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Posted on Thu, May 2, 2013 : 5:57 a.m.

Washtenaw County commissioner accuses board of trying to keep public out of budget meeting

By Amy Biolchini


The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners meetings in this board room in the County Administration building downtown Ann Arbor. Some commissioners asked that a budget retreat be moved out of this room to a space more condusive to collaborative discussion.

Amy Biolchini |

As the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners moves forward in its process to cut millions of dollars out of its operations in its budget process this year, one of its members is accusing the body of trying to keep the public out of the process.

The debate over the retreat came as the board directed administration to pursue the development of a four-year budget.

The county’s budget retreat, planned for 6 p.m. May 16 in place of the board’s typical Thursday working session that week, is planned for a different location than the board’s typical meeting room in the Washtenaw County Administration Building in downtown Ann Arbor.

“I struggle in this room to have the kind of conversation with all of you, with my peers, that lets me get to that prioritization process,” said Commissioner Conan Smith, D-Ann Arbor. “I have been a big advocate for that conversation getting out of this particular space.”

Several commissioners had suggested the meeting convene in Washtenaw County’s Learning Resource Center at 4135 Washtenaw Ave. just east of the U.S.-23 interchange - and the change of locations was added to the board agenda Wednesday night for approval.

Commissioners passed the measure in a 6-2 vote - but not without lengthy discussion and an accusation from Ronnie Peterson, D-Ypsilanti, that some on the board were trying to meet away from the public eye.

Peterson and Commissioner Dan Smith, R-Northfield Township, voted against it holding the meeting at the Learning Resource Center. Commissioner Rolland Sizemore Jr., D-Ypsilanti Township, had stepped out of the room at the time of the vote.

The budget retreat will be the first time commissioners will have to establish budget priorities, as they work to trim a $3.9 million operating deficit for the 2014 fiscal year alone. It’s a typical part of a budget-setting process as commissioners prepare to make cuts at the departmental level.

The most vehemently opposed to having the budget meeting at the LRC, Commissioner Peterson resolutely stated that he felt the intent of moving the meeting was to keep the public from attending.


Ronnie Peterson

Ryan J. Stanton | file photo

Meetings and working sessions of the county board are televised on CTN, thanks to the cameras installed in the county’s board room. Peterson said he didn’t like that the budget meeting would be in a location where he didn’t think that capability was possible.

“I want to discuss it at this table,” Peterson said of the meeting room in the administration building downtown Ann Arbor. “When things are not done in this room it puts a shadow over it. No one’s elected to be anointed to run anything around here. Everyone’s elected equally at this table.”

Chairman Yousef Rabhi, D-Ann Arbor, responded to Peterson twice as the two engaged in a series of increasingly heated interactions.

“My intention was not to take it off camera or off record,” Rabhi said. “We’re always on the record. … I feel we’ve gone a little above and beyond the Open Meetings Act.”

The LRC is on the number Ann Arbor Transportation's No. 4 bus route, Rabhi said.

Peterson went on in his comments to suggest that if the budget retreat was to be a “love fest” in which commissioners engaged in feel-good discussions with hugs that he wasn’t interested in attending.

Commissioners engaged in roundtable discussions at a March working session intended to start the budget process but did not establish concrete priorities.

“This will not be a love festival,” Rabhi said. “There will not be any hugs, unless someone wants to give me a hug … I think this is unfair to me, as I have explained the process in detail.”

“It’s not directed at you,” Peterson interjected.

“You didn’t mention it at me, but I feel it’s directed at me, OK?” Rabhi said in response. “This is a process of setting our weighted priorities. It will not be a love fest, but it will be an opportunity to get work done.”

Greg Dill, infrastructure manager for the county, told the board that there is the technological capability to televise meetings from the LRC.

The budget retreat came before the Board of Commissioners on the same night that the board voted to direct the administration to pursue the development of a four-year budget.

The county is on a two-year budget cycle. County Administrator Verna McDaniel has said that a four-year budget cycle would add fiscal stability to the county in the long term, and would help to eliminate an operating deficit in the years ahead.

