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Posted on Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 9:50 a.m.

Michigan football team has hands full stopping, replicating Ohio State's Terrelle Pryor

By Dave Birkett


Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor celebrates after a 27-24 overtime win over Iowa last week. (Photo: Associated Press)

Think it’s hard stopping Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor in games? Try duplicating him in practice.

Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez said “a mixture of guys” including backup quarterback Denard Robinson will play Pryor on scout team this week as the Wolverines prepare to face ninth-ranked Ohio State (9-2 overall, 6-1 Big Ten) at home Saturday (noon, ABC-TV). “You find a guy 6-foot-6 that runs a 4.3,” Rodriguez said. “If I had him, he probably wouldn’t be on the scout team.”

Pryor combines prototype NFL size with rare athletic ability. He’s the only player to rank in the top 10 in the Big Ten Conference in both rushing (6th, 57.5 yards per game) and passing (10th, 160.1 yards per game).

Robinson, Michigan’s most dynamic athlete, can help replicate Ohio State’s speed-option game, but at 6-foot and 185 pounds, he’s not nearly as strong as Pryor.

“No matter how big the guy is that tries to bring him down, if you don’t wrap him up he’s going to get away,” linebacker Stevie Brown said. “You got to get low on him and you got to get a secure tackle on him, because he breaks arm tackles left and right. I saw him shake off (defensive) linemen, linebackers, (defensive backs). He does everybody like that, so you got to make sure you bring it whenever you try to tackle him.”

Michigan (5-6, 1-6) held Pryor mostly in check in last year's 42-7 defeat. Then a true freshman, Pryor completed 5 of 13 passes with 1 interception, was sacked 3 times and finished with minus-7 yards rushing.

Still, Rodriguez said Pryor, who he recruited out of Jeannette (Pa.) High School, remains dangerous as a playmaker. Through 11 games, Pryor ranks fifth in the Big Ten with 633 yards rushing and 9th with 7 touchdowns.

“He’s a very, very talented athlete, and they’ve won a lot of games with him again this year,” Rodriguez said. “I think Terrelle, he’s not a guy you like to play against because he is so talented and he can make a lot of plays. I think he’s doing quite well where he’s at.”

Dave Birkett covers University of Michigan football for He can be reached by phone at 734-623-2552 or by e-mail at Follow him on Twitter @davebirkett.



Wed, Nov 18, 2009 : 9:55 a.m.

I have to agree with Danny on this one, the Redneck comment is out of line. I have been a RIch Rod supporter from the start, but having my doubts. I will always pull for the Wing helment, but this defense is the worst I have every seen at UM. Some I am sure is having 4 defensive coordinators in 4 years. These guys don't know how to adjust to situations because they are changing to a new defense every year. The offesive is showing growth but at Wis. in the 3rd qtr. they only got the ball one time. you can't have that. The defense can't get the team off the field and the O sends most of the game on the sideline. If you look at teams with good defensives they have had staffs that have been around for years and the kids are playing the same defense from their freshman year to graduation. They can make adjustments because they have been there before, not wondering where they are suppose to be this year. I say keep Robinson, but he needs to really take a look at those under him at the end of the season and find those that can teach some good old fashion smash mouth footbals


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 11:49 p.m.

Calling RR a "redneck" doesn't get any of us where we want to be and is too personal. If that is the extent of your vocabulary, you must have graduated from OSU. If UofM puts a quick spy on Pryor every play and hits him every fake hand off (don't get sucked inside)and dogs him every pass, WE WIN. Pryor averages 57+ yards rushing and 160 yards passing per game. Most of the passing yardage to boost his average came against lesser opponents on long pass plays. He is not that good of a passing QB (accuracy and reads)if he gets rattled. He can not take the hits mentally! If we can not get to him with-in 3 to 4 seconds and slow up his receivers getting off the line his receivers have already burned our defensive backfield. Get on him fast and often and we get some turn overs! Just my opinion for what it's worth.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 6:47 p.m.

GO BLUE! Keep 'em out of triple digits.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 5:51 p.m.

