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Posted on Fri, Nov 20, 2009 : 12:05 p.m.

Ypsilanti Township man strikes deal over haunted house violations

By David Wak

Come next Halloween, Ypsilanti Township resident Herbert Tackett won't set up his elaborate haunted house for neighborhood children.

But that doesn't mean the popular annual event is over - it just may move venues.

Thumbnail image for Haunted3.jpg

Herbert Tackett of Ypsilanti Township has agreed not to run a haunted house on his property again.

Tackett had been running a haunted house at his Devonshire Street residence for 15 years when township officials discovered it in 2008. They asked him to shut it down because they saw it as a possible safety hazard, and Tackett agreed to scale it back and end it after last year.

But Tackett decided to open the haunted house again this year, saying it was a favor to his neighbors who otherwise couldn't afford to take their kids to commercial haunted houses. He said he only ran it on Halloween and had people on hand to handle any safety issues.

The township didn't see it that way and cited him for two code violations at $100 each two days before Halloween. Township Police Services Director Mike Radzik said Tackett could have faced $1,500 total in fines for holding it, but the township opted not to issue additional citations.

Radzik said Tackett did his best to make the haunted house safe with fire alarms, extinguishers, and volunteers to keep an eye on the children - but it still wasn't enough.

"Tackett made a valiant effort to make it as safe as it could be," Radzik said.

Radzik recently sat down with Tackett to strike a deal.

Radzik said the township, which was scheduled to take Tackett to court sometime in January over the violations, will drop the charges. In exchange, Tackett had to agree not to run the house on his property again or face contempt of court charges.

Radzik said the township will allow Tackett and his family to run the haunted house at a township-owned site, using some personnel from the township's recreation department, and Tackett can bring his props along. Radzik said the Community Center on Clark Road is one possibility. Radzik said the Tacketts will be allowed to run the haunted house for two weeks before Halloween with a minimal charge for residents, then offer free admission on Halloween night. Details about the price of admission and the construction of the house have yet to be ironed out.

Tackett said he has mixed feelings on the deal. He said he preferred to hold the haunted house at his residence, but said he had no choice because of the possible fines. He said he and his family would work with the township on the new location, but added he hated to move the site.

"It's really going to break tradition," Tackett said.


Snarf Oscar Boondoggle

Mon, Nov 23, 2009 : 4:08 a.m.

tnx grlhntr... i'm awaiting the (undisclosed author) to respond to my direct question(s). and/or some 'official' response to "activities protected BY the state rather than crushed BY the state." let;s not let the pumpkins rot on the vine.


Sun, Nov 22, 2009 : 8:55 a.m.

Well said snarf!!!! I think that your elected officals need to find something else to do... instead creating more problems.. solve the one they have on hand!!!

Snarf Oscar Boondoggle

Sat, Nov 21, 2009 : 7:22 p.m.

"The township didn't see it that way and cited him for two code violations at $100 each two days before Halloween. Township Police Services Director Mike Radzik said Tackett could have faced $1,500 total in fines for holding it, but the township opted not to issue additional citations." ummmm, what were the cites for, specifically, issued and threatened? all that was mentioned was incorrect extension cords. and it was clear that this was not a 'commercial enterprise' but rather a neighbor inviting a few friends over to a private residence for a good time, on a single day of the year. hellz-bellz, i've seen tailgate parties that were more hazardous, potentially. and what about frat/soror parties? (oh, wait, that;s commercial, nevermind.) now, the township oopens itself to liability, will increase the payroll (tiny bit, but yes) and loses the panache of private citizens engaging in their 'life, liberty and pursuit of happiness'. and here i thought those were activities protected BY the state rather than crushed BY the state. but i could be wrong.


Sat, Nov 21, 2009 : 5:46 p.m.

If the haunted house was such a thorn in the townships side.. Why did it take so long..(15 years) to shut him down??? and if there were extension cords everywhere ect.. the laibilty was on him.. not the township.. If Mr.Tackett gets sued that is his problem.. now if something happens.. it is your problem as a tax payer.. say what you want this whole situation has just cost Ypsilanti Township tax payers a lot of money that they really do not have.. now I ask you all as tax paying citizens.. what would you rather have the township spending your money on this issue... or Keeping the police around.. Pick your priorities!!!!


Sat, Nov 21, 2009 : 5:24 p.m.

What people need to understand about his "haunted house" was that he was using very Flammable materials and had indoor only extension cords all over the ground the year the Township found out about it, and they offered to all him to move then and he refused, I believe he should have been fined then and chucked in the clink he has actually been a thorn in the townships side for years and gets what he deserves. And I go that stright from a source at the Township


Sat, Nov 21, 2009 : 1:35 p.m.

Welcome to socialism at its best. Americans becomcoming such sue happy sissy's has led us to this socialist point. Where the government takes the fun out of everything. My fear is that if the government keeps acting like this people are going to get fed up and start a violent revolution. Remember it is almost 2012, we do not know what they meant by the world ending in 2012.


Sat, Nov 21, 2009 : 9:08 a.m.

I really do not understand why the township has to get involved. I have a hard time when a tax paying citizen is creating what seems to be very much needed family entertainment at no cost to the community. I would also dare to ask where were they 15 years ago.. why suddenly after a decade and a half does it come to the townships attention? or is it that the current addministration needs something to do?? I would also ask who is getting the minimal fee? and what about the extra lay out from township in extra Liabilaty insurance? and the extra man hours from the township to help"run" this in reality all it comes down to is it will cost the citizens of Ypsilanti Township more money.. Mr. Tacket was doing a nice thing for his community.. this is all just a prime example of what happens when the goverment is involved.. so next time you electing your officials remeber how they spent your money!!!!


Fri, Nov 20, 2009 : 11:07 p.m.

It is a crappy resolution by the Township. It is just another example of the Township exerting it's will over a private landowner. The guy was providing free entertainment. Like when ever you enter a private person's home: you do so at your own risk. If the Township was solely worried about safety it could have volunteered to inspect his home and to keep safety personal close by.

Captain Magnificent

Fri, Nov 20, 2009 : 8:25 p.m.

Last year for halloween I went as a monster from that movie monsters inc. This year I didn't go as anything because i had to work.


Fri, Nov 20, 2009 : 3:56 p.m.

Good thing he settled, he didn't stand a ghost of a chance in court.

laurie in ypsi

Fri, Nov 20, 2009 : 3:21 p.m.

Hey...doesn't Ypsi Township have actual crime to fight? I realize a man with a history of providing fun and merriment for children for the last 15 years is a menace to society and must be stopped...sigh...but seriously...we have armed bandits about town that might take precedence...IMO.


Fri, Nov 20, 2009 : 1:33 p.m.

This is all fine and good, but wasn't it free when it was at his house? Now he has to charge a fee.


Fri, Nov 20, 2009 : 12:54 p.m.

Kudo's to the township for working with Mr. Tackett so he can continue to do what he obviously really enjoys doing!