Ypsilanti school board agrees to hire new high school principal
Ypsilanti High School will have a new principal next year.
The school board voted 4-3 at Monday night’s meeting to approve hiring Justin Moore, the current principal at Centennial High School in the Champaign, Ill. Unit 4 School District.
That district is the former home of first-year Ypsilanti Superintendent Dedrick Martin, which raised questions of nepotism prior to the meeting. The vote came after board members voiced concerns over Moore’s qualifications, the hiring process, his salary and why current principal Jon Brown couldn’t be retained.
“I feel that this is the right move,” Martin said. “I think Mr. Brown has done a fabulous job laying down a foundation and changing the culture of the high school, and I am not looking to discredit that."

Ypsilanti Superintendent Dedrick Martin
Prior to serving as Centennial’s principal, Moore was an assistant principal and dean of students at Lincoln Park High School in Chicago. A dean of students position is considered an administrative post in Illinois.
Trustee Andy Fanta said he researched Moore through calls to Champiagn Unit 4 school board members, district representatives and newspaper articles. Fanta's findings led him to voice concern over Moore’s level of experience and minimal progress in student achievement at Centennial, from which he resigned after 18 months.
Fanta said the two board members he spoke with reported Moore was not experienced enough to do the job.
“I’m perplexed by why we would bring someone in that would need experience and to use our flagship school in our district - the one that everyone focuses on - as a training ground for an individual,” Fanta said.
Fanta also said statistics he was provided showed Centennial was “radically different” than Ypsilanti High in terms of socioeconomics, a point Martin disputed based on his own experience in the district.
Fanta further questioned how much progress Centennial High School had made academically and in testing. The school did not make Adequate Yearly Progress last year, although district officials confirmed improvements were made in state achievement tests and academics in a phone interview with AnnArbor.com last week.
Fanta also said he didn't have enough information about the circumstances of Moore’s resignation, which came within months of an administrative restructuring at the school.
“This man was not successful in his term leading Centennial High school, which is the flagship high school in Champaign,” he said. “They’ve replaced the whole leadership staff at Centennial High School, so why would we do this?”
Vice President Linda Horne said she felt Moore showed some strengths and achieved some improvements during his tenure at Centennial.
“I think this young man deserves an opportunity,” she said. “I do think he can continue to do what Mr. Brown has done, and I think he can take this school to a new level.”
Martin defended Moore and said he quickly fell victim to a “smear campaign” by some in the Champaign community.
He countered that while the test score gains were not “astronomical,” and not enough to make AYP, the student scores in all categories saw improvements. Moore’s resume notes students averaged a three-point gain in math, reading and overall composite on the Illinois Prarie State Achievement Exam.
Martin also said grade averages rose during Moore’s tenure at Centennial among minorities - from an F to C average. He said the graduation and attendance rates also went up. Martin pointed to a 50-percent drop in referrals and suspensions for freshmen students in the 2008-09 school year.
Trustee Sarah Devaney questioned why the district is hiring a step six administrator at a salary of $99,400Â in tough economic times. She said the board just voted to lay off 19 teachers, and pointed out administrators are paid from “the same pot of money” as teachers.
“Where is the extra money coming from?” she asked. “I just don’t understand that.”
Devaney also asked why the human resources committee wasn’t used during the hiring process for one of the most prominent positions in the district. She said few other school boards have an HR committee at their disposal.
“If we have one, why aren’t we using it?” she asked. “I can’t, in good faith, support this.”
Board President David Bates said the board directed the superintendent to hire someone who can meet a set of goals, including discipline concerns and closing the achievement gap.
“To that end, he has to hire people who he thinks can get that job done for him I really did like some of the things I saw about Mr. Moore,” he said.Â
Bates added questions over achievement during Moore’s tenure at Centennial are valid, but he received answers from Martin that made him “comfortable.”
The vote followed an outpouring of support from students and community members for Brown.
“I’d like to say as long as I’ve been in Ypsilanti schools, I’ve had great principals But I’ve never felt more cared for as a student than when I came to this high school,” YHS student Emma Swanson said.
Ypsilanti resident Kate Conat said the current scenario brought back memories of the hiring of Layne Hunt by previous Superintendent James Hawkins. Hunt's brief tenure caused controversy, resulting in his resignation within the school year.
“This smacks of cronyism,” she said. “It’s something we’ve experienced in the past that we don’t need to experience again.”
Hunt was replaced by Brown.
Trustee Edward Jackson said he'd like to retain Brown, but understood the district is locked into an agreement with the principals union requiring contract employees be laid off first.