Ok, I am going to say this once, if you ask me about this comment I will deny it...(unless it comes true) I believe, on paper, that we should lose this game fairly handily...BUT is it not conceivable that tOSU is looking past us. Now we all hear the comments about how this is still "The game" or whatever, coming from the tOSU camp, but, just maybe, they are lying. They won the B10...they are going to the rose bowl...we are terrible...all the odds are against us. All I am saying is that we have heard from a lot of teams in the past that they are not looking past a team...but USC still loses to Oregon state or Washington, Florida loses to Old Miss and (cough, cough, Michigan). It happens every year, why not this weekend? Now, that being said, there is no way in heck I would bet a single dime on this game (I do have 20/20 vision and at least part of a brain for the last few weeks), all the signs point to 42-17 tOSU...but there is always that slight voice that says, "Those who stay will be champions." Go Blue!


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 4:48 p.m.

Newsflash: **MSU QB has career day against UofM **Iowa QB has career day against UofM **Purdue QB has career day against UofM **Penn State QB has career day against UofM **Wisconsin QB has career day against UofM **Illinois QB has career day against UofM. **Ohio State QB has career day against UofM. As much as it hurts to say it, and as much as I like UofM, and as much as my season tickets cost........the truth of the matter is that UofM's defense is no match for even the morbidly average list of QBs shown above.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 2:21 p.m.

amaizen, you can criticize MSU all you want. I admit we haven't played up to expectations, but you're off-base on what those expectations were. Some people were talking about how they expected nine or ten wins. Others were talking about eight wins. You make it sound as if every MSU fan thought nine wins was the bare minimum for a successful season. Maybe the fans you heard from. Not the ones that I know of. Regardless, there's no doubt it's been a disappointing year. But there's been just one team -- Wisconsin -- that beat us definitively. The Wolverines have been decimated in three games this year. Against teams that Michigan has traditionally owned. Now, I can understand your defensive attitude; it's been a crappy two years. And you can try to attack the Spartans if you want -- maybe it'll help you get through your misery. You don't really address what's going on with Michigan except in the context of what MSU's done. I, on the other hand, am simply opining on the state of the Michigan football team. I didn't say a single thing that was meant to pile on the Wolverines. Just trying to have an adult conversation with people. For the record, I DO believe in Mark Dantonio because he HAS changed the culture in East Lansing. That doesn't mean we're going to win the national championship next year. What it does mean is that the team has been score away from winning the VAST majority of the games during his tenure. It means that we don't play Michigan, then win or lose, go on a two- or three-game losing streak. In fact, MSU is 3-0 in the week after the Michigan game. And after being blown out by OSU last year, we beat Purdue the next week. After being blown out by PSU, we went to a bowl game and played Georgia tough. The point is this: these aren't the mental midget Spartans teams of the past. There are no guarantees of victory as we've seen this year, but if you think these are the "same ol' Spartans," you're going to be disappointed.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 2:04 p.m.

Go Blue all day. But it is very painful to watch a game, especially after hall time. its probably very painful to watch this team practice.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 1:55 p.m.

I think we all know who has chosen not to support Coach Rodriguez. While it is easy to insult the known coaching expertise and integrity that Coach Rodriguez has while the program is hurting, I hope most of the comment readers have the courage.... TO STAY! GO BLUE! The Big "11" will never be the Big "2" again, and that is a good thing.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 1:55 p.m.

A lot of we are michigan, privilege.How about we look since the (NCE). when the NCAA set up were you need to play a more challenging schedules and win to be a NC. That started in 1935, and the records since have penn st, ohio st, and oaklahoma all ahead of mich in wins and winning percentage, eventhough michigan still played all there games at home for the first 15yrs of it.Then add on since the NCE michigan only has 1 NC,MSU has 3. Michigan made there mark when they could play small puny little schools, all at home,and pre NCE. Snice them they arent the best at anything.Great tradition,enjoy your arss kicken sat. You fools wonder why the rest of the country cant stand you.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 1:49 p.m.

1998pa MSU was picked to challenge OSU and PSU for B10 title this year. How has that worked out for you? You are correct in that fact that UM has taken a giant fall the past 2 years, however, the tradition that has kept this program on top for so long will eventually pull it through again. RR may not be the right coach, but he deserves at least another year with another recruiting class to make this determination. MSU fans are lucky that we are struggling so the press leaves a vastly underachieving MSU team alone. A team picked to win at least 9 games is going to finish 6-6 and are lucky to do so. I'm sure you all have great faith in Dantonio as he continues to plod along


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 1:25 p.m.

