David Brandon's hiring at Michigan heightens scrutiny of Rich Rodriguez
On his first day as the new face of Michigan athletics, David Brandon did a lot of reminiscing about the school’s old guard.
He talked about meeting Don Canham as an impressionable 18-year-old kid, being recruited to the football team by Bump Elliott and life lessons learned from Bo Schembechler.
He already knows "The Victors."

During his introductory press conference Tuesday, Brandon said he likes to sing about being champions, the leaders and the best as much as anyone.
He knows the Wolverines football team has been anything but since Rich Rodriguez took over the program in December 2007.
“I’m as concerned as everybody is, knowing that we’re a program that likes and needs to win,” Brandon said when asked about Rodriguez.
Brandon didn’t allow himself to be boxed into a commitment regarding the Wolverines football program and Rodriguez one way or the other Tuesday. But make no mistake, Brandon’s hiring brings additional pressure on Rodriguez’s shoulders.
Without addressing it directly, Brandon made it clear that the football coach will be held accountable.
“I look forward to getting to know Rich better and to understand more about how he’s approaching the difficult task ahead - and that is turning our football program around and having it be what we all want it to be,” Brandon said.
That’s somewhere far better than it is today, on and off the field.
Brandon spent a good deal of time Tuesday talking about his marketing and branding background. He understands better than most the Block M brand isn’t only about wins and losses.
Alumni like himself like to think it’s about winning the right way, about representing the university as well off the field as on it - and making sure such platitudes aren’t just hollow talk.
In that sense, Rodriguez’s record should make Brandon as concerned as the 8-16 product on the field.
In the past five months, Rodriguez has seen the NCAA open an investigation into his practices, a quarterback he recruited charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and a failed real-estate investment result in a lawsuit.
That lawsuit, of course, was unrelated to the earlier one brought by West Virginia, Rodriguez’s former employer, which sued him to retrieve the buyout it claimed he owed them. The case was settled days before Michigan officials were about to be deposed in the case.
All the off-field distractions stained the Block M brand.
It didn’t seem like anything could add to the burden on Rodriguez’s shoulders. Brandon’s hiring achieved the improbable. It did.
On some level, the pressure on Rodriguez was bound to increase with the naming of a new athletic director, no matter who arrived in Weidenbach Hall.
But it is accentuated with Brandon and his connections to Michigan’s past. Brandon wants to add his name to the list of Michigan legends, among the Canhams and Schembechlers.
“And I guarantee you I’d have been proud to play for Lloyd Carr,” Brandon added.
He’s got a five-year appointment in which to create that legacy, a relatively short stint. One way to leave a lasting impression would be to ensure the football program is left in excellent shape.
No matter who’s in charge, that’s how Brandon intends to leave the program.
Brandon emphasized Tuesday that every business he’s led has either been No. 1 in its market or No. 1 in its respective industry.
If Rodriguez cannot bring Michigan football there, Brandon will move him out of the way and find someone who can.
Raam Raamera
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 5 p.m.
RichRod is trying to elevate a program that had become mired in mediocrity. For Bo and his successors, being good in the Big 10 was sufficient. RichRod represents an effort to grow beyond that limited worldview. RichRod coached WVA to places UM never went -- because the Big 10 was good enough for Bo and his boys. RichRod will work his magic at UM if given the chance. Don't forget that plenty of crappy things happend on Lloyd's watch, including Ap. State.
Fri, Jan 8, 2010 : 12:24 a.m.
Just like clockwork.......... 1, 2, 3........ you guys are too comical.... it's very ironic INDEED.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 12:40 a.m.
Tom, You are right about RR. Some people are blind followers and they cannot debate the facts about RR so they attack the messenger. RR has dismantled the Mi football program with his decisions and should be accountable. The point is this was a bad hire from the beginning and more time will not fix it. What amazes me is why anyone would support him he has done nothing good at Mi.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 12:16 a.m.
btw...those of you who question my football knowledge: I played strong safety DI. I know the position and I know football. To watch Jordan Kovacs or Mike Williams not be within 20 yards of a wide open Illinois receiver after a "sudden change" situation who catches an easy TD...in just another of about 100 massive defensive breakdowns in the past 2 years... anyone who didnt even play DI ball can tell you: Those kids are poorly coached. Either that or the message is not getting through to them.... and that is on Rich Rod, whether you Koolaid suckers want to believe it or not...its on Rich Rod. Period.
