Student volunteers a big asset for move-in week
With more than 850 student volunteers geared up to carry boxes and the flow of traffic in Ann Arbor altered for at least 12 streets, officials at the University of Michigan are hoping that student move-in starting today will go smoothly.
For more than a decade, U-M has recruited student volunteers, dubbed Move-in Makers, to ease the transition for new students by helping them move into their dormitories. In return, volunteers get to move into their dormitories early, a luxury that normally costs $75 per night.

Ksenija Savic of Grand Rapids pushes a cart full of her belongings through the rain as she moves in to South Quad in this 2009 file photo.
University of Michigan move-in
About 7,000 students will move into their dormitories between today and Thursday. Logan said the large amount of volunteers, coupled with a carefully orchestrated traffic plan, results in a more pleasant and streamlined move-in week than is experienced at most large universities.
“For some people, it’s a pleasant surprise,” said Marcus Jackson, the volunteer program’s administrator.
“Once you get here on campus, just the sight of the buildings and so many people kind of scrambling around and all the paperwork you have to fill out is intimidating,” Jackson continued. “The Move-in Makers just provide that smiling face.”
Volunteers begin strategizing methods to ease the move-in period as early as February, Jackson said.
“We talk about what’s gone right and wrong in our own move in experiences,” he explained.
Officials began organizing student move-ins more carefully—including creating traffic plans and staggering student move-in dates by dormitory—in 1994, after a weekend in 1993 when students moved in during the same day as the year’s first home football game.
“It was a bit of a free for all,” Logan said. “We had this kind of perfect storm of people coming into town during the weekend to move in and thousands and thousands of people coming in town to go to the football game.”
“It wasn’t nearly as orchestrated or nearly as controlled,” he added.
In spite of the carefully organized move-in efforts, officials say driving inside the city limits will likely be a headache for the rest of the week.
“If you can avoid it, avoid it,” Jackson recommended. “My best advice would probably be grab the first parking space you see and hold onto it for dear life.”
Kellie Woodhouse covers higher education for Reach her at or 734-623-4602.
3 4 a2
Thu, Sep 1, 2011 : 2:34 a.m.
Dear students, Please excuse the locals and their shortsighted grumbling about a little traffic congestion during a couple of move-in days. We really welcome you. We welcome the energy, enthusiasm, and real hope that you bring to this community we share. We admire the hard work you will be putting into your studies as you build a better you, and us. We thank you for the economic bounty you bring that fuels our thriving community. We will marvel and applaud the new ideas and unlimited vision you will bring to Ann Arbor that can change our little piece of the world and beyond. (Right, Larry Page?) Have a great year! Welcome home. We are glad to see you again.
the thing is...
Wed, Aug 31, 2011 : 1:54 p.m.
Just read this on Columbia's move in process: <a href="" rel='nofollow'></a> Sounds like U-M is on the right track.
3 4 a2
Wed, Aug 31, 2011 : 2:29 p.m.
Dear students, Please excuse the locals and their shortsighted grumbling about a little traffic congestion during a couple of move-in days. We really welcome you. We welcome the energy, enthusiasm, and real hope that you bring to this community we share. We admire the hard work you will be putting into your studies as you build a better you, and us. We thank you for the economic bounty you bring that fuels our thriving community. We will marvel and applaud the new ideas and unlimited vision you will bring to Ann Arbor that can change for the better our little piece of the world and beyond. (Right, Larry Page?) Have a great year! Welcome home. We are glad to see you again.
Wed, Aug 31, 2011 : 11:49 a.m.
Where is the U of M Genius that will solve Move in week? There has got to be a better way to move the students in than this chaos.
Wed, Aug 31, 2011 : 11:41 a.m.
"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." John Dewey Move-in days to be followed by Welcome Week, a Saturday game, Labor Day, and first day of classes. Ann Arbor is filled with excitement with the return of its leaders and best. Thanks to the student Move-In Makers for easing the transition! Thanks to the university for having so many great educational systems for our young adults. Welcome to all the students and families coming to Ann Arbor, and the world via The University of Michigan. We appreciate all of you, first semester or last, and those in between. Be safe, be smart, be true . . . Go Blue!