The board voted 7-2 to approve the measure, with commissioners Dan Smith and Peterson voting against it.

“You’re going to do al these four-year budget predictions in a few months?” Peterson asked. “You’re running a multi-million dollar organization … that’s a major decision that the public needs to be tuned in on.”

Under a four-year budget cycle, the county board would still have the opportunity to change the budget each year during a necessary annual reaffirmation vote, McDaniel said. Quarterly budget reports delivered to the Board of Commissioners also would give them time to make adjustments if the financial situation warranted it, McDaniel said.

The Board of Commissioners must pass a balanced budget by the end of the calender year.

Amy Biolchini covers Washtenaw County, health and environmental issues for Reach her at (734) 623-2552, or on Twitter.



Fri, May 3, 2013 : 5:15 p.m.

Budget problems! This baord had not problem giving unions a 10 year contacts in this room!

Jay Thomas

Thu, May 2, 2013 : 11:32 p.m.

If it wasn't for UofM and EMU students voting in the County, the make up of this board would be very different. It often seems to me like little more than a meeting of student government.

Cendra Lynn

Thu, May 2, 2013 : 5:46 p.m.

Oh, please! Anyone who doesn't think that they're trying to escape the public eye stand up. OK, now that we're all still seated, who wants to tackle this Board? We're all exhausted trying to run fast enough to keep the City from doing more damage. Now this? Hard to fathom. To match the inconvenience of getting to the Learning Center, you'd have to move it halfway between Manchester and Chelsea. A bus line does not mean accessibility. Oh, and Yousef Rabhi: none of this is about you.


Thu, May 2, 2013 : 3 p.m.

While we all are rightfully concerned about what goes on in our county, what is going on in state government? Does anyone smell a skunk?|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|p Why all the secrets?

Jay Thomas

Thu, May 2, 2013 : 11:30 p.m.

Nice diversion.

Nicholas Urfe

Thu, May 2, 2013 : 2:49 p.m.

This is absurd. Now the "state of the art" meeting room in the palace is not suitable for meeting? Maybe they could setup a couple of card tables if that makes you feel more comfortable. Like the kids tables at Thanksgiving.

Amy Biolchini

Thu, May 2, 2013 : 2 p.m.

The consensus generated at the end of this meeting was to pursue all options necessary to televise the May 16 budget retreat from the LRC. The meeting is open to the public and will be posted on the county's website.


Thu, May 2, 2013 : 12:08 p.m.

I'm missed the part about what is wrong with that space. Not a circle table? Maybe there is a really good reason, but I'm struggling to see it.

Alex Brown

Thu, May 2, 2013 : 12:27 p.m.

I thought the same thing. I've been at several meetings both at the LRC and in the Board room. The Board room can hold several times as many in the audience than any of the meeting rooms at the LRC. I have had problems with these "Budget retreats" routinely held by several cities, school districts, etc. for a long time. they should be held in the same room as their regular meetings.


Thu, May 2, 2013 : 12:06 p.m.

""I struggle in this room to have the kind of conversation with all of you, with my peers, that lets me get to that prioritization process," said Commissioner Conan Smith," You mean the room that is ENTIRELY DESIGNED AND INTENDED FOR THE PURPOSE IT'S BEING USED FOR....isn't good for that? The "room" should have ABSOLUTELY NO BEARING on being able to figure out a good budget. Talk about showing your true colors with a statement like that....


Thu, May 2, 2013 : 11:18 a.m.

"I struggle in this room to have the kind of conversation with all of you, with my peers, that lets me get to that prioritization process," said Commissioner Conan Smith, D-Ann Arbor. Nothing like closed doors.

Alan Goldsmith

Thu, May 2, 2013 : 11:12 a.m.

Wow, Conan Smith, bosom buddy of Wayne County's Bob Ficano, is all about openness and transparency now? What parallel universe have we just be transported to? Conan Smith, Mr. Secret Deal for the RTA board membership rep for Washtenaw County? Mr. work out a deal in private to half pay the money he owned the County? Beam me up Scotty.