Complete coverage: David Brandon named next Michigan athletic director

David Brandon, CEO of Domino's Pizza, was named the new athletic director at the University of Michigan this morning. Brandon is shown in U-M's Student Academic Center, where he conducted interviews with the media following the announcemnet.
Lon Horwedel |
The University of Michigan announced this morning that David Brandon has been named the next Michigan athletic director, pending approval by the Board of Regents at its regularly scheduled Jan. 21 meeting.
He was long considered the favorite to replace Bill Martin, who announced his retirement, effective Sept. 4, last October. Martin will work as a consultant once Brandon takes over.
The university hosted a 10:30 a.m. teleconference to officially announce Brandon's selection for the post. In the call, Brandon said he’s committed to returning U-M’s athletic programs to the top.
“I don’t know any other way," he said. "I want the athletic department at the University of Michigan to be No. 1 in the nation. I’ll be surrounding myself with people that share that vision and want to bring that same work ethic to (accomplish) that vision.
Come back to for continuous updates. Here's a round-up of coverage on and elsewhere:
• New Michigan athletic director David Brandon: "I'm more than a pizza man"
• David Brandon's leadership philosophy: 'Character and integrity' affect U-M's image, brand
• Here's what people are saying about David Brandon's hiring as Michigan athletic director
• 5 things you may not know about David Brandon, Michigan's next athletic director
• David Brandon named next University of Michigan athletic director
• J. Patrick Doyle named CEO of Domino's Pizza as David Brandon becomes University of Michigan athletic director
• What other media are saying about David Brandon's selection
• New Michigan athletic director David Brandon will decide Rich Rodriguez's future
• Conservative on campus? David Brandon's hiring carries political ramifications
• Pete Bigelow: David Brandon's hiring at Michigan heightens scrutiny of Rich Rodriguez
• Detroit News, Bob Wojnowski: Rich Rodriguez issues will test Brandon quickly
• Detroit Free Press, Drew Sharp: David Brandon must make right call on Rich Rodriguez
• Mlive: New Michigan Athletic Director David Brandon faces numerous challenges in Ann Arbor
• Crain's Detroit Business: Brandon to step down as chair of Business Leaders for Michigan
•Detroit News: Factions at Michigan 'won't be tolerated'
• Channel 7: Video report on David Brandon's selection
• David Brandon named director of intercollegiate athletics
• ESPN: Michigan names Brandon as AD
• Criain's Detroit Business: Q&A: Brandon says he's glad he's not running the NFL, endorses Domino's successor
• With poll: Is Dave Brandon the right choice for Athletic Director at UM?
• Hello: New Athletic Director Dave Brandon
• Video: New Michigan athletic director David Brandon talks about moving into a new role
• Video: Current athletic director Bill Martin talks about David Brandon
• Listen to the audio of the conference call, courtesy of WDET radio in Detroit (MP3).
Jon Saalberg
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 11:05 a.m.
@FreedomLover: Your comment is a jest, right? Ann Coulter may be a conservative, but even a cursory search of the web, particularly YouTube, will produce some frightening rhetoric on her part. She doesn't stand for anything that is reasonable or fair-minded. That she is a U-M grad is just an aberration.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 10:55 a.m.
Macabre Sunset, I work for Dominoes farms at the hight of th eword of god presence. I was never a memeber, nor was any of the people I worked with. No one from word of God ever approached me to join. One of my co workers was an out spoken agnoistic who regularly verbally attacked the word of god and was never repremanded or confronted. The idea that everyone was required to join is a myth propagated by a lot of people who didn't get positions for other reason besides religion. As a matter of fact one of my co workers was muslim and work close to Tom M.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 7:18 a.m.
Hopefully the University will provide a picture of Brandon to students working the football games to avoid future assaults.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 6:47 a.m.
I'm lost, its ok for people to label the school as a liberal playground, but people who work for the school can't identify with a certain ideology. Macabre, the spin doctors definitely won you over. Jeremiah Wright's sermons are typically a few hours, sure you could play a 20 second soundbite and get the message out of context. From what I know he has a done a lot of good for the south side of Chicago where his neighborhood is located. I actually lost a lot of respect for the current President when he ran from that situation. As for those of you at Michigan and doing what is right, cough up a little money for that bridge that leads to your cash cow and maybe help the city out here and there when it needs. I mean without a vibrant AnnArboor you can't say you are in a liberal town.
abu hamane
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 4:27 a.m.
as a pizza delivery driver who had to deliver free food to the spoiled UM atheletes and rarely got tipped and had to deal with their idiotic behavior i sure hope dominos gets the contract to feed those undeserving and gluttunous hogs!
Macabre Sunset
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 12:45 a.m.
