Pet First Aid app for dogs and cats now available for iPhone
Imagine being on an outing with your pooch and a medical emergency arises. You're feeling as unprepared as you could possibly be, and time is of the essence.
iPhone users rejoice — there's an app that could potientally help you save your pet's life. Pet First Aid, developed by Jive Media, is now available and has information ranging from how to handle simple injuries like cuts to administering CPR. The app is complete with illustrations and videos that act as a guide.

flickr photo courtesy of adria.richards
Click here to download Pet First Aid for iPhone.
The app runs optimally on the iPhone and iPod touch, and is available in English only.
There are other useful pet apps, like Dog First Aid, Pet Care Services and Dog Whistler. (The latter two are free.)
Lorrie Shaw is owner of Professional Pet Sitting, and is a regular contributor to's pet section with her blog, More Than Four Walls, where she examines topics ranging from social issues, behavior and, of course, health. Reach her via e-mail and follow her on Twitter @psa2