University of Michigan: President Barack Obama, 5 others, to receive honorary degrees May 1
President Barack Obama won't be the only recipient of an honorary degree at the University of Michigan's spring commencement ceremony May 1.
The Associated Press
Five others - including a solar technology pioneer, a jazz musician, and a broadcast journalist - will be among those joining Obama, the spring commencement speaker, on stage to receive honorary degrees, U-M announced at its monthly Board of Regents meeting Thursday.
Recipients will include: Jean Campbell, the founder of the Center for the Education of Women; Ornette Coleman, a jazz musician; Stanford Ovshinsky, the president of Ovshinsky Innovation LLC; Susan Stamberg, a public radio broadcast journalist; and Charles Vest, the president of the National Academy of Engineering.
Obama, Campbell and Vest will receive honorary doctor of laws; Coleman, a doctor of music; Ovshinksy, a doctor of science, and Stamberg, a doctor of humane letters.
According to a University of Michigan press release:
Campbell's life work has centered around advancing the role of women in higher education. She developed the Center for the Education of Women after World War II.Â
Vest also dedicated his career to supporting higher education issues, specifically those related to science and engineering. He is a past president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Coleman, considered a major jazz innovator, recorded "Something Else," the first of many influential albums, in 1958, followed by 20 albums through the 1960s. His experimental, original style challenged the conventions of jazz music.
Ovshinksy created a new area of materials science and physics with the field of "ovonics." Ovshinsky's 400-plus U.S. patents have contributed to new approaches for the uses of hydrogen-fueled vehicles and solar power.
Stamberg is a special correspondent for National Public Radio. Hired by NPR in its first year in 1971, she was the first woman to co-anchor a national nightly news program on "All Things Considered."
Juliana Keeping covers higher education for Reach her at or 734-623-2528. Follow Juliana Keeping on Twitter
Thu, Sep 9, 2010 : 6:04 p.m.
I am a Republican. I use to consider myself an Independent but since Obama has been in office I am Republican. Someone wants to put blame on Bush - well with him we can go back to Clinton and all the damage he started that Bush tried to fix but couldn't because the Democrats controlled the house. Obama has Fostered Socialism in America, Killed Capitalism in America, Bankrupted the country to "save it"....and so on....There comes a point you have to stop spending. Most importantly both parties have to stop pointing fingers, stop wasteful spending and come together and truly Save this Country. Lastly I maybe a Republican - but Rush Limbaugh is not my leader
jeff Comer
Wed, Mar 24, 2010 : 10:37 a.m.
It never ceases to amaze me. As an independent and by objective Observation of how both parties react. I am totally convinced at this point that republican's are uncapable of logical reasoning and are more motivated by emotion than reason. There new leader Rush limaugh a recovering drug addict is their shining star. Hmm.. says it all I guess.
Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 3:27 p.m.
So sorry the angry right-wing seems to represent Ann Arbor in these posts. They should Google "The Bush economic legacy" for interesting reading. Meanwhile, I'm excited about each one of these degree recipients. Nice that a musical icon like Ornette Coleman is being honored for his fantastic contribution to our American culture.
Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 2:59 p.m.
wow...these comments really demonstrate the split in this city between 'town" and "gown"
Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 2:45 p.m.
They should give Mr Obama a Double doctorate in Economics and Public health, LMAO.
Fred Brender
Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 9:05 a.m.
Great! My kids just recieved their acceptance letters from UM and now I have to tell them they can't attend....I guess Lansing isn't too much farther.
Top Cat
Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 7:52 a.m.
I would prefer that President Oborrow spent all his time getting fictional degrees and giving vapid speaches. That way, it would keep him out of Washington and trying to bankrupt our nation. As well, it would keep him inside our borders and not disgracing us to foreign dictators.
Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 7:20 a.m.
this is disgusting this fake leader has put this country in its darkest hour and Michigan is rewarding him? perhaps our U is as corrupt as our so called president.
Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 5:09 a.m.
Man has my respect for U of M reached an all time low. If we survive as a nation long enough to vote this socialist out of office it will take generations to repair the damage he's doing. Destroying the economy is first on his agenda followed by destroying our freedoms. Makes me sick my state overwhelming voted for him as it convey the large number of ignorants that live here and now U of M honors him. Count me as an OSU fan forever now.
Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 2:04 a.m.
Oboma is a fool the only thing he knows for sure is he has no understanding of the government. Only a communist school mike Michigan would reward a traitor on commencement day. That is why the school is doing so well these days.