Martin acknowledged they could keep a contract employee aboard but said, “I think there are some challenges we could face if we do that.”
Martin previously told AnnArbor.com it wouldn’t be fair to keep higher profile contract employees and let go those who aren’t as visible.
During public comment after the five-hour meeting, Ypsilanti Education Association president Kelly Powers clarified that the teachers union has a similar contract to that of the principals union. But because the district is laying off teachers and not administrators, Brown was not contractually required to leave, she said.
Powers also told the board the union was not fully part of the hiring process. She previously explained to AnnArbor.com that she was notified late for the first round of interviews and missed most of Moore’s interview, as well as the second round of interviews.
The four yes votes came from Bates, Horne, Jackson and Trustee Floyd Brumfield. Fanta, Devaney and Trustee Kira Berman voted no.
Moore received his bachelor’s of science in secondary education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in May 1999. He received his master's of arts in educational leadership from Concordia University in Chicago in August 2006. Prior to his administrative role at Lincoln Park High School, he was a teacher in the same building for three years. He also taught for three years at Rantoul Township High School in Illinois.
Tom Perkins is a freelance writer for AnnArbor.com. Reach the news desk at news@annarbor.com or 734-623-2530.
Sun, Apr 3, 2011 : 7:33 p.m.
Well I guess it is another example of the freedom of OPINION. Some people have spent their entire lives learning and growing both personally and professionally while other may simply dwell in the childish acts of merely criticizing and name calling. Anyone with the desire to check the facts before making up their minds on a particular topic may discover that just because an OPINION is uttered does not make it true simply thought. The facts regarding the overall academic achievement at Ypsilanti High school students can be reviewed and the individuals producing the results can be reviewed as well. Yes, our students deserve the best we have to offer but as has been in the past, those least likely to be capable of providing that which is needed are attempting to impede those who may have a solution.
Sat, May 29, 2010 : 2:22 a.m.
I too am a graduating centennial student and have found myself less than satisfied with Mr. Moores performance as a leader of any kind. I would go into greater detail, however, you have already hired the man and will soon find out for yourselves how horribly degrading he is to his staff and students. Good Luck!
Fri, May 28, 2010 : 1:15 p.m.
I searched out this article in hope of raises concerns about Mr. Moore's "potential". I am a graduating 2010 Champaign Centennial High School student, and over the past 4 years, I have had 3 principles to compare Mr. Moore too. While the past 4 years have been rocky with faltering leadership and a broken foundation, no year has been as disappointing as this past 2009-2010 school year. While there have been improvements in testing, I credit Mr. Moore with none of that, but rather an incredibly intelligent top of the class that didn't simply come around just in the past 2 years. I've been involved in a number of school activities and had numerous leadership roles, and watching his lack of leadership and lack of initiative in making a positive change in our school, especially in the past semester, has been discouraging. Made clear in the last semester, Mr. Moore doesn't seem to care about the school or student body, but his own pay check. His failing attendance has left his job to fall on others shoulders and made evident that he isn't working for the school but for his own agenda. He demands and receives little respect and seems to know nothing about running a school successfully. Students walk the halls yelling, shouting, and singing during class, with no threat of a repercussion. If everything said here doesn't convince you that Mr. Moore's hire would be a horrendous mistake, maybe his failed use of proper grammar will. Simply speaking to him raises questions of his qualifications. I'm sure if the man himself took an AYP test, he wouldn't meet standards.
Fri, Apr 30, 2010 : 3:02 p.m.
Ironyinthesky2, I don't think you're missing a thing. That's exactly what's going on and you're right that Ed Jackson should be seriously questioning the information he was given. If that's what he was told, he was lied to. Now, the question becomes, who did the lying? This whole section of comments just shows how much we distrust the leadership of Ypsilanti Public Schools and that's a shame, because we have had so many good things going, up until now. But, the situation is what it is and now we have to - once again - fix it. Anyone planning on running for the board? You have until Aug. 10 to turn in your petitions.
Fri, Apr 30, 2010 : 12:46 p.m.
Concerned Citizen - Can you enlighten me as to how contracted employees are a "drain on the district"? I understand that some people are upset that they are "double dipping" since they also receive retirement, but, it appears to me, they save the district money by not receiving any benefits or retirement. Am I missing something? For example, Mr. Moore, on the sixth step and with questionable experience, will cost th district significantly more than they paid Mr. Brown because of retirement, FICA and benefits. I can hear the conversation among board members and the superintendent: "Hey, I have an idea - let's get rid of a great experienced principal that is loved by all and get a guy from out of state with questionable experience and PAY HIM MORE!! Oh, and lets blame it on the principals' contract - a few board members will probably buy that!" I'm probably missing something here...