Thu, Jan 7, 2010 : 12:08 a.m.
Good points Macbre. What the koolaid drinkers who attack me fail to realize.... and is the substance of their ignorance is that Michigan Football as we knew it was dead. What is in its place now is sloppy, badly coached football. Either they do not see this reality...or they try to push the reality away and hide it with weird rationalizations such as "Lloyd Carr left the cupboard bare" or "It takes time to build a program" etc. To further this, they ignore the large character issues that Rich Rod brought with him from WVU...large, obvious, well-documented character issues...one of which has lead to an NCAA investigation in to Michigan for the FIRST time in history...the other threatens to ruin him personally from a financial standpoint. All of this is REALITY friends. REALITY. Tom Hagan did not make this up, but it is impossible for anyone with a rational thought pattern to ignore. The biggest reality of all is 7-16+1 (non FCS)....that sux. Period. With Michigan's talent level and the obviously poorly coached team.... with all of the streaks halted...with blowout losses to Illinois 2 years in a row, losses to Purdue of all teams 2 years in a row...Toledo...Sparty, no chance in The Game etc etc etc... 7-16+1 "You are what your record says you are" = Bill Parcels No, Tom Hagan didnt make this up. But attack me Koolaid drinkers... and ignore reality. With every passing day that goes by.....and further Rich Rod issues that inevitably comes up...you just look worse and worse and must feel terrible about yourselves. Bottom Line: Rich Rod is a terrible fit for Michigan. It has been a 100 percent failure with NO good coming out of this hhire. You know this too deep down....you are just gutless to admit it...so you attack those that do. Sad. Sad. Sad. Go Blue.
Macabre Sunset
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 11:47 p.m.
One could just as easily make the same ad hominem complaints about marineblue. At least Tom and I are out there trying to point out why Rodriguez is failing. The problem is that Rodriguez has not evolved his strategies to fit an elite conference. He's arrogant enough to force square pegs into round holes, instead of adjusting his system to fit the players he has - many of whom are damned good athletes. Instead, Rodriguez threw Carr under the proverbial bus - even though Carr was an excellent recruiter who brought in top-ten classes, year after year. This year it's unlikely Michigan's recruiting class will be top ten - the first time that's happened in more than a decade. Rodriguez has already taken some of the luster off of the helmet. Wanting a new coach (next year, it appears, makes no sense to hope for a firing now) is not being a bad fan. We're willing to risk enormous venom from trite people like you in hopes that higher-ups will start paying attention and see why Rodriguez just isn't a good fit for a top conference.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 8:01 p.m.
don't waste your time trying to reason w/ tomhagan. he is nothing more than a constant complainer. he will whine until there is a coaching change and will whine even more if it isn't the coach of his liking. i have seen hagan on several blog sites and his M.O. is the same. the best thing to do w/ all of these haters is to just ignore them. it is very sad when adults behave like children. there is a certain group of posters that believe their opinion and complaints are going to change things. most logical people understand what it is going to take for RR and staff to complete this transition. we may not like the outcome of the last two seasons but understand that the depth and talent will improve. i could not imagine how sorry some of these poster's lives are. what is even worse,is that complaining about everything michigan football probably makes them feel better. sad...... ps. i hope that the new AD gets really involved w/ the shoddy level of journalism that aa.com has produced pertaining to RR and his football team.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 4:05 p.m.
Tom Hagen: "unprovoked"? Hardly. Almost daily, you whine about RR and how he should be fired while continuously failing to demonstrate the understanding of the facts articulated nicely by "A2" (third post from the top), Portage Blue and others below. You either truly don't understand how programs take time to build and underestimate the lack of athletes on defense (sans one or two) and at QB that RRod inherited (reason for the book suggestion), or you are part of the new generation that wants everything now, now, now. Tom, I don't like the loses anymore than you do. But transforming a program takes 3-4 years based on comments from sports analysts and NCAA coaches (including Oregon State head coach on ESPN radio with Cowherd). Yep, Michigan needs to step it up with what they've got to work with - no excuses there. But try stopping the hating (which also hurts recruiting by the way) and try giving RRod a chance to let his system develop (2 years isn't enough with the kids he had). Hang in there - it's going to be ok with RRod at Michigan.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 2:49 p.m.