Unfortunately, Terrible Pryor will be too much for Michigan's inept run and pass defense. As much as I want Michigan to win this game, it just isn't going to happen. Everything we've seen in Michigan's last 4 games points toward another lop-sided loss this Saturday. Even if OSU comes in over-confident, which is definitely possible, they're still good enough to outscore us by 2-3 touchdowns. I'm really hoping we can make it close though somehow.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 12:49 p.m.

I agree we need to give him one more year (at least), but only if he can adjust. We want him to use his skills to improve the program, not to change it. Once RichRod realizes he is not bigger than Mich Football, he may end up doing much better. If he to expects to win every game (even if your not the better team) then he will win some of those he shouldn't and won't lose those he shouldn't. So, "we will win when we deserve to win" doesn't cut. WIN... No excuses, W's!! The only reason Mich program is where it is, is because we expect to win and will not accept excuses for loses.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 12:42 p.m.

upfromthe big house, As an alum I was expecting 8 wins this year based on the facts of richrod's selling barwis would have them in optimal condition, based on having 2 qbs that were made for the option/spread attack, and based on the praises that the defense was getting for improved communication and hustle. But the reality is: our team is breaking down physically and mentally as the season progresses, one qb makes questionable choices and bought into his own hype while the other doesn't even get to sniff the field, and our defense is a disgrace to the former men who had the privilege to put on that storied uniform. To be looking at needing to beat ohio state so that we have 4 big ten wins in 2 years is unnacceptable. I think Rich would be a great OC in the big ten, but he lacks understanding of what it takes to win big ten games. That is a FACT!! Our backups should be able to go out and beat Purdue. This is MICHIGAN, so no I no longer am a supporter of a man who can't win in his conference. Beating Eastern, Western, Notre Lame, Delaware St, and Indiana aren't achievements they should have all been blowouts. I have no confidence in this redneck whatsoever, but I will root for the school and the team.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 12:20 p.m.

We all want Michigan to be better. The alumni that really understand the revamping process at hand expected a 6 and 6 season. After the great start, some talked of an 8 and 4 season. True, we will most likely be 5 and 7. Next year if we dont have 8 or 9 wins, then be critical. I am confident the glass is a 1/4 full. Give Coach Rodriguez the true chance he deserves, Coach Moeller is!


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 12:13 p.m.

chosen, You're absolutely right. I should know better, by now. But even as a Spartans fan, I'm bothered by him attacking reasonable fans such as yourself or azwolverine -- those who don't necessarily hate Rodriguez per se, but who choose to be somewhat skeptical because they've been given plenty of reason to be that way. It's really disturbing to see someone act like he's in the Third Reich, following ein Fuhrer. Luckily, we're talking football rather than world domination. From my perspective, OSU isn't the best team I've seen, for sure, but they've been playing some strong defense. In most other rivalries, I'd say the underdog has a fighting chance. But I just don't see OSU overlooking Michigan. It's just not in their genetic makeup. That said, I've seen HUGE upsets before. This would rank as one of the bigger ones, for sure. I just wouldn't bet on it. Furthermore, Michigan's got too fine a tradition to say beating OSU at this point would "save the season." Sure, it would make it much better, all things equal. But it wouldn't save it. There are still serious flaws with this team. A victory your most hated rival won't fix them. But it'll make the wait until next season just a little more palatable.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 12:08 p.m.

Zulu, I agree. I have no idea what program Theo and Tater are watching. Is it the 7th ranked scoring offense and 11th ranked scoring defense in the Big Ten, or the 3-12 (soon to be 3-13) Big Ten record over the past two years (while Tressel has lost only 13 games in 9 seasons), or maybe the continuing lack of progress from players on both sides of the ball? I think that Theo and Tater also believed that Matt Millen was going to turn the Lions into perennial Super Bowl contenders?

Atticus F.

Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 11:59 a.m.

When I was younger we used to mop the floor with OSU... I cant stand the humliation of another loss to them on our home turf, with OSU fans bouncing around the streets A2 in glee.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 11:52 a.m.

Yes...Michigan is the desperate team...and Ohio State has already wrapped up a trip to Pasadena...but if you don't think Ohio State is going to be ready mentally for THE are an idiot. I see the Bucks keeping Forcier in the pocket and him being less effective...with Minor and Brown will probably be a long day on offense. Hopefully Minor can play at least 80%. I wish we had a tough D to crush Terrelle Pryor whenever they got the chance...but I see him running over just about everyone on our defense. Ohio State - 38 Michigan - 10


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 11:42 a.m.

