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Posted on Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 8:24 a.m.

On both sides, the Ohio State-Michigan rivalry is considered the best in college football

By Michael Rothstein

For five seasons it has been the same in late November. Joy in Columbus. Anger in Ann Arbor.

Yet while all of the current Ohio State and Michigan players have experienced the OSU-Michigan game as a one-sided outcome as Ohio State has won five in a row, the acknowledgement remains on both sides.

They simply consider it the best rivalry in the country.

"The rivalry is as strong as ever, I believe," Ohio State defensive tackle Doug Worthington said. "Michigan is one play, one game away of confidence to be back at the top of the Big Ten. With that historic program and tradition, Rich Rodriguez, I met him and he shook my hand. He's a great guy and I'm sure he has great guys and leaders to pick up that team, (Brandon) Minor and (Nick) Sheridan, and young guys that's going to come in and push some older guys.

"So that program and that rivalry is as hard as it's going to be."

Worthington is borderline obsessed with it. The Athol Springs, N.Y. native has all of the Ohio State-Michigan games on tape or DVD. And he believes Michigan is on the verge of returning to past prominence.

"They know that they have everyone looking at them as far as the rivalry and making sure that they do better," Worthington said. "They are ready. They are waiting in the wings for the game.

"It's the biggest rivalry in college football."

It didn't get any bigger - at least in recent history - than in 2006 when No. 1 Ohio State held off No. 2 Michigan, 42-39. Worthington called that game his fondest OSU-UM memory, even though he mostly a non-factor in the game.

Even on the other side, Michigan players recognize it as an unmatched game.

"Greatest game to play in," Michigan safety/linebacker Stevie Brown said.

His description of it is a little different. He made it seem like much of a player's college career is wrapped into their record against Michigan or Ohio State.

And to some extent, he's right and he already knows he'll have to give a fairly negative answer after his eligibility runs out following the 2009 season.

"O-State alums ask, Michigan alums ask 'How many times did you beat Ohio? How many times did you beat Michigan," Brown said. "That's what it is. You always want to come out with a positive record.

"Unfortunately, I can't get that, but I would still like to win here."

Michael Rothstein covers University of Michigan basketball for He can be reached at (734) 623-2558 or at


Man in the Mirror

Thu, Jul 30, 2009 : 11:02 a.m.

@ Metric - R U serious?! @ Collstatman - (funny)


Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 4:42 p.m.

Collstatman, I totally agree with you. Pryor is WAY overrated and will be exposed this year. It's funny that they picked MSU to finish 3rd. Maybe if the Big 10 consisted of Indiana, Purdue, and MSU, then I could see them finishing third. The Wolverines will roll over everyone (ND will get a BIG beatdown), and when Penn St. comes calling, watch for a classic Michigan upset which will propel them to a possible BCS game. Go Blue!!!

Go Blue 1218

Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 3:15 p.m.

Just watching that intro again gave me goosebumps!!! It will be a great game they all are. I think it is going to help a ton to have a quarterback who can run our system. Also he will have 'grown' quite a bit by the time November 21st rolls around.

Bob Dively

Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 2:21 p.m.

Terrelle Pryor isn't very good? He was 8-1 as a starter and had the highest passer rating in the Big Ten. As a *freshman*! And that's leaving aside what he did running the ball. Yes, he made lots of mistakes and his coaches generally called very safe plays for him, but I don't see any reason to call him not very good.

Michael Rothstein

Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 11:27 a.m.

Way too early to tell what is going to happen this year, in my opinion, but I think it'll absolutely be a better game than last season. Again, I realize that's not saying too much.


Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 10:58 a.m.

NoBowl4Blue as far as Pryor is concerned, he will need to live up to hype this year. I think he is good, but, under pressure he fell apart several times last year.


Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 10:57 a.m.

If they stay within 14 of OSU I'd be surprised. Can't wait for Weasel-Rod to leave.


Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 10:55 a.m.

Hopefully things will be better this year and we beat OSU, but, that will take the promised improvements with a RR class and a less one dimensional offense. I am hopefull at this point, but, time will tell.


Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 10:55 a.m.

Although I am a Spartan my girlfriend is a Buckeye I believe I can be objective. Pryor isn't very good is an asinine statement considering he was named preseason offensive player of the year. No way Michigan beats OSU this year. No way.


Wed, Jul 29, 2009 : 10:33 a.m.

I agree. Tressel will soon be seeing John Cooper when he looks in the mirror. Just like Tressel swung the rivalry back into OSU's favor by being a better coach than Carr, RR will swing the rivalry back into UM's favor by being a better coach than Tressel. Speaking of mirrors, that 10-2-1 record against OSU from 1988-2000 isn't so far in the rear-view mirror that most UM fans can't remember it. The rivalry can swing back to UM dominance with, as Worthington said, "one play" or "one game." I truly believe that "one play" and "one game" are going to happen this November, giving UM a lot of momentum to take into both their bowl game and next season.