Expansion, USC sanctions, Tom Izzo and the APR - simply the busiest day in college sports history

By the time Tate Forcier is a senior, who knows what college football's landscape will look like. (File photo)
This may be a bit of hyperbole, but when sports historians look back on this week - specifically Wednesday and Thursday - they might view it as one of the most critical stretches in the history of college sports.
As far as Wednesday, it started with a report Nebraska might make first the Big Ten expansion move and ended with the long-anticipated USC sanctions being released. In between was a doozy of a day.
Here's to trying and catching you up, along with setting the stage for Thursday.
What could come today - more info about USC, Tom Izzo meeting with the Cavaliers and after yesterday, who knows when the next expansion domino is going to come.
Here's your links:
- ESPN: USC to face two-year ban, loss of scholarships
- LA Times:USC braced for worst
- Yahoo!: The 2004 USC national title is also in question
- SI: The SEC is looking at Texas A&M
- Orangebloods.com: Nebraska to the Big Ten means the Big 12 is dead
- San Jose Mercury News: Colorado "likely" to accept Pac 10 invite Thursday
- New York Times: The Big 12 is scrambling to save itself
- Topeka Capital Journal: Are Big 12 leaders insane?
- ESPN: Notre Dame AD Jack Swarbrick trying to navigate the expansion picture
- Laramie Boomerang: Mountain West playing waiting game
- Arizona Daily Star: Expansion could hurt Arizona the most in Pac 10
- Daily Record: Heck, even Division III is going through realignment.
- AnnArbor.com: Demar Dorsey released from Letter of Intent to Michigan
- Free Press: Why didn't Michigan back Rich Rodriguez with Demar Dorsey?
- AnnArbor.com: Former UM cornerback Boubacar Cissoko faces another criminal charge
- AnnArbor.com: Michigan passes in the latest APR
- Star Ledger: Possible Big Ten expansion school Rutgers has good football APR
- USA Today: Oregon starting QB Jeremiah Masoli booted off team
- AnnArbor.com: Michigan hires LaVall Jordan - and is accused of tampering by Western Michigan
- Plain Dealer: Tom Izzo heading to Cleveland for a meeting Thursday
- Yahoo!: Izzo-to-Cleveland hinges on LeBron James
- Detroit News: Gary Harris looking at Michigan, Michigan State
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 5:30 p.m.
Texas, Tech, and Nebraska are 3 teams michigan cant beat, Ever. USC got about half of what it should have got. Izzo wont abandon his post as King of Lansing. Geese so much to read today.
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 1:34 p.m.
i def don't think um will get near the punishment of usc. i'm just pointing out that the self imposed sanctions are punishment for 4 of the 5 offenses since the university and rr are saying the 5th is false. so if the ncaa is going after environments of non compliance offenders, then there could be a good chance that the punishment is elevated.
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 11:46 a.m.
Wow USC did get smacked around pretty bad. UM shouldn't gete anything near as bad though. NCAA realizes there's no point putting a 2 year bowl ban on a team that basically already has one.
Tom Joad
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 11:22 a.m.
USC GOT SLAPPED HARD!...Rich Rod must not be having a very good day
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 11:16 a.m.
Yelmonian, It seems to me that the NCAA is doing exactly what ypu said: making a statement. I'm sure they've heard the chatter that they are a paper tiger with no real bite and they are out to let the college sports world know that that is untrue. What this means for Michigan, who knows...the crimes are very different.
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 10:55 a.m.
Voiceofreason... huh? Izzo is a great ambassador for the State of Michigan. If another serious offer is out there, he has to look. Buur... you are correct. Two completely different scenarious... USC's action are much more damning than UM's... but I'm curious if the NCAA is trying to make a statement that they aren't push overs.
3 And Out
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 10:21 a.m.
When our boy Harbaugh put a 50 spot on sneaky Pete last year, beating him for the 2nd time with far less talented, less compensated, but much smarter players from Stanford... after which sneaky Pete moaned "whats your deal?" upon which Jim snarled "Whats YOUR deal?" and now we know...
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 10:14 a.m.
Tom Izzo is an absolute disgrace to the State of Michigan! Why would anyone leave for a job in Cleveland? He should be fired now! Why prolong the pain?
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 8:32 a.m.
The UM and USC situations aren't even remotely comparable.
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 8:09 a.m.
i agree that this doesn't bode well for um denail of 'an evironment of non compliance'. um might be looking at a few scholarships being taken away this aug. but maybe the self imposed sanctions will be seen as sufficient. the uncertainty may cost the team a recruit or two while we wait.
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 7:52 a.m.
The blind UM fans are wrong again. Now what are you going to cry about?
Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 7:43 a.m.
20 scholarships?, No bowl for 2-Years?, (hmmm should have just hired Richrod). Someone get Richrod, Tater and Robbie a new pair of underwear. The NCAA is responding to the Richrod denial in August and it isn't going to be pretty. I do not believe this is the so called "hand slap" that you were saying USC would receive. The NCAA will not be happy with Richrod's 90-page denial.