What other media are saying about David Brandon's selection as University of Michigan AD

David Brandon
Detroit Free Press columnist Drew Sharp writes that to be successful at U-M, Brandon must past his first big test: figuring out whether to let football coach Rich Rodriguez stay: "A sparkling resume reflecting the business skills essential for running a $90-million athletic corporation will spontaneously burn to cinders if he blows the only call that matters to the majority of the Michigan family: Is Rich Rodriguez still the right guy?"
Sharp says Rodriguez should be worried. "His new boss is someone who understands the importance of what Brandon called 'brand management' and certainly has his ear close to the complaints from longtime Michigan supporters who question the direction of the football program."
From Brian Cook of MGoBlog.com: "Brandon is a default, safe choice. ... . He's a serious business-type person who should continue Bill Martin's legacy of financial stability, ...
"There are some differences between running a major corporation and a major athletic department but there are just as many differences between running Oregon State or Arkansas and running Michigan; I'm perfectly content with the hire."
In a news story about Brandon's selection the Detroit News said U-M President Mary Sue Coleman has found "an astute, dynamic businessman" and noted that the selection means an end to his political aspirations for now. Brandon had been considered a likely Republican candidate for governor.
Adam Rittenberg in a Big Ten Blog post called Brandon "an impressive guy with a very impressive background. ... Brandon doesn't lack self confidence, which should serve him well in his new role."
Jay Nichols, in a post on the Bleacher Report says Rich Rodriguez may have something to fear from Brondon. "This upcoming season is a deal breaker for Rodriguez, and he may be on an even hotter seat with Brandon as AD. Brandon works closely with Coach Carr raising money for (Mott) Children's Hospital, and many wonder if those ties mean ties to the anti-Rodriguez contingent."
Scott Reeves, in an article on Minyanville.com, wonders if Brandon will work to boost graduation rates: "Brandon speaks fondly of his experience as a student athlete. Let’s see if he can translate his nostalgia into higher graduation rates for all athletes. In 2008, Michigan ranked twentieth in graduating its football players, trailing Notre Dame (94%), Stanford (93%), and Duke (92%), but outpacing UCLA (62%)."
More Brandon coverage: • Crain's Detroit Business: Q&A: Brandon says he's glad he's not running the NFL, endorses Domino's successor • Channel 7: Video report on David Brandon's selection • Business Week: Domino’s CEO to lead University of Michigan sports • Michigan Daily: David Brandon named next University athletic director • Detroit News: Factions at Michigan 'won't be tolerated' • Crain's Detroit Business: Domino's CEO David Brandon: Brand management skills will pay off at University of Michigan • Detroit News: Dave Brandon named U-M's next athletic director • Detroit Free Press: University of Michigan officially selects David Brandon as athletic director • Detroit Free Press: Best of David Brandon • ESPN: Michigan names Brandon as AD • Huffington Post: David Brandon, Domino's Pizza CEO, New Michigan Athletic Director (VIDEO) * Rivals.com: Michigan selects Domino’s CEO Brandon as new AD • The Wall Street Journal: Domino's CEO to step down