Dozens of crashes reported as drivers slip and slide; more snow possible in Ann Arbor Sunday
Angela J. Cesere |
By 4:30 p.m., emergency crews had handled 33 crashes and spinouts, and several others occurred after that, a dispatcher with the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department said. No serious injuries had been reported.
A winter weather advisory was in effect until 7 p.m., but no more snow will likely fall tonight, said Dave Kook, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in White Lake Township.
Snowfall totals varied across the region, but Kook said southern Washtenaw County and the surrounding area generally received 3 to 5 inches of snow. University of Michigan weather observer Dennis Kahlbaum measured 4.2 inches in Ann Arbor.
Road crews were out plowing the streets in Ann Arbor, said Kirk Pennington, field operations supervisor. He said crews were working on major streets, shortly before 6:30 p.m., and planned to move into residential areas with a limited crew by about 8 p.m. Drivers started working at 1 p.m., about when the snow started falling, and expected to work until 6 a.m.
The storm, which moved across the area from the southwest surprised forecasters with its path and intensity, said National Weather Service meteorologist Mike Richter. "It's over-performed all the way," he said, noting that the Dallas, Texas, area, which is hosting Sunday's Super Bowl, got 5 inches of snow from the same storm system.
Richter said the snow shifted farther to the north today than forecasters had expected.
Another 1 to 2 inches of snow is possible in the area Sunday, the weather service said.
The snowfall total for the winter is already above normal, Richter noted. The Detroit metro area had received 37.5 inches for the season as of Friday, nearly 10 inches above normal, Richter said.
For updated forecasts throughout the day, check's weather page. reporter Heather Lockwood contributed to this report. Contact Cindy Heflin at or 734-623-2572.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 5:38 p.m.
@Rhondasma, I understand and agree with you for the most part. I hate government intervention and don't wish to create more of it but I hate my family risking their lives when they leave to go somewhere in my well maintained vehicles. I spend the money and put snow tires on my cars because I know they can save our lives. There are far too many poorly maintained cars on the road that are an extreme danger to those around them. Bad tires in wintertime are an extreme danger and those vehicles should be taken off the road.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 9:12 p.m.
Agreed, but is the "more government intervention" "cure" the right solution? I cannot recall a single instance in recent memory where a crash has been attributed to defective equipment on a private vehicle. And to use you as an example, would you feel okay if the same costs were imposed on you as are imposed on vehicle owners who do nothing to ensure their vehicles are roadworthy? If there was a way to isolate and remove the unsafe vehicles without encumbering the owners of well-maintained vehicles then I would be among the first to sign up for such a program. And if safety inspections were offered free to vehicles without defects and the defective vehicle owners were the only ones made to pay for the program I would be all for that, even in consideration of the time required for the inspection that I stay on top of on my own, without mandate. In a nutshell, I would love to see a program that would weed out the defective vehicles if it did not encumber the "good" owners and drivers as well as the "bad".
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 5 p.m.
stunhsif: Very interesting comments. While your ultimate goal of increased safety on the road is admirable, I am not in the camp that would promote more governmental control. I fear increased governmental control proportionately increases corruption and those who would benefit most from the changes you propose would be those who found the most effective means of skirting those changes. I spent a number of years in Boston, MA, where annual safety stickers were required to be applied to the lower left corner of the windshield. I could go to practically any street corner and find a hawker from whom I could purchase either a stolen sticker or an all-out forged sticker. Also, I am of the opinion that "prior restraint" is not the way to go in a free society. How can we in good conscience impose even more financial hardship (a "motor vehicle safety tax", as it were?) on citizens prior to any violations being committed? Would we want a presumption of safety violations by requiring the purchase of a "safety inspection" prior to any indication of non-compliance of the safety laws already in effect? It's understandable in the case of commercial vehicles for business owners who would maximize profits at the risk of increased safety risks - but not in the case of private vehicle drivers who have the most to lose by operating their vehicles with substandard and/or defective equipment. If your testing requirements were to be enacted, would it stop at tire tread depth? Maybe brake pad inspections? Brake line pressure test? It seems we could be opening a very real and very large can of worms if we were to follow that path. As sad as it is to think there are vehicle owners/drivers that would knowingly operate their vehicles with unsafe equipment, I wholeheartedly doubt that more "Big Brother" is the answer.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 3:35 p.m.
