University of Michigan Board of Regents approves residence hall rate hike
The University of Michigan Board of Regents approved an increase in the cost of student housing for the next academic year at its meeting at the U-M-Dearborn campus on Thursday.
The rates for U-M residence hall room and board will increase 3 percent in the fall, or $268 - from $8,924 this past year to $9,192 for a double residence hall room.

Rates will be higher next year at dorms like Mary Markley Hall on the University of Michigan campus.
About 1 percent of the 3-percent residence hall increase is meant to cover increases in operation costs after cost containment efforts were made, said Peter Logan, spokesman for University Housing. The additional 2 percent is needed to renovate Alice Lloyd Hall as part of continuing campus facility renovations.
In the proposal considered by the regents, E. Royster Harper, vice president for student affairs, includes comparisons of room and board rate changes approved this year at other Big Ten universities, including Michigan State University. MSU's Board of Trustees approved an increase of 5.1 percent for residence hall rates, but voted to keep tuition flat.
In April, Eastern Michigan University's Board of Regents approved a freeze on tuition and room and board costs for the 2010-2011 academic year.
Tina Reed is a reporter for You can reach her at, call her at 734-623-2535 or find her on Twitter @TreedinAA.
Woman in Ypsilanti
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 12:52 p.m.
I guess I don't understand how the price of living in a residence hall is any where near the cost to the U for providing that service. Do they have lots of extra staff that hotels don't have? Do they have maid service or what? (not a bad idea, btw, when I remember how much of a slob I was when I lived in the dorms)
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 11:34 a.m.
Those who have lived in the U's dorms realize that it's much more than getting a bed and food. The buildings provide at least a modicum of security and structure, should the students desire them. A boon for freshmen and their parents! There are also media centers and computer labs in the buildings. Some even hold their classes there, it's quite convenient. The food, I believe, is better than you think and you can go eat in your slippers. Some residents have fine room mate experiences. The environment also gives people a chance to get to know others from all over the country. Dorm living is merely another choice in the market. If it's not for you or not in your budget, then there are other places to go. Nobody is getting rich off of the students, believe me.
Woman in Ypsilanti
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 11:14 a.m.
Something seems off. I just don't see how it could possibly be worth paying more than $1000/mo to live in a tiny room with a roommate. You can live in a local hotel with maid service and your own room for less than that even if you purchase a meal plan from the U. Sheesh!
Emma B
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 10:42 a.m.
On some levels I understand the rate hike-- but as a student I can't justify paying $1,149/month for an annoying roommate, bad food, and lackluster community life (at least in my case). I lived in Stockwell and Mosher Jordan, "Mojo" the first year after it was renovated. The air conditioning was the only thing that I noticed as an improvement. I left the dorms about a year ago and would never go back. I'm paying about $700/month for rent, utilities, and food right now, and honestly the place is about as nice as if not nicer than the dorms. I have some friends that are willing to share bedrooms off campus and are easily living at $300-400/month. I'd say housing better be careful, because if the prices go any higher it'd be cheaper to go live in one of the new luxury student housing units.
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 10:33 a.m.
Indoor golf facility comes out of the Athletic Departmenst budget which is self funded. I think the board should have refused the increase and force President Coleman to come up with some real cuts in spending. 10% across the board pay cuts for all administrative staff like the rest of us in this state. I also think future state funding for public universities should require a freeze in tuition / housing rates.
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 9:50 a.m.
Indoor golf facility = paid for by football money. Residence halls = self-funded. The University is in the midst of systematically renovating all residence halls, the newest of which was completed in 1968. Try funding that without raising rates. A world-class institution like U of M doesn't need to compete with EMU. It needs to compete with schools such as Virginia, Stanford, Berkeley and even the Ivys... and that costs money.
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 8:21 a.m.
Is this so that they can pay for the new indoor golf facility?
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 8:07 a.m.
You people don't get it. There are 6 - 7 freshman applications for every open spot at U of M. Yes, Eastern did the right thing and held the line on costs but they are trying to fill more spots. U of M isn't going to worry about students until they can't fill their open spots.
Concerned Parent
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 7:38 a.m.
Maybe they could take some of the "resources" being used to build a new indoor golf practice facility and keep the residence hall rates down. Very disturbing, especially after another Michigan university went for 0%, 0%, 0%! I thought U of M would be a little more competitive!
Fri, May 21, 2010 : 7:14 a.m.
All the board members and Mary Sue Coleman need more money for there home in Aruba. Why not charge more push the little people down further in this economy.