Eastern Michigan University welcomes record freshman class on busy move-in Saturday

Volunteers Ellen Christie, left, and Michele Snyder, both sophomores, waved signs at the long line of incoming cars filled with students waiting to move in to their dormitories at Eastern Michigan University Saturday.
Lisa Carolin | For AnnArbor.com
Clothing, computers, televisions and more were being unloaded from vehicles after they made the slow trip getting to the dormitories Saturday morning. Lines of vehicles extended down Oakwood street onto Washtenaw Avenue.
EMU is welcoming the largest freshman class in its history this fall, and Saturday was the official move-in day.

EMU new student orientation assistant Ciara Brown, left, talks to parent Jane Wilson and her son, Michael Wilson, an incoming freshman at EMU.
Lisa Carolin | For AnnArbor.com
"I'm nervous but excited," said incoming freshman Michael Wilson from Ann Arbor. "I like that it's close and that the school offers a lot of options and resources."
Wilson's mother was experiencing conflicting emotions Saturday morning. "I have mixed feelings having my first child move away from home," Jane Wilson said. "I'm excited for him to take on new challenges."
Sue Lattea from Blissfield was helping her son J.J. move in and said she wasn't surprised by the number of cars and people.
"I'm happy to be here," said J.J., who chose EMU for its simulation animation and gaming program.
EMU has enrolled 2,877 freshman for the fall semester, making it the biggest in the school's 164-year history. The class can also boast about its academic achievement. It has an average GPA of 3.24, up from 3.18 in 2012, and an average ACT score of 22, up from 21.4 last year. The university's Honors College program has also admitted its largest freshman class ever and estimates a total of 1,200 students in the honors program.
"We're serious about aligning academic programs with student needs, and the job market," said Geoff Larcom, executive direct of media relations at EMU. "We have kept our costs down relative to our peers."

Piles of possessions could be seen around campus Saturday morning at Eastern Michigan University, as students moved into their dormitories. This pile, complete with the stuffed Pokemon character Pikachu, was near Hill Hall.
Lisa Carolin | For AnnArbor.com
An army of volunteers, including student athletes from swimming and diving, rowing, gymnastics, men's golf and wrestling, was busy Saturday morning smoothing the move-in process.
Freshman Caitlyn Maguire from Dayton, Ohio, got a hand from the volunteers as she moved into Pittman Hall.
"I chose EMU because they offer rowing and a good computer science program," she said.
Once students are settled in their dorms, they'll have plenty to keep them busy until classes start Wednesday. Activities are planned through Tuesday.
Among them is a family tailgate scheduled for 4 p.m. Saturday. The home opener football game takes place at Rynearson Stadium at 6 p.m. when EMU takes on Howard University.
Lisa Carolin is a freelance reporter for AnnArbor.com. Reach the news desk at news@annarbor.com or 734-623-2572.
Sun, Sep 1, 2013 : 11:19 p.m.
Eastern's a fun place to be!