I have something called Weather Bug on our computer and Channel 4 sends alerts to our emails. I knew at 11:30 this storm was coming. Was not sure how much though because they said by 7, 2 to 4 inches would fall. By the time I was heading home I was driving in a blizzard. So done with the snow and ice and shoveling.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 3:32 p.m.
I want to thank kind fellow drivers who stopped and pushed me out of a snow bank on S. State Street. I got caught out in the snow a bit far from home in our non-winter car (we keep one car ready for days like yesterday and one old car that is not so ready). I spun out kind of badly and hit a snow bank (which at least stopped my car from going into a ditch below). Kind passersby stopped and pushed me out!! I am so grateful.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 2:21 p.m.
I can't believe no one has commented on the fellow pushing the shopping cart down Liberty in the photo accompanying this article! That guy's great! More determined than any postal carrier to get his goods to shelter! My hat's off to you, good sir! Pushing 4" wheels through 5" of snow, lol. (Please spare me the admonishments of being uncaring toward the homeless.)
Alan Caldwell
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 12:11 p.m.
Not the best week for National Weather Service accuracy -- we had the blizzard that wasn't, and the 4.2" snow shower.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 7:28 a.m.
Just stayed home and enjoyed the scenery. (had no need to get out) Beautiful Michigan Wonderland!
Michael O
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 6:24 a.m.
...just goes to show that people prepared (or hyped up) are safer,
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 6:07 a.m.
Wow, who woulda thunk it? The unhyped non-Death-Storm actual storm creates more accidents and trouble than the fake hyped media-created "blizzard" earlier in the week.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 5:14 a.m.
Please! No more! I've run out of places to pile the snow!
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 4:07 p.m.
We could gather together to make a giant sled hill? By the way, where is January's thaw? I though January always got a warming spell. I think I missed it.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 4:03 a.m.
snowpocalyse: goreicane
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 3:17 a.m.
Unless the road crews start using more salt, there will be continuously bad road maintenance in the winter. For reasons that are not understood, crews are reluctant to use salt, compared with surrounding counties. Everyone is concerned with the environment, but car crashes and injuries need to take priority in the winter. There are other materials that can be used on roads which are more environmentally friendly than salt that other cities use (Minneapolis, Kansas City, Buffalo, Syracuse, etc), all places I have lived. If Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County don't have the technology or know-how to use other more modern materials on the roads in the winter, then use more salt and use sand. It's cheap and effective at all temperatures. Let's start putting people and safety first in the winter.
a guest
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 4:31 a.m.
Over applying of salt is a waste, it gets pushed to the side of the road. Sand is more expensive and when the snow melts and refreezes is useless, not to mention not envirementally friendly in AA. You also have to clean it up in the spring at a cost. The "brine" takes a special truck at however much, and how many, to purchase to use. So just plain old common sense and slow down is best.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 4:14 a.m.
For reasons that are not understood? Have you not been paying attention? Salt is EXPENSIVE and oversalting is bad for roads. Please expound on the methods other cities use (assuming you know...)
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 1:21 a.m.
It does not help that half the cars on the road are running on lousy tires , underinflated tires, bald tires etc. Snow tires should be required from Dec 1st through March 15th and tread depth should be tested on every vehicle every year. If your car does not pass, your license plate is seized until you comply,period And secondly, getting a license in this state and country is a disgrace, far too many ill equipped drivers are on the roads.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 2:09 p.m.
Which Discount Tire store do you work at? Next thing you know brother will tell us that to eat . Go to China and wish your will !
say it plain
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 5:50 a.m.
Please correct me if I'm wrong @stunhsif, but was it *you* who I recall saying a mere couple weeks ago, wow, finally gave in and bought snow tires this year and they're really cool?! Sorry to say so if I it was actually someone else ;)
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 3:08 a.m.
This mode of thinking is in the same vein as large truck/SUV driver "equipment is everything" attitudes. Snow tires can't compensate for poor judgment or little-to-nonexistent winter driving skills.
Macabre Sunset
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 1:15 a.m.
I'm amazed that hours after the snow started, they still hadn't even started plowing 96. It was a mess - easily four inches by 3:00 east of here. So I understand why they got behind the storm. But to not even begin plowing more than four hours later seems like some bureaucrat deciding to save money where it's not appropriate. The National Weather Service struck out today as badly as I've seen then miss in a long time.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 1:03 a.m.
