IMS Trading Corp pulls chicken jerky for dogs from the market after low levels of unapproved antibiotics were detected

Flickr photo by Charkrem
IMS Trading Corp has announced it is voluntarily withdrawing its Cadet Brand Chicken Jerky Treat products sold in the United States until further notice.
The company made the move after New York Department of Agriculture and Marketing found very low levels of antibiotics that are approved for use in China but are not approved for use in poultry in the U.S.
In a written statement the company said:
A double testing program is being established to check for these antibiotics in China (point of origin) and the United States before we consider to sell these products in the future. Testing will be based on a scientifically sound statistical sampling program.
It should be noted that the issue has not been the cause of any illness in dogs or humans, and that no other Cadet products are involved in the recall.
For months, chicken jerky treats have been under scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration. In fact, the agency indicated that no toxins, heavy metals or bacterial contamination have been found in finished products.
However, irradiation has been an area of focus of testing.
To err on the side of caution, I have been urging my clients and the public-at-large the following, from the FDA website:
Currently, FDA continues to urge pet owners to use caution with regard to chicken jerky products.
Click here to read the company press release.
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Lorrie Shaw leads the pets section for and owner of Professional Pet Sitting. Shoot her an email, contact her at 734-904-7279 or follow her adventures on Twitter.