Ypsilanti labor attorney rules new police chief's relationship doesn't violate anti-nepotism ordinance
Ypsilanti’s labor attorney says the new police chief's relationship with an officer in the department doesn't violate city anti-nepotism policies.
The issue came to light earlier this month when a resident filed a complaint questioning the ethics and legality of the relationship between newly promoted police chief Amy Walker and officer Jill Kulhanek.
Mayor Pro-Tem Trudy Swanson-Winston read that letter at the Feb. 2 City Council meeting from Ypsilanti resident Megan Turf. Swanson-Winston also expressed strong concerns over nepotism at that meeting.
On Tuesday, Ypsilanti City Manager Ed Koryzno outlined attorney Richard Fanning’s opinion on the issue to council.

Ypsilanti Police Chief Amy Walker
Koryzno said no concerns were found after consulting the city’s charter provision regarding an anti-nepotism ordinance and language in the city’s non-union handbook on personal relationships in the workplace.
He said Fanning found no violation of the anti-nepotism ordinance because Walker and Kulhanek were employees at the time of Walker’s appointment and "therefore not disqualified per the existing charter language."
Fanning also found no violation of non-union handbook rules regarding personal relationships in the workplace because Walker doesn't directly supervise Kuhlanek. Kuhlhanek reports to a sergeant, who then reports to a lieutenant.
That lieutenant reports to Walker, and Koryzno said the degree of separation is acceptable.
"This does not prohibit them from holding their current positions,” Koryzno said.
Koryzno concluded by assuring appropriate action would be taken if future problems arose and said he felt Fanning’s opinion settles the matter.
Walker said her focus has always been on policing.
“I appreciate the support,” she said of the opinion. “My business has always been the department and the community, and I’ll continue to move forward.”
Swanson-Winston said she was satisfied with the opinion, adding the only reason it was brought up was for legal clarification of the handbook's wording.
“Now we can have Chief Walker move onto more important to things here in the city, and this issue - at least by me - will not be brought by again,” she said.
Tom Perkins is a freelance writer for AnnArbor.com. Reach the news desk at news@annarbor.com or 734-623-2530.
ronn oneal
Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 5:46 a.m.
I like both police officer's and I truly believe that you can have a relationship @ work and still perform all duties asked of you. People Officer Jill has always been fair and just when encountering the community and never would have known her love life until today, when yall but her on blast. Worker's are only as good as the management and Police Chief Amy must be doing a good job because the department is doing a good job. People need to ask of how well are the job's being done, and not who they love or bed.... Ypsi has more class than the myth of small town,has small mind and thoughts.. that's been proven to me not true... who cares who loves who as long as the job at hand is being perform at quality standard's.. come on Ypsi, grow up, and move on..
Captain Magnificent
Thu, Feb 25, 2010 : 8:46 p.m.
What an outrage! First California enacts a gay marriage ban, now I'm finding out that Ypsilanti has an anti-nepotism law? That's gotta be unconstitutional. How can they justify having a law against Neposbians and not Gays!?!? Hey, I have an idea: why don't we leave the Gays and Neposbians alone to do what they want in the privacy of their own homes? Nepotism never hurt anyone.
Wed, Feb 17, 2010 : 9:08 p.m.
Chief Walker and Detective Kulhanek are both decorated law enforcement professionals, and the citizens of this city are fortunate to have them protecting us. Turf and Swanson-Winston should realize this as well, however both of them are far too angry to even realize how good they have it. Both of them are quick to try to tarnish the careers of these YPD veterans, but I'll tell you that when Turf and Swanson-Winston need a cop, they'll be glad both of them are around to keep them safe.
Snarf Oscar Boondoggle
Wed, Feb 17, 2010 : 1:22 p.m.
and just what was the "relationship objectoin" between police chief Amy Walker and officer Jill Kulhanek? last time i read the jou-101 class syllibus that 'fact' would have to be inclueded, eh?
Move On
Wed, Feb 17, 2010 : 1:17 p.m.
In the Ypsilanti Citizen News, Turf states: It was not my goal to embarrass or damage anyone's career, I doubt that anyone believes that? Also her ideal resolution would have resulted in Kulhanek's name being added to the list of expected layoffs from the department. Not sure how much time Turf has at her job but you dont just suggest to layoff a dedicated, 20-year veteran police officer in order to keep low seniority, less experienced officers. In her letter to council members, Turf said she had also filed a Freedom of Information Act with the city about an issue regarding Walker's selection but would not go into detail about what she was investigating??? What is she investigating now Turf and for whom?
Move On
Wed, Feb 17, 2010 : 12:54 p.m.
The complainant needs to mind her own business and get a life. Give the new Police Chief a chance! For others that were personally involved in this stupid complaint...get over it, move on or retire. Lets get back to what is important, policing the City of Ypsilanti.
Judy R
Wed, Feb 17, 2010 : 10:22 a.m.
What a waste of time and money on the part of Swanson-Winston and Turf. Was this really something you felt had to be done for the sake of the community? What was to be gained? I'll never believe this was not a case of outright prejudice, and the mayor and Megan Turf should be very ashamed of this action. I agree with the first poster. "NOW is the time to move onto important things?" Indeed, that time started wtih Chief Walker's appointment. At least Chief Walker, as quoted in every article I've read, knew where the focus belonged. On the community and the performance of her job responsibilities. Shame on you Mayor Pro-Tem and Ms. Turf.
Wed, Feb 17, 2010 : 9:15 a.m.
Common sense has prevailed. Thank goodness. @Smiave, I agree. It does seem Swanson-Winston has her priorities askew
Wed, Feb 17, 2010 : 7:31 a.m.
NOW is the time to move onto more important things?