The power of one: Pioneer athletic director Lorin Cartwright
Photo by Emily Tishhouse | Emily K Photography
Tell us about your athletic background.
I started playing sports in 1970 at the high school level. I played two sports — softball and basketball. I graduated from high school and attended Grand Valley State University. I played two years of basketball, four years of softball and one year of field hockey, while in college. I became an athletic trainer in college and worked with the men's basketball and football teams. In the fall of 1980, I became the head athletic trainer at Pioneer High School where I took care of athletes who needed preventative care, immediate care or rehabilitation. In 1995, I accepted the position of athletic director/assistant principal. During my tenure, Pioneer High School has won more state championships than any other high school in Michigan. In 1995, I also began writing sports medicine textbooks and have completed six, including a bestseller.What sports are you active in now?
I'm a sometime tennis and golfer.How has athletics impacted your current professional success?
I believe that my competitive nature and focus helped me give more than those who did not participate in sports. Having the knowledge of what it takes to be an athlete and a student makes it easy to relate to students. It helped me set goals that were out of reach at times, but attainable. It also helped me be organized so I could be successful.What difference do you think one person can make in the world?
One person can make a difference in the world. It takes focus, determination, fortitude and the belief you can make a difference (even when everyone else says it can't be done).What advice do you have for women who want to achieve success in your chosen vocation?
- Thank those that have gone before you, as they have opened the door.
- Every job you take will give you the skills necessary to fulfill the next job.
- Set your goals high.
- Surround yourself with others who can help you achieve your goals.
- Don't listen to the naysayers — don't get discouraged.
- Have a vision that will help you make decisions in the programs best interest.
- You must work harder than everyone who works with you.
- Never ask someone to do work you wouldn't do yourself.
- Give others who have the same dream an opportunity once you are successful — train the next generation.
Photo by Emily Tishhouse | Emily K Photography
<em>Kimberli Cumming is executive director of <a href="">The Women's Center of Southeastern Michigan</a>. The Women's Center is a major human service provider in the Washtenaw County area, providing direct services to over 500 women and girls (and some men) annually. Reach Kim at</em>
Thu, Mar 10, 2011 : 4:11 a.m.
Interesting. As a lifelong Ann Arborite, and a female athlete, I've always held Lorin Cartwright in high regard even though I've never known her personally. Jean King, and strong athletes like Cartwright, have gotten us so far. I suspect that we will have to implement much of Cartwright's advice in the near future as our daughters now struggle for the opportunity to fulfill their athletic passions. Thank you so much, for all that you have done. But, please be cognizant of the girls in Ann Arbor that are still being short changed in our school system's athletic department. Thank you.
Emily Tishhouse
Wed, Feb 2, 2011 : 6:02 p.m.
Nice article Kimberli! I just wanted to let you know that the link to our website is broken. <a href="" rel='nofollow'></a> Thanks! ~Emily Tishhouse~