Macabre - I respect your opinion and the opinions of other true Michigan fans that want RR out. But, I am completely sold on giving RR a fair chance, which includes at least a third year and likely a fourth year. I hate to see Michigan lose, it boils my blood. But I truly believe the wins will come. This Michigan team will be elite again under RR.
Macabre Sunset
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 2:11 p.m.
This nutty assumption that anyone who thinks Rodriguez should have been fired last month is somehow not a real fan is truly the product of mediocrity. I love Michigan football. I am a proud alumnus and my father was a professor at Michigan. It's part of my blood. I say this with the purest intentions, as someone who makes his living in the world of football: I think Rodriguez has already proven he is in over his head. Now it's a bit too late to make a change for 2010. So I'm rooting for the guy, even though I'm skeptical. I'm glad he finally has (another) quarterback he wanted. Not so happy about the issues with the offensive line transition to quirky-land or the poor linebacker recruiting. But I'm here, and hoping for a successful season. Brandon was not hired to fire Rodriguez. But I'm certain there's a goal for 2010 somewhere, and if this team is anywhere as bad as it was the last two seasons, he will pull that trigger. For me, the goal is always a Big Ten championship. Something Michigan won outright or shared in 21 of the 39 Bo-Mo-Carr years. But Rodriguez can show he's finally learned to coach with 9 or 10 wins. I don't think 7 or 8 is enough with the patsy schedule Martin put together.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 1:11 p.m.
5-7 next year with losses to UConn, ND, Sparty, Iowa, Wisky, OSU and PSU. Everyone of those programs is more stable than Rich Rod's program and all have superior coaching (though not superior talent necessarily). 5-7. To the poster above who attacked me unprovoked: I sent the copys of "Football for Dummies" to Rich Rod and I will order another copy for you too. Or should I just order a copy of "Koolaid drinking and its effects on a delusional mind - by Rev. Jim Jones" and send that to you?
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 11:25 a.m.
A2: beautifully written. No surprise Bigelow didn't reply. BlueinSC: you are naive. Tate: keep up the good work. Tom Hagen: Guess you didn't get The Football Guide for Dummies book in your stocking. Maybe for your birthday?
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 10:57 a.m.
Over a hundred thousand per game and how many of those contribute to this site. Come on boys and girls haven't enough people lost their jobs in Mich. without some of you calling for another head before the man has even had 3 yrs. at the helm. Not to mention it's not just RR that loses the job for your pleasure. This man was picked by the decision makers at UM, he uprooted his family, lost instant credibility becuase of the move, his family has suffered and I for one think he should be given 4 full years to show his stuff and one other thing folks, what was it that people admired most about LLoyd and Bo, it was the sense of fair play. Michigan brought this man here with an offer he didn't refuse. A great many Mich. fans were complaining about LLoyd,(were you one) and this man is trying hard for success. Now, if after 4 years he simply can't do the job at Mich. well maybe it's time to reassess, but let's all show a sense of fair play regardless of our impatience and maybe this sense of fair play will pay off, when it comes to humans nothing surprises me.
Sean T.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 10:37 a.m.
Bluesteel, I believe your positive attitude is truly a refreshment. I know I haven't been too supportive of RR because I feel that the team isn't playing tough but ultimately I don't call any plays so it's up to the coach. Blue, what's your secret?
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 10:29 a.m.
well said sean t. i supported bo, mo, lloyd, and now rr. no waivering. rock solid and loyal. Go forward. Go rr. and GO BLUE!
Sean T.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 10:11 a.m.