I stayed off the expressway today, but (in my opinion) driving in Ann Arbor was terrible today because they haven't yet cleared the streets from our previous snow events! It is pathetic and embarassing. Why do we tolerate this time after time, year after year after year?
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 3:04 a.m.
I drive over 50 miles a night in the area. The streets were well cleared in Ann Arbor prior to today's snowfall in the sections I travel (which includes some difficult hills on dirt and gravel roads). Which streets or areas do you consider inadequately cleared?
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 12:14 a.m.
This was like the opposite of the snowpocalyse - that storm dumped its worst on Chicago, so it turned out not so bad here, but we had lots of warning and people took it seriously. The plow trucks were ready and people stayed off the roads. This time the storm popped up out of nowhere, was a good deal worse than expected, and nobody was ready for it - they didn't even have salt trucks out that I saw. We were debating calling it "snowpoca" or mini-snow-something-or-other. But my wife's sister is still carless in Chicago. It's a good thing they have a decent transit system, or she wouldn't be going to work. Their alley still hasn't been plowed out. Their streets are still only partially plowed; enough to get a firetruck into, but that's about it. She figures if it doesn't snow again soon, she'll next be able to use her car a week after the storm. But they have more snow coming...
5c0++ H4d13y
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 1:24 a.m.
When I lived in Chicago I don't remember the allies being plowed ever.
Jon Saalberg
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 10:59 p.m.
I only this year had the stunning realization that the phrase, "it's winter, people still haven't figured out they need to slow down", is absurd. It doesn't matter what month it is - people continue to drive the speed limit or above, no matter what the road conditions are, and area collision shops will always be flooded with business during the winter driving season. So at least someone is making money on driving foolishness.
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 10:21 p.m.
Over 5 inches (5 3/8) off of Park near Zeeb and Jackson. Not official, but using standard measurement techniques.
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 10:20 p.m.
I just got back after going through Oakland, Wayne and the eastern Washtenaw counties. What a nightmare. I took me more than twice as long as usual.
John B.
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 9:23 p.m.
We have an honest 4 inches here, I would guesstimate. (We are near I-94 and Zeeb Road, so far West side of Ann Arbor). I was not expecting that to happen so quickly. The snowfall has slowed down substantially in intensity now, but on the radar map the system kind of looks like a skinny 'V' so there may be a second (though probably less intense, it appears) wave to this system as it moves through the area....
Craig Lounsbury
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 8:54 p.m.
My wife just got home from working in Wayne. Whats usually a 1/2 drive took her 1 1/2 hours. But she's not all that fond of driving in the snow.
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 8:37 p.m.
It's nasty out there. Just traveled 14, 23, & 94. It's a mess. Very low visibility. Could not see the road at all. Very dangerous. Stay home if you can.
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 7:57 p.m.
When they issued a blizzard emergency and everyone stayed home, there were very few accidents. There are a lot more already. I'm guessing we will get at least as much snow today and tomorrow as we did on Tues-Wed. Be careful out there.
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 7:49 p.m.
Not sure how they determine the "official" snow fall, but I just shoveled a solid three inches off the patio and by the time I turned around there was an inch covering where I had been. I am running out of space to put this snow
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 7:43 p.m.
I'm in Monroe County right now. There is already 5 inches and it's still snowing!
say it plain
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 7:37 p.m.
Well, at least the big-picture forecasts for this winter were on track, right? I recall hearing that such predictions were for a well-above average snowfall year for much of the US. I'm sooooo ready for spring, but there's clearly a lot more winter to get through. I wish the US retail scene didn't require purchases of snow boots, long undies, and fleece to be made by October-- I feel in need of some of these and the stores have sent their tiny remaining inventories of suchlike off to wherever and brought out the swim suits, flip flops and beach chairs! I hope people stay home and watch them clear snow off the texas stadium for the superbowl tomorrow, instead of going sliding around on the area freeways and sidestreets!
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 12:04 a.m.
"I wish the US retail scene didn't require purchases of snow boots, long undies, and fleece to be made by October-- I feel in need of some of these and the stores have sent their tiny remaining inventories of suchlike off to wherever" That's one of the joys of the internet. It's still for sale somewhere online. TJ Maxx is often a good place to look too.