Fri, Apr 30, 2010 : 12:34 p.m.
Anne B. - Did you really use "Superintendent" and "communicate" in the same sentence? That could be a first in Ypsilanti. You are correct; more information would be nice. Problem is, there seems to be an arrogance coming from administration. I still don't get, and don't expect an answer, why the superintendent blamed the principals' contract for getting rid of Mr. Brown. Unless I'm missing something, the new principal is from out of town, not a member of the principals' bargaining unit? If I were Mr. Jackson, who voted for the new guy because we "couldn't keep" Mr. Brown, I'd be asking some serious questions and wondering about the legitimacy of the information coming from this superintendent.
Fri, Apr 30, 2010 : 10:05 a.m.
Moonmaiden - Thanks for the info. Might help the Super's case if he'd be more communicative to the public or at least the community about this sort of thing. It would be interesting to be able to hear more of the board & super's conversation regarding the position. Does anyone know if there is a transcript or video posted somewhere? However, salary is THE issue these days. While one person's salary won't make or break the budget, there is no position or person that is above having salary scrutinized. I, too, certainly hope for the best with the new hire.
Fri, Apr 30, 2010 : 7:16 a.m.
AnneB - Mr. Moore actually has almost six years administrative experience. He was a Dean of Students (administrative position in Ill) for 16 months, Assistant Principal for two years and Principal (as of June 30 this year) for two years. Placing him on the sixth step gives him credit for five years experience, which is appropriate. I have no idea if he is "the one", but the salary should not be an issue - that is what has been negotiated with the District. I sure hope he is good...
Sandy Castle
Thu, Apr 29, 2010 : 11:10 a.m.
Mr. Brown has done an excellent job of reversing the downward spiral started by Dr. Hunt. That said, when Mr. Brown came in three years ago, he stated that it was his intention to only stay for a year or two. He is retired and is driving an hour each way to and from Ypsilanti High. Has anyone actually spoken with him to determine that he is against this termination?
Steve Pepple
Thu, Apr 29, 2010 : 7:52 a.m.
A comment was removed because it contained name-calling. You may criticize the actions of others, but please do not use derogatory terms in describing officials or other people.
Wed, Apr 28, 2010 : 7:15 p.m.
@eyeloveypsi - Think about it - how does hiring an outsider save jobs? It is obviously NOT the reason for replacing Mr. Brown. If that were true, then a current principal, assistant principal or teacher should be getting the job. YHS has had a whole new administrative team for two years. They are just getting the staff and students in line to work together. Why not keep Mr. Brown as a consultant to help the new guy - he barely has any experience. What will Martin and Board (especially the 4) do when things start to go bad? Will they abandon YHS and the young inexperienced principal? Why not support him WITH MR. BROWN'S HELP - he might be successful. Last question - Is it true that Moore is getting 6 SIX steps (years) on the salary scale when he only has 1.5 years experience? That is very troubling. How much does leverage does he have when he is unemployed? If this is true, how can the teachers be expected to give up one penny. Leadership sets the tone - there are some troubling signs here - c'mon Ypsi leadership - get it right.
Wed, Apr 28, 2010 : 1:32 p.m.
Inexperienced superintendent hires inexperienced principal. Should be interesting.
sad day
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 7:36 p.m.
This is just sad, sad, sad. Michigan is such a depressed state right now, that I'm sure someone that exceeded Moore's qualifications could have been found within our borders, or were there? Were the other applications hidden so the Super could get his friend in? The board should request all the applications, to see if they were played!!!!!! This seems like the Zuhlke days all over again. Its time to do what is right for our students and staff members. This includes the YPAA, YEA & YSSA
A2 Agnostic
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 3:59 p.m.
So, what is going to happen next year when New Tech High opens and takes more of the higher achieving students out of the general population? Is a young principal going to handle the even more apathetic and scorned mass of students that are left over and left out with Kidd gloves? I think not! Are our children going to trust the adults in their school? I think not! Did they also tell you that they have taken the only female principal, deeply trusted by both students and staff, and moved her to the Jr.High? Why didn't we get the Award Winning Monica Merritt in exchange? I HURT FOR YPSI HIGH.
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 2:29 p.m.