The article was definitely divisive but "OUR" fan base is already at a "CIVIL WAR"! Some of us want RR gone now before there is anymore damage to the program. There is a belief that RR is overwhelmed and is a charlatan. There are also some of us who believe that more time is needed for RR to accomplish his goals of a winning program. They believe with his current recruiting class and a experienced offense he can turn us into champions. So no matter how this article was spun, no one cannot effect RR's job or fan base more than.........RR! Wins are the only cure people.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 10:07 a.m.
where in The Big House do they keep the box of RED wristbands r.r. needs to run his offense??, who orders the RED wristbands for ann arbor??, aren't the schmuckeye team colors scarlet red and puke gray??...Wolverines don't wear RED...rich red is either a mole or oblivious, neither is good. Ban The Red Wristband! Go Blue! v
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 10 a.m.
40 years of bo style. 1/2 national championships. that speaks volumes. Go RR. Undivided. Go blue!
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 9:06 a.m.
Eight and sixteen! That pretty much says it all for the defenders of Rich Rod. We'll need to go back to dollar ticket sales for students to fill the Big House at that rate.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 8:54 a.m.
I'd like to see Brandon take on a leadership role on the national scene while representing Michigan. He has the background and clout to do it. It was something Martin couldn't or wasn't comfortable doing. Michigan should be a leader in the world of college athletics and Brandon can re-establish us in that role. BTW, I don't think the 5 year contract is a big deal. If he's doing a good job after 5 years, they'll renew him. Hopefully, being 57, Brandon will be able to stick around for at least 10 years.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 8:42 a.m.
My bad. now i see my scroll bar was positioned so it was hiding the author at the very top. so i will graciously apologize to Pete for calling him a coward, when indeed he is merely an antagonist. still, shame on you pete for your divisive tactics. i hope david brandon takes note as he begins cleaning house of your type.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 8:28 a.m.
gavsulaker, i'm glad you picked up on the slant route aa.com put on this piece of trash story. excluding the fact that brandon absolutely DID say he would have been proud to play for Rich Rodriguez exposes the authors agenda of dividing the fan base and CREATING controversy. Notice how there is NO AUTHOR of this OPINION article. Stefanie Murray, I assume you're monitoring these comments. Please tell us who is responsible for this article. At least Rich stands up and takes accountability for his product. Not so for the coward who authored this trash. Stefanie, are you out there?
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 6:45 a.m.
I'm sure glad the writer of this article gave all of Brandon's comments about past Michigan coaches. He said he would have been proud to play for Moeller, Carr, AND Rodriguez. But the way this "author" of the article states it, you'd think he was slamming RR (coming on the heels of the whole Edwards thing.) Look, Ann Arbor.com. Gives us ALL the facts, not the ones you CHOOSE to write...just because the writer of this article is CLEARLY in the "fire RR" camp (he should write for the Free Press instead), don't slant what someone says just to fit your agenda. That is pathetic, at best...
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 4:55 a.m.
RRod's not going anywhere, I hope. The transition from boring brute's (even if good) to exciting "quicks" takes time. But it's about to happen. And about the defense; you can teach technique, but you cannot teach more speed. Average this year, very good the rest of the decade. Go Blue!!
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 1:05 a.m.
My prediction on RR for 2010: if Michigan gets 7 wins he stays a fourth year, if not then Brandon will fire him. I believe Michigan will get at least 7 wins in 2010.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 12:32 a.m.
Anybody calling for the firing of Rich Rodriguez obviously hasn't read the numerous articles or listened to any interview that David Brandon gave today. True Michigan fans will/should unite and move forward into 2010 optimistically knowing that Rich Rodriguez has the full support of the University for AT LEAST 1 MORE YEAR and a lot of talent that is being groomed and anxiously awaiting their next shot at a Big Ten Championship. Anyone else is just wasting their time and breath. This is a very solid hire for Michigan and Rich Rodriguez is safe for awhile. ** Do you really think that the University of Michigan would bring a new AD into the proverbial "hornets nest" if there was any truth to the "NCAA Investigation" that was to be wrapped up Dec. 31?
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 11:56 p.m.
blueinSC You really have to get out a little more. I think it's common knowledge that it was the university fighting the buyout since they were the ones that paid it. Don't know where you get your info other than from the M hating MSM of the Detroit area.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 11:47 p.m.
