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Posted on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 : 10:21 a.m.

Lou Holtz: True or false, allegations a bad omen for Michigan football

By Dave Birkett

ESPN analyst Lou Holtz taped a segment last week predicting that Michigan would win seven games, make a bowl and “be the surprise team in the Big Ten.” After hearing allegations over the weekend that Michigan committed potential NCAA violations by exceeding practice time, Holtz is changing his tune.

Lou Holtz.jpg
“That was before this came out,” Holtz said Sunday night. “I don’t know who said it, but I’m going to tell you it doesn’t speak well for their future right now.”

Holtz said his concern is twofold.

“Either they violated the rules or you got some people that don’t buy into having to (rebound from) the worst season in Michigan history,” Holtz said. “How much worse can it get at a place like Michigan? Good Lord, where’s your senior leadership?”

Holtz said players in major college football programs often exceed the NCAA mandated 20 hours of practice time per week in season and eight hours a week out of season.

“The bigger the stadium, the greater the sacrifice for every individual,” he said. “There’s some stadiums that seat 8,000. You want to be at Michigan, this is what we’re about."

At issue with Michigan, is whether players were required to practice more by coaches - an NCAA violation - or did so on their own time.

“I just know that Coach (Rich) Rodriguez must be disappointed, the Michigan fans (must) be disappointed," Holtz said. "One, if there was a violation they’d be very disappointed. And if it was just a question of trying to push people to be great and the athletes rebelled, I think that would upset them as well."



Tue, Sep 1, 2009 : 7:40 a.m.

uminks....what good would come from a current player admitting violations? do you think he'd see the playing field after ratting out his team and coaches? i dont believe most of the ex players, but sorry i do listen to clemons as he never bad mouthed um on his way to colorado. they probably did bend some rules, but what major university doesnt in football.....lets put an end to calling them students (cause seriously what is an independent studies degree going to get you in life?) and start to pay them to be football players for our universities.


Mon, Aug 31, 2009 : 11:12 p.m.

Still who are you going to believe? the ex players or a majority of players on the team, minus the 2 freshman who were clueless. Lou Holtz has never liked UM and will say anything negative when ever he has the opportunity! This will only become a problem for RR if his season heads south, it will become an excuse to remove him at the end of the season. I hope the team can regroup after all this criticism in the press and a crazy AD who is launching some sort of investigation on his own team after nothing but here say? Oh well lets whip WMU. If we don't, these baseless allegations could really get crazy!


Mon, Aug 31, 2009 : 8:18 p.m.

Where is the senior leadership? This is a sore issue for me--due to policies instituted by Coach Rod, against the long tradition of University of Michigan--there is no team vote for team captains, and therefore, little to no formal leadership. While senior classes theoretically set the tone, without a formal captain for the team, who is the stand up guy on the team? Nobody is talking about this, and I think this is something that Rod's way has failed Michigan--both in terms of throwing away tradition that is a good one, and in terms of getting rid of internal team leadership.

Jim Pryce

Mon, Aug 31, 2009 : 7:49 p.m.

Good ole Cheating weasel Holtz. Arkansas probation, Minnesota probation,etc. He's always been a Michigan hater.


Mon, Aug 31, 2009 : 2:05 p.m.

Who cares what Lou thinks he is the one that said ND was going undefeated and to the National Championship. He is a HOMER and a PUTZ!!!! I am so sick of nothing but rumors coming out of AA I just want to see a great football team play like we are used to. As one who was not at all happy with RR hire, I think there are a lot of mad people in AA trying to do anything they can to stir up trouble for him. Who knows maybe we get lucky and the allegations are true and they fire RR and hire a coach that runs the prostyle offense that we all have come to love not a gimmicky, get your qb killed spread. Until there is evidence one way or the other everybody just needs to cool it. If the allegations are true.... Go Blue and Les Miles in 2010.


Mon, Aug 31, 2009 : 1:46 p.m.

"The bigger the stadium, the greater the sacrifice for every individual"? Words of wisdom if ever I heard them. Lou Holtz should know about NCAA violations since he committed so many at ND. But, it's hypocritical and somewhat irresponsible of him to criticize Michigan for something that hasn't even been proven they're guilty of.


Mon, Aug 31, 2009 : 1:41 p.m.

lou makes a good point about where is the senior leadership. there is no way a senior should let freshmen like stokes talking about whats training like to the media. not becuase of anything to hide but because of how the media will twist things. with clemons coming out saying something makes me question it a little bit, but how could anyone believe boren (hate that hes a buckeye..hate traitors), the academically challenged lineman, or anyone else that left under bad terms. Clemons didn't leave taking parting shots at the program so for him to validate the statements is interesting. but nonetheless, um not guilty and someone needs to put lou in a nursing home


Mon, Aug 31, 2009 : 1 p.m.

Envision it. Violin performance students at the U of M School of Music being told they must practice a minimum of X hours per day. There are two orchestras: the A orchestra for the best musicians and the B orchestra for those who are not so good. Within each orchestra the best chairs go to the best performers. Does anyone really believe that the best chairs in the best orchestra go to those who merely meet the minimums? Anyone who so believes is nave. The same analysis can probably be applied to any division --- law, medicine, LS&A --- in the university. In any university! Anywhere in life! Now lets get on with the season and put this nonsense behind us.


Mon, Aug 31, 2009 : 12:49 p.m.

I wasn't scared until reading this. Why would I be scared now? Because if anyone knows about breaking every rule in the book, it's Holtz. Also, if anyone knows what it is like to suffer the effects of a hatchet job, it's Holtz. The book "Under the Tarnished Dome" was the beginning of the end for Holtz at ND, and he never reached that level again.