I want to hear from Tater.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 11:36 a.m.

I know that OSU is way over rated. Look at their games against Purdue and Iowa. If Michigan plays well for 60 minutes, they are capable of pulling an upset. Now is the time.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 11:34 a.m.

1998pa..there is no talking reality with theo. He isn't on this planet. I think he's still watching games from the yost era or the cooper era. Michigan has no mental edge when they have shown all year they lack mental toughness. I heard on 1050 that there is going to be alot of emotion on the Michigan sideline for the game and it will keep the game close. That's b.s, but ive come to expect nothing less from sam webb. This team has to learn how to tackle quickly this week, the offensive line is going to be up against the best unit they've faced all year, and with minor and brown being banged up I can't see any logical reason to have faith in our team pulling it out. I would love to see it, but unless Stonum and the return team return every punt and kickoff for TD's i can't see it happening


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 11:25 a.m.

1991pa: Amen. I've read Tater and Theo's comments all season long and I still can't figure out what program they are watching. It's one thing to be loyal but another to be blind.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 11:24 a.m.

There's one more special faction... Go Bucks!


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 11:19 a.m.

A Michigan victory on Sat is not to lose by more 2 touchdowns to OSU. Tressel is 3 times the coach than RR. He is too smart to let his team have a letdown on Sat. It's still UM vs. OSU. Since the Penn State game, Michigan football team has been exposed. The offense been mediocre at most and the defense unwatchable. The lack of half time adjustments by the coaching staff is frustrating. Against Penn State, Illinois and Wisconsin the offense scored 7pts TOTAL in second half. Against MSU, Iowa and Purdue they scored 40 pts in second half and had chance to win these games. The bottom line, the offense has to score BUNCH of points and minimize their mistake in order to win cause the defense is plain HORRIBLE. Its very frustrating to watch this once storied program suffers this way and this fast and becomes the laughing stock of the Big Ten and college football. RR is running out of time and unless this football team reverse its direction quickly next year, I believe hes gone and Michigan wouldve made one of the worst investments in decades. Im a big M fan and very passionate but also realistic. I pray this nightmare will end very soon and BIG BLUE will back on top again. GO BLUE


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 10:58 a.m.

Problem with the mental edge angle is that this team has shown no mental fortitude outside of the ND finish, and the coaching has been so atrocious--especially at halftime--that I don't think we can count on the mental edge. Michigan just does not play on either side of the ball with an edge. No toughness, no execution for 60 minutes. ONly for brief spurts, like the last 5 minutes of the MSU game, or second quarter of Illinois game, etc.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 10:39 a.m.

You forgot to add a few adjectives to "The Great Faction," Theo. They're also rude, condescending, obtuse, presumptuous, and most unfortunately for ALL Michigan fans, they've been WRONG. Nothing you've ever said has come true. So why should anyone believe ANYTHING you have to say? Especially when you don't defend your blind allegiance in any way, shape or form. It's not like Michigan fans are asking Rich Rodriguez to compete for the Big Ten title during his first two years (though, if I'm not mistaken, you and the great tater both predicted a title this year... how'd that work out for ya?). They're simply asking him not to finish LAST IN THE LEAGUE for two consecutive years. It's not like Michigan fans are clamoring for Rich Rodriguez to fail. Why in the world would any fan NOT want their team to win? They just want to see SOMETHING to believe in... SOME proof of progress. And Rodriguez hasn't delivered. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I'm a die-hard Michigan State fan. But I'm not so stupid as to not be able to put myself in someone else's shoes and think of what I'd want. (Not to mention that I've BEEN in those shoes, albeit with a program that doesn't have the rich history of Michigan.) When you and tater learn to grow up, stop calling people names and address real questions, comments and concerns with something other than slappy statements like "King RichRod is the greatest king who has ever lived and all who follow him shall receive everlasting life," maybe you'll get an ounce of respect. Instead, you choose to attack anyone -- and I do mean anyone -- who questions your blind faith, and ignore all legitimate questions regarding the state of the Michigan program.


Tue, Nov 17, 2009 : 10:39 a.m.

This will be a tough game but Michigan has the mental edge. They are backed into a corner and there is a desperate need to win. This is why I like Michigan in this one. As Yogi once said, 50% of the game is 90% mental.