Ypsilanti's Rutherford Pool surpasses $1M fundraising goal with recent $150K grant
The Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation commission has awarded $150,000 to go toward the construction of Ypsilanti's Rutherford Pool, pushing the amount raised past the $1 million mark.
In 2011, the parks and recreation commission agreed to pledge a $50,000 grant and a $75,000 loan — $125,000 in total — to the Friends of the Rutherford Pool for the project. The commission unanimously voted last week to rescind the loan and previous grant total, and to instead award a full grant amount of $150,000.
"It's clearly important to the community and we just wanted to increase our contribution," said Bob Tetens, Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Director. "I just think it was a remarkable example of everyone getting together on the project. It’s a great project."
In a memo to the parks commission, Tetens wrote that he proposed rescinding the original grant and loan because he didn't want to burden the Friends, who he said has done great work to make sure the pool is reopened.
"Our current agreement is very helpful on the capital development side, but it will likely be a burden on the operational side due to the debt repayment for the loan." Tetens wrote. "Even if the repayment schedule is five years, that’s still a $15,000 line item in their annual budget. I suspect that even a $7,500 per year payment for ten years would be challenging to them, given the revenue likely to be generated by this seasonal attraction. The impact of that responsibility is clearly significant, and likely to be challenging."
Tetens said it's clear from the outpouring of support, that the project is important for the greater Ypsilanti community.
"It is more than a neighborhood pool, the replacement of which is consistent and complimentary with the broader efforts to enhance recreational opportunities and the quality of life in the community," Tetens wrote. "I continue to think it is important and appropriate for the WCPARC to assist in whatever way we can to help them be successful."
AnnArbor.com file photo
At the end of April, AnnArbor.com reported the Friends reached their $1 million fundraising goal, allowing them to move forward with the construction of the pool. However, Friends Chair John Weiss said receiving the grant will have a large impact.
"We’re extremely pleased and just so grateful for all of the support that the county has given," Weiss said. "This means we can successfully move forward on the project. Now this means we don’t have debt hanging over our heads, which we would have had to pay over five years."
In total, Weiss said the Friends have now raised a little more than $1 million, due to the grant and some additional donations from organizations.
"A few other gifts have come in recently that helped push us over the top," Weiss said. "With all of that, including what the county is doing, we will be able to put the pool in the ground and put a fence up."
Weiss said he still is hopeful the pool will be constructed and open before the end of summer, but an exact date has yet to be set due to a few final approvals that need to be granted.
"We're really hoping by the end of May or beginning of June that we'll break ground," Weiss said. " I really hope we get in a few weeks or possibly extend the season."
Weiss said the Friends are still taking donations that would go toward extra amenities.
"We reached the goal to be able to build the pool, but if we were lucky enough to raise more money, we’ll put in more amenities that we were holding back on," Weiss said. "It will allow us to spruce it up."
The City of Ypsilanti has struggled for years to keep the Rutherford Pool open and available for public use. In 2003, the city acknowledged it no longer had the resources to operate or maintain the pool, but instead of closing it the city entered into an agreement with the Friends of Rutherford Pool.
Weiss said the entire Ypsilanti community, as well as those from outside areas, pulled together to get the pool back up and running for the community.
"It's just a really important project in the community and the volunteers who led this effort were able to make a great case to the community," Weiss said. "It isn’t just fluff, it’s really a critical asset to the community and people aunderstood that and a lot of the people in the community who use it themselves understand it. Every single person who contributed or volunteered were necessary to get us to this point. It took a lot of hands to get to this point, but we did it. We’re just ecstatic."
Katrease Stafford covers Ypsilanti for AnnArbor.com.Reach her at katreasestafford@annarbor.com or 734-623-2548 and follow her on twitter.
Thu, May 23, 2013 : 12:04 p.m.
Ahhh......what a switch....finally some good news about Ypsilanti, in the news. This is wonderful. Reflects much hard work, and dedication by many in the community. Thanks to all who have organized and contributed to the goal of keeping Rutherford open to our children and families. Good Work!
Wed, May 22, 2013 : 9:31 p.m.
Congrats to the "Friends"!!!
Katrease Stafford
Wed, May 22, 2013 : 4:06 p.m.
For those still interested in donating, here's more information: Contributions, which are tax deductible, can be made by contacting Friends member John Weiss at weissjk@umich.edu, visiting www.forpool.org or directly to the Rutherford Pool Fund at the Ypsilanti Area Community Fund, housed at the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation at 301 N. Main St., Suite 300.