelmen

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 5:03 p.m.

Murrow....I think I hit a nerve, didn't I!?!... There isn't much difference between Harbaugh's and Rodriguez's records. And there isn't any reason to scrap the work that's been done here for the past three years. But that doesn't fit your obsessional hatred for RR. Oh that's right, RR isn't a 'Michigan Man'. I don't think you have any clue, what a Michigan man is. In fact I don't think you even went here. Most of the haters on here, are in the same boat. gOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK!


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 4:57 p.m.

Murrow - Way to step up and take responsibility for all of UM's girdiron shortcomings. I agree that everything you listed is undoubtedly your fault. However you did not mention the conversations you had with Boren, Mallet, etc. that caused them to transfer lol.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 4:52 p.m.

Murrow, You are one funny person. Your posts are always entertaining... and pretty close to on the money. You know... I had a really bad blind date once. A friend of the girl I was set up with, called me the next day and asked how it went. My response.... It was different.

3 And Out

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 4:36 p.m.

Murrow, great point about that Freep article. RR should take a page from Harbaugh's book and tell the media "im not going to discuss that"...but he doesnt and opens his big mouth as usual. Hey you have an oil painting of Rich Rod on the wall next to the other King?;)

3 And Out

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 4:34 p.m.

The coach elected to do what he did. The banquet is now behind us and its time to focus on the bowl game. Translation: "Im trying to like this guy and give him an honest chance, but his teams play terrible football and he is prone to making huge personal gaffes which sully his image and our school's image. He also should have consulted me first before he pulled the Groban stunt".


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 4:26 p.m.

Comparing the records between Harbaugh and Rodriguez in the first three years of their tenures a tiresome, invalid comparison. Harbaugh made no excuses, he just walked in and got the job done, building a program up from the ashes. Rodriguez was so intent on getting the program 'in his image' that he didn't care who he ran out of town. His brand of slower, smaller players does not win in the Big Ten. Stubbornly running the 3-3-5 defense in the Big Ten is also like trying to stop a steamroller with a piece of swiss cheese. No one knows how this defense will be next year. Assuming that "this defense will be just fine" after a handful of practices and a January bowl game is quite a reach.

Lorain Steelmen

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 4:10 p.m.

Harbaugh @ Stanford went 4-8,5-7,8-5 in his first three years. Rodriguez @ Michigan went 3-9,5-7,7-5, with one game yet to be played. If RR wins the bowl game he is only one win short of the 'great harbaugh'. Thanks, but no thanks. To make a change for no reason at all, would suggest that Brandon is merely caving to media pressure. To go back to the '20th century', however nostalgic, just won't position UM for the 21st century. RR stays, and Harbaugh gets a nice fat pay increase, from Stanford, just like Miles did from LSU three years ago. To those who are foolish enough to suggest that Miles, and Harbugh, are 'Michigan men' first, should review how they played their 'alliagance' for nice fat raises. With 15 paractices in dec, and 15 more, in march/april, then fall practice, this defense will be just fine. The offense will be even stronger. Now if RR can solve the special teams area, this program will be a national contender. Go Blue!


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 3:59 p.m.

I don't blame him for blaming the fans, especially when you have people like Marrow who hated him the day was hired and never gave him a fair chance. Marrow fails recognize any shortcomings of his beloved Carr. Or take into account for many of the problems with this football team that were not the coaches fault. Hass RR been perfect? Of course not. But failure to take into acount all of the things that he has to deal with is choosing to be blind. The deserves another year where he at least has a junior class that he recruited. Any coach deserves that, not just RR.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 3:19 p.m.

"Ive always probably had strong emotions at the banquets because thats the time to recognize them (senior class)and give them thanks." (Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez: Uncertainty doesn't help recruiting | | Detroit Free Press) Is that why RR's speech at the banquet was a manipulative infomercial for him to keep his job? I guess that's his version of recognizing the seniors.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 3:14 p.m.

Murrow - Rodriguez made a factual statement. Uncertainty does affect recruiting. See the Dee Hart circus and the Kevin Sousa decommit for proof. I blame David Brandon for not publicizing his decision right after the OSU game. Sorry, Rodriguez is clean here.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 2:53 p.m.

"It was different" means RR is weird, would DB retain a weird individual as the football coach? lol!


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 2:35 p.m.

@NoBowl4Blue Ooops.... looks like it's time to get rid of your screen name.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 2:31 p.m.

@theo212: "Our King"??? Are you serious? Get a grip on reality. RRod is a horrible coach who screwed up in VA and is now wreaking havoc in MI. The sooner this guy is watching Ann Arbor fade away in his rearview mirror, the better. I suppose that a sloppy, tearful speech at an awards dinner is less embarrassing than getting busted for DUI, or a drunken brawl at a restaurant, or public urination.... But not by much. Hit the road Rich.....maybe the Lions are hiring. Seeeeeeeeee ya!


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 2:29 p.m.

"different" is like a back-handed complement a mother gives her daughter-in-law, lol. I get the feeling DB chose every single word very carefully.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 2:23 p.m.

We are only the laughing stock of college football because of the smug fans. While some call them excuse other call them facts. 15+ starting sophmore or juniors. Returning all but 4 relevant players. Youth is the worst possible spots. The defensive backfield. Cissiko Dorsey Warren Wolfork. All the coaches fault? Some would say yes and other would say no. Everyone with a mind predicted 7-5 or 8-4 at the beginning of the season and considered that progress. What has changed? Your "hope" for Harbaugh to come to Michigan? I have never heard of a school who gets rid of a coach where the team is bring back 18 starters.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 2:15 p.m.

Sounds like Stanford sweetned the deal for.Harbaugh. I hope that does not mean he will stay there. Anyone have an idea.


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 2:11 p.m.

If DB gives Richrod another year then he should put his job status on the line also. I am sick of Richie crying to the media and always having EXCUSES!!! I am also sick of everyone blaming the D and Greg Robinson. This is the D Richie wants to run and he won't change it. It is time for the head of the snake to be held accountable and not just place the blame on the D coordinator again and again. You want Michigan football to be relevant again DB then you need to get rid of Richie. Right now we are the laughing stock of College Football and we are a joke. I think I need a tissue Richie do you have one??


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 2:02 p.m.

It was different, Brandon said of Rodriguezs speech. The coach elected to do what he did. The banquet is now behind us and its time to focus on the bowl game. Not an endorsement, by a long shot. DB would wants the banquet and discussions of RR's emotional shenanigans WAY behind him, and buried very deeply somewhere in the hills of WVA, never to be evoked again. It was not only "different," it was an embarrassment to the entire university and tradition of football busts. Talk about a laughingstock! RR has brought shame on a great football program with his NCAA violations, emotional outbursts, and poor coaching. DB: do your job now!


Mon, Dec 6, 2010 : 1:53 p.m.

Cry baby doesn't care about the seniors, he only cares for his own self. I wonder how Brandon addressed the cry baby status with the recruits and their families??????