You know, eyeloveypsi, I can understand why Joel feels the way he does. And I'm sure he's right that the anger has permeated the classrooms. Give the students their time to grieve. We owe them that much. And if some choose not to come back, well, that's their perogative. Under the current administration, meaning Martin and his cohort, I'm not sure I'd want my child in YHS. What concerns me as much as anything is that Trustee Ed Jackson believed that the principals union contract would not allow Brown to stay. That is not my understanding at all. I'm not sure from where Mr. Jackson received his information, but he should double-check that. It seem his vote would have been different if he'd been properly informed and I'm suspicious of where he received this information. It's also interesting to reflect that Ms. Berman stated during the first superintendent search that she did not believe a superintendent would want to come into a district if the decision to hire was based on a 4-3 vote. Would that same rule apply for a principal? Not that it will probably matter to Moore, because, after all, his dear friend Dedrick Martin is the superintendent. Bak is right, something smells - in fact, it stinks to high heaven.
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 12:19 p.m.
I hope Joel changes his mind. We need people like him to help make a difference. No, Mr. Brown cannot be replaced, but shouldn't we, now that the decision is made, support the new principal?
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 11:51 a.m.
As a freshman student I am completely against this!! Last night at the board meeting students gave 65 petitions with 15 signatures each to the board signed by students, parents, and people in the community in hopes to keep Mr. Brown, the board completely ignored them, and they ignored all the heartfelt cries to keep Mr. Brown from the students. I'm so frustrated with this decision I can't express it with words! Not to mention this is not a healthy learning environment with all the teachers and students running around and angry with the school board and superintendent. As I'm typing this in my 5th hour english class there is a group of 7 students furiously arguing about this injustice against the students. I am so angry with this, I feel like I cant trust the board. Mr. Martin has completely lost my trust and support by hiring his friend from his own home District, I will certainly not be returning to Ypsi High school next year.
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 11:24 a.m.
It will be sad to see Mr. Brown go. He is greatly loved by the ENTIRE student body. There has been a special connection that he had established between him and the students and this board decision is basically taking a pair of scissors and cutting it. Students will have to start over with this new prinicpal and I can tell you now, there will never be the same connection between this Moore guy and the Ypsi student body. It is very rare to find a student body that holds so much respect and love for their principal. I cannot believe the school board would make such an ignorant decision. I say ignorant because the 4 members who voted to remove Brown are UNKNOWING of what is BEST for the students. There has been such a huge movement to retain Mr. Brown by the student body, that the 4 members must be physically BLIND to remove him. What happened to doing what's in the best interest of the students? Linda Horn and David Bates will NOT be getting a vote from me! Brumfield is outdated as to the needs of the district and NEEDS TO RETIRE ASAP. Kudos to Fanta, Devaney, and Berman! It's nice to know that there are people who actually cater to the needs and wants of the STUDENTS!
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 11:23 a.m.
It will be sad to see Mr. Brown go. He is greatly loved by the ENTIRE student body. There has been a special connection that he had established between him and the students and this board decision is basically taking a pair of scissors and cutting it. Students will have to start over with this new prinicpal and I can tell you now, there will never be the same connection between this Moore guy and the Ypsi student body. It is very rare to find a student body that holds so much respect and love for their principal. I cannot believe the school board would make such an ignorant decision. I say ignorant because the 4 members who voted to remove Brown are UNKNOWING of what is BEST for the students. There has been such a huge movement to retain Mr. Brown by the student body, that the 4 members must be physically BLIND to remove him. What happened to doing what's in the best interest of the students? Linda Horn and David Bates will NOT be getting a vote from me! Brumfield is outdated as to the needs of the district and NEEDS TO RETIRE ASAP. Kudos to Fanta, Devaney, and Berman! It's nice to know that there are people who actually cater to the needs and wants of the STUDENTS!
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 10:56 a.m.
Since when is it "out of line" to do your homework? Since when is it "out of line" to follow up on claims made by an administration in the interests of the people you serve? Especially when that administration has, at best, a loose relationship with the truth, and almost no knowledge of this district. Mr. Fanta was doing his job, and thank God someone on the Board is. As far as I could tell, those who voted against the decision to fire Mr. Brown gave good reasons for doing so, based on FACTS, not just a willingness to believe Mr. Martin's claims that very young principal, his FRIEND, will do a good job. If he had done a good job at his last high school, he wouldn't have gotten FIRED.
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 10:55 a.m.