Stefanie, you have to realize Mary Sue needs a firm hand at the tiller. Brandon brings back an "old school" flavor and sense of excellence that has been lacking for a couple of years. Bill Martin is a good if not shrewd buinessman. (Hey I'd like a loan deal from Bank of Ann Arbor also!) His varried business interests began to consume him like the aroma's from Casey's. Martin really never knew how to communicate on a competitve level with Lloyd Carr or even Red Berenson. Both would shake their heads in recent years at the chopices before them for going forward. As long as Martin had a plane, bus, accomodations and meals lined up, that's about all they could expect. Martin knew how to use Bo for fund raising, but that went away with Bo.bo was a don Canham money raising machine, so is Lloyd if given the chance. The way Lloyd was put to pasture and not brought in for true consulting on the new coach showed Martin's lack of understanding. (Coaches know coaches and Lloyd would not have chosen Rich Rod). Dave Brandon is a glimpse of the days of Don Canham and an all-in-Michigan guy. Stef, you need to also realize that Mary Sue is a rope giver and she has no more left, she is now wanting tough nosed personnel all around. Watch what she does with the proph ranks soon. It's back to basics and "old school" time. Two yards and a cloud of dust..no, but a real all out tail kicking from and new found respect for the "M" is about to unfold.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 11:43 p.m.
Stefanie, you have to realize Mary Sue needs a firm hand at the tiller. Brandon brings back an "old school" flavor and sense of excellence that has been lacking for a couple of years. Bill Martin is a good if not shrewd buinessman. (Hey I'd like a loan deal from Bank of Ann Arbor also!) His varried business interests began to consume him like the aroma's from Casey's. Martin really never knew how to communicate on a competitve level with Lloyd Carr or even Red Berenson. Both would shake their heads in recent years at the chopices before them for going forward. As long as Martin had a plane, bus, accomodations and meals lined up, that's about all they could expect. Martin knew how to use Bo for fund raising, but that went away with Bo.bo was a don Canham money raising machine, so is Lloyd if given the chance. The way Lloyd was put to pasture and not brought in for true consulting on the new coach showed Martin's lack of understanding. (Coaches know coaches and Lloyd would not have chosen Rich Rod). Dave Brandon is a glimpse of the days of Don Canham and an all-in-Michigan guy. Stef, you need to also realize that Mary Sue is a rope giver and she has no more left, she is now wanting tough nosed personnel all around. Watch what she does with the proph ranks soon. It's back to basics and "old school" time. Two yards and a cloud of dust..no, but a real all out butt kicking from and new found respect for the "M" is about to unfold.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 11:40 p.m.
good points Pete, that is the way that it is.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 11:14 p.m.
David Brandon will do what Bo was asked to do when he was brought in by Tom Monahan: to fire Rich Rod just as Bo fired Ernie Harwel. Brandon will be the sacrificial lamb to do what Bill Martin walked away from. End what is clearly not working for Big Blue.
Macabre Sunset
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 10:44 p.m.
It would be nice to find a coach who has genuinely succeeded at a lower level, rather than having to acquire the hottest new thing. That's one thing that Ohio State got right and we didn't.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 10:30 p.m.
This article faces the truth about Michigan football. Rich Rodriguez should be concerned. He should have been concerned from day 1. 2010 will be RRod's last year, and then we can put this mess behind us. A2, as far as "Michigan fighting the buyout." Uh, it was RRod who tried to weasel out of $ from WV in the first place.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 10:12 p.m.
Biggs my man. This is a piece of trash hatchet job. Lets be serious here. You know that practice gate is a joke. You also must know that sometimes kids make mistakes and get kicked off football teams (I can think of 15 kid up the road in EL that did). And Rodriguez was the victim in the real estate deal. Also if I know first hand that it was Michigan who was fighting the buyout not Rodriguez then why don't you? You don't think Michigan thought they could pay less than the 4 million, seeing as they not a year earlier negotiated a smaller buyout with the same school for Beilein. So I think the issue of the "tarnished" brand is from crappy articles like this. Not the act of a coach who has done nothing wrong but be to open with slime reporters who never played a down of football in their lives, but all of a sudden are the moral police of all things life.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 9:54 p.m.
Anything that takes us away from the Bill Martin school of both hiring and retaining coaches (Tommy Amaker, anyone?) is a step in the right direction. The only thing that worries me here is that Mary Sue is responsible for this move.