Mitch, would you say the same about Michael Moore, who holds extremist views to the left of the Democratic party? I guess I have a problem with anyone who says someone doesn't make Michigan what it is because they agree with John McCain. I'd say Jenny Granholm has done far more harm to the state than McCain, DeVos or anyone you don't like politically. On the other hand, Word of God is pretty darned scary - almost as scary as the church our current president used to belong to.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 12:42 a.m.
This whole state including U of M needs some good old conservative values such as those posessed by Dave Brandon, George Bush, and Ann Coulter. The state sure hasn't done very well under Democratic rule. Last in everything that is good and first in everything that is bad!
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 12:33 a.m.
That's Bo wasn't a Michigan Man. I'm tired and going to bed.
Wed, Jan 6, 2010 : 12:31 a.m.
I guess Bo isn't a Michigan man because he was a republican. I am now one sad alumnus...
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 11:22 p.m.
One other thing, Domios went public in 2004, its been owned by shareholders since then. I don't get the ownership comment, unless you are talking about when it was Monaghans empire. Brandon had nothing to do with that Dominos.Which ironically, is the person who is a pivotal supporter of the foundation that represented the plaintiffs in the suit against U of M.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 11:17 p.m.
I think Michigan should stand for letting more kids from this state attend it. The goals of affirmative action could be met if they let the top 5 or 10% from every public high school in the state in to the school. A lot of those kids would pass because they have opportunities at schools other than Michigan. While it is a good school, there are better ones out there. I don't know that being in a private school is a protected class under the constituion that would warrant judicial review. I always thought the US was democratic republic, I guess I stand corrected. The problem with the elctorate is the apathy that is so rampant. If everyone who has the right to vote appreciated it and was adamant in exercising that right we would have a lot less to banter back and forth about on these types of forums. Its comical to go to a polling place when the presidency at issue, knowing 80% or more of those people won't even drive by, let alone stop in, when the it is only school board candidates and commissioners on the ballot.On the other hand, we could consider our selves lucky that some of the US population doesn't vote.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 11:14 p.m.
Sheesh, How did racial preferences get involved in this thread? FYI Mitch, Asian Americans are repeatedly discriminated against in admissions to UM. They are replaced by lower scoring minorities of other classifications. Seems strange to me that nonwhites are replaced by other nonwhites. Remove race as a factor. Just my two cents.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 10:51 p.m.
If the majority in Mississippi say it is ok to own a slave, then by all means we should do that. If the majority believe the earth is flat, lets make that part of our educational system. We do not run this country based on majority rule, and the fact that you do not know that says you either went to a sub par college, or did not learn any lessons while at a better school. We have a REPRESENTATIVE republic. Stop telling lies about majority rules.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 10:23 p.m.
What is wrong with a successful republican coming out of Michigan? I could care less about his politics, or yours'. He was hired to do a job. I doubt anywhere in the AD does it say he has to pander to special interests seeking special treatment. Also, pointing out that he spends his own money on politics while the U of M tax payers' money on politics when the state has told them not too seems to be a little faulty logic. i'm trying to get the tautology but I just can't.
Thick Candy Shell
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 9:39 p.m.
True Mitch, heaven forbid we let the majority rule! Oh, I forgot that is what our country was founded on! If you don't like it move to a place that is more to your liking. I suggest France.
Thick Candy Shell
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 7:24 p.m.
Yes, Mitch heaven forbid we just allow people to be viewed on their accomplishments! Affirmative Action is anything but equal rights! We need to look at the individual not the back ground and unfortunately, the University is still fighting what the citizens of this state have already decided (waisting even more tax dollars).
Macabre Sunset
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 6:18 p.m.
If he's a holdover from when Dominos required employees to belong to the Word of God cult, yeah, I'd be a little skeptical as to his ability to work in a real-world environment. Them was some scary stuff back in the day.
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 5:53 p.m.
Mr. Brandon said that he won't tolerate factions in the Michigan family. So, braggslaw and mr54, don't spout that stuff to him or else he'll remove the M from you. Coach Rodriguez is not going anywhere just yet. If he does, Coach Harbaugh will not replace him. Why would he want to leave Stanford?
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 5:44 p.m.
This is indeed too bad just what U of M needs a right winger in the money seat. Do a little research and I think you will find that Mitch is correct - he stands against so much of what makes U of M great. beats having him run for Gov. He's getting out of Dominos before a bunch of his experiments bear fruit (or rot). I think its a typical CEO move based on ego...not such a good choice for U of M. btw...Harbaugh is a Palo Alto man. He went to high school there and he seems to really love coaching there. If he comes here, there will be a internal fight like this U has never seen about how to treat their so-called "student athletes".
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 5:20 p.m.
Dave Brandon is and always will be a true Michigan man, R R is not and never will be at true Michigan man. So Buh Bye R R
Tue, Jan 5, 2010 : 4:21 p.m.
R.I.P. Rich Rod, you will be broomed after next season. Welcome Jim Harbaugh