Since when is it "out of line" to do your homework? Since when is it "out of line" to follow up on claims made by an administration in the interests of the people you serve? Especially when that administration has, at best, a loose relationship with the truth, and almost no knowledge of this district. Mr. Fanta was doing his job, and thank God someone on the Board is. As far as I could tell, those who voted against the decision to fire Mr. Brown gave good reasons for doing so, based on FACTS, not just a willingness to believe Mr. Martin's claims that very young principal, his FRIEND, will do a good job. If he had done a good job at his last high school, he wouldn't have gotten FIRED.
concerned citizen
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 10:41 a.m.
I write to commend Mr. Martin and the 4 board members that supported him! It is past time to get rid of all contract employees within Ypsilanti Public School District! They are all causing a hidden drain on the district! Mr. Brown although extremely polite, is an administrator that knows how to effectively straddle the fence. For the board members that felt the need to call board members in IL, you were out of line! You hired the superintendent to do a job, please let him do his job and hire a team that shares his vision. As a school board member, you are policy makers who set district strategy and long-term goals and objectives. If you have effectively set the district strategy and long-term goals and objectives, please allow Mr. Martin the opportunity to implement plans to achieve them. Your micro-managing is not helping the process.
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 7:54 a.m.
I was at that meeting last night, and three things struck me almost immediately. The first is that we have some very talented, eloquent, and smart future leaders among us. The 20 or so high school students who spoke out with respect and passion in defense of their band program, the humanities course, arts curriculum, and most especially about their beloved principal, made some on the board look like mental midgets. The second is that my wife and I just assumed that we would move our son out of the district after elementary. After watching those kids speak so glowingly about their middle school and high school experiences, we changed our minds. As someone said last night, "they are our best ambassadors" and we should be sending them to parent meetings at elementary schools (all three!) in Ypsilanti to encourage parents to stay in our district for the long haul.The third thing is more depressing. Judging from the Board's decision last night, we have four very dumb trustees, and at least one dumb (and possibly shifty) administrator. I hate to think that all the programs that are on the chopping block will go the way of the excellent Jon Brown. In that case, the middle school and high school won't be worth defending.
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 7:30 a.m.
I have witnessed first hand how the students of Ypsilanti High School respect Mr. Brown. Even though he is very strict in the running of the school he if fair and thats all you can ask for. Ypsilanti High is better because of Mr. Brown, and I hope that Mr. Moore builds on what Mr. Brown has started. I was thinking, what is the first thing a new general manager of any sports team do? He brings in a new coach. So I don't fault Martin for bringing in his new coach, but we have to remember that this new coach is replacing a hall of famer. Best wishes Mr. Brown. Ypsilanti Staff and students are going to miss you.
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 7:29 a.m.
Yes, a very sad day, indeed, for Ypsi High School. Maybe Mr. Brumfield isn't the only one who should leave the board. I believe Bates and Horne are up for reelection this year. It's time we replace those who don't recognize quality educators and keep bringing in people who will use this district to put another notch on their belts before moving on. As @bak said, why does Ypsi High have to be the training ground for unqualified principals? Mr. Martin is still a stranger to Ypsilanti, despite his being superintendent for several months now. His apparent unwillingness to get to know and become a part of the community reminds me strongly of David Zuhlke. Dr. Zuhlke resigned as superintendent in 2005, after several tumultuous years during which he almost barricaded himself in his office and refused to meet with concerned parents over any issue. His lack of openness and various extremely poor hires resulted in the replacement of several board members and his ultimate downfall. Mr. Martin would do well to learn from his predecessor's mistakes and find out about the people who will determine his future fate. This hire seems to be the opening round in a radical shakeup within the district. It has become apparent that some members of this board don't mind throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It is, clearly, time for them to go.
Tue, Apr 27, 2010 : 6:23 a.m.
Wow do we smell somthing rotten in Ypsilanti. Mr. Martin just happens to support the hire of Justin Moore who just happens to come from the same district as Martin. Brumfield time to retire you are totally unaware of what Ypis High needs. Ypsilanti High School Students I am so sorry for your school boards stupidity. They have once again hired someone who is going to try to make a name for themselves and not care about your school and your education. I'm having a bad memory of 4 years ago when another was hired to further his career yes we all remember Dr. Hunt who just about detroyed the high school. God bless Mr. Jon Brown our hero to bad 4 of our board members have there own agenda including Mr. Martin. Not what is best for our kids. Bates shame on you. Mr. Moore is not what we need someone who is trying to improve his career. Why does Ypsi high have to be the test ground for unqualified principals. Mr. Brown has made Ypsi a place where kids want to go to school. Failure is the ownly option now with Mr. Moore. A very sad day for Ypsilanti High School.